• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Just a bit left

Equestria. Ponyville. Early Morning.

The sun has finally risen on Equestria. After Cosmos' defeat, the dawn had come with the moon being lowered at last. The skies were still torn after the damage that Cosmos had done. However, Palkia was there to fix it as the Spatial Pokemon ascended to the skies, preparing the remaining damages to space.

It moved its claw across the sky, reversing the terrible tear in space gradually. Meanwhile, once this battle was done, everyone who was exhausted immediately put themselves to sleep even during the day.

"Glad that's over with." Rainbow Dash laid on Altaria's fluffy wings. "Oh the bright side, at least the invasion was harder than this. I guess."

"Yeah. It's a good thing you told me to bring the Z-Ring along, Sombra." Ash spoke to Sombra, who chose to show up in his physical form instead of his shadow form. "Great call."

"Obviously, it was a brilliant move on my part." Sombra boasted. "I recognize true power when I see it."

"We all did well," Cynthia replied, laughing alongside everyone. "That's another tale for the books, isn't it?"

"Yeah. For my memory book. I might have to get a new one since it's running out of space." said Twilight, looking over at the many ponies and Pokemon who had fallen asleep from exhaustion. She and everyone else then looked to the skies, seeing Palkia go to work.

"Hey, Palkia! Thanks for the help!" Ash stood up, alerting the Spatial Pokemon. Soon, Pinkie and the others thanked Palkia while Giratina stayed silent instead of thanking its fellow Creation Trio member. Palkia looked back at them before replying with its signature cry.

"It says we're all welcome." Fluttershy translated for them.

"Everyone gets a day off or more with this," Celestia spoke. "We deserve it. And some reparations are needed."

"Hold on." Just then, interrupting this moment of peace was Emerald Aura as she stomped her hoof forward. "Hate to break up the nice and harmonious moment that you always have, but it's not over yet."

"It's not?" Ash and the others said in unison.

"It will be once we do one last thing. Ash. Don't you have a Time Flower with you?" Emerald then turned to the Champion of Alola. "If so, then use it on this spot."

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure." Ash dug into his bug, searching for the Time Flower. He took it out of his bag, before placing it on the damaged ground which had been ravaged by Cosmos. "So, what's up?"

"Just go back to when Cosmos lost her stars."

"Got it." Ash then channelled his Aura into the flower, focusing on this very spot and on a certain scenario. The Aura flared across the area before then showing a memorial projection of a moment that happened a few minutes ago.

It showed all of the attacks crashing into Cosmos' crown, ultimately overwhelming her as the crown containing the Andalusian Stars had been destroyed. The stars all flew out as Emerald Aura narrowed her eyes, paying attention to the stars.

"There!" Once she noticed the stars flying out, she had used her magic. She wasn't as powerful as she was before, but she certainly had enough power to affect the projection. By using most of her magic, Emerald Aura created a field of magic that had suddenly frozen the projection of the Time Flower.

After doing so, she took a deep breath, exhausting herself just from that one action. Emerald Aura certainly missed the days when she could do almost anything.

"That's the moment...See?"

"Why stop at this moment?" Luna questioned as the entire projection scene of Cosmos being defeated while on the verge of falling on her back and the stars separating had been frozen. It created a fairly hilarious image to think about.

"Look. You see the stars?" Emerald Aura aimed her hoof at the stars. "I knew something was off when they first crashed and broke."

"What's wrong with the stars?" Twilight asked.

"Look. There are seven stars up there. That's one extra star than what Cosmos usually has."

"Well...yeah. She used the Rift Energy to make a substitute, didn't she?" Spike replied.

"Mm. That would be the 7th spare star." Twilight nodded before squinting her eyes. The Princess of Friendship was starting to get something. Something that raised a lot of curiosity. "Except...when Cosmos ended up being revived, we heard her shout in the distance. You could've had a clearer version of it with your advanced hearing. Right, Fluttershy? Audino?"

"We did." Fluttershy and Audino nodded. "Audi and I heard something that Cosmos said. She said that almost all of her stars had been shattered."

"Right on." Emerald appeared in front of them both. "Someone destroyed her stars, but she got them back and revived herself. That's impossible since once those stars are destroyed, Cosmos can't bring them back."

"Uhh..." She was trying to think about this. "So what you're saying is...These stars are different from the others?"

"I think it's something else, Ash." Twilight turned to him. "If Cosmos couldn't bring them back then there's only one explanation."

"Oh!" Ash and Fluttershy thought of the only possible explanation. And it all went back to when Discord first mentioned Cosmos. They thought of when they found out about this universe's Cosmos and the Cosmos from another Universe. That's when it clicked. "They're from another universe?!"

"Yeah. Pretty much." Emerald Aura shrugged. "Somehow, she gained Andalusian Stars from another universe that belonged to another Cosmos."

"When we last saw Cosmos before she gained her true form, we only saw four stars on her. Three of them were real and one of them was that substitute, right?" said Hollow. "That's when Palkia battled her."

"So she couldn't have found the rest of them, right?" Goh was also catching onto this.

"And that means that the remaining three Andalusian Stars are still out there. The one in the Crystal Empire. The one at Griffonstone. And the other one which should be at a flea market here at Ponyville." Emerald Aura revealed that there were still some stars left.

"Oh...Oh No!" Discord shouted. "If those stars are still around, then Cosmos does have a chance to come back! Why?! Why?!"

"Calm down, Discord." Celestia calmed the Spirit of Chaos down. "Emerald Aura here already spouted out the locations of the remaining stars. It's wonderful that you have a perfect recollection of the original timeline."

"That's right." Emerald Aura flipped her mane., feeling proud of herself. She quite liked the praise. "Even if it's one year too early, my memory never fails me. So, even though those stars are still left, we can deal with them before Cosmos can have a chance to come back."

"Then what are we waiting for," Ash replied. "Let's find those last three stars."


"We'll head back to the Crystal Empire." Cadence raised her hoof. "Just tell us where to go, Emerald."

"We'll head to the flea market then. I can't believe it was right here all along and she didn't notice it..." Applejack scratched her mane while adjusting her hat, wondering how Cosmos never thought to look here.

"Then, we'll go to Griffonstone." Ash pointed at himself. They all had places to be. "Cold Colt. Mind showing us the way to it?" Three locations where the remaining Andalusian Stars would be. It wouldn't be too hard since everything was at peace now and they had the perfect guides.

"Wait!" Fluttershy intervened with something important. Arguably just as important as the remaining stars as it involved a certain Gym Leader. "We still have to find Valerie! Her Pokemon are still worried about her. She's probably free from Cosmos now but..."

"Sylveon..." Sylveon, Mawile and Spritzee lowered their heads, thinking about Valerie. Even though they won, Valerie was still nowhere to be found as she did retreat whilst being possessed by Cosmos.

"We'll find her!" Pinkie Pie and one of her Slurpuff slid over, nudging Fluttershy. "All it takes is the awesome nose of Slurpuff to make it work!"


"Good luck finding those remaining stars. When you find them, just destroy them like the rest have been destroyed." Celestia ordered as everyone went their separate ways for a while. The easiest would be Ponyville and even the Crystal Empire. But Griffonstone was a different story.

Three stars remained as the potential of Cosmos returning was possible. There was also the task of finding a missing Gym Leader from the Kalos Region. Valerie.

Griffonstone. Day.

They had arrived at Griffonstone on the back of Dragonite. Griffostone had remained untouched from the Cosmos attack. Many of the Griffons there if not all of them had not awoken from the malicious chaos that went on for hours.

But since the Sun had finally risen, allowing some of them to wake up. The griffons were completely unaware of the events that had happened since yesterday and the entire night. Cold Colt would be the one to guide them to that other star.

"Okay. It's one year earlier so the star won't be at the same spot. But it'll still be here at Griffonstone. Somewhere." Cold Colt said.

"Then we'll search and ask everywhere," Ash suggested as he, Pikachu, Cold Colt and even Sombra went off to ask about a purple star. They'll take any hint that can lead them towards it.

They weren't the only ones though. Now that the Sun had come up, Sienna, who had been searching for this star in Griffonstone was still on the hunt. But her luck failed her thanks to events with Cosmos being too early. Once the Sun showed up, Sienna felt like giving up, sitting near the outskirts of Griffonstone.

She then looked up to see the tear in space being fixed up by Palkia. She sighed before standing up. She saw how many of the Griffons were starting to emerge out of their homes now that the Sun had risen. They all brought out their goods and belongings while Sienna felt like giving up.

"Mmmrgh...Why am I even bothering with this?" She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Not a single one of those houses had the star. Whatever. Cosmos can go ahead and be without another star, what do I care?"

It was clear that Palkia was already fixing the damage that had been done. But before Sienna could depart from here, the moment she turned around, she was met with a griffon to the face. "Gah!"

"What do you think you're doing at my spot?" The griffon asked as she brought over by using the strength of a Machoke to do so.

"S-Sorry!" Sienna laughed before backing away. "Guess that looked weird sitting around here, right?"

"Mmmrgh..." The Griffon grumbled while Sienna had a nervous expression. But while she was now coming face to face with a griffon, she could ask a question about the star. Sienna realized that this could be her big chance.

"Uh, hold on! Quick question. You wouldn't happen to have seen a certain star around here, would you?" Sienna rubbed her hands together. "Preferably a pinkish one. I wouldn't mind buying one off of you."

"A star?" The griffon replied, thinking for a moment. "Meh. I don't have a star. But if I did, I'd charge it at a high price. If I see one, I'll make it extra special to purchase."

"Figures." Sienna felt defeated as she walked away before flicking her finger, summoning multiple bits around this one griffon. "Thanks for the help anyway."

"Haha!" The brightest smile came across the Griffon's face as she hugged her Machoke. This many bits to a Griffon was the best gift they could ask for.

Sienna called it quits. She was now wishing that the event had occurred during its original timeline. She walked past many stores that the griffons had set up with various items. Her eyes met with the stores, hoping to find one of them that had the star, but not a sign of it.

However, when scanning the area full of stores, her eyes quickly caught something. One of the griffons was speaking to a Pelipper. And that Pelipper was currently trying to cough something out.

"Spit it out already!" The griffon exclaimed, shaking Pelipper.

"P-P-Peli! Pelipper had something stuck in its massive bill. Something that was causing it pain. Once it managed to cough it out, this sharp object was revealed to be just what Sienna was looking for. With immaculate timing and the blessing of the griffons waking up during the sunrise, Sienna had found it.

An Andalusian Star.

"!" Now was not the time to call it quits in her eyes. With gusto, she rushed over to that spot with the griffon and the Pelipper as the star was being cleaned. Pelipper sat down, still feeling the sharp pain. "Hey, hey, hey!"

"Hm? What do you want?" The griffon replied with a gruff voice.

"Sorry that I'm interrupting an important moment with this but uh...how much for that star over there?" Sienna asked with a bright smile on her face while pointing at the Andalusian Star.

"Oh, this thing?" The griffon held it up. "Ah...I've been trying to sell this thing for a while. But no one here can give me the right amount of bits."

"I can! I can!" Sienna pointed at herself like an excited child as she spoke the truth. She had the power to give out as many bits as she wanted to. "Just say the number and I'll make it happen!"

"Oh? Really now?" The griffon had a sly look on his face before then revealing the number. "50 bits."

"Deal!" Sienna snapped her finger, dropping 50 bits onto the griffon and the Pelipper. She paid up with the right amount as the griffon couldn't be more pleased. "Hw's that?"

"Oh, you're a lady of your word!" He said with joy in his voice. "Alright then, take it. I was gonna try and throw it out to the skulls one day anyway."

"Don't mind if I-" But just as Sienna went to grab it, that's when her achievement ha been shattered. Both figuratively and literally. Moving at great speeds was a bolt of darkness that had crystals around them. This bolt had pierced through the Andalusian Star with the crystals doing the same.

And in the blink of an eye, the star had shattered while also being consumed by a darkness with crystals dropping to the ground. Sienna's pupils dilated as her hand was stuck in the same motion out of absolute shock. She then turned her head as only one individual was responsible for this.

"Mmm. I think not." King Sombra.

"S-S-S-Sombra...!" Sienna gripped her hand as the griffon lowered his head, looking at the shattered remains of the star. It was far beyond recovery now as only a few sides remained. The rest had been swallowed up.

"Eh. I wasn't too interested in the star, anyway. Plus, I got these bits so...bye!" The griffon was happy either way. He dismissed the star before throwing all of the bits into Pelipper's large bill. They were all enough to fit inside the Water-Flying-Type's mouth. Once he got his bits, he and his Pelipper had left this spot while Sienna locked eyes with Sombra.

"Sorry." Sombra shrugged. "But I can't have you using that star. If anyone is to control this world and even other worlds out there, it shall be me. You should know that, right, Rift Human?"

"Kh...!" Sienna growled, hissing at Sombra with veins appearing around her hand. Even a spark of Rift Magic had shown up.

"Hoh? Are you sure you want to stretch this any further?" Sombra questioned. "You and I may not be in our prime anymore, but I still possess the magic to retaliate. And an accomplice to boot."

Sombra had then used his magic to manipulate the shadows. Mainly, Ash's shadow. Since they were now connected, Sombra had limited options of how he could interact with Ash. Pulling him in different directions. And this was one of them.

"Woah!" Ash had brought over with Pikachu on his shoulder as always. Sombra used Ash's shadow to bring him to this spot as Ash was certainly the biggest threat to Sienna right here.

"Darn it...!" Sienna could see that it was pointless. Refusing to risk herself here, Sienna used her magic to teleport away. Just what Sombra was expecting. Meanwhile, Ash almost fell over, only for Sombra to keep him steady and up by controlling his shadow.

"Oh, man..." Ash held onto his hat. "What is it, Sombra?"

"Take a look." Sombra had then shown Ash what was left of this Andalusian Star. He aimed his hoof at the ground as the remains of the star were covered in shadows, slowly breaking them down. "That eliminates any chance of that draconequus coming back.

"Woah! Great job!" Ash praised Sombra.


"That should be the end of Cosmos. At least...in our universe." Sombra turned around. "You remember how they mentioned that those spare stars were found from another universe?"

"Yeah. I remember. That means there's way more Cosmos' out there."

"If we're lucky, they won't come here." Sombra shrugged before turning into his shadow form. "But in case one of them does decide to try and intervene with our universe, you know what needs to be done."

"We'll beat them too." Ash was already on the same page as Sombra.

"Now you're thinking like a king. Hurry back home. My room is waiting for me and I wish to eat some Slowpoke Tail."

"You got it. I'm hungry too." Once again, they were on the same page, wanting something to eat. Nothing was better than heading home and having mom's cooking. Their work here was done. All they had to do was get Cold Colt and head out.

Faye Mountains. Changeling Hive. Day.

Searching for Valerie had led Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to the Changeling Hive, located in the Faye Mountains. Thanks to Slurpuff's great scent, they arrived here in no time.

Chrysalis had led them inside the hive as Valerie was indeed here. She brought them over to the spot where all of the healing cocoons were. When entering almost all of them hadn't been used. Except for one of them. One cocoon was currently open, indicating that someone had been healed in it

That someone was Valerie. Valerie sat next to the cocoon she had been inside as her body had been healed. She looked a bit dazed, but that was mainly due to having her body be affected by the Connection Spell. Much like many others who were freed from Cosmos, she was unconscious and had only recovered not too long ago.

"Sylveon! Valerie's Pokemon rushed to her side once they saw their trainer in one piece.

"Oh. Sylveon. Spritzee. Mawile." Valerie spoke to them as Sylveon pounced onto the Fairy-Type specialist.

"One of my changelings found her unconscious near the sea. I figured it would be a friend of yours. I could sense the Fairy Magic coming off of her." Chrysalis explained. "Mind telling me what happened exactly? The sky was torn apart as well."

"A lot happened." Pinkie Pie replied. "I'll tell you everything later!"

"Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie. I'm not sure what's going on but...I feel somewhat relieved." Valerie laughed. "And dazed in the head too."

"As long as you're alright, that's all that matters," Fluttershy responded. "Let's get you home, Valerie."

"I think I'll stay here for a bit. This place feels calming. I can feel so much Fairy Magic coming from here..." Valerie slumped near the cocoon. She could feel the Fairy Magic coming from the land. "So relaxing..."

"So. About that tear in space." Chrysalis turned to Pinkie Pie, wanting to know everything about last night and yesterday. Pinkie and Fluttershy had a lot to share, no doubt.

Universe 11. Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

But at the end of it all, the true winners of this were those that were stationed and living at Universe 11. After Cosmos received her full power and broke through multiple universes, the magic that she possessed had gone over to Daybreaker's ultimate weapon.

The Supernova.

Combined with Rift Magic, this cosmic chaotic power was being given to the weapon as it was able to withstand any form of power no matter how grandiose and universal it was. All thanks to Ghetsis' idea of gathering magic from Cosmos as well. Daybreaker put her hoof on the Supernova, thinking about what she would end up doing with it once she had enough.

All that was on her mind was her sister Luna and how she wanted her back in the world. "Just wait a bit longer, Luna. Soon, I'll have the power necessary to bring you back." That was her ultimate goal. Having Luna back. And this weapon was the main key to bringing her back. No matter how long it has been without her sister being here.

As for Ghetsis and Colress, they walked off after listening to Daybreaker speak about her little sister. Further plans were already being made. "What next, Lord Ghetsis? Is there anything else we can grab?"

"Does Twilight know yet about her missing stars?" Ghetsis questioned.

"Not for a second. Then again, she's been trying to use the Andalusian Stars for herself for a long time. A shame she isn't a draconequus." Colress shrugged. "She didn't need those stars anyway."

"Good. We'll think of something later." Ghetsis and Colress continued on their way as this mission was a success. And without a single interruption from their enemies.

Universe 1. Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

The last stars had been destroyed. Spike had found the last one at the Flea Market before then choosing to eat it. That was the last of Cosmos' power. Gone.

"Mmm...Cosmic power tastes good," said Spike, patting his belly.

"That's that." Twilight could call this truly over. "Now, we're finished. That's another one for the books. Thanks for telling us about this, Emerald. Not sure what we would've done."

"Eh, whatever." Emerald Aura flipped her mane. "But ya know...I wouldn't mind getting something in return. Maybe a medal or something like that. Anything will do, really. I don't mind." Truth is, she wanted a lot in return. Mainly to make up for what she had lost.

"How about this then?" Twilight already thought of something. "You've been a big help telling us about the other stars and bringing extra help from the Crystal Empire over. You're also helping Applejack over at Sweet Apple Acres and you're not looking to cause any trouble like before. Even when you had your magic a few months back, you still helped out with the Pegalysium incident."

"Yeah, yeah." The Rift Pony nodded.

"How about in return, we give you some of your power back?"

"R-Really?!" Emerald Aura's heart skipped a beat from that as she rushed over to Twilight. "You mean it!? Seriously?!"

"It's the least we can do. Plus, it's the best gift I can think of giving a Rift Pony." The Princess of Friendship chuckled. "The cauldron of Rift magic should work just fine for you."

"Yes! Mansion, I'm coming back!" Emerald pumped her hooves back into the air. She then looked at Applejack and the others before scrunching her face. "B-But...I do like those apple pies. And this town is kinda nice now that I think about it."

"Ah, don't worry about it!" Applejack nudged her on the back, almost knocking Emerald Aura over from her absurd earth pony strength. "You live how you wanna live, alright? But you're now welcome back at Sweet Apple Acres."

"Uhh...I'll stay at your home for a bit." The Rift Pony replied. "After that...then I'll think of something."

"Great to hear it. Come on, we've got a cauldron to get you to." Twilight laughed, putting her hooves around her friends. At the end of it all, laughter had been made. Combined with the golden sun, it was a glorious sign of everything involving this event finally ending.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 799 End.

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