• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,483 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Bonding with Darkrai.

Nighttime in Ponyville.

How serene. So quiet. So peaceful. Nothing now can ever go wrong. Is what would be the case, if the Pokemon World weren't merged with this world.

Fluttershy poked her head out a tree, snooping around.

"I see it. This is a nighttime only thing. I heard that some Pokemon evolve only during the night. I can't wait!" Fluttershy was given this information by Brock as she was looking for a Gligar.

"What are you doing?" Darkrai's voice went to Fluttershy's ear as she jumped out of the tree, squealing.

"Eeep! Oh. it's just you Darkrai."

"Is there any reason why you're inside a tree?"

"I'm looking for Pokemon that evolve during the night. I want to see it for my own eyes."

"That'll be tough. Very few Pokemon evolve at nighttime. Only 9 of them do."

"Just 9? Oh, then it must be rare. What are you doing out here Darkrai?"

"I enjoy the night. I'm more healthy and energized in it. "

"Oh. So you count as a night Pokemon. I wonder what else counts as one..."

"Only those associated with the night. Like my opposite, Cresselia. It brings dreams instead of nightmares."

"Well, I'm sure you two get along."

"Cresselia's and Darkrai's don't get along at all." He replied.


"I'll leave you to your night evolution." Darkrai floated away, blending in with the shadows. He flew through the night skies of Ponyville, seeing everypony in their beds asleep. Besides Fluttershy, there was one pony who was out at night, snooping around as well. They weren't from Ponyville either. Darkrai moved down to the light blue-coloured unicorn.

This unicorn was known as Cobalt Seeker. A treasure hunter who only looks for the highest pieces of treasure. Preferably undiscovered treasure.

"This is it. This the spot right here!" He stopped as he looked down on the grass. He used his magic to get out a drill, spinning it on the grass. "Come to papa..." The drilling was loud enough to reach the houses as ponies opened their windows, irritated.


"Sorry! My bad!"

Darkrai floated down to talk to Cobalt Seeker. Wanting to know what he was up to.

"So. Any reason why you're here late at night?"

"Ah! Oh geez! C-C-Can I help you...?" Colbat was scared of Darkrai's appearance. Like anypony else would be.

"You seem to be causing a bit of a ruckus with that drill of yours."

"Oh, come on now. I'm just a treasure hunter. I found out that some high-quality treasure was deep in Ponyville."

"Really now?"

"Yes really. And the best part is... it's recent. Ever since these two worlds collide, some new treasure came here as well. I've been collecting things from the other world as well. My collection is gonna be the most diverse and unique treasure collection of all time. Even pirates are gonna be jealous of my stash! They'll all be jealous of Cobalt Seeker!"

"Hm. So that's why you search for treasure. Because of your name and your uh... Cutie Mark." Darkrai isn't used to saying very frilly and cute names.


"That makes me wonder. How is that you all are named after your destiny?"

"Well, I'm not too sure how. I mean, we're given our names before we even get our cutie marks as young foals."

This confused Darkrai. Considering how many ponies are in this world, how every single of them are named after their destiny before they even get their mark is a mystery to him.

"I'll have to know more about this." Darkrai went into the shadows, leaving.

"Alright you do-" Cobalt Seeker looked around as he didn't see Darkrai. "What the... Where'd he go?"

Princess Luna had just finished guarding over the dream world. Nopony really had many nightmares tonight, so it was a quick one this time. Darkrai, emerging from the shadows wanted to talk to Luna about Cutie Marks. She was an alicorn and has lived for many years, so she has to know.

"Oh. Darkrai. Can I help you?"

"Luna. I have a question. How is it that ponies are named after the Cutie Marks, even though they are born without one at first? I assume you know since you are thousands of years old."

"Actually, even I do not know myself. It is a mystery on how the parents know what to name us. But I have a theory."

"A theory?"

"I believe that my sister uses some sort of spell to be at multiple places at once and predicts the young one's cutie mark, thus giving them their name. It is only a theory but that is my assumption."

"Guess I may never know. Oh well."

"By the way. You're awfully active lately Darkrai, even in the morning. Why is that?"

"I've grown accustomed to this world as well. If anything, this feels like a second home. "

"Oh? Could it be that the shady and mysterious Darkrai is secretly a softie?" Luna playfully teased.

"W-What?! Nonsense! I am not soft!" Darkrai crossed his arms, trying to act all cool.

"Sure you aren't." Luna giggled as she nudged Darkrai by hitting his back with her hoof. "Come with me Darkrai. For the meantime, I can show you more of my life."

Luna had led Darkrai to Canterlot. Inside was Luna's room and in there were heaps of Pokeballs. Pokeballs, everywhere.

"What is this...?"

"As you can see, I have taken an interest in Pokemon. Specifically owning a Pokemon of my own. Hundreds even. So I have been gathering Pokeballs from the other world. But no luck."

"How come?"

"I just cannot understand how Pokemon are caught. I am throwing the ball but they constantly break out."

"You'll have to battle them in order to wear them down. Then you can capture them. Especially the rare kind."

"I see. However, I do not have a Pokemon of my own. My sister already has her Kirlia. It evolved not too long ago even from that small little shy Ralts."

"Sister jealousy, I presume?"

"I am not jealous. I just do not want to be outshined by my sister. As I always have been..." Luna lowered her head. Darkrai decided to do her a favor. The time they bonded ever since they both met at Nightmare Night, and helped defend ponies from a controlled Munna had made Darkrai appreciate Luna.

"Then. I will let you catch me." He said.

"Y-You will? Surely you jest."

"No. I'm serious. Luna, you've proven yourself to be a good friend to me. I am willing to let you claim me as your Pokemon."

"My first Pokemon." Luna was squeeing deep inside, trying to act cool in front of Darkrai. "EEE MY FIRST POKEMON!" She said in her head. "Very well." Luna used her magic to grab a Pokeball, tossing it at Darkrai as he entered it.

1..2..3.. Get!

"I-I can't believe it..." Luna let Darkrai out of his Pokeball.

"Congratulations. I am your Pokemon now."

"Oh, this is most wonderful! Now I can catch as many Pokemon as I want! Ehehehehe!" Luna pranced around as Darkrai watched. Luna noticed she was prancing in front of her as she blushed. "Sorry."

"If you want to catch them, then we'd best head out. But I don't want to play aggressively with the Pokemon."

"Of course not. I'd never battle with aggression. Now! Let us catch them all!" Luna exclaimed.

Nighttime, 4 hours till the morning comes. Luna was ready to catch many Pokemon. She used her magic to grab a heap of Pokeballs, ready to launch them.

"What shall we catch first? Oh! That one!" Luna pointed her hoof at a Gligar who was eyeing them down. Gligar are Pokemon that silently fly through the air and strike their opponents from above. But Luna noticed it, so it was time to get physical.


"Haha! You wish to challenge ME?" Luna exclaimed. Darkrai stepped forward, ready to act. "Now then... w-what do I do?"

"Command me to use moves."

"Uh. Which moves do you know?" Luna was clueless about this. She was a greenhorn to this.

"Dark Void. Dark Pulse. Ice Beam. Double Team. Hope you can remember all of that."

"Of course I can. I shall start us off. Darkrai! Dark Pulse!" Darkrai made his first move. So did Gligar. The Fly Scorpion Pokemon flew at Darkrai but was stopped by a pulse of darkness. "Haha! I got a hit in!" Gligar recovered as it used Acrobatics to move all over the place, nimbly striking Darkrai. Darkrai barely felt this.

"Retaliate, now," Darkrai said.

"Right! Use Double Team!" Darkrai was moving rapidly, creating illusionary copies of himself to throw Gligar off.

"Gli? Gli?"

"Now umm... attack with Ice Beam!" Darkrai then fired a beam of ice that hit Gligar, dealing some hefty damage. Gligar was a bit dizzy as it wasn't balanced this time.

"Now is your chance. Throw a Pokeball!"

"Oh! Go Pokeball!" Luna tossed a Pokeball as it hit Gligar, sending it inside.

1...2...3... Get!

"I caught a second one! HAHA! I am one Pokemon above yours, sister!" Luna yelled in the sky. She felt like she accomplished something great. "That was fun. So this is the thrill that Ash Ketchum feels when he battles. It is amazing!" The thrill of Pokemon Battles had reached even royalty itself. Not even they can resist the adrenaline it brings. "We shall catch more! I shall construct a team worthy of the Princess of the Night!"

"If you say so." Darkrai went along with this. He felt Luna's determination after all. They went on, battling and catching Pokemon constantly. Mostly Normal-Types and some Psychic and Water-Types. Time was running out. Luna had to lower the moon in a few minutes. So she decided to go for one more capture. And she wanted to make this a big one. Plus she was down to her last Pokeball.

"I shall capture one last Pokemon before I lower the moon."

"Then which one will it be?"

"How about... That one!" Luna looked over to a Xatu. A pretty formidable Pokemon. And for good reason. They can see into the future with their four eyes. Although they don't have the power or just lack the will to change anything about the future. Probably why they don't move much.

"A Xatu. This might be tough."

"With you on my side, there is no challenge to difficult for us. Now! Use Ice Beam!" Darkrai fired an Ice Beam, but Xatu saw this coming. It still had the will to avoid getting hit. Xatu retaliated by using Air Slash. Darkrai was hit, being pushed back. "Use Double Team!" Darkrai created illusionary afterimages of itself. This didn't matter to Xatu. Its great vision let it see the real Darkrai easily. It used Air Slash in all directions, hitting the real Darkrai and launching him into a tree.

"Darkrai!" Luna yelled.

"I'm fine." Darkrai got back up easily.

"This Pokemon is a tricky one. But, no matter! Dark Pulse!" Darkrai sent a pulse of darkness towards Xatu. The Mystic Pokemon flew into the skies, avoiding the pulse. It then unleashed another Air Slash. "Look out!" Darkrai moved away from the Air Slash, avoiding it. "Ice Beam!" The Ice Beam that was fired raced towards Xatu. The Psychic-Flying-Type used Reflect to create a screen of energy. The beam had been reflected away.

"No good."

"I have to finish this fast. What would Ash Ketchum do?" Luna was thinking of any wild strategy Ash would do that he normally pulls. "Of course! Darkrai! Get in close with Dark Pulse!" Luna did not use Dark Void out of all his moves since she didn't want to bring nightmares to the Pokemon. And neither did Darkrai. Darkrai closed in on Xatu as the Mystic Pokemon stopped it with Psychic. "Now! Use it!" Darkrai used his Dark Pulse, even if he was stuck in place. The pulse hit Xatu, breaking its concentration.

"Finish it with Ice Beam!" Darkrai was much closer as it fired an Ice Beam, point-blank. Xatu was sent back down to the ground. It was on the verge of fainting. "Here goes! Go Pokeball!" Luna tossed her last Pokeball as it hit Xatu, sending it in.

1...2...3... This one was taking much longer than the rest. Luna was sweating a bit, waiting for the click to happen.


"I did it! I have caught a Xatu! I now have more Pokemon that anypony in Equestria. HUZZAH!"

"Congratulations, Luna. You did well for your first time. Then again, I expect no less from royalty."

"Thank you, Darkrai. But, I have to thank you as well. Because of you, I have managed to catch many Pokemon that I would've never done if you weren't here."

"Touching. Now come on. You have a moon to lower."

"Oh! Right!" Luna flew off, returning back to Canterlot as Darkrai went into the shadows, following her back.

On this night, a new trainer emerged in the form of royalty. And with the most Pokemon that anypony in Equestria. Princess Luna's Pokemon adventures are just starting as well. As is her powerful bond and friendship with Darkrai. Like other friendships, it grows.

Back at Canterlot, Day. Celestia was walking in the hallways as she heard numerous sounds coming from Luna's room.

"Luna?" She went towards her room, opening the door as she saw all the Pokemon that Luna caught just free out of their Pokeballs, all over the place. "What in the..?"

"Sister! Have you met my Pokemon?" Luna grinned as a Stufful landed on her head. Canterlot was going to get much more lively now. Then again, that's what makes Pokemon fun. There never is a dull moment with them around.

Chapter 53 End.

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