• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Nightmare Quest

Kanto. Lavender Town. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

"Princess...Luna?" Currently, Galaxy Master, during his mission on saving the people who had been restrained by their own shadows due to the Dread League, came across Luna. She was another victim since the Rift intervened for a bit.

Freed from her shadows, she was currently asleep after what the Rift had done. Unable to do anything, Galaxy Master now had her where he wanted her. After destroying her shadow, he was met with a curious scenario. He wondered how this occurred.

To cover more ground with saving people, he sent out more Pokemon. Each of his Flying-Type Pokemon could certainly move faster than most of his Pokemon, making it easier to save them while Galaxy Master focused on Princess Luna.

"Strange. She'd never be here, down and out because of those shadows. She's too powerful for that." Galaxy Master knew that there was something amiss. He already respected Luna to the point where he knew that something like this wouldn't be enough to take her out.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu, deciding to be cautious, poked Luna's face to see if she would react. Alas, only a grumble came out of her. She was truly affected like everyone else.

"Hmm...Well, there's no point in stopping her if she's already been stopped." Galaxy Master had no need to do anything else about Luna. She was already down and out. "But...let's get everyone here back to health. Hopefully, the Pokemon Center is open." Surprisingly, Galaxy Master would help her. Seeing her in this state made the fictional character act in the only way he knew how.

"Gh!" Meanwhile, originally planning to rescue her alter-ego after escaping from the prior mess, Nightmare Moon was stunned to see that Galaxy Master was already with Luna. To her shock and surprise, he didn't go by row to save these victims. Instead, the second he saw Luna, he rushed to her without hesitation. Nightmare Moon was hoping to get to Luna faster once all the conflict was over and Galaxy Master would start from afar. That was not the case. She was too late at this point after retreating to Kanto Route 11.

In that small time, Galaxy Master was already walking off with Luna, searching for the nearest hospital while everyone else were picking themselves up. Nightmare Moon, assuming the worst possible scenario, believed that Galaxy Master was kidnapping Luna from the way he was walking off with her. But that was not the case as she bit her hoof. The number difference didn't help either.

"Why did he have to be so close? I wasn't even gone for that long! Darn it all..."

Aggravated by this, Nightmare Moon was stumped. On one hoof, she wanted to get to Luna but on the other, since she and Luna share everything including memories, she knew how powerful Galaxy Master could be and especially how he was made to be unbeatable thanks to a Young Ash. Nightmare Moon, as she currently stands, was unable to do anything. He already picked Luna up, carrying her away whilst Pikachu and Torterra followed.

"Wait? Where's that crystal?" She then thought about the crystal that Luna made specifically for Galaxy Master, looking around. It was then that she realized it was under Luna's possession, lying close to her this entire time. And due to its specialized appearance, Torterra grabbed it with his mouth, taking the crystal with him with a cheery face. He wasn't even thinking about how important it could be. Torterra simply liked the look of it. "What rotten luck...!"

By raising her voice, she drew some attention. Her appearance wouldn't go unnoticed eventually. While hiding behind a building to peek at the current scenario, Torterra ended up catching wind of this alter-ego of Luna.


"Hm?!" Galaxy Master and Pikachu were alerted promptly to Nightmare Moon. Soon, all the Flying-Types took notice of her as well. Upon seeing her, the resemblance to Luna shot them in the face but there were clear differences, starting from that height. "P-Princess Luna?! No...Who are you?!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu could already sense the vicious aura coming from this entity. He flared his sacs red as Nightmare Moon only gave out danger signs.

"Rats! What rotten luck! First the Rift now this..." Nightmare Moon growled, using her own magic to pull her mane. "Pretend my existence was never here, peasant!"

"Peasant?" Galaxy Master repeated, never before referred to as a peasant. He expected something else that described him best but in Nightmare Moon's case, everyone was a peasant. In a flash, she retreated, choosing the cowardly out, confusing the fictional character and his teammates. "What was that all about?"


"Khh! I hoped to not face him especially. It's not far. That much power from one individual is something I hoped to never encounter. Unless it's me! My only method of getting rid of him is within his vicinity too." Nightmare Moon returned to Kanto Route 12 just to speak to herself.

She grizzled her teeth. Despite having 'Nightmare' in her name, she feared Galaxy Master. Revelations about who he truly was, what he could do and what he was destined for struck fear into her.

"But! This is only a strategic retreat." However, Nightmare Moon continued to act high and mighty, pretending that she wasn't afraid of Galaxy Master at all. "Yes, that is correct. But...Now, what do I do?"

Stumped, Nightmare Moon started thinking about anything she could do at this point. What could she do? There was one thing that sprung into her mind that she could only think about.

"Hmph. Why didn't I go with this in the beginning? I need to find a way to catch up to her level. Perhaps...there's a place for me. A place where I can heighten my magic.." Nightmare Moon closed her eyes, thinking of the best way to gain high magic power. Cocky as she may be, she knew her limits and it was time to break them.

"Ah! I know a place. But it certainly isn't here. Luna. You will have to wait. First, I'll increase my magic. Then, I'll form a group where I gain some control at least, send my sister to the moon, take Equestria, make the night last forever and then get to Luna. It's foolproof and perfect!"

Alas, Nightmare Moon never forgot her main objective. And that was to make the Night last forever. Luna still mattered to her but only because she needed Luna at the end of the day. All thanks to what Mesprit had done and shared with them both.

Before Nightmare Moon could begin her mission, her stomach growled. Despite being an alter-ego, she still felt everything Luna would. And right now, that was hunger.

"But...I have not eaten in a long time. That Luna has eaten for many years now while I have been stripped of 5 years of hunger. How unfair...but! I won't let that last! I demand food! First, the food, then the magic!"

Vermillion City.

Vermillion City. Known as the Port of Exquisite Sunsets, this was a southern city that is bathed in orange by the setting sun. To grab some food, Nightmare Moon appeared here during the night, where she felt the most comfortable.

Luckily for her, Vermillion City was vampire-free right now. And as always, during the night there were those who were still active during the Pokemon Festival. This pleased Nightmare Moon. This was the closest she'd ever get to seeing many thrive within her night but of course, she wanted it to be a permanent night.

"I need to fill my hunger so that I can accomplish what I strive for." Nightmare Moon approached a food stand which had its lights open. From what she saw, this selection of food on the menu looked promising. "Hurry it up. Royalty does not like to wait."

"Hah? What's this about royalty?" The voice at the food stand replied as there was an individual kneeling, checking under the table. But it wasn't just any individual. It was Jessie. And upon standing up, she was met with Nightmare Moon for the very first time. "Eh? Huh?!"

Jessie recognized Nightmare Moon instantly. At least, for what Nightmare Moon looked like. And that was the fact that she was close to Luna's appearance with slight changes. As for Nightmare Moon, she would recognize Jessie if there wasn't one little detail preventing her from doing so.

Jessie was a master of disguise. Always managing to trick everyone with her disguises that sometimes seem to easy to see through but rarely if ever are they seen through. Of course, it wasn't just her. This involved James and Meowth.

"What is it, Jess?" Speaking of James and Meowth, they came through the door of this food stand, just to see what their fellow Team Rocket member had witnessed. Naturally, both were flabbergasted by the pony that stood before them. "Is that who I think it is?!"

"No, it can't be! She's too tall!" Meowth shook his head in response.

"Hm? Are you referring to Luna? Obviously, I'm taller!" Nightmare Moon scoffed. "For I am the embodiment of everything Luna wants to be. Such as how she's insecure about being shorter than her big sister. It still exists today."

"I-Is that so?" Jessie stammered. "Well, this is new. I didn't expect to meet a second Luna who's um...very intimidating. More so than the real one."

"Real one?!" Nightmare Moon stomped her hooves on the food stand, crushing the pastries that were laid out for anyone curious. Jessie's eyes lit up with shock and horror after what Nightmare Moon had done. "I will not be subjugated to a mere copy!"

"You...! I spent a lot of time working on that!" In response, Jessie also slammed her fists onto the food stand, roaring at Nightmare Moon. "Do you know how much we're making from this?!"

"Watch your tongue, peasant! You have no right to speak to me like that!" Nightmare Moon barked back, grizzling her teeth.

"Bah, I'll speak to you however which way I want!" Only for Jessie to grizzle her teeth as well, showing no fear against this intimidating individual.

"Now, now, Jess." James laughed nervously. "Let's try and calm down here in front of our customers."

"Right. I bet she'll pay us a lot if we satisfy her, right?"


"Hmph. Doubt it." Jessie crossed her arms. "She's practically naked without any regalia to confirm things. I bet she's broke!"

"Gh!" Unfortunately for Nightmare Moon, Jessie was 100% correct. Nightmare Moon had no massive array of riches on her. Not at all. "You pink-haired menace...!"

"I bet we have more cash than her right after all the money we made." Jessie stuck her tongue out while keeping one eye closed, teasing and taunting the alicorn. "You may look like a princess but you don't have the usual benefits of one, eh?"

"Nonsense! I have something!" Nightmare Moon resorted to the only thing she had on her. Luna's saddlebag. By looking inside, she rummaged her hoof to see what she could find. Hopefully, Pokedollars to spend at once. "How does she get around in this place?! Doesn't she carry any of those PokeDollars with her?! Or even bits?!"

"Tsk, tsk. Why would Luna need that? When you're the princess, everything's either free or you use the next best thing. Gemstones." Jessie chuckled. "Seems you're not packing either."

"Curses..." Nightmare Moon lowered her head in defeat. "How far have I fallen? This can't be!"

"Feeling down on your luck? Get in line. We've been in the same boat as you for years now." Jessie shrugged. "But, you can fix all of that with this." With the wave of her hands, Jessie revealed a stack of Pokedollars on one hand and a pile of bits in the middle of each of her fingers, flaunting her superior but minimal riches to Nightmare Moon. "And you know what that means, right?"

"Oh! Y-You...You're not insisting that I...work?!" Nightmare Moon shuddered at that possibility. Another thing that was different from her Luna was the fact that Nightmare Moon saw herself above everything. Truly and absolutely above everyone.

"You're an alicorn. Use that magic of yours and make a difference, sister. Unless you're afraid of working, in which case, the road's only paved with disaster from here on."

"Bah! I have my own form of work that is within my sights!" She referred to her main plan of regaining power and retrieving Luna as well, among other things. "I can't work with this!"

"Tough break. And since you broke the food, you're going to have to pay for it if you want to satisfy your hunger. And trust me...I also know what it's like to be incredibly hungry. What say you, princess?"

"Hmmrgh..." Nightmare Moon grumbled, showing veins appearing on her head. "You...you..."

"Yes?" Jessie leaned in, waiting for her response. She was truly loving how she was taking control of this conversation, stumping Nightmare Moon with every chance. She could even hear her stomach grumble.

Nightmare Moon shifted her eyes towards the menu, seeing what this place had to offer. Deep-fried Chocolate Biscuits, Deviled Spaghetti and Meatballs, Fun Coconut Chocolates, Plum Truffles and so much more that was all so enticing to her.

"What is this feeling? These options are so...wonderful." Nightmare Moon experienced what it was like to be interested in food options for the first time. It was a stellar feeling but painful for the stomach. "Oh, those chocolates look enticing."

"So?" Jessie then juggled the various currencies around, just to see what Nightmare Moon would do.

"Mmmrgh! Only because I need consumption! Besides, this should be easy work. How hard can it be to cook for royalty, such as I? I am a prodigy, after all." Cocky, Nightmare Moon believed she could ace this with ease. Jessie had her right where she wanted her.

Approximately 5 minutes later.

"Impossible!" The food stand caught on fire momentarily. All thanks to Nightmare Moon. Upon trying to cook the Deviled Spaghetti and Meatballs, she caught fire to the stand swiftly, causing a panic. "But my skills are meant to be flawless!"

"Clearly not!" James and Meowth equally said as they started pouring water on the fire in a frenzy. Meanwhile, Jessie was casually sitting at the back. This entire time, she watched Nightmare Moon cook, doing nothing to help her, only to see her fail.

"Well, it's only natural for this to happen." A smug Jessie replied. "What's wrong Ms Prodigy? You were so sure a while ago."

"Jess! You're not safe either!" James and Meowth exclaimed as the flames were reaching Jessie as well, making her alert and aware of the dangers that were nearby.

"Gahaa!" Jessie jumped up, removing the apron as it caught on fire. Upon removing the fire-coated apron, she threw it away, only for it to reach Nightmare Moon.

"Eeek!" Startled, Nightmare Moon created a barrier of magic to protect herself from the apron. Eventually, James and Meowth managed to put out the flames, preventing total damage to the stand.

"Phew...Disaster averted." James sat down. "Worst case scenario is if Morpeko woke up. Thank goodness it ate too much and fell asleep."

"Right." Meowth nodded. "But why do we gotta put up with these two and their bickering?" Right now, Jessie and Nightmare Moon were bickering yet again, this time concerning the fire.

"You could've done us all in!" Jessie barked.

"Nonsense! I am an alicorn! I would have been fine either way, unlike you fragile peasants! This is also on you!" Nightmare Moon aimed her hoof at Jessie vigorously, pinning the blame on her.


"You should've taught me how to cook in the first place, obviously. Then, this mess would have never happened."

"Aren't you the one who thought you could do it with ease?! That ego of yours is to blame for this happening!" Jessie reflected the blame.

"Both of you are to blame." James intervened, pushing them both back to prevent them from tearing each other apart. It was bound to happen if someone didn't do anything. "Jess, you're the master cook here. Why leave it to just me and Meowth?"

"Hmph. It just felt good to rub it in her face, especially with how important she looks." Jessie kissed her teeth. "I even slightly expected some magical capabilities but I was disappointed."

"Well, I'm not on the same level as Luna, if you must know. There's a 5-year gap between us. If that was never the case, this would be a different story." Nightmare Moon scoffed. "I was never cut out for this anyway."

"A shame. Glittercook would've loved the extra help." James sighed as he and the others heard Nightmare Moon's stomach growl again. Despite all of this, she truly craved something to eat.

"Consumption...Food...!" She growled, moving back before slumping on the charred table. "Curse you, Luna. And you as well, Twilight Sparkle and your annoying little friends. It's not fair."

"Yeesh. What did you go through to be mad at them?" Meowth asked. "You have a Twerp and Twerpette problem too?"

"Whatever that means." The alter-ego of Luna groaned. "Twerp and Twerpette. Hang on...aren't those the words of that one group? Team Rocket, was it?"

"Well, no use in hiding it in front of you." James saw that hiding his true appearance in front of Nightmare Moon wouldn't bring any consequences or blow his cover. Thus, he removed the disguise, which wasn't much. "I don't ever start it off, that's Jess' thing, but prepare for trouble."

"Oh, it is you. That explains why the pink one is fearless and rude."

"My name is Jessie." Soon, Jessie took off her disguise along with Meowth. Team Rocket fully revealed themselves in front of a starving Nightmare Moon.

"Ah...Funnily enough, I was looking to start a group to begin my mission. And it seems that there was one in front of me. A shame they're so chaotic."

"We're chaotic but we're efficient." Meowth crossed his arms whilst James nodded in agreement. Despite their many shortcomings that span years, Team Rocket were efficient in what they were capable of doing. Execution and success, not so much. At least, when it comes to capturing Pikachu.

"You need a group? For what?" James asked, curious.

"For my rise back into glory. Surely, you individuals who have suffered many losses would know what I'm striving for. And there is also the goal of rescuing my other half. Luna.

"Is that so? Well, we are experts when it comes to losses." Jessie replied, finding some sort of pride in that. That is a strange thing to feel proud of admittedly.

"I just need...food. At least teach me, that's all I ask."

"No need." Jessie grabbed a biscuit that was safe from the flames, still intact. "You look pretty pitiful down there. So go ahead." Feeling generous and showing pity to Nightmare Moon, Jessie threw one biscuit her way.

With her mouth open, Nightmare Moon bit into the Deep Fried Biscuit without hesitation. She didn't care how it tasted. All she cared about was satisfying her hunger. And upon biting into it, her eyes flared open. The taste did matter in the end. It was sublime. So sublime that she stood up with joy, feeling revitalized somewhat.

"This is amazing! Truly amazing! The taste is astronomically rich!" Nightmare Moon's entire attitude changed as she pranced around. "I needed this!"

"At this pitch, she does sound Luna, doesn't she?" James pointed out how Nightmare Moon's excited voice greatly resembles that of Luna when she gets excited.

"Really? I just figured she sounds just like the princess but with a serious tone." Meowth saw it from the beginning. He already knew how familiar that voice sounded to him. He was surprised that it took James and even Jessie to find out about this.

"Ahh...Ahem!" Nightmare Moon, after feeling joy from the biscuit, cleared her throat before lowering her head. "First! I want to apologize. Perhaps I was...too brash in the beginning."

"Hmph. You wouldn't have been able to pay us anyway without any of that cash." Jessie replied. "But...Glittercook wouldn't have approved of the way I acted if she were here. So...I guess I overreacted. Probably. Maybe. Debatable."

"What happened to honesty?" James and Meowth chuckled.

"There! I've decided! I could have you three help me!" Nightmare Moon found her group. "You're perfect!"

"Eh?" Team Rocket collectively blurted out.

"That's right! You shall be the first of my group which I shall expand to new heights, no doubt! I've heard that you are masters of crafting, creating metallic constructs of great feats! I need something like that on my quest. What say you?"

"Hmm...Your big words make it sound enticing." Jessie crossed her arms. "But, you haven't shown us anything that can make us wanna go with you."

"Fine then. Though there is nothing of value in this bag...I still am Luna. And I undoubtedly have access to the riches of Canterlot. From jewels of all kids and bits of such massive degrees, you wouldn't believe your eyes."

"Oooh? LIke a vault?" Jessie rubbed her hands together.

"It's more of a highly-secured chamber than anything. But whatever. Point is, the riches of anypony's dreams lie in there. And for humans and Pokemon too, I suppose."

"Hm-hm. Good bargain. We could be supremely rich...only in Equestria though." Jessie knocked her head. "Here, we're shooting for the big leagues in our world."

"W-Well...I can't access these Pokedollars. Not yet anyway. Perhaps if I have some control over this world later down the line." Nightmare Moon groaned. "What more do you want from me?"

"We'd like to work with pay, sister. But, how about a second option? You don't have the dough to give us this option. but we do." Jessie then plotted something truly bright and somewhat devious. James and Meowth shuddered to think what this could be. "We're the ones with the cash...so...how about a reversal?"

"Reversal?" The alicorn repeated.

"We need someone like you on our side! A super powerful alicorn! Well...moderately powerful at best. So, you'll work for us! You'll become an honorary Team Rocket Member!"

"Say what?!" James, Meowth and now Wobbuffet exclaimed with shock in their voices.


"Me!? Work for you?!"

"You already did it with this food stand. Might as well continue the new trend. Don't worry. We'll make gadgets and machines for you...but you'll provide us with a lot of benefits with your magic." Jessie saw a major chance and seized it. This was just how she was. "It's the only way we'll reach an understanding. What say you?"

"Grr...You are the richer force here. When did it become a money problem?" Nightmare Moon pulled her mane while Jessie laughed pompously. "But...I still need further assistance if I want to succeed and this could be beneficial. So very well! It still works in my favour somewhat!"

"Excellent! Welcome to Team Rocket, Nightmare Moon!" Jessie declared Nightmare Moon as the newest member of Team Rocket. Immediately, the food stand began changing shape. Nightmare Moon gasped as she was still within the stand, witnessing what was becoming of it.

With wheels turning, this wasn't an average food stand at all. The back of the stand suddenly extended, pulling the door with it. In fact, it was actually the front of the stand. This whole food stand was a Travelling Van, shocking Nightmare Moon. She received a first-hoof experience of the wonders of Team Rocket's genius.


"Now, let's get rolling! The night is still young!" Jessie bellowed as James immediately rushed to the wheel. "The next region's about to get a good fill of our masterclass cooking skills! Well, my skills anyway. James?"

"I say we book it to Kalos. They know how to make a good meal, I can tell you that." James suggested Kalos. Jessie and Meowth were in full agreement with that. Kalos was their next destination.

"Travelling with this thing? How is that possible?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"You're about to find out. Book it, James!" Jessie commanded.

"On it! Off we go!" James kicked it into high gear from the beginning. With a spurt of speed, the van was off as Nightmare Moon stumbled, new to the experience of being inside of a vehicle. Well, as opposed to the spaceships from the empress, this was a different experience.

Now a member of Team Rocket, Nightmare Moon was on her own quest. Her own journey that would entail various things that she may have never experienced before until now. Further away from Luna, her quest involving various steps was just beginning as the journey continues.

Chapter 895 End.

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