• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Ruby and Sapphire

Equestria. Out in the mountains. Day.

Currently venturing this world and the nation of Equestria were Red and Gold. After coming from another universe parallel to the universe where Ash hails from, they decided to see more of this world and what it entailed.

So far, they've been exploring as a duo, going from town to town and city to city. "Ah, this place feels like it came straight out of a storybook, doesn't it, Red?" Gold spoke while Red said nothing.

"..." He was in agreement, however.

"I mean, I haven't seen every region out there, but I wonder if there's someplace similar to this. Maybe Unova..." Gold pondered. "Kinda reminds me of Unova in some ways. What do you think, Red?


"Well said." Gold translated. Somehow.

They stopped near a lake full of Water-Type Pokemon. And over at that lake, a gateway could be spotted, resting near the lake. Not their first time seeing one as the gateways were scattered across all of Equestria. Most were out in the open but some were more hidden and harder to find. This one was easier to find as many of the Water-Types avoided it. They took some time to admire the lake and how beautiful it looked.

But after looking at it for a while, something came out of it. A hand. The two trainers from differing regions squinted their eyes as this hand had revealed to have a Mega Ring on it. Whoever was coming through that gateway was capable of Mega Evolution.

And once a shoe came through, that individual passed through, only to then fall over as the gateway was above the lake. "Woah!" The voice of a boy cried out, crashing into the lake. Thankfully, it wasn't a big fall as the nearby Water-Types swam away.

"Oh, are you okay?" Gold rushed over to the lake, spotting the person who had crashed into it.

"Yeah...I think so." This boy got out of the lake, adjusting his hat promptly. And upon emerging from it, Red and Gold took a closer look at this individual recognizing him in a heartbeat.

"Wait a minute...Brendan?!"

"Red! Gold! How've ya been?!" Brendan recognized them both too immediately. Fellow trainers and champions from their respective regions. Although, Red was a former champion.

"So you ended up in this world too, huh?" Gold and Brendan shook hands. "So that gateway must lead to our world then. Lucky find."

"I sure did. I got curious about that gateway when I was heading to Pacifidog Town. I heard about how some of them started popping out of thin air across the world, leading to this world. Though there's not that many of them..."

"'Not many' is right. Red and I only found 7 of them. This world and the parallel universe to ours has like maybe a hundred when I think about it."

"Didn't think I'd see you guys here. Great minds think alike, right? So uh..what is this place? And why is it so...colourful?" Brendan squinted his eyes, noticing how vibrant Equestria was.

"You're in Equestria. This place is all about magic." Goh introduced, placing his hand on Brendan's back before them moving his arm across this magical land. "We've got a lot to show you."

And thus, Brendan would be next in line to experience Equestria with his own eyes. The best place to start would be the various civilizations of Equestria. The nearest location from here was fittingly Canterlot but along the way, Brendan would see the sights for himself and how the Pokemon live in this new world.

Canterlot. Day.

"Aaaah..." Ash was currently at Canterlot, opening his mouth to let some food pass through. And the one throwing that food was Pikachu, using his tail to fling it. His aim was immaculate as Ash got a perfect fill without a single miss. "Awesome aim, buddy! Now it's my turn!"

"Pikaaaa..." Pikachu was up next for some food. Ash grabbed the Pokemon Food as his skills of throwing Poke Balls would come into play here. With stellar precision equal to Pikachu, Ash had launched the Pokemon Food at his partner. Ash caught the food just as well as the duo were in perfect sync.

"Yo! Ash!" Being close to Canterlot still didn't make it short as it was a 3-hour walk for the trio. Gold called out for Ash whilst he was chewing, grabbing his attention.

"Mmm? Mmm-mmm!" He spoke their names while his mouth was full, swallowing the food afterwards. "Oh, hey guys! Came back so soon?"

"Yeah. We're still exploring this world to see what we have. I'd say we've covered..." Gold paused for a moment, raising his finger to think about how much of Equestria's he and Red have covered so far. "A bit. Ya know.." He shrugged. "It's like going through a Pokemon Region again but just sorta different."


"Hang in there. There's a lot to see. Especially up there." Ash referred to Cloudsdale, Pegalysium and other airborne locations only accessible via flight. "Oh, and who's this?" Ash soon recognized Brendan.

"This is Brendan. One of our good friends who's also from our world straight from the Hoenn Region. He found his way here and it looks like there's a second gateway that leads to our world. Everything else leads to yours though."

"Brendan..." Ash took a closer look at Brendan, squinting his eyes. "You kinda look like that one trainer I saw on TV...Must be a counterpart. But nice to meet ya." He held his hand out to the Hoenn Trainer.

"You...That Pikachu..." Brendan paused for a moment as once he observed Ash, his facial expression was one of deep analysis. Ash stopped for a moment, wondering what Brendan was seeing. "Hang on!" Brendan then dug into his bag, pulling out a Poke Ball. And out of that Poke Ball came a Pikachu. But not just any Pikachu.

A Pikachu wearing Ash's hat. His Hoenn Hat.


Ash's Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder to meet his fellow Mouse Pokemon. Much like every Electric-Type, they must greet each other via an electric touch. For all Pikachu, it was their tails connecting.

"Pika?" And after performing their signature greeting, the Pikachu wearing the Hoenn Hat looked up at Ash for a moment. Their eyes locked onto each other as a wide smile met with this Pikachu. "Pika...Pika-P!" With utter glee, he jumped towards Ash, landing on his head.

"Woah, hey!" Ash giggled as the Pikachu hugged Ash's hat, laughing with unbelievable joy in his head. Ash's Pikachu simply tilted his head at the other Mouse Pokemon latching onto his best friend.

"And the way he leapt over...Hang on a sec...Is this your Pikachu?!" Brendan asked, kneeling to point at his Pikachu and Ash's Pikachu.

"My Pikachu?" Ash replied, observing the second Pikachu. "That is my hat, yeah...I wore that when I journeyed through the Hoenn Region. Guess they sell it there too."

So it is your hat..." Brendan thought for a moment, gazing at Ash. "And your face looks familiar too...You look like that one guy back at Ula'ula Island."

"I do?"

"Yeah! You know what I mean, right Red? Gold?"

"Nope. Haven't visited Alola yet. But I'll get to it. Eventually." Gold procrastinated.

"..." Red had been to Alola before but he had no idea what Brendan was talking about. He merely shrugged.

"I went to visit Alola one time. There was an abandoned site with some Ghost Pokemon floating around. And in that house, I saw a picture of someone with a Pikachu. He looked exactly like you with maybe that same Pikachu. And then I caught this Pikachu months later. Apparently, he used to have a previous trainer and this hat brings him memories of that trainer. And you own that hat too, right?"

"Uh-huh." Ash was starting to catch up with what Brendan was saying.

"Hang on. I know a Pikachu like that too." Gold intervened. "But mine wears a different hat. I have it back in the box though...What about you Red?"

"..." Red pondered, only to shake his head afterwards. He didn't have a similar Pikachu.

"Red might not have one, but Lucas, Hilbert and Calem do too, don't they?" Brendan continued. "We all have a different Pikachu with a different hat based on different regions. Mine has a hat from Hoenn while yours has one from Johto. Our home regions."

"Yeah, it is pretty weird how we all have those..." Even Gold was starting to see something peculiar.

"Ah!" Ash's brain sparked with a powerful gasp. "Different hats? Through different regions? Did they look like mine?"

"I only know about this hat, but I assume so. Does one of your hats have a blue circle and a blue arch on the top?"

"Yeah. My Sinnoh Hat has something like that."

"So does Lucas and he's from Sinnoh too" Gold turned to Brendan.

"And your name is Ash. Elio told us that he got a special Greninja called Ash-Greninja." When Brendan brought up Ash-Greninja, that just made Ash all the more alert. "I've been thinking about something...You must be that guy in the picture. And all of those Pikachu must be your Pikachu. Including this one."

"Say what?!

"Pika-Pikachu?!" Ash and Pikachu were blown back by this. Essentially, this meant only one thing. Ash existed in the parallel universe. But this also made him wonder how they could all have the same Pikachu but with a different hat.

"Woah, that's a brain masher..." Gold held his head, flabbergasted by this. "Usually it's Hilbert or Nate who are this smart. I didn't know you got that deductive, Brendan."

"Hmph. I pick up a few things here and there." Brendan proudly grinned.

"Hold on! Are you saying you guys know me from your world?! And my Pikachu! How are there so many?!"

"Well, I haven't met you before in our world. Neither of us has. But we have met your Pikachu as you can see. No wonder he recognizes you. It's been a long time since he's seen you"

"So...this is my Pikachu from another world." Ash held Pikachu, looking at the Mouse Pokemon. "Haha! Awesome! A parallel buddy! How have ya been on the other side, Pikachu?"

"Pikachu! Pika!" Peachy. This was indeed Ash's Pikachu from another world. Truly an interesting encounter.

"And you know about my Greninja too, huh? Plus some of the regions I've been to." Ash continued, placing the other Pikachu down to further interact with his parallel self. "That's amazing. I didn't think that stuff like that was happening elsewhere."

"Isn't it? Never thought I'd get the chance to meet the Trainer who owned all those Pikachu." Brendan chuckled, seeing this as an odd example of fate.

"Wait...But I only have one Pikachu." That's when Ash realized that something was amiss. "And you said you and Gold have another plus a few others have another Pikachu with my hats."

"Uh, yeah. That's right. Johto for me."

"So how did all of you get different Pikachus if I only have one? Unless I caught multiple!" Ash gasped. "Did I catch multiple?!"

"Well...the Pikachu I found came out of nowhere once..." Brendan started thinking it through. "There was some ripple in space nearby and Pikachu just happened to show up."

"Same here. I saw a ripple when I was near the Frontier Access. I bumped into that Pikachu too." Gold added. "So what does that even mean?"

"Hmph. Allow me to give the best possible." Brendan had another brilliant conclusion come to his mind that he believed was the most likely answer. "All those Pikachu came from those ripples in space. Either another dimension or another universe. And in that universe, there exists another Ash. But he wouldn't just let them go. Our dex entries let us know that he was sent over."

"I sent them over?" said Ash.

"Check it." To prove it, Emerald held out his Pokedex along with Gold. Both had entries for their respective Pikachus with hats.

"Pikachu. The Mouse Pokemon. This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two travelled across many regions together."

"Pikachu. The Mouse Pokemon. This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two travelled throughout the Hoenn region together."

Lo and behold it was true. The Hoenn hat spoke for itself while the other was of Kanto and Johto. Ash wore the same hat during his journey through Kanto and Johto with that stylized C.

"Those hats bring him memories. And he always gets so happy with it. Elio even said that Ash-Greninja was passed on by a trainer who trusted Greninja in good hands. Lucky guy."

"Look at you. You've got a name for yourself in our world. Even if I don't know where or who you are there." Gold commented before putting his arm around Ash, laughing. "Your Pikachu is pretty great too. Strong even. He hits like a truck whenever I battle with him."

"It may mess with time and probably space, but it's good to know that you trusted Pikachu in good hands, Ash."

"I can't believe I did. AIn't that a shocker, right, buddy?" Ash grinned, turning to his two friends who were essentially the same.

"Pikachu!" The duo of Pikachu cried out in unison. It was something to think about.

"Heh...Hehe...Hahahaha! Bahahaha!" The more Ash thought about it, the more he was compelled to laugh. All of it made him laugh. The concept of him existing in another world and entrusting the same Pikachu from different points in time along with his Greninja to others just made it all so comical to him.

Ash couldn't help but wonder what he was like in their world. Obviously, things must be the same as each Pikachu had gone through the various regions with familiar hats that Ash wore with each event probably playing out just like in this world. But Ash thought about possible differences. Either way, it was all fun to thank about.

"Bahahahaha! Man, that's great!" An elated Ash burst out into laughter. "I gotta visit your world someday to see this! And I gotta tell everyone this!"


"I hear cries of laughter. What goes on?" Luna appeared alongside Celestia as Ash and Pikachu's laughter was so loud it attracted the Royal Family to show up. Everypony else giving here had their attention grabbed by Ash and Pikachu's laughter as well.

"Hey, Luna! Celestia! You gotta hear this!" He turned to the Alicorn Sisters.

"Ah, I see. Truly, what a hilarious thought." Celestia chuckled as Ash told her and Luna everything. "Parallel worlds certainly are a riot, aren't they?"

"I know right?" Ash replied. "It's something."

"If that's the case then that means..." Luna thought about it for a second. If another Ash existed and one who entrusted his Pokemon to others, then it could only mean one thing. Luna began thinking of a picture-perfect Ash Ketchum in her head which made her fantasize. However, without her realizing it, the power of Lunar Ire was starting to show the visage of dream in the real world ever so slowly. Luna giggled with a silly face before snapping back to reality. "Ahem! It certainly is something to grin at."

"Different Ash's giving us different Pikachus from different timelines. Try saying that a few times. I'd love to run into you in our world if we get the chance." said Gold. "But hey, Ash. Now that we're here, how about we finish the battle we had last time when I first showed up."

"Pick up where we left off, huh? I like the sound of that."

"Ah, no fair, Gold!" Brendan stood up. "I was gonna ask him to battle me first!"

"Too slow" Gold snickered. "You're gonna have to wait another time, buddy. Right after Red. He didn't finish his battle with Ash yet. Right, Red?" Gold looked for Red, however, without them realizing, Red was already gone "Red?"

Red could be found ordering from the shops here at Canterlot instead of indulging in this conversation. He started ordering but without saying a word. His absolute silence terrified the shop owners as they had no idea how to respond.

"Uh...That'll be 4 bits." The mare at the stand spoke, laughing nervously while Red looked at her with an intensive gaze and silent voice. "Who is this and why is he so intimidating...? Say something!" She thought to herself as Red brought himself a drink.

Afterwards, Red returned with the drink, missing out on the conversation. He drank through the straw, making a prolonged drinking sound while looking at them. He said nothing but he was expecting something.

"Let's make it a full battle this time, Ash." Gold spoke. "No holds barred, okay?"

"Oh yeah! I like the sound of that! Let's give it our all, Gold!"

"Hang on!" Celestia intervened. "If you two are going to battle, please don't do it in the Canterlot Gardens this time. I believe the best place to battle should be the Equestria League Stadium."

"Works for us." Ash and Gold spoke in unison. "Let's do it!" Their second battle was on the way. This time with no interruptions or sudden halts. In the Equestria League Stadium, they were free to go all out.

This battle would be available for many to see. And fairly popular too. Ash was a popular figure in this world so it would stand to reason that many would gather to watch him battle. It would be a lot like watching a League Match in this instance. It even felt like being in one for Ash and Gold once they would get there.

Equestria League Stadium. Afternoon.

Many had gathered to see this exhibition match between Ash and Gold. Ponies from far and wide and especially Ash's friends. Which was basically a gigantic majority of ponies in Equestria. Hearing news about Ash's battle with Gold drew the attention of Queen Chrysalis, who had shown up here with a few changelings alongside Anthophilia who was still in her infancy.

"I heard about a big battle involving Ash," Chrysalis spoke, approaching Celestia. "It was mainly her that told me to come here." She held Anthophilia out.

"She told you?" Celestia repeated, looking at the baby changeling. Anthophilia then stuck her tongue out at Celestia and Luna afterwards. It was clear that Anthophilia just wanted to come here due to her seeing Ash as her father. Though they were wondering how she was able to sense it. "Hm. Well, anyway. Welcome. We're sure to have a fun time watching this battle. Gold is a formidable trainer in Ash's words. Straight from another world."

"I'm certain it will be a fun time."

Announcing this battle would be the same pegasus who announced the Canterlot Tournament and Canterlot Tag Battle Competition. He was the go-to for this one. Everyone would have the pleasure of witnessing two Pokemon Trainers from two different universes go against each other. Red and Brendan sat next to Twilight and her friends with Red being the one to keep a good eye on this battle.

"So, Ash told us you know a lot, don't you?" Twilight turned to Brendan.

"I sure do. I haven't told you about the parallel worlds yet but I'll let you know all about it after this battle." Brendan replied. "I've been wanting to see how Ash battles. I've only heard words about him throughout my journeys. In my world, the Ash there got around much like yours."

"Parallel Ash, hm?" said Rainbow Dash. "I guess Red counts as one?"

"..." But Red stayed silent. He couldn't confirm whether or not he was the parallel universe counterpart to Ash but there were parts of him involving his Pokemon that could lead others to think that.

"When I met up with Red, he told me something about you." Gold adjusted his hat, speaking to Ash. "There was something about you that felt familiar."

"Familiar?" A curious Ash replied.

"Yeah. He said it felt like fighting multiple trainers at the same time. Including himself. Me, Brendan, Lucas, Hilbert, Nate, Calem, Elio and Viktor. Red was reminded of all of them when battling you for the first time. It got me curious and excited too. If that's what it felt like, then I have all the reason to challenge you at your best."

"Hoh? That's pretty interesting." Ash grinned, tightening his gloves as Gold's words were getting him pumped for what was to come. "These other trainers you're mentioning. I wanna meet them someday and have a battle with them too."

"I bet you do. But this battle's already got me feeling nostalgic somehow. It feels like I'm about to battle Red again on Mt Silver." Gold chuckled. "Let's see if it plays out the same."

"Yeah. Let's." Ash and Gold were ready. The unicorn referee stood in front of them, ready to speak when needed.

"I'm excited...This one feels different for some reason." The announcer grinned before accidentally hitting his face on the glass. "Ow!"

"The battle will be a full 6 on 6 battle. You may each use 6 Pokemon and switch out at any time. The battle will be over when all 6 Pokemon on either side are unable to continue. You have 60 minutes on the clock. Please send out your first Pokemon."

"I know who I'm going with! Pikachu, I choose you!"

"Here we go! Ampharos!" Both trainers sent out their first Pokemon. For Ash, it was his tried and true partner Pikachu while Gold went for Ampharos first like he did before during their first battle.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder, stepping into the stadium raring to go.

"Ampharos!" Out came Ampharos with a mighty roar, flaring out a bit of electricity from its body. Speaking of electricity, there was an electric feeling going across the stadium with the crowd as they were excited to see this battle.

Watching this were the teachers of the Pokemon School, aka the Gym Leaders as well. A few of them. Mainly Fantina, Olympia, Roxie, Roxanne, Brawly and even the surprise appearance of Candice, who was rarely seen.

"Candice? We haven't seen you since the day we first met you!" Rarity exclaimed upon seeing the Ice-Type Gym Leader. "Where have you been?!"

"She's right. You haven't shown up for any lessons to teach at all." Roxanne said. "Why is that?"

"Don't worry about where I've been!" Candice replied. "I just wanna see this battle go down! Start it already!"

"This Gold Trainer gives off an amazing sense of potential. Equal to Ash." Olympia observed. "As if they are one in the same in a way."

"You make it sound like he's a big challenge for Ash. Is he?" Scootaloo asked.

"Very much on equal footing," Olympia confirmed as Gold was indeed a trainer that could match Ash. "Take a good long look, my little pony. Here is where you could possibly see Ash at his current best. But of course...there's room to grow."

"It'll be fine! He'll win this! Go, Ash!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "And you too Gold!"

"I thought you were cheering for Ash?" Starlight questioned.

"Nothing wrong with cheering for both sides now, Starlight." Pinkie wagged her hoof.

"Then I'll be cheering for mainly Gold since I know what he's all about," said Brendan. "Are you gonna do the same, Red?"

"..." Red stayed silent, simply having the same expression, looking closely at Ash and Gold and waiting for the battle to begin.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Ready?" The referee was finally about to begin it as everything went silent for a bit. Even the sparkling sounds from the golden stairs that lead to the cosmos remained silent for this. "Battle Start!"

And with that command, the battle would begin. The full battle between Ash and Gold was now with only one of them having the potential to emerge as the victor as the journey continues.

Chapter 750 End.

Author's Note:

Been waiting and planning a long time for this one.

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