• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,486 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Rescue mission

The morning had arrived at the Pokemon Center at Viridian City.

Everypony at the Pokemon Center had a good rest last night. All except for Twilight, who was met by Adagio late at night. She had recently learned that she and Chrysalis had joined with Team Plasma. And she was the one who gave off the location of PokePark to allow the Shadow Triad to arrive.

Applejack, Treecko, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith and half of Ponyville came through to check up on everypony else and their Pokemon. "Ya'll feeling better?" Applejack asked.

"A little bit. Still pretty stung." Apple Bloom nodded, stretching her hooves.

"That was a great rest. I feel better already," Cloudchaser commented until her wings twitched. "Actually. Never mind."

"We're all recovering thankfully. Very soon, I'll let Audi help heal everyone up." Fluttershy turned to her Audino. "How are you feeling, Twilight?"

"Oh me? I'm...good." Twilight replied with a nervous tone. It was obvious that she wasn't as happy as everypony else. Not after what happened last night. "Have any of you healed up enough?"

"Hope so. I bet Nurse Joy is gonna come in and tell us the great news." Rainbow Dash responded. And speaking of Nurse Joy, she ended up showing up with some news. But good? Not at all. "Well, nurse? What is it?"

"I'm sorry yo tell you this. But it looks like that Guillotine was more potent than I thought."

"W-What do you mean?" Scootaloo leaned forward.

"Guillotine has managed to not only injure you all, but your wings have taken a heavier hit than I expected. Not only that but your horns took the blunt hit from it as well. I'm afraid that you won't be able to fly for a while now. Magic on the hand, I'm not so sure on that."

"WHAT?!" They all exclaimed.

"How long are we gonna stay like this?!" A pony cried.

"The best time for you all to recover will be 3 whole weeks. By then, you should recover."

"3 weeks with no flying? That sounds like a nightmare." Flitter sighed. From the news, it seemed like things were spiralling downwards even more. But Fluttershy had an idea that would fix everyone's problems.

"I have an idea. Why don't I just ask Discord?" Fluttershy recommended. This not only got everypony's hopes up, but it even made Twilight gain gigantic grin on her face.

"Of course! Why didn't we think of this sooner?! Fluttershy you're a genius!" Twilight raised her hooves up, straining herself. "Ow."

"Discord can do anything. So it sounds like a done deal. We'll just let him fix us all up and then we can have him return Cold Colt, easy peasy." Rainbow Dash laughed. "And to think we were worried for a while there." Hope started to come back towards the ponies. Their problems would end being solved by the Lord of Chaos. But still, they have no idea that they were being watched by both Adagio and Colress's spy cam. And because of that, they had information on what the ponies were planning.

Colress showed the captured footage to Ghetsis, letting him know what they were up to. "Heh. Those poor pathetic ponies. Little do they know...we've already found a way around that chaos magic." Ghetsis chuckled. And he was right. They did find a way. Colress's spycam also managed to capture the footage of Ash's Riolu opening the hatch with Aura. After seeing how Aura being a natural infinite lifeforce meant that something as powerful as cosmic energy could be affected by it. And considering no form of magic couldn't get the hatch open, Aura was the way to go. And thanks to Ghetsis now gaining access to Aura, a potent one even, their plans seemed to be forfeit once more. "Let them have their hopes. In a bit, I'll end up crushing them with ease."

Cold Colt attempted to break free, wanting to find some way of telling them that Discord's chaos magic won't help them. But he was still bound to a table by a hard metal. So no use.

So Fluttershy put her plan in motion. She stood up from her bed, ready to call her Draconequus friend. "Discord! Oh, Discord!" She called out to him, hoping that he could hear her from the other world. Thankfully, Discord could always hear when Fluttershy was calling for him. And he made sure it was only her that he could hear. The Lord of Chaos appeared at the Pokemon Center, making Nurse Joy faint from the sight of him.

"Yes? You called?" He spoke.

"We're so glad you're here. I was hoping that you could help us out."

"Help you out? Another magic stealing tyrant on the loose?" Discord was filing his sharp nails.

"Can you please heal us first? Everypony's been injured. Our wings won't work properly for 3 weeks and who knows what magic is like for us. So please, heal us up if you can."

"Oh alright. I can't stand to see you in a sad state Fluttershy. Makes me feel woozy."

"What about us?" Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh, right. Everypony too, I suppose.." Discord got out a fan, blowing it at everypony. And just like that, Discord recovered everypony in an instant. Their injures had vanished, as if they never existed in the first place. Their wings were functional, Rarity's chipped horn had even recovered and all those strains were wiped out. Ponyville's residents were back to their healthy selves as usual. Rainbow Dash and the other pegasi flew up with excitement, feeling relieved to be able to fly again. Everypony began to cheer, thanking Discord in the process. Discord actually like it. Getting all this praise was actually pleasant. The young foals were running around without having to feel a strain in their hooves anymore. All back to their vibrant selves.

"Thank you so much, Discord!" Fluttershy flew up, hugging him.

"I could get used to this praise from everypony." Discord nodded.

"There's one final thing. Can you please return Cold Colt back to us? Team Plasma ended up capturing him, and we were hoping that you could bring him back here." Fluttershy requested.

"Who?" Discord raised an eyebrow.

"You saw him when you rudely entered my boutique last week." Rarity walked up to him. "Blue mane, blue fur, blue everything?"

"Oh, yes. That one." Discord raised his paw up, snapping it and expecting Cold Colt to arrive here. But to their surprise, and even his, he wasn't here. "Hm. That's strange." Discord snapped again, but no result. He looked at his paw, continuously snapping away in hopes of bringing the young pony here. Everypony's confusion was raised to the max. How is that Cold Colt isn't here? Discord's chaos magic can do anything right? The reason why nothing was happening...was because Ghetsis was preventing this.

Ghetsis had grabbed a hold of Cold Colt's neck, holding it there. His aura was surrounding Cold Colt, blocking Discord's chaos magic from interfering. Aura was the neutral force between the two. Cosmic energy can interfere with magic and Aura can negate cosmic energy, creating a sort of triangle between the three. What didn't help was the fact that Cold Colt was made out of that cosmic energy. So there was that problem as well.

"Why isn't he here?" Twilight said. "What's taking so long Discord?!"

"How should I know? Nothing's happening. Nothing at all." Discord kept on snapping, but yet again, no result. "Is this thing broken perhaps?" Discord turned to Nurse Joy who had just woken up, making her arms turn into jelly. Nurse Joy fainted once again as Chansey caught her. "Suppose not."

"So your chaos magic is still working. So why isn't he here then?" Twilight wondered.

"That's because chaos magic doesn't work against us." A voice answered her. Twilight and the others turned to who gave that answer. Emerald Aura had actually shown up. And unlike Cold Colt, everypony knew that she was a Rift pony. And they all held a grudge against her ever since she first showed up with that mysterious human and her control over Darkrai. Plus, she was beside Obsidian when they appeared in PokePark.

"Emerald Aura?! Why are YOU here?!" Rainbow Dash questioned, stamping her hooves.

"I'm here because of one reason. I also want Cold Colt back." She responded.

"Why you- Wait. You do?" Rainbow Dash stopped.

"Of course I do. As much as I hate to admit, I kind of feel sorry for the runt. He generally looks happy with you all...which kinda makes me feel weird. Ugh." Emerald felt like gagging in her own mouth.

"Hold on. What did you say about chaos magic not working against it?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, right. Do you all remember what Obsidian told you back at PokePark? About how magic won't do anything against cosmic energy?"

"Yeah?" They all said.

"It's not just normal magic. It's all magic. Every form of magic is useless against cosmic energy. All of it. Even that freaky chaos magic is no exception." She explained.

"Useless?" Discord looked at his paw. "That can't be right."

"He wasn't kidding when he said magic can't affect it... Then how did Ash and the others get through then?" Twilight asked again.

"I can tell ya'll that." Applejack interrupted. "Only way we were able to open that hatch...was by Aura."

"Aura? Aura was able to open it?" Rarity said.

"Mhm." AJ nodded. "Opened it right up. Machamp's strength couldn't even break through the hatch. But that Aura sure did."

"How's that possible? Why did Aura work?" Pinkie pondered.

"That's because Aura's not magic, duh," Emerald replied. "It's a natural lifeforce. Clearly..you guys don't know about Pokemon that much yet. Meaning you have no idea what Infinity energy is. Though I guess it's to be expected from a few months of being with Pokemon."

"...Infinity Energy?" Twilight quietly replied. "I didn't see anything about Infinity Energy in the books that I read. Not a single one."

"Oh yeah. You have no idea. Get ready. Cause your minds are going to be blown." Emerald smirked. Discord made everypony sit down on cinema chairs with popcorn next to them. "Infinity Energy is the pure essence of the Pokemon universe. It's basically what Aura is moulded from. This energy spreads across the entire Pokemon World. Even beyond its own Earth and out in the far reaches of the cosmos. In fact... all Pokemon types are made out of Infinity energy. And the three forms of infinity energy that are the most potent. Aura is the purest form of it, Dragon energy being the raw essence of it and Fairy energy being the healthiest of the two.."

"But I thought Pokemon were magical instead. What gives?" Sweetie Belle said.

"Is this Infinity Energy also magic?" Twilight asked.

"Heh. Do you actually think that? That's cute." Emerald chuckled. "It's true. Pokemon are magical creatures. By nature even. The moves that they do are magic as well, that's obvious. Most moves anyways... But Infinity Energy is basically above that. Everyone just thinks it's magic cause they still to this day don't understand how Pokemon really work. Only guys like Arceus and a few select Pokemon know about Infinity Energy. Each type is its own form of Infinity Energy. And Aura just happens to be the purest form of it. In fact, Aura is what makes the Pokemon world go around. It's why it's the way it is."

"That's a lot to take in." Rainbow Dash looked down, holding her head along with Pinkie Pie.

"So that's why Aura was able to open up the hatch." Applejack said.

"Yep. I've said enough. You're all smart enough to pick up on all of that aren't you?"

"How do you know all of this, Emerald?" Twilight asked.

"Being a born from the Rift means that I have knowledge about the world that I'm being placed in. I may be a pony but I was also given knowledge about the Pokemon World. Tons of it." She explained. "Anyways. You go and get Cold Colt back alright. I actually don't wanna see him in a sad state."

"Emerald, wait!" Twilight stopped her. The emerald unicorn turned around to see her. "Thanks for telling us this. If you never told us this information, we probably wouldn't have gotten anywhere."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing for the runt. Don't get it twisted." Emerald left them all with valuable information that can help. That small instance made everypony gain a small bit of respect for her.

"Now we know why Discord's chaos magic isn't really working. Which means...the only option is to go and rescue Cold Colt on our own." Twilight said to everypony.

"Wait. Didn't Celestia say that she's sending Ash and Hollow to do it?" Pinkie reminded her.

"Oh yeah. That's right. She did also tell us not to get involved with Team Plasma and Ghetsis. And seeing what the triad did to us...I can see why. So now, all we can do is wait for Ash and Hollow to get him back. Hopefully safe."

"Well. My job here is done. I tried my best but it seems I've been outmatched by a greater power. Again. Toodle-loo!" Discord waved goodbye to them all, returning back to his home.

"Do you think they'll be able to save Cold Colt from those brutes?" said Rarity.

"Of course they will. Ash can do it! Right?" Scootaloo replied.

"For once...I don't know. I'm not sure that any of us are enough to go against Ghetsis and Team Plasma." Twilight sighed. Pinkie Pie saw the negative energy around the room and decided to erase it. It was really making her mojo snore.

"Hey! Why don't we all head back to Ponyville? We're all healed up and fresh right? Come on! Let's rip those frowns clean off and stick those happy smiles back on, alright?" Pinkie gathered her friends around. They agreed with Pinkie Pie. It was time to stop being all moody. They should cheer up for a while. They're back to full health, so they should chin up. Even if Cold Colt is captured, the thought of Ash rescuing him is enough to give some hope to everypony, even if Twilight was worried about the potential bad outcome. Everypony and Pokemon waved goodbye to Nurse Joy and Chansey, thanking her for taking good care of them. The rest of Ponyville were trotting and soaring in Viridian City, making their way to Pallet Town, where the gateway to Ponyville resides. The road from Viridian and Pallet Town was pretty far. So to save time, Twilight sang a small song she heard whilst in the other world. It never left her head due to how catchy it was and she's even sung it around her friends a couple of times to a point where they remember what it sounds like. And that's when they all begun to sing this one song.

The magic feeling
It's grown so strong
Always leads me to the place where I belong.

Won't go away
Never let me down
I've got the greatest friends
That ever could be found.

Across every river
Behind every tree
On top of every mountain
They're a part of you and me.

One world!
One world! Now and forever!
Best friends!
Best friends! Loyal and true!
One dream!
One dream... Put side by side
There's nothing we can't do!
One hoof!
One hoof! Helping the other
Each heart!
Each heart! Beating as one!
We live
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!

You and me and Pokemon!

They rush like water
They soar like the wind
They're always with me
Every day that I begin
They burn like fire
They chill like ice
They take on any challenge
Make any sacrifice

Across every river
Behind every tree
On top of every mountain
They're apart of you and me

One world!
One world! Now and forever!
Best friends
Best friends! Loyal and true!
One dream!
One dream... Put side by side
There's nothing we can't do!
One hoof!
One hoof! Helping the other
Each heart!
Each heart! Beating as one!
We live!
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!
You and me and Pokemon!

The singing was not only making their Pokemon jump about and move with joy, but even other Pokemon nearby were feeling the rhythm and harmony emanating from their voices when they sing.

One world...
One world...
Best friends...
Best friends
Loyal and true...
One dream...
Just one dream...
There's nothing that we can't do!

One world!
One world! Now and forever!
Best friends!
Best friends! Loyal and true!
One dream!
One dream... Put side by side
There's nothing we can't do!
One hoof!
One hoof! Helping the other
Each heart!
Each heart! Beating as one!
We live
We live... Always together!
Sharing the same bright sun!

You and me and Pokemon!

Their song had ended. But it was a good song to sing since they had made wonderful progress. Pallet Town was just up ahead.

Whilst they return to home sweet home, Ash was all the way over at Canterlot. Princess Celestia had summoned him and Hollow for urgent matters involving Cold Colt.

"Thank you for coming, Ash. Pikachu. Hollow." Celestia spoke. "Ash. You are already aware of the scenario. But I must also let Hollow know. The ponies of Ponyville were unfortunately attacked by Team Plasma the other day. By a trio known as the Shadow Triad. Their goal was to capture the young unicorn Cold Colt and utilize his cosmic power to gain access to even more universal travel so that Ghetsis can conquer every universe. And unfortunately, they succeded. Twilight and most of Ponyville were greatly injured by the triad. Thankfully, they were saved and taken to the Pokemon Center. However, Ghetsis still has Cold Colt in his possession. And we fear that he has already tapped into his power. So it is of the utmost importance that we request you to rescue Cold Colt from Ghetsis and Team Plasma. By heading to the Harmonia Kingdom."

"You can count on us, Celestia." Ash nodded."


"Hollow. I understand that this may be unexpected news to you. I understand that if you do not want to follow with this. You do teach the class here in Canterlot after all."

"Hm. It does sound serious though. But I won't turn down some help. I can put my classes on hold for a situation like this. I'll go with Ash and get him back." Hollow agreed to the request.

"Excellent. You two are the most powerful trainers that come by to Equestria. I have faith in you two that you will free him along with your Pokemon on your side."

"Be safe when approaching the Harmonia Kingdom," Luna commented.

"We will. You ready to set off?"


The goal to free Cold Colt from Ghetsis and Team Plasma was a go. It was only Ash and Hollow taking on this quest. A small duo, but with Pokemon on their side, they have all the firepower they need. It was off the Harmonia Kingdom for a rescue mission. They couldn't take a train to Saddle-Arabia due to Ghetsis's new rule, so they were going to travel via Dragonite. Ash sent out his Dragonite to carry them. It was big and strong enough to carry more than one on its back after all.

The Dragon Pokemon soared through the skies, making its way to the Harmonia Kingdom. All they had to do was just break in and get their pal back. But it won't be easy at all. It never is with Ghetsis. Ash looked down near the kingdom and noticed 4 familiar Pokemon.

The Swords of Justice. They had been coming back here over and over, trying to find a way past Colress's protective barrier that surrounds the kingdom. But still no luck no matter how hard they try. Their swords couldn't pierce through, neither could any of their moves.

Keldeo sat down, taking a deep breath. He was exhausted from all those attempts. "No good. This thing won't break no matter what."

"We can't stop trying though. Innocents are serving under his rule. We have to find a way past it at all costs." said Cobalion.

"Hm? Up there!" Terrakion noticed the Dragonite as he spotted Ash, Pikachu and Hollow arriving. Dragonite landed down, standing in front of Keldeo as the Cold Pokemon noticed how tall this dragon was.

"Ash. What could you be doing here?" Virizion walked to him.

"I'm here with Hollow to get a friend of mine back. Team Plasma ended up capturing him, so we have to save him." Ash explained in short but simple detail.

"Good luck even getting past this barrier." Terrakion turned his head to the barrier. "No matter what we do, we can't break through it. Our swords and moves have no effect on it."

"We have been coming back here for days on end, trying out very best to get through. But nothing." Virizion shook her head.

"Any ideas? We could really use the help." Keldeo asked. Ash and Hollow looked at each other, thinking of something that might get past this barrier. Hollow was the first to come up with some that just might work.

He picked up a rock, throwing it at the barrier as the rock was destroyed by the electricity surrounding it. "It's an electrical barrier. Which means there's only one way past it. Ash. Your Pikachu needs to overload it with even more electricity."

"You think that'll work?" Ash turned to him.

"Oh, it's going to do more than just shut off the barrier." Hollow nodded.

"Well. You said it. Pikachu, overload it as much as you can."

"Pika!" Pikachu hopped off his trainer's arm, already packing a ton of electricity within him. Pikachu aimed all of his concentrated energy towards the barrier that surrounded the Harmonia Kingdom. He let it all out, as a bolt of more than 100,000 volts shot out of him. The electricity from Pikachu was clashing with the barrier's electricity. On the inside, the number of volts moving about was so potent that the lights inside were flashing rapidly, even breaking. The Team Plasma grunts gasped at the sudden light crash. Colress's lab was the most affected by this especially. All of his equipment was being overloaded by just one Pokemon.

"W-What's going on?" Colress gasped. He turned his attention away from Cold Colt, looking at his monitors. Before he could get the chance to see what was happening, the monitors had been destroyed as well. Meaning that he couldn't see what was going on, neither did he get the chance to see Pikachu. "Everything's been shut off! Is it some sort of EMP?"

Every machine and electrical item was being overloaded as Pikachu kept pouring it on. Soon, the barrier that Colress had created had been shut off with all the power in the Harmonia Kingdom depleting.

"Woah." Keldeo's jaw dropped.

"It worked. Awesome idea Hollow!" Ash praised Hollow.

"There was no way it was going to handle all of that. Easy stuff." Hollow responded.

"Now we can finally save them all. Ash. Hollow. Pikachu. Dragonite. You go and save your friend. We shall free the citizens and Pokemon here." Cobalion commanded.

"You got it, Cobalion. Come on Pikachu!" Ash ran off, heading into the kingdom as Hollow and Dragonite followed. The ponies who were still in Saddle-Arabia and under Ghetsis's rule had noticed the shut down of all the electricity. They saw Ash and Hollow run through, confused about what was going on. But that confusion morphed into hope as Cobalion cut off the collars and leashes that kept them under Ghetsis's command. The freedom they once felt was returning to them in all its glory. The grunts of Team Plasma noticed that everypony was being freed by the Swords of Justice. They also saw that Ash and Hollow were making their way towards the front of the castle.

"Stop them with Crush Claw, Zangoose!" A grunt ordered. Their Zangoose was attempting to stop their movements, but Dragonite whacked it away with a simple Dragon Claw.

"Good job, Dragonite!"


Back on the inside, Colress was trying to restore power to the kingdom, but it was no use. Nothing was working. "How can this be? How powerful was that electrical surge?" Colress banged his hands on his machines in frustration. Cold Colt had no idea what to make of this. He was confused as well. After all, he was stuck on that table, not being able to go anywhere. Unbeknownst to Colress and even Ghetsis, Ash and Hollow were blitzing their way through the castle. Each time they came across a grunt, their Pokemon made quick work of them. Pikachu and Dragonite cleared out any Pokemon with Thunderbolt and Hyper Beam, whilst Hollow used his Delphox to halt any movements with its psychic prowess. Things were getting out of hand obviously. The sounds of Pokemon moves being thrown about all over the place could even be heard by Ghetsis.

"So. They've finally decided to come to me, have they?" Ghetsis stood up from his throne. "About time you did something of notice, Celestia. Triad." Ghetsis summoned his loyal and faithful servants, the triad as they appeared from the shadows. "Whoever is causing all that chaos...put a stop to them. They're obviously here for the pony. And I require as much universal travel as I need." The triad nodded, knowing what they had to do. Once more, they disappeared into the shadows, setting out to complete their newly given task.

Dragonite broke through the walls of the castle with Dragon Claw. It was breaking through the walls so easily, and thankfully, they finally came across the room they needed to be. Colress turned around as did Cold Colt as they saw the group standing right in the middle of the broken wall. They had arrived to retrieve the young pony and they certainly made sure that they were loud about it.

"You guys came to save me? Yes!" Cold Colt had a wide grin that filled his face. Hope returned to him.

"Ash Ketchum." Colress groaned. "How a boy like you can be this stubborn is ludicrous."

"We're taking our friend back, Colress. He's not your personal travel buddy!"

"Feh. You really stormed the entire castle just to get him back. How you two managed to get through by being reckless is beyond me. If you think we're going to give up our greatest source of universal travel, you are terribly wrong. We've made an amazing breakthrough. Greater than anything in Team Plasma history. I'll even admit it...Greater than I could've ever imagined. The thought of multiple universes existing out there. Each with their own reality and outcome."

"If you know that, then you shouldn't be trying to conquer those realities! Let them be!" Hollow exclaimed.

"Oh, no, no. Our greatness doesn't deserve to just stop at Unova. Or even our own world. Soon this world will be under Ghetsis's rule. We've already conquered another universe, claiming it as our own. And with the devastating force of Lord Ghetsis's Hydreigon, there is not a single universe out there that can stop our rule. After all, what are a bunch of colourful pretty ponies going to do against a mighty dragon?"

"You'd be surprised by how tough they can be. Now! We're getting our friend back! Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Pikachu ran forward towards Cold Colt, ready to free him by breaking the metal with an even harder metal.

"No, you don't!" Colress was about to take out his Pokeball, but Hollow's Delphox had gained control over his hand, both of them, with its psychic abilities, preventing him from sending a Pokemon out. Pikachu broke the metal that bound Cold Colt's hooves, finally freeing the young Rift pony at last.

"Oh thank goodness! Any longer and they might've actually dissected me!" Cold Colt gave Pikachu a hug, squeezing the Electric Mouse Pokemon.


"Done and done. Think now's a good time to leave?" Ash turned to Hollow.

"I think so too." He nodded in response. They hopped on Dragonite as Delphox made sure that Colress's hands weren't moving anywhere. Cold Colt blew his tongue at Colress taunting him as a victory cry. Dragonite flew through the walls that it destroyed, causing more destruction by firing a Hyper Beam at the other walls. The outside could be seen as the sun rays hit their faces. It looked like they were about to get out of here scot-free. But the Shadow Triad was still an issue that was lingering. They had spotted Dragonite flying off as the Shadows were standing high atop the castle.

"Stop them with Guillotine!" The middle Shadow commanded. Bisharp leapt off the building, ready to take them all down. If this hit, the result could be devastating as it meant crashing to the ground.

"Deplhox! Mystical Fire!" Hollow turned around, making his Pokemon halt Bisharp's movements. The Mystical Fire was Super-effective, dealing knocking Bisharp out of the sky and allowing Dragonite to ride on. Ghetsis looked out the window, seeing Cold Colt escape from the kingdom. He kept his cool, as he had a way around this.

"Chase them down, Hydreigon. Get that pony back." Ghetsis made his move next. His Hydreigon immediately flew out of the castle walls, chasing down its fellow Dragon-Type. Dragonite looked back, narrowing its eyes at the Brutal Pokemon. Hydregion caught up to them by using Dragon Rush, which made it soar through the skies quicker. The Dark-Dragon Type crashed into Dragonite, causing the Dragon Pokemon to lose its flow. Ash and the others felt this impact as well. With just a single collision, Hydreigon had managed to sabotage their rescue mission that easily. Dragonite was falling down as Ash, Hollow, Cold Colt and Pokemon were all falling as well, being detached from Dragonite whilst screaming. Ghetsis smirked as he watched them fall. But he didn't want Cold Colt to fall to his demise. He still needed him. Hydreigon dashed down, using its arm mouths to grab onto Cold Colt.

"Put me down!" The young pony cried out, being captured again.

They were close to hitting the ground and it looked like game over. But thankfully, Psychic-Types always end up having the most useful ability as Delphox saved them all by using Psychic. She let out a sigh relief, glad that she managed to save them all as their feet landed safely on the ground.

"Thanks for the save Delphox." Hollow sighed. He and Ash looked up at Ghetsis who's Hydreigon had Cold Colt in its clutches.

"I'll admit. You were close to achieving your goal. But you should know by now. Nothing is ever easy when I am involved. My goals allow me to get the upper hand most of the time. And this is certainly one of those moments."

"We'll just get him back from you!" Ash bellowed at him.


"I highly doubt that. Triad." Ghetsis made the triad appear on ground level, prepared to deal with the intruders. "This time, deal with them. And those Swords of Justice too."

Soon, they were surrounded by Team Plasma everywhere. The ponies of Saddle-Arabia could do nothing but hide in fear. They had just been freed and they needed a break. Cobalion and the other swords turned to the scene. They had freed everypony, and now they had another chance to help Ash and the others. It was now a standoff between a large majority of Team Plasma along with the elite Shadow Triad. The mission to save Cold Colt was going to take a while.

Chapter 127 End!

Author's Note:

Song had to be used. Too good.

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