• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Remedy Roy

The Pokemon House.

All the Pokemon there had come down with an unexplained illness. The only Pokemon unaffected is Audino. As for everyone else, they were all laying down, whether it was on the ground, the river or even the beds. But the strangest thing... They all looked like they were petrified.

"What's up with them?" Ash asked. He, Rainbow Dash and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had come to see this.

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like it before. I've been trying everything to heal them but it's not good. Audi's moves aren't even working." Fluttershy replied. Audino was doing its best, using Heal Pulse and Refresh. But none of them were working.

"If even Audino can't heal them, then it can't be that they're poisoned." Ash muttered.

"I don't know what to do. I even tried buying some Lum Berries, but they're no good either. Is there any way we can help them?"

"Hmm. I've never experienced anything like this before either. Maybe Nurse Joy can help." Ash commented.


So they did just that. Heading to the nearest Pokemon Center in Kanto, but...

"I'm sorry. But I'm clueless on this as well." Nurse Joy said. They had brought over some Pokemon for her to take care of.


"Oh, dear. That's a shame." Fluttershy lowered her head.

"Can you at least tell me what caused this?"

"Well. The last thing I saw before all of this happened was a Krookodile. That's about it. And then this happened."

"Hmm. Let me see what other information I can find about Krookodile." Nurse Joy had used the PC, searching up data on Krookodile. But as she went through the Pokemon, she found nothing that would help. "Sorry. Nothing useful. And Krookodile doesn't even know that many status moves. Only Thunder Fang and Fire Fang. But this isn't paralysis or burn."

"Man. Bummer." Ash said.


"But I think there might be a solution to your problem." This got everyone's hopes up. "You see, all the way over at the Hoenn Region, somewhere over at Shroomish Forest, there's a man who practices a great number of healing tricks for Pokemon. They call him Remedy Roy. My entire family is personally a big fan of him."

"Shroomish Forest? I remember that. But how come I never saw the guy?" Ash wondered.


"He just started practising healing there 12 years ago, so maybe that's why."

"Well, we'd better try that. Maybe he'll know what to do."


"We're going on an adventure?! CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ADVENTURE!" The three fillies bellowed.

"Hold on. Slow down. You three aren't coming with us." Rainbow Dash halted them.

"Aww. Why not?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You're too young for an adventure. Especially when Pokemon are involved. It'll be better if you stay home back at our world. Besides... Applejack and Rarity would annihilate me if something happened to their little sisters."

"Guess she's right." Sweetie Belle replied.

"Aww, I really wanted to go on a quest though." Scootaloo slumped on the floor.

"Maybe when you're older." Fluttershy petted Scootaloo's head.

"Alright. It's off to Hoenn then. Think we should bring Twilight and others?" Ash asked.

"Oh yeah. When the 6 of us are all together, there's no adventure too dangerous! No journey too difficult! No quest too long!" RD boasted.

"But... they are pretty dangerous, difficult and long sometimes." Fluttershy silently replied.

Golden Oak Library

"Okay. So is everypony ready?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Mhm." They all said.

"We all have our Pokemon with us? We might need them since it is their world. In case a Pokemon Battle goes down."

"All present." Applejack said.

"Although, I'm only bringing one Sewaddle with me. I don't want to lose all my little ones." said Rarity.

"Audi will be with me. She'll heal all of our Pokemon along the way." Fluttershy said with Audino by her side.

"Good. Ash, you know the way to Shroomish Forest. We'll follow your lead."

"Okay! The gateway to Hoenn isn't too far. We'll end up at Mauville City first. Let's not waste any time."


And so they did. Travelling through the gateway to Hoenn, they arrived at Mauville City. The road to Shroomish Forest was going to be a long one. After all, it was located somewhere between Littleroot Town and Fortree City.

But Ash knew this. That's why he brought some of his old Pokemon with him. Ones that can get him and his friends across Hoenn easily.

"We can get pretty far in the sky. Come on out!" Ash sent out his Charizard, Staraptor, Talonflame and Unfezeant with him. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will be okay, but Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Audino and Spike need some help. Even Twilight, since she hasn't gotten used to flying yet.

Ash and Pikachu hopped on Charizard, Applejack on Staraptor, Rarity on Talonflame, Twilight and Spike on Unfeazent and Pinkie, who was being carried by Rainbow Dash as Audino was being lifted up by Fluttershy. They took off into the skies, flying across Hoenn. It'll still be a long journey, but flying saves up time anyways.

"Feels kinda good to be in Hoenn again. Wonder how Brawly's doing?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"When we get to Shroomish Forest, do you think he'll really know how to heal the Pokemon? And how 's he gonna do it since there are so many of them that were affected." Pinkie asked.

"I don't know. But Nurse Joy said that this guy knows a lot of healing tricks. So he has to have something like an antidote." Ash replied.

"I just hope that every Pokemon is okay by the time we get back." Fluttershy worried. She was afraid that they might be too late considering how far they are from the gateway to Ponyville now.

Speaking of Ponyville, with Fluttershy gone, no one was watching over the Pokemon House. That's when it got an unwanted visitor. Two of them.

Adagio and Aria.

"This is where Sonata comes often huh? I can't believe her. Making friends with.. these things!" Adagio yelled, scowling at the petrified Pokemon. "We're gonna ruin everything that Twilight Sparkle has! Payback's gonna be sweet!"

"How are we gonna do that? We don't have horns like unicorns or even wings. We've been turned into the weaker Pony race." Aria monotonously replied.

"Oh, we'll ruin it somehow." Adagio burst into the indoors of the Pokemon House. The Pokemon inside couldn't move so they were powerless to stop what would come next. "Let's cause some mayhem!" Adagio raised her hooves up, ready to smash something into smithereens. She crushed a table where some of the Pokemon eat, creating cracks in the walls, tearing off clothes and sheets with her bare teeth.

Aria was taken aback by this. It seems that Adagio had a lot of strength. Not due to magic, but just unbridled rage.

Adagio was levelling everything that everypony worked hard to build. This entire house was made out of pure love and it was being violated by revenge.

Watching this made Aria think for a bit. She remembered how Sonata left the group, just because she found others who generally care for her and want to be her friend. Then she also remembered what Sonata said about Adagio. And she could understand where she was coming from. Adagio does have a very controlling personality. If anything, she sees herself as the most important being ever and only wants power.

Aria's neutral stance was no more as she stopped Adagio from destroying the house any longer by placing her hooves in front of hers.

"Alright. I think you've done enough."

"What are you doing Aria?"

"This is just petty, don't you think?"

"Petty? PETTY?! THEY RUINED US! We were so close to feeding off all that negative energy and then along came her friends, ruining it for all of us! You think this is petty?! This is revenge!"

"This isn't even the same Fluttershy's home in the other world. The one we dealt with was an alternate version. She doesn't even know that we're Sirens or what we did. We're just destroying somepony's home for no reason. It's wrong."

Adagio felt disgusted by what Aria said. First Sonata and now her.

"So. You're getting all buddy-buddy too huh?" Adagio shoved Aria with her hoof.

"What? I-"

"I can tell. Both you and Sonata have gone crazy. I don't know if its that disgusting aura Twilight and her friends have or the cause of the worlds crossing over, but something has twisted your mind!"

"Twisted my mind?" Aria knocked Adagio's hoof away. "Do you think that every little thing that we do that YOU don't like is brainwashing or something?"

"It practically is! You weren't acting like this before all these years! Why now?!"

"You just can't accept the fact that others can show us some love. Love that we've been missing ever since we were born!" The always unwilling Aria spoke up louder than she ever has in her life. "Sonata was right about you. You only care about yourself and you just love bossing us around."

"So what? You're gonna leave too?!"

"You bet I am. And I'll find a way to consume the negativity on my own." Aria let herself out of the Pokemon House as Adagio felt so much rage boiling up in her.

"Fine! FINE! Leave like Sonata! I don't care! Not one bit! I can do all of this on my own! I'm multiple sirens in one!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, tiring herself out. Now she was truly alone. And that was the end of the Dazzlings as they all had finally gone their separate ways. "I'll be fine on my own."

Adagio was the only one in the Pokemon House now. But she wasn't alone for long. Because a certain trio were taking advantage of Fluttershy being away from the Pokemon House.

Team Rocket.

"The coast is clear. The twerp and twerpettes are out of here." Jessie giggled.

"Let's snatch up all the Pokemon before they get back. I hate contrivances." James said.

"Snatching we go!" Meowth pressed a button on a controller, summoning a huge Meowth mech. This mech had multi-arms. Perfect for grabbing many Pokemon and a hatch to store them all in. The arms started picking Pokemon like radishes, placing them all in the hatch.

Adagio was confused about what was going on as she was grabbed as well. She was in the hatch with all the Pokemon that were petrified and motionless as more kept piling in, flooding her with Pokemon. Her Pokeball with her Kricketune had dropped in the mess as well.

"What the? What's going on?!" She yelled as she started to panic. "Oh, no... I'm claustrophobic. I CAN'T TAKE THIS!"

"What was that noise?" Jessie asked.

"Probably just some Pokemon howling. Now come on. Let's bail!" Meowth replied.


Team Rocket entered their Meowth mech, leaving the Pokemon House with a fresh batch of petrified Pokemon. Aria who wasn't too far away from the house, saw this mech walk off, but she didn't think too much about it.

Back with Ash and the others, they had finally reached Shroomish Forest.

"Here we are. Man this place hasn't changed a bit huh?"


Ash hopped off his Charizard as did the others, reaching the ground.

"So. Where is this Remedy Roy guy located in this forest?" RD asked.

"Well, it's not too big of a forest. So he'll be pretty close." Ash answered.

Shroomish were moving along the forest, minding their own business, not minding the visitors here.

"Maybe we can ask these Shroomish?" Fluttershy fluttered over to the Mushroom Pokemon, hoping to get some answers for his whereabouts. "Excuse me, little Shroomish. Would it be okay if you could tell us where we can find someone named Remedy Roy?"

The Shroomish understood Fluttershy as they looked at each other. They nodded at each other, having a small chat.


"You will? Wonderful!" Fluttershy joyously said. Thank goodness for her amazing talent to communicate with all forms of animals, even Pokemon. The Mushroom Pokemon led the gang to Remedy Roy's location as they saw some Breloom jumped by.

They came across a small leaf hut with other Pokemon nearby. Specifically a Magby, Skorupi, Snover, Plusle and Minun. Some of them weren't native to Hoenn.

"Uh, is there a Remedy Roy here?!" Applejack yelled.

"Yeah? What is it?" A somewhat soft voice replied.

"We're here to see you! About healing tricks!" The farm pony bellowed.

"Oh. Well, come on in then."

Being invited in, the gang were greeted to a small space that made Zecora's hut look like a mansion. There he was.

Remedy Roy.

Wearing clothes that came straight from Alola. He sat down on a patch of grass with tables made out of leaves surrounding him. On each table were various forms of medicine, including berries.

"Now then. What is it that ya'll want?" The medicine man asked.

"Well, Mr Remedy Roy. We came here because we heard that you practice various healing tricks. A lot actually." Twilight said.

"True. True." The man nodded.

"And well, we have a problem. A lot of Pokemon have been... petrified from what it looks like."

"Petrified you say? Oh. That's interesting."

"So do you have anything to solve it?" Rainbow asked.

"Hm. I study a lot about certain things about Pokemon. Status effects mostly. What you're describing is no Burn, Poison, Paralysed or Freeze."

"Oooh, so that's why he has these specific Pokemon types." Pinkie Pie commented.

"What you might be facing... is an undiscovered status effect."

"An undiscovered status effect?!" They all said in unison.

"Indeed. A status effect that has yet to be found by even Pokemon researchers. This effect has probably existed before, but it must be super rare if it has shown up recently."

"So what could it be then?!" Twilight leaned forward.

"Well... if they're petrified. That means... they're like stone now. In fact, petrified is the perfect name for this new effect."

"Like stone... Like the Cockatrice back in the Everfree Forest!" Rarity gasped.

"So that's why they were motionless... And that explains the Krookodile." Fluttershy realised.

"Yeah. Krookodile's part Ground. So it must've done something to petrify all the Pokemon there. But why?" Ash wondered.

"Whatever the reason, is there a way to get them back to normal?" Dash yelled.

"Slow down my little pony. This is new to me, but nothing I can't figure out. It'll take some time, but I'll make sure to find a remedy to release them from their petrified state."

"Really? You can?" Fluttershy said with hope in her eyes.

"Of course! Being petrified is similar to being frozen. I just have to figure out which Pokemon move, berry, item etc can negate it. Might take days but I promise, I'll get it done."

"Oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" Fluttershy zoomed over to Roy, giving him a hug, almost crushing him completely. Luckily Applejack pulled her back. Roy took some time to catch his breath as he saw his life flash before his eyes.

"We appreciate what you're doing, Remedy Roy. We'll come back to check up on your progress." Twilight thanked.

"No problem. Make sure you take care of your Pokemon, alright?"

"We will!" They all said.

It was time for them to return back to their world. Riding on the back of the Pokemon once more, they made their way towards the gateway they came from. But they were unaware of the stolen Pokemon.

All the way back at the other world, Team Rocket had taken the mech to the deepest part of the Everfree Forest, making sure that Zecora wouldn't get too suspicious.

"Alright. Let's see the prize!" Jessie giggled as she and James opened up the hatch. And it was as they hoped for. All the Pokemon were there, still motionless. "Oohohoh. We've scored ourselves a great prize today! I've never been so happy before in my entire life."

"This is a monumental moment in Team Rocket history!" James uttered.

"Hey hold on. What's this?" Meowth dug his claws further in as he grabbed Adagio's tail. "Wait. This is a-"

"Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Adagio was screaming at the top of her lungs. She couldn't take being cramped anymore. Meowth jumped back as Adagio let herself out, breathing in and out rapidly.

"We've plucked a pony!" said Meowth.

"Get lost you. We don't need a pony. Especially one with no horn." Jessie said to Adagio.

"S-SHUT UP! Where am I?" Adagio was shaking still as she looked around.

"Everfree Forest. Creepy place. Now beat it!" Jessie kicked Adagio right in the flank, launching her away. "Alright. That's been dealt with. Now then! This huge grab is one step closer to nabbing that Pikachu!"


Adagio fell on the ground, rolling on it as she was in another part of the forest. She got up, shaking the dirt off her face.

"Ugh. What's HER problem? And where even am I supposed to go to get out of here?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Seriously. Where do I go...?" She gulped as she could feel the intense ominous atmosphere surround her. "Oh no."

Chapter 71 End.

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