• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Neverending potential

Out in the plains, afternoon.

"Huh?!" Passion, who now felt like Celestia, looked at herself as if she had never been in her original body before.

She felt like she was meant to Mega Evolve and appear in her Mega Evolved state. But this was different. And Luna and Olympia could tell.

"S-Sister?" Luna slowly pointed her hoof at Passion, who suddenly spoke like Celestia. Same voice and everything. "I-I-Is that you?"

"It is. Is it?" Passion gasped as she put her hands over her mouth in shock. "W-What happened...?"

"I don't believe it..." Olympia was able to deduce what had just happened to Passion and Celestia from a first glance and listening to her voice and reaction. "It seems that you two have gone past Mega Evolution."

"Gone past Mega Evolution? I thought Mega Evolution was the pinnacle," said Luna.

"This form..." Olympia further observed Passion, looking directly at her flowing ethereal hair and the Cutie Mark on her dress. "A form that causes the Pokemon to resemble their trainer while unleashing dormant power...Much like Ash and Greninja."

"Ash and Greninja?" Passion said. "...And like Rainbow Dash and Braviary?! Is this the Bond Phenomenon?!"

"Perhaps. But it seems to have also added Mega Evolution into the mix. I never thought this would be possible. Two different forms of power merging as one."

"Is that what that golden light was?" Luna wondered. "It must've pulled you in and made you one being!"

"I suppose so...Is this what it feels like to be a Gardevoir?" Passion touched her arm. "And legs? These are what legs feel like? My goodness, these are convenient! It actually also feels fairly nice in this body too."

"This could be the result of Passion and you truly accepting Mega Evolution." Olympia walked towards Passion. "That must've awakened Passion's dormant power and revealed this. But that might just be a theory."

"So, what do we call you exactly?" Darkrai asked. "Or rather, this form? Ash-Greninja and Rainbow-Braviary already exist so..."

"How about...Celestial-Gardevoir?" Passion came up with the name herself. "Celestial sounds a bit more impressive than Celestia."

"Celestial-Gardevoir, hm? I suppose that works. But do we refer to you as Celestia or Passion?" Luna wondered.

"I still feel like Celestia even though I am in Passion's body. Yet we both are in sync with each other. Perhaps referring me to Celestia will do." Celestia chose to go with her name since it was still her conscious in a way but within Passion's body.

It was all too confusing for Arcanine and Musharna who were trying to wrap their heads around this.



Celestia decided to experiment a bit. This was all so new to her. She decided to try and see if she could walk properly now that she had a humanoid form.

"Whoa..." Celestia carefully took gentle steps in her new body, making sure not to fall over. Except, when she did take her first step, she ended up falling flat on her face. "Wagh!" She screamed while hitting the ground and lying flat on it. "Ow..."

"Canine." Arcanine went up to Celestia who was also his teammate now, licking the Embrace Pokemon. Or would the correct term be Sun Princess? Or Ruler of Equestria? Or just trainer.

"Are you even able to properly utilize that body?" Luna squinted her eyes.

"C-Certainly!" Celestia replied as she was trying to get up from the ground. "It's just like baby steps after all. Just have to be...careful..." Celestia's knees felt rickety and unbalanced while trying to get up. Not to mention her arms were slowly sliding forward. "Baby steps...!"

"I'll just help you up." Olympia offered assistance as she helped Celestia off the ground.

"Oh. Thank you." Celestia sighed as she managed to find some balance within her legs. However, Celestia wouldn't need to do that anymore as she thought of a perfect alternative. She could just float constantly. It would feel similar to flying with her wings. And that's what she did. "Ah. Much better."

"So...Are we still going to have our battle? Especially in the form you're in now?" Luna questioned.

"Of course." Celestia nodded. "If this is that dormant power that you mentioned Olympia, then I have to use and experience it for myself. It could be a further key to defeating Ghetsis as well."

"Then, we shall continue." Olympia walked away, standing in-between Celestia and Luna while they both ready themselves along with Darkrai.

This battle was going to happen anyway even if Celestia and Passion had become one being. It would also certainly be a treat to see what this Celestial-Gardevoir was capable of.

Once again, they both stood on their respective sides with Olympia looking at the two sides. All the while, Celestia took deep breaths, preparing herself for what she could do in this state.

"Keep calm, Celestia. If Passion and I are one now, we should be in perfect sync with each other. I just hope I can properly use her moves. How do I use them exactly?"

"Sister? Are you alright?" Luna looked at a puzzled Celestia.

"Hm? Oh yes!" Celestia immediately responded. "Everything's fine here!"

"You look unsure of yourself," Olympia observed.

"Well, you're not wrong on that point." Celestia sighed. "I do feel a bit unsure of myself but, I'll still take part in this battle. Besides, I have to hurry for Premium's contest practice."

"Hm. Very well. Only one Pokemon each and if either of you faints, the one left standing shall be the victor. Now then...battle start!"

"I won't go easy on you even if you're inside a new body, sister! Darkrai! Use Dark Pulse!"

"Hm!" Darkrai put his arms out, generating a ball of darkness that was embedded with dark thoughts. He then increased the ball in size before firing out a beam with purple circles around it.

"Here goes. I'll use Dazzling Gleam then!" Celestia decided to give it a shot herself. In this form, she didn't have her horn but she could still use magic. Just not in the way she's used to. However, battling with Passion gave her a good idea of how to pull off her attacks.

For Dazzling Gleam, she put her arms out and began focusing her magic. When focusing, she could feel Passion syncing with her as if she was giving Celestia the magic she needed to pull this off.

A multi-coloured ball of Fairy magic formed between her hands. However, this Dazzling Gleam looked a tad bit different. When formed, it had a golden outline around its rainbow colouring. That golden light was meant to represent Celestia's magic which was still in there.

Celestia's body shuddered a bit after creating the ball, but she was able to recover quickly. With a pulse of magic going through, Celestia unleashed Dazzling Gleam.

But there was one more difference other than the golden outline. The power of the attack. Dazzling Gleam had now changed drastically a gigantic blast of golden and pink energy came roaring out, making angelic sounds as it completely tore through Dark Pulse, obliterating it with the heat of the sun. Even the grass wasn't safe from this overwhelming power.

"Ah!" Darkrai gasped as he quickly moved to the side along with Luna, just at the right time too. Everyone's eyes shot open as the grand-sized blast of Dazzling Gleam passed them all, thankfully hitting no one as it soared through the air at lightning speeds.

The blast was so bright that it could be seen from afar. It could even be mistaken for a second sun from how bright it was. Looking at it might not be the best idea though.

The beam had promptly stopped after Celestia put her arms down. The bright Dazzling Gleam faded away afterwards as Darkrai, Luna, Olympia, Arcanine and Musharna slowly turned around, looking at Celestia with shocked looked on their faces.

For someone like Darkrai to be this shocked, it would require a level of fear that even he is unprepared for.

"Um." Celestia put her arms behind her back, blushing and turning away. "Oh..."

"What power..." Olympia gawked. "If that were to hit then Darkrai would surely be taken out in one hit."

"I can see that," Darkrai replied.

"On second thought, perhaps we should call the battle off," Celestia suggested.

"Absolutely not!" Despite witnessing a blast that monstrous, Luna refused to back down.

"Luna?" Celestia turned to her younger sister.

"This is what I need. If I am to re-encounter Empress Twilight soon, I need to test my mettle against another force that is greater than me. I won't make any progress if I don't tackle obstacles such as this."

"Seems that a bit of Ash has rubbed on you has it?" Celestia smiled at Luna's words. "Alright then. Let's continue."

"Darkrai! Close in with Thunderbolt!" Luna commanded as Darkrai moved in with two sparks of electricity in his hand before putting them together.

Celestia's response was to simply keep her distance away from Darkrai by floating back. However, when she flew back, Celestia ended up generating an insane amount of speed.

So much so that she created a sonic boom upon moving back by exerting just a bit too much energy. Certainly more energy than she used to float. The sonic boom was so loud and strong that it managed to force Darkrai back, launching him towards Luna.

"Ough!" Darkrai cried out as he tumbled on the ground, landing next to Luna.

"Oh!" Celestia, unable to control her newfound speed, lost her balance as she was now rolling through the air while leaving pressures behind. "Aaaaaaaaaah!"

"Oh, dear." Luna looked over at her sister rolling away in the air while helping Darkrai up.

Celestia kept screaming until she finally crashed onto the ground, leaving behind a massive crater and large smoke cloud from the inevitable crash impact.

"Sister! Are you alright?!" Luna called out.

"I'm fine...!" Celestia replied with a louder yell as she slowly got up from the ground.

"Well now. It seems that even when obtaining this newfound power, she is unable to properly control it. Both her and Passion." Olympia noticed as Celestia was gently floating back.

"Gently...Gently..." Celestia was afraid to suddenly move at Mach speeds again out of nowhere.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Darkrai turned to Luna. "We can't train properly if Celestia and Passion are unable to perform properly in their current merged state."

"I know but...Battling against a force this strong is what we need. She might even be as strong as Empress Twilight with all of this power at her disposal. Perhaps even greater than her."

"Alright. Let's try this again." Celestia laughed nervously, unsure of what her next major feat will be if she does anything else by exerting a certain amount of energy.

"Wait." Olympia suddenly halted everything. "I'm afraid this battle cannot continue. Not with how you are."

"Cannot continue?" Celestia faced Olympia. "But I'm truly ready for this."

"I understand you're ready for it but...I have to ask something. Princess Celestia. When Passion first evolved into a Gardevoir, is it true that she managed to gain a handle on her amazing power?"

"Hm? Well, yes. During the Darkest Day, Passion evolved. When evolving, she was able to control all of the power she had as a Kirlia, completely mastering it instantly."

"I see. And then after that, when we first had our battle in Canterlot to test out her Mega Evolution?"

"Well...with that battle, that's when Passion Mega Evolved for the first time and ended up going through a state of power overload. It was promptly stopped thankfully."

"Hm. And now this has happened with you two becoming one. You're unable to control this power. I believe I know the reason for this now." Olympia had figured it out. "Passion has Mental Barriers."

"Mental Barriers?" Both Celestia and Luna said.

"It seems that even when overcoming the fear of Mega Evolution, the malicious and destructive force inside of Passion still lingers. Passion is relying on the fact that she has to subconsciously hold back all of her power. And pushing through them...well...perhaps that malicious force inside of her could reveal itself."

"So, she's never given it her all?" Celestia looked at her arms.

"But strangely enough. That's not the issue here. The real issue is something that is both Passion's greatest strength and greatest weakness."

"How so?" Luna asked.

"Just like with every important instance in her life, much like her becoming a Gardevoir, the stronger she becomes, the more power she gains. Passion's body is in an endless struggle to try and improve over time. And it seems that she won't stop improving. If she were to master her current power, another would pop up and further lend Passion more personal obstacles to tackle."

"So...If she masters this Celestial-Gardevoir form, there'll be another higher power?" Luna pondered.

"Precisely. Passion seems to have an endless Power Flux. One that does not seem like it will stop at any time soon."

"Oh, Passion..." Celestia sighed. "I thought we had finally made major progress..."

"Would you like to continue this battle, Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?"

"No thank you. I'd like to end it for today. Perhaps another time." Celestia bowed, making her decision.

"Sister..." Luna's ears dropped.

"Understood. I trust that you want to figure out a way to handle Passion's Power Flux and Mental Barriers?"

"If I can. At this point, I'm not sure if Passion and I will ever reach our true potential." Celestia put her hand on her face, turning around.

"You can't give up hope that easily, sister." Luna flew over. "Passion wouldn't want you to."


"So what if the levels of power will continue to escalate? You were able to get past Passion's power overload when she was a Kirlia and you can most certainly do the same as a Gardevoir."


"It hasn't stopped you in the past. Even before the worlds crossed your magic was overwhelming at a young age. Mother and father feared for your future. Fear that you would become something worse with all that magic you had. But look at you now. You're the Ruler of Equestria and everything. A teacher of a new alicorn princess, aunt to another and the trainer of a special Pokemon as well. You even helped save both worlds from destruction. I suppose that's why I was envious of you, to begin with. Even with ponies living throughout your glorious sunlight. It's because you're so amazing, sister."


"And...I've run out of things to say honestly. But you understand, right?"

"I do." Celestia nodded. "Thank you. I frankly needed that actually. So much has happened over these past few months that can only be described as frantic. And another frantic event is heading our way in just 1 month as well. It never ends does it?"

"Well, that's natural. We are involved with Pokemon now so we have to expect events such as these. I know for sure the humans have." Luna shrugged which got a chuckle out of Celestia and Olympia.

"Hm. Well, at least you can smile knowing that there is presumably a way to truly control both the Power Flux and Mental Barriers."

"There is?!" Celestia and Luna exclaimed. "How?!"

"Sorry. But that's where my knowledge on it ends. However, there are other Pokemon Trainers out there who can give you a clear answer from what I hear. I would recommend heading to Johto or Kalos for that."

"Johto or Kalos. Understood." Celestia nodded. "I'll be sure to remember that. But for now...I think today's training can come to an end."

"As you wish, princess." Olympia nodded as this battle had ended along with the training for the day. But before they could head back to Canterlot, there was one thing that needed to be done.

"So. Aren't you going to revert?" Luna asked Celestia.


"Your Celestial-Gardevoir form? Won't you change back? You can revert, can't you?"

"..." And just then, when Luna gave that question, Celestia took a moment to realize one little problem that had just surfaced.

She couldn't exactly turn this form off.

"Oh, dear." Celestia tried turning back to normal, but nothing was working. She didn't know how. Mostly because she has never undergone a transformation in the past before.

"You can't turn back?!" Luna and Olympia bellowed.

"No, I don't know how to! Ah! This could be an issue! What if I'm not eligible to rule Equestria anymore? What if...What if Cobalion won't like me anymore? Or ever!" She then started thinking of the worst possible scenarios with Cobalion. At least, what she believed Cobalion would say.

"Sorry. You're not my type." The imaginary Cobalion turned around, rejecting Celestia, causing her to fall to her knees.

"That can't happen!" Celestia cried out.

"Hm. This is a new predicament." Olympia's eyes widened.

"Where's the keystone?! Is it around you somewhere?!" Luna started searching Celestia's body. Is Passion in there? Can she not do it by will?"

"I don't know! Maybe it only has a certain amount of time. I mean, it still counts as Mega Evolution doesn't it?"

"Well, yes. We'll just sit here and wait." A confident Celestia sat back down, crossing her arms before realizing she had other things to attend to. "Ah! But I'll be late for Premium's contest practice! And the little ones at the Pokemon School will be making clay sculptures of their own Pokemon which is just so cute!"

"How did it come to this...?" Darkrai sighed as he facepalmed. Clearly, this was a long day. From overwhelming power to merged forms. It's safe to say that there's never a dull moment with Pokemon.

Canterlot. Afternoon.

"Your highness?" The guards said as they looked at Princess Celestia's new look. As a Gardevoir along with the residents of Canterlot and even Premium who was watching from the castle. Even the students at the Pokemon School were spectating after finishing their sculptures.

"Afternoon..." Celestia chuckled, raising her arm as her voice was familiar to them all.

"However long this lasts, you'll at least manage. Right, sister?" Luna patted her older sister on the back.

"Sure...Perhaps a day is what it takes..." Celestia sighed as she floated indoors.

"I'll be off now." Olympia walked away. "I have a gym to attend to. Good luck, Princess Celestia. And Passion, of course."

Everyone went their separate ways now with eyes still locked onto Princess Celestia's brand-spanking-new appearance. Celestia would have to stay in this new form for who knows how long. While also having Passion somewhere within her.

Upon entering the castle, Premium Polish and her Pokemon rushed over to Celestia's new look, eager to see it up-close since their eyes were essentially showing signs of fascination.

"Princess Celestia!" Premium bellowed as she slid over. "Whoa! You look amazing like that! Especially your hair!"

"Thank you, Premium." Celestia dropped her head before twirling her new hair. "It is nice, isn't it?"

"So how's it like being a Gardevoir? Or even a Pokemon?"

"It feels...well, it's certainly a distinct and new feeling. I'm not sure how to describe being two entities in one though. I don't even know if I'm Celestia or Passion right now."

"Oooh...What can you do with it? Can I see some moves?" Premium was eager to witness some new tricks.

"I'd love to Premium, but this body is a bit too strong for practice. All the power it holds can be highly detrimental for Canterlot. If I were to exert even a moderate amount of magic, the results will be catastrophic."

"Aw..." Premium pouted. "Alright, I understand. So does this mean you won't be helping me with contest moves?"

"Sorry, Premium." Celestia gave Premium a head pat. "Probably tomorrow when this form runs out. Hopefully. But, I can still watch your performance."

"Hooray! Come and take a look! I learned this from looking at one of the Pokemon cards you showed me before!" Premium, eager to show Celestia, rushed outside as some contest practice would be done.

All the while, Celestia was waiting for the form to run out.

Whenever it does.

6 hours later.

6 hours had passed and the form was still active. Premium had already finished showing Celestia her newest contest moves long ago and had gone back to her room. The students of the Pokemon School had also returned to their homes by now.

At this moment, Celestia was just patiently waiting. And to kill some time, she figured she could eat some cake afterwards. Even if she was a Gardevoir now, she could still eat some cake.

"Mhm..." Celestia rubbed her hands together, licking her lips while eyeing down the cake. From looking at the beautiful piece of pastry, Celestia's first instinct was to do what she always does. Use her magic.

One problem.

She didn't have her horn with her so she couldn't just levitate a piece towards her. Clearly, there were some early obstacles she would have to overcome.

"Ah. This is a glaring issue." Celestia made a poker face. She then thought of a way around this little issue that could be solved fairly easily. She could still use magic, just a different type of magic. Pokemon, AKA Fairy magic.

Or a better alternative, Passion's psychokinetic mind could do the trick since it works the same way as levitation. Knowing about that, Celestia closed her eyes, tapping into her newfound Psychic abilities.

She took deep breaths, making sure not to stress or overwork herself. With a pink and golden aura surrounding her, Celestia was able to interact with the cake, gently taking a piece out with her mind.


"Ah!" Celestia smiled as she immediately devoured the cake in front of her in one bite. "Mmm! That's easy enough!"

The first step of proper control. Celestia was actually starting to take part in a learning curve whilst having all of this newfound magic and power at her disposal. Something that she was well aware of and would aim to make the most of until the form runs out.

4 hours later.

4 hours have passed and the evening was here. Celestia was still Celestial-Gardevoir. The moon had been raised and currently, Celestia was in her room trying to get some shut-eye. Perhaps sleeping through it would do the trick.

Celestia slept on Passion's bed instead of her own due to the dramatic size difference as a Gardevoir compared to an alicorn. Celestia slowly closed her eyes, allowing the calm and warm aura of the moon to put her mind at ease as she fell into a peaceful sleep.

After a few minutes, Celestia was asleep with nothing to interrupt her. However, even when asleep, the effects of Celestial-Gardevoir still ran through her.

While Celestia was asleep on the outside, on the inside, she was awake.

Right now, she was in her mindscape.

"Oh!" Celestia's eyes flashed open, gazing upon her mindscape which was just a replica of all of Equestria. "Here again." She then looked at herself, noticing that she was back in her pony form instead of being Celestial-Gardevoir again.

Celestia could have two times the peace. Peace on the outside in her sleep and peace on the inside by calming herself in her mindscape. Best of both worlds.

But she wasn't alone.

Passion was here too as she stood before her trainer in her normal Gardevoir form. "Gardevoir."

"Passion?" Celestia looked up at her partner. "Ah, this might be the only place where we're separated. Yet, even in my or...our sleep, I can still feel that we are as one. Is this what Pyrestar feels every day? "

"Voir..." Passion pouted as she put her arms together, feeling a bit worrisome about something. And Celestia could tell from her expression.

"Passion? What's wrong?"

"Gardevoir..." Passion whimpered.

"Is this about what Olympia told us earlier in the afternoon?"

"Garde." She nodded.

"Right." Celestia walked over. "But you also heard about what Luna said to us, didn't you?"


"She has a point. We can't let this stop us can we? Not when there's so much at stake now. For both our homeworlds. So, like before, we can just overcome it together, right?"

"Gardevoir." Passion agreed with Celestia but all of this power was just so overwhelming to her. In truth, while Passion and every other Gardevoir in existence would do anything to protect their trainer, sometimes, they would like an ordinary life where everything isn't so frantic.

That's what Passion was feeling. Her trainer being harmed, an incoming invasion soon, parallel universes, constants levels of power and so much were just so much for the Embrace Pokemon to process.

Even the average Gardevoir can't handle this. The most a Gardevoir can take is being a part of a Pokemon Battle and doing everything in its power to protect its trainer or make them proud. This, however, is completely different from any of that.

"Voir." Passion sighed as she sat on the ground, huddled up. Celestia then went over to her partner, giving her a comforting hug. Usually, Gardevoir are the ones who give out hugs hence being classified as the Embrace Pokemon. But sometimes, receiving a hug from the trainer themselves is just as wonderful.

"It's alright. I'll always be there for you after all." Celestia reassured the Psychic-Fairy-Type. Saying that made Passion remember how Celestia is always there for her. Especially during her power overload when she was still a Kirlia.

That is one promise Celestia has never broken. And it's a promise that she will do anything to keep. And Passion knew that for sure. Because of how much love Celestia shows her partner, the Embrace Pokemon can rest easy knowing she had an amazing trainer by her side.

They both took a moment to embrace each other for a while longer as their fused body continues to sleep through the night.

Morning. 11 hours later.

Along came the shining golden sun. Pyrestar did the offer of raising it herself, waking all of Equestria up.

And of course, Celestia herself had to wake up by this time. Royal duties and everything. And how she also promised to help Premium Polish with her contest moves.

However, when waking up, she quickly felt that something was different yet familiar. Celestia grumbled on the bed as she could sense a lot of space around her.

That's because the bed usually used for Passion, who was much taller than Celestia, was still being used by the Sun Princess. And more importantly, when waking up, Celestia quickly discovered that she was back in her original body. Alicorn and everything.

And at the same time, Passion was asleep next to her since they had separated.

"So...either sleep reverts us...or just a certain amount of hours," Celestia spoke with a groggy voice. "Either way, it's good to be back."

"Gardevoir..." Passion was still asleep and she probably wouldn't be getting back up for a while. It was best to let her sleep, especially after yesterday.

Celestia herself felt like having some more sleep. But, she decided to get to work immediately before doing so. However, Celestia felt like she could wait for a little while before getting out there.

"5 more minutes. That'll do."

And so, Celestia chose to spend a few more minutes in bed with Passion before anything else. It was something that was certainly needed between both of them.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 391 End.

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