• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Battle against an Island Guardian

Equestria. Ponyville. Sweet Apple Acres.

"Ugh..." An early sunrise had come as the golden rays beamed through the windows of Applejack's room. They hit her face enough to wake her up. And once she woke up, she was met with one sight. All 10 of her Golett, staring her in the face.


"Gyah!" Applejack was so startled she almost ended up kicking one of the Golett by accident with her flailing hooves. Only for the Golett to expect this, using their Ghost intangibility to negate this incoming hoof kick. "Mmm...Do ya'll have to do that every morning now?"

"Gol." The Golett all hopped off the bed before collectively using Shadow Punch to form shadow arms, grabbing Applejack out of her bed while also showing her a plate of food. The Golett were tremendously loyal to Applejack to the point where they were doing everything for her.

Applejack had been carried out of her bed while also being force-fed. Before she could process it, the Golett had used their shadow arms to take her out of the room.

"Wait...I'm still pretty tired." Applejack groaned, trying to keep her eyes open.

"Lett? Golett." After hearing that Applejack was still tired, the Golett rushed back to her room immediately, using their shadow ars to place her back on her bed. Applejack smiled before being given her blanket back. The Golett peacefully placed it on her, making her feel comfortable as if nothing had happened.

"That's better..." Applejack said before curling up in her bed.

"Sis! Wake up!" But that peace was immediately obliterated once Apple Bloom entered the room, startling Applejack before she could even close her eyes.

"Oh...Why, Apple Bloom?"

"It's a big day today!" Apple Bloom hopped onto Applejack's bed. "The Pokemon School's having another day where we head over to Alola and try and find some Z-Crystals!"

"Oh...right." Applejack sat up as all of her Golett started running around the house. "We never got one of our own, did we?"

"This time we will!" Apple Bloom grinned. "I'm going for that Grass Z-Crystal. I've already got a ton of Grass-Types to make it work after all. What about you?"

"I don't know...I'll check the moves to find out..." Applejack yawned as she was still feeling tired, unable to talk at frantic speeds like her little sister at the moment.

"I'm gonna head out now. See ya there!" Apple Bloom ran out as Applejack flopped out of her bed, face-first onto the floor in a flat position. It was time for her to go. But before she could depart, she took a look at the most recent picture of her family.

A picture of a family reunion that was made possible by Tapu Fini. Since it was so special, Applejack kept it in her room, looking at it for a moment. A part of her was relieved that there was a resolution with her parents after the prior events and a chance to see them again. She then left the room, closing the door after reflecting on this picture.

Alola. Hau'oli City. Day.

Hau'oli City. Known as the city overflowing with gentle joy. A coastal city situated on Melemele Island and also being the largest city in the Alola Region. It had a nice Beachfront, a Shopping District, a Mall, and a Marina. Few, but beautiful.

Appearing here with the students were Roxanne, Brawly and Fantina. The student count was slightly shorter as some ponies already had Z-Crystals. An example being Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo.

"My neck..." Roxanne held her neck, still feeling some whiplash and effects from when she was possessed by Cosmos. "Uh, anyway...you're back here at Alola to find yourself Z-Crystals. You already know how it goes. You can head out there to find yourself a Z-Crystal, just like you tried before. Do you all have one that you wish to get?"

"I'm still searching for the Psychium Z," Twilight replied, focusing on giving a Z-Crystal to her Espeon. "But...I wouldn't mind finding myself a different one." Everyone else discussed which Z-Crystals they would be looking for. They all had their personal choices, ranging from the typing of their Pokemon or one of the four moves in their arsenal.

"Grass for me!" Apple Bloom raised her hoof. "And you, sis?"

"Well...I guess I'll go for maybe Ground or Ghost. Or Dark?" Applejack wasn't fully decided on what she wanted.

"Let it come to you. That's what I say. But..." Roxanne yawned. "Go at...your own pace. Some of these crystals could be inside of the buildings here. We were personally tasked with scattering them so..."

"Geez. Are you okay?" Brawly asked. "Ya know...you could've just stayed home today. And the day after that too. That whole body possession thing has you all messed up."

"Nonsense. As a teacher, I must always be present." Roxanne shook her head, staying adamant. Only for her to then hold her neck. "But...I do still feel winded. Has it really been three weeks? It feels like only yesterday this all happened."

"I know what will fix this!" Fantina slid over. "How about some shopping at the mall? Or a nice hairdo at the salon?"

"How about the beachfront? While you chill out, I can ride those waves." Brawly suggested. "I even brought my surfboard for this region. As always."

"Not really in the mood, you two." The Rock-Type Specialist sighed. "But I could use some rest and relaxation."

"Great!" Brawly placed his arm around Roxanne's neck and shoulder. "You all head off and find your crystals. You can ask for help too. No shame in that. Might even find a Kahuna here. You can also hang out in the city as long as you can focus on what's important now."

"If you get lucky, you could meet an Island Guardian on your wandering. Some say that Island Guardians know how to find Z-Crystals faster than anyone else, so that will be a stroke of double luck. Have fun!" Fantina said.

"I'm already off. Bye!" Twilight flapped her wings, flying off to search for a Z-Crystal as she used her magic to drag Espeon along. Everyone else went their separate ways to search for these Z-Crystals.

Applejack went East, wondering if she would find something there. A Z-Crystal could be anywhere. They could even be within buildings which is what made the search all the more exciting. Apple Bloom followed after her sister, choosing to stay close to her.

However, special eyes were on Applejack. Over at the beach, a head had slightly poked out so as to not draw too much attention. The eyes of a certain Pokemon had also appeared who has had interactions with Applejack and her family. Usually, this Pokemon does not appear on this island, but it did just for Applejack.

Tapu Fini.


Tapu Fini then descended into the water before then deciding to follow Applejack. And to an extent, Apple Bloom, curious about how they will go about their Z-Crystal Search.

Shopping District.

The bustling centre of the city, where you can get everything from fashion items to popular treats to eat and also where more and more people have become fashion conscious to take commemorative photos

Rarity chose this place first. Not only believing that it had a Z-Crystal potentially but mainly because she wanted to visit this place. Best of both worlds.

"You never know...this place might have some." Rarity rubbed her hooves together. In truth, she was just in a shopping mood. After all, she was told to enjoy herself while also focusing on the task at hand. At the end of the day, Rarity was carrying out the rules of this lesson.

She started zipping around, wondering where to start. But this district wouldn't be the first place for her to visit. Hau'oli City also had a mall, making Rarity's options bigger. Rarity focused on the biggest part of this district that had multiple crowds nearby. To her, she believed that would be where a Z-Crystal would be found. But of course, she would take her time for obvious reasons.

Hau'oli Outskirts. Route 1.

But as for Applejack and Apple Bloom, they went out of Hau'oli City, appearing at Route 1. They caught a whiff of salt on the southerly winds. Applejack and Apple Bloom saw that this beautiful path filled with flora connects Iki Town at its north end to Hau'oli City in the south. Applejack wasn't fully confident in her directions but she was confident that she would find a Z-Crystal eventually.

Sceptile hung from the trees, searching high and low within this part of the region. There weren't many trees for the Forest Pokemon to use, unfortunately. But he would make the most of it.

All the while, Tapu Fini followed them both. It moved through the trees, watching their directions carefully. However, in a matter of minutes, Applejack already had a disgruntled face. That face spoke many words and one of them was that she knew she had no idea where she was going. Alola was a region that she hadn't visited too often.

"We're gonna get lost, aren't we?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not if we have our Xtransceivers," Applejack replied. "But yeah. I'm already feeling lost here. But we can make something work here. How's about we send out our Pokemon to help find these crystals."

"Oh yeah! That's a good one!" Apple Bloom agreed as she took her bag off, dropping all of the Poke Balls. Applejack also grabbed her bag, opening it before throwing it into the air. The Poke Balls inside had dropped as Applejack's 10 Golett and her Delta Riolu had emerged.



As for Apple Bloom, she had a lot of Grass-Types to assist her. Far too many. The only odd one out was Emolga, who immediately took the skies. Once they were all out, the Pokemon were tasked with helping their trainers find some Z-Crystals. Any crystal would do. Having multiple Pokemon that all had different moves was a win-win scenario.

It meant that no matter what Z-Crystal was found, either one of their Pokemon could benefit from it. Many of them scattered with Apple Bloom sitting on Skiploom as her means of transportation.

"Sceptile?" Sceptlie slid down from his vines, coming across a pond. He wondered if there was a Z-Crystal there but all he was met with was a nose touch from a Finneon that had emerged. Sceptile's face became wet from the touch as Finneon giggled, descending back into the pond. "Scep!"


"Golett!" The Golett all started digging, thinking that the crystals could be underground. Thanks to them being Ground-Types, the speed of their burrowing was fairly swift. They didn't even need to use any attacks to make it work. Delta Riolu was on the more playful side.

"Riolu!" He started running around, admiring the breeze instead of focusing on finding the crystals. His rampant running ended up causing him to almost bump into a Ledyba.

"Ledy?!" Ledyba gasped as Riolu passed it. Riolu apologized right afterwards. Riolu kept running before then passing by a Spinirak nest. Thankfully, he avoided it so as to not cause any unwarranted trouble.

The Golett had already dug a sizable hole as they entered it, marching as if they were troops. In a sense they were. An Applejack was their commander. All of them did their best to find a Z-Crystal, even if there wasn't one here. They also made sure not to bother the Pokemon living here.

Tapu Fini admired all of this hard work, even if one of them was just running around. Seeing that it was pointless to hide as it had met with Applejack and Apple Bloom before, the Land Spirit Pokemon chose to show itself. And it did so by giving Applejack a scare.


Tapu Fini appeared right in front of Applejack's face while she was trotting, also appearing upside-down to boot. "Gah!" This was the second time that Applejack had been jump-scared today as she jumped back. "Hah...Again?" Tapu Fini laughed as it found some slight enjoyment from doing that to Applejack.

"Oh! It's Tapu Fini!" Apple Bloom recognized the Water-Fairy-Type while skipping through the air.

"Didn't think I'd see you again so soon." Applejack stood up, adjusting her hat as all of her Pokemon flocked to her once they heard the cry of their trainer. The Golett formed a tower of themselves, using it to burst out of the ground while Sceptile swung over and Riolu just ran over. "Great to see you anyway, Tapu Fini."


"Fini." Tapu Fini was happy to see them again as well. The Land Spirit Pokemon then twirled around before dropping sparkling water from its eyes. Tapu Fini then flew backwards, leaving a trail of sparkling water for them to follow. Delta Riolu understood it first as he immediately chased after the tears.

Delta Riolu had used his Aura to communicate with Applejack, relaying a message to her. Applejack had a slight jitter as she was not used to having Aura pulsate through her still.

"I think it wants us to follow it." Applejack caught on after Riolu passed the message on. Soon, she, her sister and their Pokemon followed after Tapu Fini to wherever it was leading them. The sparkling water touched the ground, growing some roots and small plants in the water. Such was the power of Tapu Fini. Not only did it have a special water that purifies both mind and body but it seemed to affect nature as well.

Ten Carat Hill.

Tapu Fini brought them all to Ten Carat Hill. A great hill that was formed by the activity of an underwater volcano. It is famous for the hollow in its middle that is open to the air. Applejack and Apple Bloom were now thinking of potentially spotting a Z-Crystal here.

But that wasn't why Tapu Fini brought them here.

Once they stopped walking, Tapu Fini faced Applejack mainly, hovering there for a bit. Everything grew silent as the group had no idea what was coming next.

"So. What now?" Applejack asked.

"Fini." Tapu Fini had used the sparkling water again, however, this time it was in massive amounts. It felt like a shower had come as Tapu Fini had carefully used the water in a specific way. Applejack and the others closed their eyes once the water started flowing. Some of them had even been touched by it.

It was revealed that Tapu FInihad used that water to create a substitute Pokemon Area. One that was made out of plants and perfectly resembled the traditional arenas that trainers battle on. It even had the Poke Ball in the middle.

"An area?!" Applejack looked down. "Hold on! Do you want battle?!"

"Fini!" Tapu Fini cried out as it indeed wanted a battle against Applejack.

"Oh! It's just like what Fantina said! We might get lucky and find one with an Island Guardian! We've found an Island Guardian! So maybe we'll get a crystal!" Apple Bloom jumped up and down.

"Oh. You've probably got a crystal, huh?" Applejack looked up at the Land Spirit Pokemon. "Hmmm...Well, if I'm gonna earn it, I gotta go through something tough. And what's tougher than battling a Legendary Pokemon?"


"Alright then. Tapu Fini. Let's have a battle!"

"Fini!" The stage had been set. It would be Applejack against Tapu Fini. It was unclear if Tapu Fini had a crystal, but the battle would still take place as Apple Bloom and everyone backed away to spectate. The rest of Applejack's Pokemon stayed behind her as the battle within Ten Carat Hill was about to begin.

Applejack also found this to be a great opportunity to see how far she had come. Battling a Legendary Pokemon was a great way to test one's strength. Win or lose.

"Rio! Riolu!" Riolu jumped up and down, wanting to be the first to challenge Tapu Fini. He then front flipped over Applejack's head, landing in front of her.

"You wanna go first? Alright then, I won't stop you, partner."


"Let's go first! Vacuum Wave!"

"Riolu!" Riolu made the first move. He jumped into the air, putting all of his strength into his paws before thrusting them. The force of it summoned waves of wind in two droves.

"Fini!" Tapu Fini replied by using a signature move. A fairly powerful one too. Nature's Madness. Tapu Fini slammed one of its hands on the ground as a pink shockwave had emerged with wisps of blue aura appearing above the ground. It immediately overpowered Vacuum Wave, wiping it out before then reaching Riolu, blowing him back to the ground.

"R-Riolu!" A super-effective hit too against Delta Riolu's Dark-Typing. Once he was down on the ground, The Embalming Pokemon was hit with multiple pink, blue, and yellow bolts. "Rio!"

"What was that?!" Apple Bloom gasped.

"Riolu?! Are you okay?!" Applejack cried out.

"Riolu...!" Riolu felt incredibly winded from just one attack. He managed to get back up but he was already feeling weak.

"You won't go easy on us...That's what I was looking for though. Riolu! Swords Dance!"

"Ri!" Riolu rushed in, lighting his paws up while also increasing his attack. Tapu Fini merely used its speed to evade what was coming its way. It had zipped to the side, leaving behind an afterimage as Riolu's punch had missed. But the Embalming Pokemon did not stop there. He immediately turned around, using his Aura to sense Tapu Fini. He would bank on his Aura to help him keep up.

Riolu started swinging his paws at Tapu FIni, trying to hit it. Tapu Fini still had the speed advantage as it went over and under Riolu's attacks. Riolu couldn't seem to hit it at all.

"Fine then! Dark Pulse!"

"Ri...O...Lu!" Delta Riolu had then put his paws together, summoning an orb made out of dark thoughts. It made Delta Riolu's clothes flow from the pressure coming from it as the Dark-Fighting-Type had smashed it into the ground. He made a Dark Pulse emerge with the strength of a shockwave, enough to eclipse the arena.

"Fini!" Tapu Fini actually felt like defending itself against this. Or rather retaliate as it had used Water Pulse. Tapu Fini made one orb of water before then throwing it to the ground. That orb had also formed into a pulse that resembled Riolu's Dark Pulse. But more than that, it managed to overpower Riolu's pulse, reaching him.

"R-Rio!" Riolu was hit by Water Pulse, feeling the power of ultrasonic waves that launched him back. Riolu rolled on the ground before sliding right afterwards. He had unfortunately fainted. "Riolu..."

"Good job, Riolu. Please, come back." Applejack closed her eyes before returning Delta Riolu. Tapu Fini was still looking healthy, not suffering one piece of damage.

"Gol! Golett!" The Golett had then cried out, offering to go next. The problem was that there were 10 of them and each of them wanted to battle.

"Uh...I choose..." Applejack was already having a hard time choosing. She wasn't sure who to pick first as all of them were weak to Tapu Fini either way.

"Fini?" Tapu Fini tilted its head, waiting for the next part of the battle to begin.

"I guess I'm going for you." Applejack chose her first Golett. This Golett was the most experienced out of all of them, making it the victor.

"Golett!" Applejack's first Golett that had the standard golden eyes had run forward, standing in front of her. "Gol!"

"Let's make it count, Golett. Ya'll watch how your senior works, okay?" Applejack looked back at the other 9 Golett. This was the perfect time for them to see how Applejack's first Golett battled, giving them inspiration.

"Gol-Gol!" All of them cried out, cheering for their brethren and trainer.

"Golett! Start off strong with a flurry of Shadow Punches!"

"Gol...Golett!" Golett had attacked via Shadow Punch, extending its fists as they had become shadows. However, this time they multiplied as Golett started punching the air rapidly, sending a flurry of Shadow Punches.

"Fini!" Tapu Fini gasped, trying to evade these ones as well. However, Golett manipulated one of the arms, causing it to turn. This turning Shadow Punch had struck Tapu Fini, staggering the Land Spirit Pokemon. Finally, a hit had been made.

And once Tapu Fini was staggered, this allowed the other Shadow Punches to crash into the Water-Fairy-Type. Tapu Fini felt all off them as they struck every part in its front body before knocking it back. The Shadow Punch flurry had ended.

"Yeah! Now get in there with Heavy Slam!"

"Lett!" Golett then did a quick squat before jumping into the air, ready to slam the full force of its body weight onto Tapu Fini. Itwasn't much, but it was certainly heavier than the Island Guardian. Tapu Fini shook its head before then looking up to see Golett above it.

"Fini!" Tapu Fini had used Grass Knot immediately in response, summoning vines from the ground. The vines passed Tapu Fini while wrapping around Golett's leg.

"Golett?" Golett looked down as Tapu Fini had used Golett's weight against it. Essentially, retaliating against Heavy Slam in the process as Grass Knot targeted Golett's weights, slamming it down. "Gol!" The vines slammed the Automaton Pokemon with its own weight as some dust had kicked up.

Applejack growled as the dust had cleared. Thankfully, Golett was revealed to still be up and active for battle. But it certainly took some heavy damage from that Grass Knot as it rolled out of the dust.

"Are you doing okay, partner?!"

"Golett!" Golett nodded, getting on one knee.

"Come on, sis! Win this! You can beat that Legend!" Apple Bloom shouted as she and everyone were rooting for Applejack to overcome the power of a Legendary Pokemon.

"Easier said than done..." But Applejack knew all too well that even with her battle experience, facing a Legendary POkemon was one of the hardest things that can ever be done for a Pokemon Trainer. "But I ain't gonna let you trample all over me, Tapu Fini."

"Fini!" Tapu Fini wouldn't have it any other way as the wind entered the cave, blowing Applejack's hat in the process.

The battle between these two was just getting started while everyone else was out there searching for Z-Crystals. This lesson went a different path than what Applejack was expecting but it was one between a friend and the best way to test herself as the journey continues.

Chapter 802 End.

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