• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Mega Finale

Equestria. Canterlot. Equestria League Stadium. Day.

The final match of the Canterlot Tag Battle Competition was closing in. And the two teams were Ash and Fluttershy vs Barry and Applejack. Everyone was riveted and pumped for this last match as only a few minutes would go by until it was time.

"Looks like it's us now," Ash spoke to Barry and Applejack. "Guess I've got another chance to battle you, Barry."

"Right. And this time, I'm coming out on top, Ash." Barry gave a cheesy grin. "Don't get too embarrassed when I become Hero of Equestria when I beat you."

"Huh?" Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, don't count on it, partner." Applejack shook her head, instantly shutting down Barry's words. "But that winning part, I can see. Don't get too gentle there, Fluttershy."

"I won't." Fluttershy giggled. "I'll always do my best."

"So, Barry. After this, what are you gonna do?" Ash asked.

"I'm aiming to enter the Pokemon World Championships one day. Heard you were in it and it got super popular when I started hearing about it. Beating Leon and getting to the Masters 8 is like a dream come true. That's where I'm headed!"

"So, it's not becoming Champion of Sinnoh? That's fine. Because I'm gonna be the one to beat Leon, ya hear?" Ash declared.


"Not before I beat him first!" Barry and Ash once again butted heads. Just like the old days in Sinnoh. And it would happen once more on the battlefield as the alert had gone off. It was time for both teams to battle. "Let's settle this on the field!"

"You know it!"


In a rush, they both ran off, shoulder to shoulder as one was trying to beat the other there first. Their competitive nature and spirit still remained to this day as Applejack sighed.

"Oh geez..." She uttered as Fluttershy found amusement in it. The two of them then went to the field at a regular pace. But Applejack was reminded of her competitive nature with Rainbow Dash. It still existed to this day.

Everyone was waiting. Major fans of Ash were cheering him on and Barry had managed to accumulate his own fans on account of his previous matches. But most of the popularity went on Ash's side.

"Finally! This is it! The final match of the Canterlot Tag Battle Competition! Only one winning team here, aiming for the ultimate prize!" The announcer then raised the 10 Master Balls. "10 Master Balls! I'm psyched right now!"

"So. Whaddya reckon, Barry?" Applejack said to Barry. "Which Pokemon's coming out?"

"Hm-hm-hm." Barry closed his eyes as his hand was grabbing his chin. Seems he knew something with a calculative mind. Calculative and Barry don't usually work well with each other. "If I know Ash, he loves a flashy finish. And from what I've seen...he's either gonna go with Pikachu or Lucario to end things off."

"Yeah. That sounds flashy." Applejack agreed with a nod as she was now expecting Pikachu or Lucario. But soon, they would find it was not the case.

"I know who I'm choosing for this! Here's your debut, buddy! I choose you!" Ash held out a Poke Ball, launching it. Emerging out of the Poke Ball wasn't Lucario.

It was Dracovish.

"Draco! Dracovish!"

"!!!" Immediately after appearing, millions, practically everyone in the stadium froze in shock and horror. Not from Ash having a new Pokemon, but the appearance of said Pokemon. Just like how Twilight and the others reacted to the fossil Pokemon, the same went for this.

Utter shock.

Seeing Dracovish was like seeing an entity from another plane of existence. An alien almost. It might even be beyond an alien as faces off fear overtook every crowd member here. Even the humans are blown back as Dracovish is an impossibly rare Pokemon to come by due to it being extinct.

"W-What is that thing...?" Daylight Blazer grimaced.

"Can it even breathe properly...?" Spitfire uttered.

"I don't think its head is supposed to be in that direction." A pony said, covering the eyes of her daughter.

"I think I'm gonna hurl," Ember uttered, feeling drained just by looking at Dracovish.

"Ew. There's flesh sticking out at the bottom..." A human spoke. "That doesn't look safe."

"Sweet Celestia..." The referee ended up fainting on the spot due to seeing Dracovish. As a way to fix this, a spare referee instantly came in, replacing the fainted referee.

"What the?!" Barry pulled back. However, he was actually the only one surprised that Ash chose a different Pokemon instead of Dracovish's confusing appearance. "Ash Ketchum, you're not this unpredictable! Where's your Lucario!" Barry pointed at Ash. "Fess up or I'm gonna have to give you a fine!"

"I wanted Dracovish to have a shot. It hasn't battled so this will be great for it."


"Fine! I'll still take...whatever that thing is on!" Barry held out his Poke Ball, winding it up before throwing it. "Go, Staraptor!"


"Go for it, Audino. Help Dracovish as much as you can." Fluttershy chose Audino as her final Pokemon, fittingly.


"Last ride, Sceptile. Get in there." Applejack chose Sceptile, relying on her ace against a powerful opponent such as Ash.


"Battle Start!"

"Staraptor! Let's end this in one hit! Close Combat on Audino!"

"Star" Star was aiming to perform a One-hit KO. And with a powerful Fighting-Type move like Close Combat against a Normal-Type such as Audino, major damage was due without fail.

"A-Audino?!" Audino gasped, seeing that she was a prime target for Braviary.

"Audino, Use Pro-"

"No need, Fluttershy!" Ash stepped in, deciding to protect Audino himself. "Ice Fang, Dracovish!"

"Dra!" Dracovish cried out, yawning for a small bit. But after that yawn ended, the eyes of the Fossil Pokemon flashed blue as its lower jaw became covered in light blue, icy energy. Once Staraptor came close, Dracovish took a quick bite, snapping its jaws onto the wings of the Predator Pokemon.

"S-Star!" Staraptor took super-effective damage as his left wing had been frozen. And with that damage, Dracovish threw Staraptor to the side, but not before leaving a powerful mark. Due to Ice Fang freezing his wing, Staraptor's flying capabilities and skills had been diminished.

"Gah!? You messed up my Staraptor's wings!" Barry grabbed his hair. "What's the big idea, Ash Ketchum?!"

"Don't moan, I got it. Sceptile, break that ice." Applejack said.

"Scep." The problem was easily resolved. All Sceptile had to do was smash the ice. And he did so, freeing Staraptor from his permanent icy prison. "Sceptile."


"Hehe. Ash crossed his arms before adjusting his hat. "We're just getting started with all our tricks! Okay, Dracovish, head in and use Fishous Rend!"

"Audino! Help Dracovish with Safeguard!"

"Dino!" Audino raised her arms, casting a verdant green aura of light around hers and Dracovish's bodies. Status moves such as Sceptile's Thunder Punch causing paralysis were to be noted. And the rest of Staraptor's moves are unknown but it pays to be cautious.

"Sceptile, Leaf Blade!"

"Staraptor, use Uproar!"

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile approached the Fossil Pokemon with bladed leaves. This would also be the first time that everyone would witness Fishious Rend and how powerful it could be. As for Staraptor, he had cawed, making blue sound waves come out of his mouth directly towards Audino.

"A-Audi!" Audino had been hit by Round after she ended Safeguard. But due to her being a bulky Pokemon like her sister Pokemon Blissey, the Hearing Pokemon wasn't even pushed back. For this, Audino would just be support for Dracovish since the only attacking move she has is Hyper Beam.

"Tile!" Sceptile swung at Dracovish, actually hitting the Fossil Pokemon in the process. But not without retaliation. Dracovish instantly snapped back with a swift bite to Sceptile's arm.


"S-Scep?!" And Sceptile was the first to experience this as Dracovish now had Sceptile within its fanged clutches. It did not let go once its fangs had connected. Fishious Red was certainly hard-hitting, especially on this Pokemon.

"Vish!" After holding Sceptile, Dracovish slammed him onto the ground, not letting go for a second.


"Sceptile! Get out of there! Use your vines to grab onto Staraptor!" Applejack cried out.

"S-Sceptile!" Sceptile held his arm out as vines shot out. Just in time for Staraptor to grab them with his beak. The Predator Pokemon then tried pulling Sceptile away but was shocked that it wasn't an instant rescue.


"What gives?!" Barry gasped.

"Ooh, look at that!" The announcer gasped. "That...whatever Pokemon that is...has Sceptile completely stuck! How strong are those jaws?!"

"The Pokedex says that its powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator of its time." Twilight explained. "So apex that its own overhunting of its prey was what drove it to extinction. Those jaws are no joke."

"Dragon Pulse, Sceptile!"

"Sceptile!" But at least, Sceptile had a way of escaping. His vines may have failed but Dragon Pulse didn't. He opened his mouth, unleashing a blast of draconic energy that had struck Dracovish in the face.

"Vish!" Dracovish staggered as its grip had been weakened, allowing for Sceptile to break free. The Forest Pokemon was finally free, however, he noticed that he had some bruises from that Fishious Rend.

"Yeah. Shoulda known." Applejack adjusted her hat. "Can't have Dracovish bite us, or that's game. Barry. Don't let it bite your Staraptor."

"Got it, got it. Distance is key." Ash pumped his fist.

"For a Pokemon that can barely breathe and is rearranged incorrectly, it sure is dangerous..." Rarity gawked. "I hate to imagine what its true form was capable of in the past."

"Let's go wild, Dracovish! Water Gun, go!"

"Audino! Heal Pulse!"

"Dracovish! This time, Dracovish would keep its distance, shooting out a stream of water from its mouth that packed more power than your run-of-the-mill Water Gun. And at the same time, Audino would provide healing support.

With Heal Pulse, she was able to heal herself and Dracovish with a beautiful and light green aura, erasing the damage done by Uproar and Dragon Pulse.

"Let's try one of those new moves ya learned! Frenzy Plant!"

"Scep...Tile!" Sceptile stuck his hands in the ground as giant roots erupted out of the ground in a frantic frenzy. Similar to Discharge or the Counter Shield.

"Brave Bird!"

"Staraptor!" And Staraptor would be attacking with yet another heavy move. Many hard-hitting moves were being used in this battle as the Predator Pokemon zoomed in, flying and manoeuvring the array of plants. While he was on the same team as Sceptile, getting hit by those plants was still a probability.

"Now's our chance to attack! Hyper Beam, Audino!"

"Audi...!" Audino was finally going on the offensive. She put her hands together, gathering up heaps of Infinity Energy as she unleashed a giant orange beam that flew alongside Dracovish's Water Gun.

Water Gun and Hyper Beam connected with Frenzy Plant as their combined might was enough to cancel Frenzy Plant. Mainly Hyper Beam due to how powerful it was. But Staraptor was safe.

Since all of the plants from Frenzy Plant got in the way of Water Gun and Hyper Beam, the Predator Pokemon was free from damage. After using Frenzy Plant, Sceptile suffered the same effects as Audino's Hyper Beam. He had to recharge in the meanwhile.

"Star!" And that allowed him to move through and attack his target. And for Staraptor, that target was Dracovish as he was up in front. The Normal-Flying-Type Pokemon crashed into Dracovish at full force. But not without taking recoil damage as the Fossil Pokemon was knocked back.


"Let's head back in there with Ice Fang!"

"Push it back with Uproar!"

"Staaaaaaar!" Staraptro promptly pushed Dracovish away with blue soundwaves, creating a safe distance as the Fossil Pokemon was knocked back. And after that action, Sceptile and Audino were recharged, back to full strength.

"Ice Fang, again!"

"Dracovish! Dracovish then ran ahead with the intent to freeze. In came Dracovish with glowing blue fangs and impressive running speed, despite not being in any body of water right now.

"Sceptile, use Thunder Punch!"

"Steel Wing, Staraptor!"

"Scep!" Sceptile and Starptor would meet with Dracovish with a synchronized attack. The same time Sceptile used Thunder Punch, Staraptor would use Steel Wing. And with these two being close to each other, Steel Wing conducted Thunder Punch as Starptor now had a combination of two moves in one. Adding that to Sceptile's Thunder Punch makes three.


"Draco!" But as they swung their fist and wing, Dracovish, with its unreasonably massive mouth, chomped on both of them at the same time. They were slightly close and Dracovish's head size allowed it to grab both the first and wing into its clutches. There is a reason why it was the Apex Predator back in the day. Even more of a predator than Staraptor, the Predator Pokemon.



"It got both of us?!" Barry gasped as the effects of Ice Fang occurred. But it would affect one Pokemon. And that unlucky customer was Sceptile. The ice instantly froze him in a flash. A flash-freeze to be exact. The Forest Pokemon gasped as he was now put in an icy prison while receiving super-effective damage. And as a bonus, Dracovish had them both in its grasp.

"Right where we want you!" Ash grinned. "Your move, Fluttershy! Dracovish and I will buy you all the time for a recharge!"

"Thanks, Ash! Audino! Hyper Beam one more time!"

"Dracovish! Throw them!"

"Audi...!" After being fully recharged, Audino went for a second Hyper Beam. But not without support. Dracovish used its powerful jaws to throw the two Pokemon into the direction of Audino's Hyper Beam. "No!"

"Gah! Staraptor, Block with Steel Wing!" Barry screeched as Hyper Beam was coming in hot.

"Star!" Staraptor quickly recovered through the air despite taking super-effective damage. The Predator Pokemon immediately hardened his wings, flying in front of Sceptile.

And just in the nick of time. Staraptor had successfully shielded against Hyper Beam with Steel Wing as a way to resist the damage. However, even with Steel Wing's protection, Hyper Beam was incredibly powerful as Staraptor staggered. He managed to hang in there as his wings were smoking. But more importantly, Sceptile had been saved.

"Fishious Rend!"

"Staraptor, behind you!"

"Star?!" Staraptor quickly turned around to see Dracovish attacking as Audino went through another recharge. With Dracovish getting a back attack due to Staraptor's fixation of Hyper Bea, the Fossil Pokemon bit onto the tail feathers of Staraptor.


"Raptor!" Staraptor cried out as he was sensitive there. Anyone would be. Immediately after getting bitten, Staraptor flapped his wings in pain.

"Yes!" Ash pumped his fist. "Now, switch into Ice Fang!"

"Staraptor, Shake it off!"

"Star-Star!" Staraptor flew into the air as Dracovish was ready to change its biting style. The Normal-Flying-Type soared through the skies, spiralling in a circle. Staraptor started spinning so fast he was kicking upwind around his body. And by doing so, he managed to make Dacvoish dizzy, halting Ice Fang. But even so, Dracovish's bite was so great that even when being befuddled, it would not let go.

"D-Draco! Draco...!"

"Ah! Dracovish!" Ash gasped.

"That should be good enough! Now, do a fly-by Close Combat! Break Sceptile free while striking Audino!" Barry raised his arms to give more Oomph to his command.

"Staraptor!" And Oomph it gave. Staraptor immediately dived downwards, moving at his top speed. He would act in the same way a rocket or meteor was entering the atmosphere. Enough force to obliterate the first thing in sight. By swooping down, Staraptor then flew forward once he was low enough. And by zooming, he used the strength of Close Combat to shatter the ice prison around Sceptile. And he did this while still heading for Audino.

"T-Tile!" Sceptile gasped as he was finally free.


"Audino!" But Audino had a response to Close Combat. After recharging, he put a massive field of protective energy around her. Once Staraptor's wings came in, they were immediately blocked by Audino's Protect.

"No problem! Slam Dracovish!"

"Star!" Staraptor's eyes flashed as he had then flipped over, using Dracovish as a weapon. Audino's Protect only works sparingly, so there was no chance of it protecting against what came next. And what came next was shocking as Staraptor had slammed Dracovish through the barrier and into Audino.

"Audino!" Audino cried out.

"Oh! Let go, Dracovish!"

"Draco!" Dracovish finally released its grip on Staraptor, only for Barry to take this chance while Audino and Dracovish

"Hehe! Close Combat!"

"Staraptor!" Staraptor took the chance as well, wailing his wings and talons onto both Dracovish and Audino all at once. He struck them both with heavy hits before landing his final hit, knocking them both back.



"Phew. Nice save there, partner. That could've been bad." Applejack sighed. "How ya looking there, Sceptile?"

"Tile." Sceptile held his head. That Ice Fang from Dracovish did a number on him for sure. Dracovish's fangs could end this battle at any second as both of them were each to its Ice Fang. Audino had taken big damage from Close Combat, but her bulkiness allowed her to stay on top.

"Shouldn't waste any time now. I know what I gotta do." Applejack took out the hatpin for Mega Evolution as Fluttershy gasped.

"They're going to Mega Evolve. Audino. Should we as well?"

"Audino." Audino nodded, agreeing to Mega Evolution. Just like the battles before this one, simultaneous Mega Evolution was due. Fluttershy revealed her Mega Bracelet, swapping her Z-Ring out for it.

"Here it comes again! Double Mega Evolution!" Scootaloo squeed in excitement.

"Mega Evolve!" In unison, Applejack and Fluttershy called for the power of Mega Evolution. The lights of Infinity Energy shot out of their keystones, enveloping around their partners while also forming the DNA Symbol. And at the same time, dispersing out of the lights were Mega Sceptile and Mega Audino.

"Brave Bird!"

"Frenzy Plant!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile and Staraptor used the same tactic they used before with Frenzy Plant and Brave Bird. Violent plants erupted from below as Staraptor easily evaded them while approaching his target.

"Protect, Audino!"

"Use Water Gun to dodge!"

"Dracovish!" Dracovish aimed downwards, unleashing a stream of water from its mouth. By using this tactic, the Fossil Pokemon had sent itself upwards as Water Gun was its support for the air. By shooting into the air, it managed to evade some incoming plants while also dodging Staraptor's Brave Bird. Audino managed to protect against some rampant plants, successfully blocking the might Grass-Type move. Sceptile had to recharge now.

"After it, Staraptor!"

"Star!" But Staraptor wasn't done. Still using Brave Bird, he redirected himself, chasing after Dracovish while he was in the air. Dracovish was at a great disadvantage when airborne, thus there wasn't much it could do. "Raptor!" Staraptor slammed into Dracovish, knocking the Fossil Pokemon down while taking recoil damage.

"Hyper Beam!"

"Audino!" Audino struck while Sceptile was recharging, sending Hyper Beam his way. Sceptile had no choice but to take this. And once the attack hit him with an outburst of explosive energy, Sceptile took it like a champ. That Mega Evolution also helped boost his defences. Now Audino was the one needing to recover.

"Sceptile, Dragon Pulse!"

"Steel Wing, Staraptor!" Now Barry and Applejack were beginning to put the pressure on. Sceptile fired Dragon Pulse at Dracovish while Staraptor flew at Audino with Steel Wing. Both super-effective.

"Water Gun!"

"Dracovish!" Dracovish quickly recovered from the ground before unleashing Water Gun towards Sceptile's Dragon Pulse. Dracovish saved itself by cancelling Dragon Pulse out.

"Star!" But the same couldn't be said for Audino as she hadn't finished recharging. And now that she was part Fairy in her Mega Evolved state, Steel Wing hurt. Staraptor slashed his wing onto the Hearing Pokemon, knocking her back with super-effective damage.


"Steel Wing again!"



"Dino!" Audino quickly put her arm out as she finished recharging. She had cast a barrier around herself, right as Staraptor had used a second Steel Wing, only for it to be blocked.

"Ice Fang, go!"

"Leaf Blade!"

"Dracovish!" Dracovish and Staraptor approached each other with fangs bearing and blades appearing. They entered an up-close encounter with Dracovish biting onto Sceptile's blade. But this time, Sceptile worked past that, using his other arm to slash Dracovish.



"You can't block the next one! Steel Wing again!"

"Staraptor!" Indeed, Audino couldn't. She took another Steel Wing, staggering afterwards. Staraptor kept swinging his wings, striking the Normal-Fairy-Type repeatedly.

"Dracovish! Help, Audino, with Water Gun!"

"Draco...!" Dracovish quickly turned around, opening its mouth to use Water Gun.

"Hold on there! Sceptile! Grab Dracovish!"

"Tile!" Sceptile sent his vines out, grabbing onto Dracovish's jaws and essentially its whole head. With that, Sceptile finally put Dracovish's aggressive jaws on hold.

"Don't underestimate those jaws, AJ!" Ash turned his hat. "Ice Fang!"

"Dra...Co!" Dracovish found an easy advantage to this. Its jaws were being held by the vines, yes. But the elements were still usable. Instead of using Water Gun, Dracovish used Ice Fang, causing the chilling aura to freeze the vines of Sceptile. They even almost reached Sceptile with how they travelled through the vines. "Vish!" Dracovish then crushed the frozen vines.

"Star...!" Staraptor went for another Steel Wing, only this time, Audino had grabbed his wings, standing her ground, "Star?"

"A-Audino...!" Audino growled as while she didn't have ludicrous physical strength, her Mega Form gave her that Oomph.

"I'm okay, Ash! Hyper Beam!"

"Audi...No!" Audino opened her mouth, using Hyper Beam from there instead of her hands.

"Ah! Break free Staraptor with Uproar!"

"S-Star!" Staraptor opened his mouth, unleashing a mighty echoing voice. And that was sensitive to Audino's ears as she winced. Her ears trembled along with her body.

"D-Dino...!" Audino cried out, closing her eyes. But her grip did not loosen. She was not going to let go for a second. She may be a healer Pokemon, but she's also one to be a trooper.

"Hah! Those ears are too sensitive! How about some more?!"

"Star! Star!" Staraptor kept using Uproar, harming Audino's sensitive ears and damaging her over time.

"Frenzy Plant!"

"Sceptile!" Sceptile made the roots emerge once more, going for Dracovish.

"Push back with Water Gun!"

"Vish!" Dracovish made a quick dodge by shooting Water Gun to the ground, this time at a different angle that allowed it to move back. But some of the roots ended up hitting Dracovish, staggering it. But the Fossil Pokemon hung in there.

"Uproar! Don't stop, Staraptor!"

"Audino!" But Audino wouldn't allow that. After powering through the Uproar, she then unleashed Hyper Beam in an instant. Her great defence and bulk allowed her to stay in there as she engulfed Staraptor in Infinity Energy as Barry gasped.

And with that Staraptor was blown sky-high as Audino had let go. Everyone watched as the Hyper Beam tore through the sky, even breaking through the clouds as well and startling some nearby Flying-Type Pokemon.

And falling out of it with smoke trailing out of him was a fainted and defeated Staraptor. That was all he could muster in this battle as he crashed.


"Staraptor is unable to battle! Audino wins!"

"Ah! No! Barry got on his knees, holding his hair in defeat.

"Just one more left! Let's go, Fluttershy!" Ash turned his hat around.

"Okay, Ash!" Fluttershy nodded. But Audino would have to recharge. And the same went for Sceptile who had just used Frenzy Plant.

"Dracovish! Ice Fang!"

"Dracovish!" Dracovish moved in for a super-effective Ice Fang on Sceptile.

"Gotta do something...!" Applejack growled. "Sceptile get ready! Turn around!"

"Scep...!" Sceptile turned around, using its tail to block. This was all he could do while recharging. Dracovish lunged in, going for an Ice Fang as it chomped on Sceptile's tail. "T-Tile!"

"Now spin!"

"Sceptile!" But just what Applejack wanted as Sceptile spun his tail around, causing Dracovish to spin. Just one of the few traits that came with Mega Sceptile. But Dracovish would not release his bite.

"Now, Fluttershy!"

"Audino! Hyper Beam!"

"Au...!" Audino cupped her hands the same way Lucario does with Aura Sphere. "Di...!" She then made a Hyper Beam orb appear as it was crackling with Infinity Energy. The ground below started shaking as rubble and rocks rose from the pressure Audino was giving out. "NO!" She then unleashed her strongest Hyper Beam as it tore through the ground, moving faster than usual.

"Ah! Sceptile! Frenzy Plant!"

"Don't think so! Dracovish, chew as much as you like!"

"Draco!" Dracovish then let go of Sceptile's tail before lunging towards his head. The Fossil Pokemon then bit on Mega Sceptile's head to throw him off before he could use Frenzy Plant.

And with great timing. Hyper Beam hit its mark. Everyone closed their eyes or covered their ears as a giant field of a horrific explosion emerged from Audino's Hyper Beam. The entirety of Canterlot lit up from this as even the wind and cloud patterns changed. It could be heard and seen from afar.

And with everything settling, from dust to rubble, the crowd and everyone looked ahead to see the result. In a stellar show of power, both Sceptile and Dracovish had been taken out by Audino's Hyper Beam. They had fainted.



"Sceptile and Dracovish are unable to battle! Thus, the winners of the Canterlot Tag Battle Competition are Ash and Fluttershy!"

"They did it!" Twilight flew up with happiness. "Woohoo!" And the crowd cheered as well as the victors had finally been decided.

"Applejack lost but that was so great!" Apple Bloom let out tears of joy for her big sister along with her family. They were proud of her in the long run.

"Man, you guys rock!" Ash complimented Dracovish and Audino. Dracovish immediately got back up, biting on Ash's head out of love.


"Audino!" Audino hugged Fluttershy after her amazing achievement. "Audino!"

"I'm so proud of you, Audino! You've really grown!"

"Thanks, partner." Applejack helped Sceptile up. You were a real champ out there."


"Guess we've still got ways to go, Staraptor."


"And now for the crowning prize." Celestia brought over the box of 10 Master Balls. Ash and Fluttershy stood on a podium as Fluttershy blushed out of embarrassment and so much attention. Much like Ash, she was now a fan favourite to many. "We're pleased to present you both with these. The 10 Master Balls."

"Thanks." Ash and Fluttershy took the Master Balls before raising them. "We got ourselves Master Balls!"



"Let's also give a big hoof, hand, claw, paw or whatever limb you have to all the other Pokemon and Trainers who battled so hard during the competition." With Celestia's words, applause for everyone who took part went out.

An exciting and rousing final battle for this competition. And one for the history books. While this may be the final day, some wrapping up was left to do as everyone was about to head home.

As for the 10 Master Balls, Ash made up his mind on what he wanted to do with them. He placed them in his bag as he would execute that action later on. Right now, some rest was needed along with some food.

"Hey, Ash," Barry said to Ash. I'm heading off now. But I'll tell you this, we'll meet again! At the Pokemon World Championships!"

"Sure! I'm looking forward to that! And it's gonna be me that reaches Leon first!"

"We'll see about that!" Barry chuckled.

"Leaving so soon, Barry?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. I've got stuff to do. But you'll see me around. Maybe. Just call Trixie or something." Barry jogged on the spot. His stomach then started rumbling. "But uh...Mind if I stay behind for some food first?"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 577 End.

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