• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Invitation to the sky

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Day.

"See? Look at this mom." Right now, the older Flurry Heart was currently spending time with the Princess Cadence of Universe One. After what she had been through for years, she needed this. And of course, she was showing her mother her current favourite pastime. Pokemon Cards. "These cards tell a story. They're my personal favourite."

"Oh, they do."

"Mhm. This one has a young boy and his Charmander. The second is the boy grown up and a teenager with a Charmeleon and now at the last one has him as an adult with a Charizard." Flurry showed her. "Aren't they best? I wish I could go through that! But...I'm a few years too late. Oh, maybe my younger self can do it!"

"Uh...Maybe." Cadence laughed while nodding at Flurry Heart's enthusiasm for Pokemon Cards. She wondered if her own Flurry Heart could get into them when she eventually grows up.

Although, it looks like that may be the case already. In the same room as her mother and older alternate self, baby Flurry Heart was currently attempting to eat a Lanturn card, but Cadence pulled the card away before that could happen.

"Best not to eat those, okay?" said Cadence as the baby lowered her ears and pouted. But Manaphy was there to cheer her up and make sure she doesn't bawl out in tears. Because if she starts crying, then Manaphy cries with her and the torture will continue until someone stops it. "Oh, by the way. Back home. How are your guards faring after the invasion? What happened?"


"How well guarded is the Crystal Emp- I mean...The Crystal Kingdom in your world now? How have they responded to the invasion and Empress Twilight?"

"Uh...Not that great. Most of the guards there are exceptionally loyal to auntie. Being loyal to me doesn't exist. Now that she lost, I can't really head back there without them being against me." Flurry said while adjusting the cards and putting them in sets.

"Huh? B-But you've been back home a few times now ever since the invasion ended?" Cadence sat up. "Are they just now going against you?"

"No. I just went somewhere else besides the Crystal Kingdom. I ended up staying over at my world's Canterlot with my great aunt Celestia. That's all. I can't really head back to my own kingdom. So, I don't really have any guards." Flurry Heart awkwardly laughed.

"I-I see..." Cadence's eyes squinted while they were twitching. She then cleared her throat. "It's fine. I uh...totally expected something like this to happen. Alright, you can come in now!"

"Who?" Flurry raised an eyebrow as she was about to open another box set. But opening the door, before she could open her box set was a pony. Or rather an armoured pegasus who zoomed in her.

"Here, your highness!" The pegasus clad in golden armour had revealed himself to be Flash Sentry as he saluted to the two Princesses. Technically three.

"This is Flash Sentry. One of our guards here at the Crystal Empire." Cadence introduced. "He and the other guards can cover as your guards since...you're somewhat wanted. Maybe not at your word but mostly here."

"That's right. A pleasure to meet you, Princess Flurry Heart. Uh, other Princess Flurry Heart."

"Oh, just like what I do with Premium as her contest bodyguard?" Furry Heart leaned forward.

"Uhh...Sure. Just like that." Cadence nodded. "I hope you don't mind this. I mean, I heard you have a fairly good bodyguard in that one Ultra Ball you're holding."

"Ah, it's fine." Flurry Heart shook her head. "I kinda like this. Just like Premium, it'll make me feel cool!"

"Cool?" Cadence narrowed her eyes while pouting her lips after hearing her daughter's words.

"We the Royal Guards are honoured to help. You can count on us, Princess Flurry Heart." Flash Sentry said with confidence as Flurry Heart examined the pegasus, noticing something that stood out from him and every other guard here in the Crystal Empire.

"Hm...Why's yours golden?" Flurry Heart asked.

"Hm?" Flash opened his eyes.

"Your armour. It's golden. Everypony else's is silver. Why's yours golden? Oh!" She then gasped all of a sudden. "Are you a special guard?! A captain!?"

"Uhh actually..." Flash suddenly grith his teeth and looked away.

"You see, Flash is a guard here at the Crysta Empire, but not a seasoned one. He's fairly new actually." Cadence went over.

"He is? Oh, so rookie guards get golden armour then?" Flurry theorized.

"N-No...There's a reason why Flash Sentry's armour is gold."

"I don't wanna talk about it," Flash grumbled as his face was turning red. Whatever happened with armour is something that flustered him as Flurry Heart was even more curious now.

"Well anyway...Aside from cards, I wanna head out there and see the Pokemon for myself! I've only seen a hoofful. Maybe like..." Flurry Heart thought for a moment. "30? There are like how many Pokemon out there?"

"Too many to count. There are so many Pokemon species out there that have yet to be discovered surprisingly. Cadence showed how huge the number of Pokemon was by spreading her hooves and standing in a bipedal position. "No matter where you go, you'll find a Pokemon, without a doubt."

"Oh...That just gets me more excited!" Flurry Heart flapped her wings as she pranced on the spot. "Can I head out and experience some Pokemon, mom? Oh! Can I also catch them?!" Since she's gone without a mother figure for years, she was asking questions that a child would.

"Hm. Sure." Cadence obviously agreed to this. She wanted her otherworld daughter to have some enjoyment after what she's been through. "You'll need the proper gear. Go to Sunburst and he'll give you what you need, alright?"

"Yes!" And that got the young alicorn pumped as her bellow disrupted Flash's ears. Flurry Heart then dashed out of the room, ready to set off and experience what the World of Pokemon has to offer. Both here and possibly the many regions on the other side.

"Flash Sentry. Make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble, alright?"

"You can count on me, your majesty!" Flash gave his promise and word as he just casually walked out. He and the guards were ready to watch over Flurry Heart.

Canterlot Library.

Over at Canterlot Library, the usual was ongoing. Ponies filling their head with knowledge either with something new or familiar words. Adagio was among one of these many ponies. Now that she was Princess Celestia's student, she had to focus intensively on many spells that she had yet to learn.

But Adagio was a fast and adept learner. Whether it was her being half unicorn now or the natural talents that the siren species possess. She also had a great knack for focusing. Her mind can always stay on one thing with ease if she just concentrates. Her grudge towards Twilight and Sunset are great examples of that.

"Good work, Adagio." Celestia complimented Adagio while some of the ponies in here played with Arcanine's soft fur in the library. "I'd say you'd learn mostly everything in at least...3 years or less."

"Sounds good to me," Adagio replied, placing some of the books aside as she had a confident and cocky smile on her face. But with how skilled she was, why wouldn't she have one?

Adagio started gloating about her current achievements as Moondancer and her Umbreon heard every part of it, lowering their eyes. Although, Umbreon's eyes barely change expression except for certain instances.

But aside from the current ponies and Pokemon being inside the library, someone else was certainly unwanted here. This certain someone arrived here last night with the infamous group of pony thieves known as the Umbrage Thieves. Speaking of those thieves, they had been caught and locked up in the Canterlot Dungeons for questioning.

Skyblue Shine was the one inside of this library. She was here to do one thing. Find the origin of the Magic Siphoning Jar. Anything she could find would work. The smallest book she could find or the most obscure book there was. No matter what, she needed to return it to the Empress.

Skyblue Shine was hidden from everyone via the back room of the library, sitting amongst the pile of boxes that had new books inside of them. If anypony were to enter here, Skyblue Shine would use her suit and the black mist to blend in the darkness so that no pony else could see her.

And if she wanted a book from the main room, well that's where her stealthiness would need to advance. She's already used her magic to sneak some books away as fast as she could. Ponies weren't able to catch her magic aura once she did so, making her silent and practically non-existent to them.

Inside the backroom, Skyblue Shine was going through the books she managed to gather. Everything she read through so far had nothing relating to the jar.

"Useless." Skyblue tossed away a book with her magic as she sighed. She would have to head out to the main room again to grab more books. And if she couldn't find what she was looking for, then somewhere else in Equestria would have to do.

Or possibly even beyond Equestria.

Through her ear, she heard the voice of Princess Celestia. As if she wasn't already in heavy enemy territory, the ruler of Equestria was in the same building as her. If anything, she was more furious with Celestia than feared of her. She was the one who had humiliated Empress Twilight. Empress Twilight's hatred towards Celestia had also affected Skyblue Shine herself.

She wanted the chance to take revenge on Celestia right now and mend the Empress' dismantled reputation. But considering that not only were there so many ponies and Pokemon, a special Gardevoir, an Arcanine, a Darkrai and the fact that bot Reshiram and Zekrom are currently present here, probably not the best idea in the world.

So all she could do was continue keeping a low profile. But as she did so, through the doors came one of the Canterlot Guards, here to speak with the Sun Princess.

"Your highness!" He came barging in as the head librarian told him to hush. "Oh, sorry. This is urgent."

"Yes?" Celestia stepped forward. "What has happened now?"

"Well..." The guard scrunched his face as he suddenly moved to the side. He did this because there was actually something behind him that caused him to show up here.

Once he moved aside, before Celestia's eyes and a few ponies, there was a floating piece of paper, flapping about. This piece of paper had a blue outline around it as the ponies and Pokemon were mesmerized by its appearance. It was similar to an origami or paper aeroplane craft due to its appearance. The head librarian could care less about silence with what she was gazing at.

"Well...What is this now?" Celestia gawked.

"It seems to be some sort of letter. It came to me right from the sky itself. Seems that it is sentient and everything." The guard explained.

"A letter?" After saying that, the paper hovered over to Celestia, leaving behind blue sparkles from its movements as it laminated the floor with its sparkles. Celestia backed her head back a bit while Passion and Arcanine were ready to act in case anything dangerous was coming.

But there was no danger here.

The paper then opened itself, changing its shape into an A4 paper. After that, the words written on the paper had been revealed to Celestia's eyes to read. And the writing here was certainly unique.

It was understandable but the style of it felt different than what Celestia was used to. Almost as if it was from another land. And once she started reading it, the style of writing was starting to make sense.

"To the Alicorn that had arrived here. We are aware of your arrival and your discovery of our land. You have already come across the Memoir Petal that attempted to revamp your own memories. For that, we apologize. As a result, we have decided to speak with you, the current ruler of the nation known as Equestria in the Sky Monarch. Our land was not meant to be found at all so we wish to discuss that topic with you at any time. You are free to bring guests with you. From...Pegalysium?!"

After seeing the last word at the very bottom of the letter, it was revealed that Pegalysium sent this letter. That would explain the sentient paper and how it came from the sky.

"Seriously? That place in the sky?" Adagio spoke.

"The land from fables?!" The head librarian exclaimed. "Really?! Is it real, Princess Celestia?!"

"Oh, it certainly is." Celestia nodded in confirmation "I didn't think they'd end up writing to me. It's definitely not from Garnet, that's for sure."


"Pegalysium?" Skyblue Shine whispered after hearing everything.

"Well...It seems as if things are advancing at this point. Um, thank you, letter." Celestia thanked the sentient letter. In response, the letter transformed into its bird-like shape before flying off, most likely heading back to return the message to the pegasi in Peglysium.

"Are you sure you should go? Adagio went up to Celestia. "If those ponies neglected Equestria, they could just be luring you into a trap. Trust me, I know something about traps like that."

"Maybe." Celestia pondered, shifting her eyes across the floor. "But, they could be different from what the foals tales and fables said. Or as we expect them to be. But if it means knowing more and possibly having something civil with Pegalysium, then I'll take that chance. Besides, I can bring a company with me. I know Passion and Arcanine will be by my side, won't you two?"



"Well then, I'll come with you." Adagio walked in front of Celestia with a quick-paced trot. "You'll need some more protection if your Pokemon aren't enough. You can count on me to give you that dazzling defence."

"Oh, uh...sure, Adagio. I was thinking of also bringing Luna and someone else too."

"Sure-sure. And if things get ugly, I say we bring the Magic Siphoning Jar. Just in case."

"!" That Skyblue Shine's attention. After mentioning the jar, she now was hoping that she could do something better than just finding the origin of the jar. Skyblue could just bring the real deal back to the Empress.

"Let's slow down, Adagio. We don't need to do that." Celestia laughed nervously as she ended up shutting down the jar idea, deleting Skyblue Shine's chances of getting her hooves on the item. "I say we head there to Pegalysium in a few days. There are some things I need to deal with first."

"Fine, fine." Adagio flailed her hoof. "Still think we should take extra safety and bring that jar anyway."

An invitation to the Sky Monarch in Pegalysium. Something that Celestia wasn't expecting. Adagio could be right. It could be a trap most likely considering that the stories of Pegalysium say that they wanted nothing to do with Equestria. And after centuries, entering the present, that may still be the case. But Celestia was inclined to believe that may have changed.


Skyblue Shine didn't think any information on Pegalysium was that important. Unless it could lead her to the origin of the Magic Siphoning Jar. A place like that being shrouded in mystery could explain the rare and practically non-existent information about the jar. It was a risky chance but she was willing to take it.

And perhaps giving this information to the Empress wouldn't hurt too.

Out in the fields. Afternoon.

Following Princess Flurry Heart, she was being accompanied by Flash Sentry and some other guards from the Crystal Empire for safety. Then again, considering she had Giratina in an Ultra Ball, it was safe to say that her safety was guaranteed.

They were out in the fields where many Pokemon could be found. It was slightly similar to the Wild Area in Galar, minus the abundance of Dynamax Power Spots and Dens.

"Look at all of them..." Flurry Heart's eyes lit up as she was witnessing new Pokemon that weren't exactly new to her eyes thanks to the cards, but experiencing the real deal was better than that.

She zoomed over to a group of Ivysaur, seeing that they were laying down with their eyes closed while drawing power from the sun. Flurry Heart gawked at it as she figured she could do the same. So she also laid down, closed her eyes, but couldn't draw power from the sun.

"Ivy?" The Ivysaur opened their eyes, spotting Flurry Heart mimicking what they were doing. They didn't mind it as they quickly went back to their solar gathering. Flurry Heart giggled as she spotted another Pokemon within her sights.

"Ludico!" Near a lake, a group of Ludicolo were doing what they do best. Dancing around since that is the most enjoyment that fills their spirits.

And wanting to get a piece of the action was Flurry Heart after seeing the Carefree Pokemon perform a joyful dance, just living their best life. The positivity they exude is almost terrifying. She was gathering information about the Pokemon she saw, taking out her newly obtained Pokedex from her saddlebag.

"Ludicolo. The Carefree Pokemon. Ludicolo begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful, festive music. This Pokémon is said to appear when it hears the singing of children on hiking outings. Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in Ludicolo’s body become very energetic and active. Even in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount of power."

"Ooh! Can I join you guys?" Flurry Heart asked the Water-Grass-Types."

"Co? Ludicolo!" The Ludicolo were happy to have anyone dance with them as they immediately pulled Flurry Heart in, allowing her to dance with them.

"Woah!" Flurry Heart exclaimed after being grabbed. The guards stepped forward but Flash Sentry quickly stopped them, knowing that this is what Ludicolo do. It's harmless at best. "Hahaha!" And judging from that laugh she was doing as the Ludicolo were spinning her around, it was certainly safe.

She then started dancing with them once they let her go. But her dance moves weren't exactly the best. If anything they were abysmal. But that was to be expected with how she lived back in her world. The guards tried not to laugh at the Princess as scrunched their mouths, holding their laughter in.

"Colo!" After seeing the guards, the Ludicolo then chose to bring them in as well. Now they had been dragged into the dance. It was inevitable. Once the Ludicolo spot you and decide that you will dance with you, no questions asked.

"I didn't know they were this jolly like what the card said!" Flurry Heart grinned while speaking to Flash Sentry.

"Well, you know, many Pokemon are certainly different from what they appear on the cards, aren't they? Then again, I don't know much about Pokemon Cards." Flash replied with a shrug.

"By the way. What Pokemon do you have? I know everypony in Canterlot owns a Golurk and the same goes for here in the Crystal Empire, but wI haven't seen you or yours yet until now." She asked while dancing with the Ludicolo.

"Oh, mine? Well, this is my partner." Flash held out a Poke Ball, sending out his own Pokemon. "Come out, Pidgeot."


"Oho!" Flurry Heart took out her Pokedex to read the data of this Flying-Type.

"Pidgeot. The Bird Pokemon. This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed, seeking prey. Its large talons are feared as wicked weapons. By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees. This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon. Its well-developed chest muscles make it strong enough to whip up a gusty windstorm with just a few flaps."

"Just as great looking as the card! Even more! Are the feathers why you chose to catch it?"

"No. Pidgeot and I met last year when she was just a Pidgey. That's when I caught her. Good times. Good times." Flash patted Pidgeot.


"Oh, right! I came here to catch some Pokemon!" Flurry then remembered the second reason why she came here in the first place. She then turned to the Ludicolo who were dancing away. "Hey uh, can I catch one of you? Is that how this works? You ask them to be caught?"

"Well...usually it takes a Pokemon Battle for that to happen but sometimes you can ask them, yeah." Flash nodded.

"Co?" The Ludicolo then looked at each other after hearing Flurry Heart's question. They could see that she was completely new to Pokemon. Well, not completely new, she did have some knowledge. Just knowledge that pales in comparison to everyone else in Equestria.

"Ludi!" They collectively made a decision. They prefer to just dance together forever. But Flurry Heart was a kind soul, so they'll remember her and any time she decides to come by here.

"Guess not huh." Flurry lowered her head before raising it. "It's fine! Thanks for your time and the dancing, Ludicolo."


"Alright! Let's keep going and catch some Pokemon! Maybe I can take part in a Pokemon Battle! Uh...how are those done?"

"Hm? Haven't you seen them at the Pokemon Contests, princess?" A guard asked.

"Oh yeah. But that was more showy than battling. All of that was difficult to keep up with." The young alicorn giggled. "I did see Premium and Sunrise battle for a small bit too. But I'm kinda lost on it."

"Oh, I can show you." Flash nodded. "It's the easiest thing you could ever do. Ludicolo."


"Would it be okay if we showed Princess Flurry Heart how Pokemon Battles are done?"

"Ludico!" The Ludicolo were willing to assist in this as one of them stepped forward. A quick demonstration would be shown to the young alicorn. Nothing too complicated.

The other Ludicolo and the guards scattered, giving both Flash, Pidgeot and the single Ludicolo some space to have their battle. Ludicolo was already energetic due to the dance it was performing with the others. This battle wouldn't be a full one, it was just a tutorial on how it is done. No one would faint in this.

"Alright. Get a good look at this. You have your Pokemon in front of you and you, the trainer are standing behind it. In some cases, while your Pokemon is facing the other opposing pokemon, there'll be another trainer right behind the opposing Pokemon."

"Oh okay..." Flurry nodded, easily getting that. "How do I do the battling part?"

"Easy. Just give out your commands to your Pokemon and they'll pull off the move you want them to do."

"Oh...How do I know which moves they have?" Flurry scratched her mane.

"Oh. Well, you can always use your Pokedex and check the moves of your Pokemon. Like this." Flash took out his Pokedex, scanning Pidgeot with it.

"Pidgeot. The Bird Pokemon. Heat Wave. Twister. Fly. Quick Attack."

"Ooh." Flurry Heart was further understanding things after seeing what the Pokedex had done. Learning moves was just that easy. "And then?"

"Now, here comes the good part. Observe." Flash cleared his throat. "Pidgeot. Use Quick Attack!"

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot covered herself in a white outline as Ludicolo was ready to give a further demonstration on how Pokemon Battles play out. Pidgeot didn't move until Ludicolo could ready its own move.

"Ludico...!" The Carefree Pokemon covered its head in mental energy, using Zen Headbutt.

"Oh, what's this?!" Flurry Heart sat up.

"Now that Pidgeot's utilizing a move, the opposing Pokemon will do the same to either block or counter the incoming attack. That's Zen Headbutt. Ludicolo's focusing all of its willpower on this attack. Straight from the head."

"It's willpower?" Flurry was continuously being shocked and surprised at every turn. She then turned to face Pidgeot, wondering what the white aura was. "And what about Pidgeot?"

"That's Quick Attack. Once she starts moving, she'll be moving at a speed that makes her almost invisible. Watch. Go, Pidgeot!"

"Dgeot!" The Bird Pokemon cawed as she indeed moved at a speed that left afterimages behind and seemed invisible. Ludicolo was ready as it pulled its head back for Zen Headbutt.

The two Pokemon clashed heads with Quick Attack and Zen Headbutt, going easy instead of all out. After butting heads, they separated from each other with Pidgeot flying back to Flash Sentry.

"That's a clash. It can go either way. Sometimes one Pokemon can overpower the other in it or they just equal each other out." Flash turned to Flurry Heart.

"Okay, I think I get it now! And you win if one of them takes a lot of damage, right?!"

"Essentially yes. The goal is to make them faint. And if you want to catch them, make sure that you only damage them a certain amount so that they don't faint. And then, if you feel like the time is right..." Flash took out a Poke Ball. "You toss a Poke Ball at them and let everything go from there."

"Oh, what does that look like? Is it that red light that pulls them in?"

"Pretty much. Watch. Go Poke Ball!" Flash then tossed the Poke Ball over at Ludicolo. Ludicolo stood there, letting the Poke Ball hit it. The ball then pulled the Carefree Pokemon inside with a red light as it dropped to the ground. "Now, watch as it shakes. When it starts shaking, that means it's counting down three times to see if the capture is guaranteed."


1...2...3...Ludicolo broke out. Just a tutorial after all. "Ludicolo."

"That's what it looks like when a capture fails. And if it does succeed, you'll notice the Poke Ball click with stars coming out of it, then you've got yourself a new Pokemon.

"Oh! Okay, that easy? Pssh! I can do that!" Flurry Heart flailed her hoof before sitting up. "Put me in and I'll show you a really good Pokemon Battle for sure!"

"That sounds great but...you'll need a Pokemon first, princess." said a guard.

"Oh, I've got one right here." With an innocent smile, unaware of what she was about to unleash upon everyone, the young alicorn took out the Ultra Ball that held the Renegade Pokemon inside. Everyone squinted, wondering what kind of Pokemon would be in a powerful ball such as that.

And with a carefree nature like the Ludicolo, Flurry Heart ended up sending out the Pokemon that watches over the Distortion World and a member of the Creation Trio.


"WHAT IS THAT?!" Flash and the other guards gasped, falling on their backs as the Renedage Pokemon let out a mighty roar that spread across the fields.

"This Pokemon right here has helped me out. Protected me from auntie and everything. Its name is..." The young alicorn pouted her lips, not knowing what Giratina's name was. "Oh, actually...what is your name?" To see for herself, she took the Pokedex out once more.

"Giratina. The Renegade Pokemon. A Pokémon that is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours. It appears in an ancient cemetery. It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World."

"Oh. Giratina! That's a pretty cute name actually."

"Is it"? Flash gulped as the Ghost-Dragon-Type then turned around, looking down at the ponies below. Rightfully so, Flash and the others were intimidated by Giratina's appearance. But Giratina wasn't here to harm anyone. If anything, it just wanted to head back and govern over the Distortion World.

"I can battle with this, right?" Flurry put her hoof on the Renegade Pokemon.

"A-Are you sure? This seems a bit...unfair to the other Pokemon." A guard quivered in fear.

"Ah, I'm sure it's fine." Flurry Heart scoffed, flailing her hoof and not making a big deal about it. She then raised her voice, shouting out to speak to the Pokemon here. "Who here wants to battle and be my Pokemon?!"

But unfortunately, after seeing Giratina, all nearby Pokemon bolted away out of sheer terror and fear. None accepted Flurry Heart's request as the only Pokemon here were the Ludicolo who were so carefree, they practically feared nothing in life.

"Aw...Catching Pokemon is hard..." Flurry Heart pouted her lips. She really wanted a new Pokemon and there were so many options but none are obliging at the moment. Her disappointment was rising slowly.

"Ah, don't worry, Princess Flurry Heart." Flash went over to the young alicorn. "Maybe we won't be able to catch a Pokemon today, but experiencing everything the Pokemon have to offer can work too."

"It can?"

"Oh sure. There's more to Pokemon than battling. Sometimes just admiring them works. I mean, you had a pretty good go at that when you first showed up here? And those Pokemon Cards you love are just an extension of that. And I guess Pokemon Contests too."

"Huh...yeah. Those are fun." A smile was meeting her face.

"I don't know everything there is to do about Pokemon. Might have to ask Ash Ketchum and the teachers over at the Pokemon School for that."

"Well, I know what I want to do. I just want to experience Pokemon for myself." Flurry Heart ended up doing what her mother did earlier this morning by stretching her hooves out and standing in a bipedal position. "Who knows what I'm missing out on? Both here and possibly the other world. I can't let it go to waste, ya know?"

"That's the spirit, princess." A guard exclaimed as the Ludicolo clapped in agreement.

"Now come on! Let's have fun until the night comes!"

"Uh...All the way until nightfall? Wouldn't your parents of this world be worried?" Flash suggested.

"Bah, it's fine." Flurry Heart then put her hooves around both Flash and a Canterlot guard. "Late night fun never hurt anypony! Let's go!"


Kanto Region. Vermillion City. Afternoon.

"An offer to visit...Pegalysium?" Ash was currently reading a letter that Derpy sent all the way from Canterlot in Equestria. It came from Princess Celestia after she received her own letter.


"What's that?" Goh asked.

"No idea. But it looks like something fun! Says that Twilight and everyone else can come along. Celestia needs some company there." Ash kept reading the letter. "We'll head there when Celestia's ready huh? Sounds like a new adventure, huh?"

"It sure does!" Goh nodded.

"A land in the sky? Well, I'll be..." Cerise and his assistants thought about that for a moment.

"I'm already getting psyched. Are you, buddy?"


As the journey continues.

Chapter 485 End.

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