• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Memories of Aces

The Pokemon House. Day.

Currently, Pikachu, Eve, Audino, Braviary, Mew and Pheromosa were all sitting together while their trainers and the rest of their teammates hang out on different parts of the Pokemon House.

"Ah...I'm beat..." Pikachu laid on his back, looking up at the bright blue sky.

"The day's just begun and you're already tired?" Eve said.

"Are you feeling alright, Pikachu?" Audino asked.

"I'm fine." Pikachu yawned. "Just been doing a lot more lately for these past few weeks."

"A lot more is right." Braviary nodded. "What with all the problems showing up? Like that whole Desire revenge issue."

"Ah, it's not that impressive," Pikachu replied. "I've taken on much worse in the past, ya know. I even beat a Legendary Pokemon and two!"

"You beat a Legendary Pokemon?" Eve narrowed her eyes.

"Sure did!" He sat up. "Latios and Tapu Koko. I've got around a lot with Ash over the years. We've battled a ton of Pokemon and befriend even more."

"For what? 25 years? That's a lot to experience in those amount of years." Eve gawked.

"Yeah. Experience is right. But it wasn't just with Ash. All of my other friends too. Charizard and everyone else. We've all been through a lot together." Pikachu was having nostalgic and great memories running through his head.

"I can guess what they must've been like. Ash did tell us about something from his past once." Audino looked up. "Wasn't it something about Kyurem?"

"Yeah, that Dragon Pokemon that split into Reshiram and Zekrom," Braviary replied. "Lucky. Wish I could take on a bunch of Legendary Pokemon of my own."

"What about Landorus and Mewtwo?" Pheromosa questioned.

"Ah, it was just Mewtwo. Altaria got Landorus." Braviary sighed. "I gotta win against at least one Legendary Pokemon! Can you imagine how awesome I'd be? Rainbow Dash would like that a bunch, for sure."

"I could do without going against Legendary Pokemon." Eve sighed. "They're a bit too much honestly. Don't know how anyone could even stand up to them if they're that powerful."

"Well, I'd like to know what else you've done in your past, Pikachu." Pheromosa smiled. "What else did you do? What other Legendary Pokemon did you meet!?"

"More, huh?" Pikachu pulled back. "Well, there's a bunch, really. But one of them is when I was really young. Back when I was still a Pichu."

"Oh, right. Wonder what your life was like as a Pichu? You're abnormally strong for a Pikachu after all. So maybe you're like Passion, right? A point one-percenter like Passion's mother said."

"Yeah. I was pretty strong for my age." Pikachu then started reminiscing. Even before he met Ash or was even taken into Professor Oak's lab.

29 years ago. Kanto. 4 years prior before Ash began his journey to become Pokemon Master. A woods in the outskirts of Pallet Town.

A place where all Kanto Pokemon could be found. Big or small. Lakes, trees, grasslands with Wild Pokemon everywhere. It was truly teeming with life.

And in this particular forest, one of those Pokemon was a little Pichu that would soon become a great Pikachu.

"Pichu!" From atop a tree, a small Pichu came running down, chittering with glee on its face. This was Pikachu in the past."Pi-Pichu-Pichu! Pichu?"

I was on my own for a long while when I was a Pichu. Didn't really have anywhere to go. But I had a lot to do.

"Pichu?" Pichu's ears started twitching as he picked up on some nearby Pokemon who were just above him. And they certainly were. By looking up, Pichu spotted some Butterfree looking down at the Butterfly Pokemon.

"Free! Free!"

"Pichu! Pichu! Pi-chu!" Pichu danced around, trying to impress the Butterfree if he could. But, the Tiny Mouse Pokemon wasn't exactly a dancer so the Butterfree were unfortunately unimpressed as they flew away. But Pichu was still dancing, thinking they were watching.

While Pikachu continued his dancing, through a small cave-hole, an Ekans was watching the Electric-Type dancing around, hissing at its new target.

"Ekans..." The Snake Pokemon's eyes flared yellow as it slowly slithered forward, waiting for the moment to strike.

"Pichu-Pichu!" But Pichu was too distracted to notice for now.

"Ekans!" From out of the cave, Ekans bolted forward, approaching its prey after finding the right moment and an opening. And that certainly grabbed Pichu's attention.

"Chu?" The Tiny Mouse Pokemon gasped. To defend himself as soon as he can, Pichu's body sparked faint volts as he sent a bolt of yellow electricity that shocked Ekans before it could bite him. "Pichuuuu!"

"E-Ekans!" Ekan definitely felt that as its entire body had been hit by violent electricity. With its body charred and smoking, Ekans slithered away, returning to its cave while the electrical discharge left Pichu exhausted.


But, I couldn't really control my electricity. Every time I used it I would just shock myself. But it really packed a punch either way.

"Pichu?" Pichu then looked at his surroundings, spotting a group of Mankey, a Nidoran couple and a bunch of Doduo. Every Pokemon lives in groups. However, Pichu was all alone. He didn't have a group of his own.

Pichu's ears dropped by standing over the cliff and looking at the Doduo. Being with someone else would obviously be a great feeling for him. But that was a feeling he couldn't have.

At least, not yet.

"Koffing!" Just then, a group of Koffing floated by and unleashed a poison odour, leaving Pichu so disoriented that he fell over the cliff.

"Pichu! Pichuuuuuuuuu!" The Tiny Mouse Pokemon started screaming while falling from high above. Pichu then hit some trees, bouncing onto them as his fall was being cushioned eat time. "Pi-Pichu!"

But another thing that cushioned his fall were two large hands that belonged to an exceptionally large Pokemon. One that dwarfs Pichu and most other Pokemon in size.

And Pichu landed in the arms of one of the most caring Pokemon in the world. One with a motherly nature too.

"P-Pichu..." Pichu held his head, sitting up on the hands that caught him. He then looked to see who did this. And of course, no Pokemon fits those descriptions better than Kangaskahn.

"Kanga." The Parent Pokemon looked down at the Tiny Mouse Pokemon with a straightforward stare and innocent smile.

"Pi-Pichu?!" Pichu was initially frightened by the large Kangaskhan mother from her large build and sharp fangs. "Pi!" The Baby Pokemon cowered in fear by grabbing onto the massive claws of the Parent Pokemon. But, he quickly noticed that something was up.


"Pichu?" Pichu noticed that Kangaskhan was showing no hostility or intent to devour Pichu like the Tiny Mouse Pokemon thought. Kangaskhan had then been gently placed down Pichu on the ground.


"Pi-Pichu." Pichu looked a bit dazed as he then noticed someone else that was near Kangaskhan. More than just near. A part of her and within the pouch.

With every Kangaskhan, a baby Kangaskhan could be seen in the pouch. This baby was looking down at Pikachu with the same eyes as her mother. "Aah." The baby let out her own cry.

I wasn't alone any longer. Not when I met Kangaskhan and her daughter that day.

"Kaa!" The baby jumped out of her mother's pouch, greeting her fellow Baby Pokemon with trilling sounds, giggling and jumping about.

"Pichu! Pichu!" And Pichu did the same by jumping himself. He quickly took a liking to Kangaskhan and her child. But afterwards, the Tiny Mouse Pokemon then heard the sounds of other baby Kangaskhan' and the sounds of their mother nearby. He looked to the left to see an entire herd of them just sitting about, taking care of their babies. "Pichu!"

I think that was my first time meeting a Kangskahn before. Seeing them made me feel like I might not be alone anymore. There was so many of them and I figured since I was a baby too I would fit in.

"Kanga!" Just then, another Kangaskahn cried out, calling for her fellow Parent Pokemon. She waved at them, grabbing their attention and saying that it was time for them all to leave and head out somewhere else. The herd had to find a new place to rest. "Kangaskhan!"

And so they all did. All the Kangaskhan started walking off together, searching for another area to rest and obviously take shelter for the night. As the Kangaskhan began leaving, the mother who caught Pichu then placed her baby in the pouch, following her herd.

"Pi-Pichu?" Now it was just Pichu on his lonesome once more. A fate that seemed like it would last and continue forever. Until...

"Khan?" The Kangaskhan who saved Pichu before turned around to see that the Tiny Mouse Pokemon was just standing there by himself. Feeling kindness in her heart, the Parent Pokemon approached Pichu casually, deciding to make Pichu feel much better than ever. "Kanga."

And she did this by grabbing Pichu up with ease like he was a toy and placing her inside of her pouch, making him a part of the family.

"Pichu?" Pichu lifted his head from the pouch as he looked to the side, spotting his new friend cooing at him.

"Kaa!" The baby Kangaskhan giggled at Pichu.

"Pi-Pichu!" And it was from this decision that Pichu finally had someone in his life to spend time with. More time than ever really.

Kangaskhan taking me along was the best. After she invited me to her family, I didn't feel alone anymore. I kinda had a mother of my own now and a sister too. Even if we weren't related it still felt like it.

The herd later stopped by some Oran Berry Trees nearby to eat. Each of the Kangaskhan ripped the berries from the trees with ease, feeding their babies with both the Kangaskhan baby and Pichu each getting a Berry to enjoy. Having finally found a place where he belonged, Pichu continued to live with the Kangaskhan.

"How sweet." Audino gushed. "Then...why didn't you stay with them forever? You're here now with us and you're alongside Ash too."

"Why?" Pikachu crossed his arms. "It's not like I didn't want to stay with them forever. But, I knew I had to move on eventually."

"Moved on, huh?" Eve said. "It must've been difficult."

"It was." Pikachu then continued reminiscing, further telling how his time with Kangaskhan came to an end. Thinking about it was about to make Pikachu all teary-eyed.

Several weeks later, a rainstorm was occurring.

Some time passed, and both Pichu and the Kangaskhan baby had grown. It wasn't noticeable but their weight had increased. The Kangaskhan herd sought refuge from a rainstorm in a cave, but Pichu noticed his adoptive mother was having trouble carrying both of them at once now.

After all, Kangaskhan's evolution line has the baby eventually go out on its own one day when it reaches 3 years old. So carrying two babies who were growing in age was too much for the Parent Pokemon.

All the other Kangaskhan were ahead when running through the rainstorm but the Kangaskahn who had two babies was behind them all, breathing in and out as she was trying to keep up and find a cave in time.


"Pichu...Pichu." Seeing this made Pichu decide to hop out of Kangaskhan's pouch so that the load could be lightened. But Kangaskhan, too worried about the safety of her second child in this rainstorm picked Pichu back up.


"Pi-Pichu?" Pichu looked up, asking Kangaskhan why she would place him back in to increase the load.

"Kangaskhan." Kangaskhan was a very protective Pokemon. She couldn't risk any of her little loved ones being harmed in any way. Thus, she continued to head towards the cave as Pichu's face grew worrisome.


Eventually, they reached the cave they needed to take shelter in. And the rainstorm had come to an end after some time as the bright blue moon shined in the night sky with remains of the rain being left behind. A tiny raindrop fell from a leaf, landing onto a puddle caused by the rain from before.

All Kangaskhan and Pokemon were asleep. Except for the nocturnal ones.

"Pichu." As the night continued, Pichu knew that it was time to move on. While the Kangaskhan' were fast asleep, Pichu left his adoptive mother's pouch as he took a moment to observe his family as they sleep.

They looked so peaceful sleeping together. And seeing them made Pichu teary-eyed. Despite him being a Pokemon that used to live on his own for so long until he met Kangaskhan and her baby, he knew about the eventual day that he would have to separate from them. He can't be a baby forever.

"Pi-Pi-Pichu." After spending so much time with his adoptive family, Pichu ventured outside, deciding to leave them. He tripped and fell before doing so, but no one had heard him due to how little his footsteps were.

After exiting the cave and coming out to the night sky, Pichu skimmed across the rain puddle before looking back at the cave. He wanted to take one last look at them.

And that look sparked some wonderful memories with them. From how much fun he had with the baby Kangaskhan, her adoptive little sister, how Kangaskhan fed him as if he was her own child. All the mischief that the baby and himself got themselves into and all the same small games they played together. They truly felt like a family. And if Kangaskhan never brought Pichu along, he would've never had these beautiful memories with him.

"Pichu. Pi." Pichu had experienced kindness and generosity in its purest form. All thanks to Kangaskhan. Leaving them was all the more harder as he let out a single tear.

"P-P-Pich...Pikachu!" And that's when it happened. Grateful for their kindness and company, Pichu's body started glowing under the night-blue sky.

A dazzling and gorgeous blue glow emanated from his body as it could even be seen from the cave. But with Kangaskhan and her baby being asleep, they couldn't witness him growing up. This meant only one thing.

Pichu was evolving.

Into Pikachu.

"Pi...?" Pikachu then noticed the sudden change in his body. "Pika?" Looking at the nearby puddle, Pikachu was initially startled by his reflection before twirling around in excitement, realizing that he had evolved into his second stage evolution.

"Pik! Pika! Pikachu!"

Finally growing up, Pikachu waved goodbye to his adoptive family and departed, heading out on his own into the world. Even when leaving them, he never felt alone.

A goodbye that Pikachu felt hard to get through. But it was that goodbye that eventually gave him a brand new hello. One that led him to his best friend and the one who's always by his side, Ash.

"I'll never forget them, ya know. Kangaskhan was the one who really led me here today. And for that, I'm really grateful." Pikachu nodded. "They've gone somewhere far by now, searching for a new home. But wherever they are, I hope we can meet again someday."

"Mmm-mmm!" Just then Pheromosa was starting to tear up along with Audino was both their eyes were getting wet. "Gahaaa!" The two of them started crying after hearing Pikachu's past.

"Ah!" Pikachu gasped.

"That's so sad...and so sweet! Pikachu!" Audino suddenly hugged Pikachu, lifting him and adding some squeeze to her hug.

"Oof!" Pikachu's eyes bulged. There was another hug incoming in the form of Pheromosa who also teared up to Pikachu's past as she lifted Audino and Pikachu bother hug. "G-Guys! I-I can't breathe!"

"That's tough." Braviary nodded. "Makes me kinda miss my own home too."

"Mhm." Eve agreed.

"Ugh..." Pikachu breathed in and out after being given such powerful hugs. "But, I'm not alone anymore. I've got Ash and all my friends back at Pallet Town. Even across the world. Pidgeot, Greninja and the rest too. Feels great!"

"What about you, Pheromosa?" Audino asked. "You used to live in Ultra Space before coming here. What was it like with other Pheromosa."

"What was it like? Um..." Pheromosa scrunched her face.

"Yeah. You're way different from the Pheromosa's we've seen. What about the rest back home? What are they like?" Braviary wondered as this whole talk about the past had branched on over.

"Well..." Pheromosa huddled her feet. "Life back at Ultra Space was something, alright. Not sure if I can say it was the best or even heartwarming like Pikachu?"

"Really? How come?" Eve said.

"My home, the Pheromosa Desert wasn't a great place to live at in all honesty." Now Pheromosa started giving her past and what she experienced before meeting Rarity.

13 years ago. Ultra Space. The Ultra Ruins.

This was where Pheromosa originally came from.

My home at Pheromosa Desert had little in it. It was nothing but a vast desert landscape with monoliths, turquoise crystals, gemstones, flowing sand and a lot of rocky structures. Only us Pheromosa lived there and no other Ultra Beast. But, even with us being the only Ultra Beasts there, none of them were really fond of each other.

In this dry and eerie desert, the Pheromosa were less than allies and more enemies. And it was for one reason. Their unrivalled vanity. Otherwise known as their massive egos

The Pheromosa prided on not just their beauty but the possession of the crystals that resided in this desert. And because of this stellar vanity and pride that they all had, they were at constant odds with each other, trying to keep the gemstones and crystals for themselves. But to what aim? That was unknown.

They were all the complete opposite of generosity.

"Ah, what's this?" A Pheromosa had found a large pile of gemstones buried underneath one of the monoliths of this desert. Finding this was the jackpot for her.

The Lissome Pokemon looked around, hoping that no one was watching her. She wanted it all for herself, much like the other Pheromosa in this world.

However, when she picked up the gemstones, immediately, a nearby Pheromosa came running this way at breakneck speeds, knowing about the location of these gemstones underneath the monoliths as well.

"Hands off!" The second Pheromosa roared as she jumped up, going for a dive kick. "Those gemstones are mine!"

"Oh!" The first Pheromosa gasped, spotting her fellow Lissome Pokemon. She quickly held the gemstones close to her before raising her leg, clashing with the second Pheromosa's kick.

Now that they both had met, an inevitable feud and battle would take place. The two of them started going back and forth with an exchange of ferocious kicks. Due to how often the Pheromosa battle, the entire desert either has cracks from their earth-shattering kicks or huge piles of rubble from how many of them are sent flying.

Speaking of which, the Pheromosa who had grabbed the gemstones had been given a strong kick to the face, prompting her to be launched through one of the many rocky structures here as she dropped the gems.

"Hah!" The second Pheromosa taunted, heading over to the gemstones. "How's t-" But, before she could finish her sentence, another Pheromosa came along, using Ice Beam to freeze the second one.

"I'll take those~" The third one whistled, walking past her frozen fellow as she grabbed the gemstones for herself, running off with blinding speeds as the second frozen Pheromosa screamed in her head.

There was absolute disorder. No matter where in these deserts, Pheromosa are bound to battle. It's almost a miracle how other Ultra Beasts haven't noticed this. But, most of them live in different wormholes in Ultra Space anyway.

However, amidst the constant squabbling of Pheromosa, there was Rarity's Pheromosa. The only Shiny Pheromosa here. While all the Pheromosa tear each other apart for some gemstones, Rarity's Pheromosa hid from all of it via an underground cave that had even more gems and crystals here.

"Every day..." Rarity's Pheromosa sighed as she could feel the trembling of all the constant fighting happening above her. This was the one safe-haven where she could get away from them. And it was well hidden too.

But, even with her cave, she could still feel and hear it all go down. She has had to endure this for days on end. Even during her birth, the Pheromosa battled. Unlike her brethren, Pheromosa had no interest in gemstones or crystals. But, she did find them attractive and wouldn't mind decorating herself with them by making a necklace.

Although, since this was another world, far distant from Earth, during this time, Pheromosa didn't exactly know what a necklace was or how to make it. After all, this world is essentially alien-like and this was before she met Rarity.

Pheromosa picked up the gemstones around her. Two of them to be precise. Blue and purple coloured. There wasn't really much to do with these gemstones and crystals. If anything, the Pheromosa are just collecting objects that won't get them anywhere. At least, not in this world.

Pheromosa however, had a bit of an imaginative mind. She put the two gems together, seeing how they both created a beautiful colour combination. That got a smile out of her. But, that was as far as her creativity went due to how many limitations there were in this world.

But, even with my living conditions and all the other Pheromosa beating each other for gemstones and crystals, I wasn't really alone. I did have others by my side.

She certainly did. Despite most Pheromosa being vainglorious and prideful, there were some exceptions. Obviously, Rarity's Pheromosa was the most prominent one but there were others.

Pheromosa did in fact have friends in this world.

"There you are." Pheromosa's friends showed up. Two of them in total. She really didn't have that many in all honesty. "You've really made this whole cave your permanent home now?"

"Oh." Rarity's Pheromosa turned to her friends. "Yeah. It's really the only way I can get away from all the noise up there. Even though I can still feel it..."

"Well, you can't stay down here forever. I mean it's all so...ugh." The third one grimaced at the cave.

"You can say that everyone's ugh here." The second one replied. "There's not much going on here anyway."

"Yeah...About that, by the way." Rarity's Pheromosa looked at the two gemstones. "I've been thinking."

"About what?" The second one asked.

"Well...Do you really think we're just going to be here forever and no more? I mean, there might be more out there that we're missing out on somewhere."

"This again? You brought this up before." The second one sighed. "There's no point in going somewhere else. Everything's the same and there's nothing special here."

"Yeah. We ran around the world once before and just found more sand and gemstones." The third one replied. "Pretty lame if you ask me."

"I know but I'm talking about something different this time. Like...beyond this world." Rarity's Pheromosa pointed up to the ceiling of the cave when she was really pointing at the sky.

"Beyond this world?" The second one thought for a moment. "You mean far out in space?"

"Right! Space!" Rarity's Pheromosa nodded.

"Uh...not sure if we can run in space." The third one stroked her antennae. "Can we?"

"Maybe not. But we can still reach for the stars. Imagine. There could be other worlds out there with so much more to offer and everything. We could see it all, right?"

"Out there, huh?" The second Pheromosa also looked up. "That's certainly something, alright. But still...that's impossible. Exploring this dull world is one thing but space? No way. As much I want to get out of here and do something else that won't make me groan, there's no way we can leave this world. We were born here and we're kinda stuck here until our lifespan ends."

"Mhm." The third Pheromosa regretfully nodded.

"I guess so...But I still feel like it's possible." Rarity's Pheromosa whimpered.

"Cheer up." The second one put her hand over her friend's neck. "We may not be able to do much in this world but fight and grab stuff but we've still got each other, right? You're the one who's always lightening the mood whenever a fight breaks out."

"Yeah. I guess I do."

"So seeing you of all Pheromosa's being sad is just gonna ruin that. Meeting you made our lives a bit less bland. The stuff you say can really make us stick around."

"Yeah. Like how you talked about decorating ourselves with these crystals. But uh...not sure how we do that." The third Pheromosa picked up the crystals. "I mean, we can put them inside our torso and everything."

"Thanks, you two. But everything I said can still be true. And one day, we could head out there and have as much fun as we want to together. Just imagine what we could do! There could be others like us! Hopefully not in the stealing and fighting part."

"Maybe it can be true. But for now, and forever, this is our home. We gotta make the most of it."

"Yep." The third one laid on her back. "I mean, it's not like we can run so fast that we can jump super high into the air and reach space. That'd be weird!"

But, her saying that actually made Rarity's Pheromosa think for a bit. Then, her brain started sparking with an idea that came straight from one of her friends.

"That's it!" She stood up.

"W-What?" The second and third Pheromosa asked.

"We're definitely reaching for the stars now! And we're going to make it happen today!" She declared.

I had high hopes of leaving here and exploring everything else beyond my home. Thanks to one of my friends, we got an idea to try and make that hope come true.

On that day, the three Pheromosa stood together as they were prepared to try this running and jumping into space plan that sounded a bit farfetched. But, considering the amazing speed the Pheromosa possess, it might not be impossible.

They stood on the highest point of the desert. For the sake of reaching space, of course. They were also far away from other Pheromosa as possible. They couldn't afford to have anyone else interrupt them. After all, the Pheromosa do tend to sneak around and spy on their fellow Lissome Pokemon.

"Are you sure this is going to work? I mean, I was only making a joke back there." The third one spoke.

"It has to." Rarity's Pheromosa put on a serious face while preparing herself to bolt off.

"We could just be wasting our time but...whatever." The second one shrugged. "I'll believe in you for this."

"Thanks. Alright!" Rarity's Pheromosa and her friends took a running start pose in unison as they set their sights and eyes on one destination.


It was already nightfall in this dry vast desert so the stars could already be seen. If they could just head out there and see the stars for themselves in their full glory, that would be wonderful.

And after the while, the three of them bolted forward, running from the spot they stood as they created a massive dust cloud from their take-off alone. Now that they were on the move, they rushed at their maximum speed, running alongside each other while also making sure to stay on this one high surface. They couldn't go anywhere else that may be lower.

The acceleration of a Pheromosa is one-of-a-kind. In just 3 seconds, they were able to reach speeds equal to that of a bullet train as they could feel the wind blowing in their face.

Now, they were waiting for the right opportunity to jump. They had to wait until they reached top speed. However, despite them all being super-fast, not all Pheromosa are created equally. The third Pheromosa was the slowest out of her friends. She was easily falling behind compared to her friends. But she was still giving it her best as she wanted to see what was out there.

"Now!" Rarity's Pheromosa saw that they had reached their maximum speed. So now was the time to jump. At the same time, all three Lissome Pokemon performed a powerful upsurge that was so grand, it shattered the ground below them, leaving a noticeable crater.

The three of them immediately left the ground as they were accelerating through the air itself. Their jump was indeed impressive as they had already broken through the clouds themselves.

It looked like they were really doing it as a wide smile filled the face of Rarity's Pheromosa. Their jump was a success. But could it help them reach space?

They were building up a ton of friction from how high and fast they were moving. At this rate, flames could surround them just from their speed alone.

But that wouldn't happen.

Because they had reached their limit.

Unfortunately, there was a limit to how high the Pheromosa could jump and how fast they could run too. The best they could do was go past the clouds and reach the mesosphere. But that was about it.

Quickly, they started falling back down as Pheromosa's smile quickly melted into a frown. One of utter defeat as her sight of the stars was being drawn away from her turbulent fall back down to her home.

The three of them fell back down, hitting the ground hard afterwards as they made a dust cloud in the shape of a mushroom from their impact.

The plan was a total failure.

"Ugh..." The three of them groaned. They had taken some serious damage from that fall. After all, their bodies are frail and supple at the end of the day.

"It didn't work...?" Rarity's Pheromosa twitched, looking up at the sky.

"Ow-ow-ow! The third Pheromosa got back up. Her back had been injured because of the impact, making it a bit hard for her to walk upright. Or even run for that matter.

"Oh well." The second one sighed as she started to walk away, helping the third Pheromosa. "We tried. But...there's no way we were gonna do it. It's impossible. Doubt we can even breathe up there."

"No, wait!" Rarity's Pheromosa stood up. "Let's try again! Maybe we're not putting enough power and speed into it!"

That's our best speed." The second one turned around. "We can't go any further than that and we might end up hurting ourselves over and over if we try a second time or more."


"Sorry. But it's not happening. It was a good plan though. But it wouldn't work. Not without limitations. Come on, let's go and heal up."

"Okay..." Rarity's Pheromosa sighed. The second Pheromosa was sort of the leader of their friend group. They really needed to heal after falling that high. But Pheromosa didn't give up on trying to reach for the stars.

After that, even when that plan failed, I never stopped trying. When my friends weren't there, I went back to try and jump out of my home again on my own. But every time I tried, it always ended in me falling to the ground and hurting myself even more. That's when I realized I couldn't do it. Jumping into space was impossible. And breathing is just another story. But I always believed that one day, I would get the chance to get out there and see more than just a desert. And that did happen eventually.

"The wormhole that brought me here was my lucky break. Seeing it made me confused since I didn't know what it was. But I was thankful to go through it. But...I never did say goodbye to my friends."

"You didn't?" Eve said.

"No. I wish I did." Pheromosa sighed. "Even now, I wish they came through with me so that we'd enjoy this world together."

"Maybe they have, I mean, there's like Ultra Wormholes everywhere, right? So maybe one of your friends came through." Pikachu looked at the bright side.

"Maybe. Pheromosa nodded. "I hope they're okay though. If they're still back home."

"Ah, all this sappy backstory stuff is making me feel weird..." Braviary groaned as he turned away.

"Don't wanna listen to some more? We can bring Absol and the others in if you want?" Eve nudged Braviary. "I bet they've got some great stories to tell. Or even yours."

"How about later." Braviary opened his wings.

"Oh. I need to help Fluttershy sort out the new beds for the Pokemon." Audino stood up. "Maybe we can do this again sometime. Tell each other more about our past."

"Sounds good to me!" Pikachu rolled on his back before getting up. "Next time, you can tell us about your past, Audi."

"I sure will. But um...I'm a bit embarrassed to say it." Audino chuckled.

"Well, mine's pretty awesome, if you must know." Braviary put on a proud face.

"I highly doubt that." Eve quickly shut him down as they each returned to their trainers, off to continue with whatever activities await them.

This won't be the last time they exchange past stories with each other, much like how Ash shares his stories with the CMC. And it certainly won't be the last.

Every Pokemon has their own story from the past. Especially those that have trainers. Whatever happened to them way back then. Good or bad. It is what moulded them and led them to today. Where they could meet their wonderful trainers and make new friends. And to an extent, family. As the journey continues.

Chapter 407 End.

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