• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Ultimate Defense

Samiya. The Sea Temple.

"Observe your majesty!" At the moment, Ash was being given a tour of all the defences that the People of the Water had crafted after their initial revival. And they had a lot to offer.

Ash had been shown an entire armoury exclusive to Samiya. Everything here was made by the glowing blue armour that could be found with the ropes and some of the traps within the temple. They ranged from staffs, spears, shields, bows and much more that were hard to describe at a first glance.

"Looks great. Some of this stuff's pretty confusing though." Ash observed. "But I guess confusing stuff's where the strong parts are, huh? Haha!"

"Right. These are all new, however. We, the People of the Water barely go through any conflict." A lady wagged her finger. "But after you saved up from that pirate, everything changed as you can see. It was the wish of many of our people that we aimed to be stronger, but never give up our passive ways either."

"I gotcha, I gotcha." Ash understood what she meant by that with an approving nod.

"Your majesty! Look at this!" Just then, one of the guards held out some armour for Ash. Just like with what happened at the throne, Ash was rapidly bombarded with new getups in a few seconds. Including his Pokemon.

Suited up in a mixture of ancient and somewhat modern equipment, Ash, Pikachu and Dragonite looked ready for action, even if their faces didn't show it. But they quickly admired the new look. "Oooh."



"But man...!" Ash suddenly felt the weight of this armour as his body trembled. "This stuff's pretty heavy!" Ash growled, maintaining a strong face and gutsy body to stay on his feet or else he would fall.

"P-Pika!" And the same went for Pikachu, who despite weighing the same as a bowling ball, could feel the aggressive weight of this armour punishing him.

"Apologies, our king!" The people gasped before removing the armour off of him and Pikachu. Both were relieved as their bodies hadn't been shattered thanks to this freedom. However, Dragonite was fine since she was a durable Pokemon. This weight meant nothing to a Dragon-Type Pokemon.

"Yep. That's some tough armour!" Ash chuckled afterwards with Pikachu. "That'll keep you protected for a long time, no doubt about it."


"Many thanks, your majesty!" The armorsmith of this section of the temple bowed his head in thanks with tears flooding out. Receiving a compliment from a king was the best thing an armorsmith could ever ask for. "You're too kind!"

"As you can see, your majesty, we've already advanced far enough to finally defend ourselves. And with the assistance of the Pokemon, our protection is increased." said a guard.

"King! King!" The children chanted, running up to their ruler. "Tell us more stories! Tell us! Tell us?!"

"Already? Sure, sure. There's still something I can share."

"You do that, your greatness. We should also show you something that can be of great use. One of the many ways we move around." A lady said before guiding Ash, showing him the newest additions to the temple. Ash was all for it. Even though there was an impending threat approaching here, the People of the Water were already determined to prepare themselves for this threat

The encouragement that they gained from Ash's previous actions were major points to their confidence. As for what they wanted to show Ash, they had brought him to an odd object that was apparently a means of transportation.

This object was presented as big, glowing, azure marble orbs with a small diamond-shaped structure around them. Ash stood before it, wondering what exactly was it. He's seen his fair share of bizarre objects, but this was something else. It was difficult to comprehend. "Uhh...What is it?"

"This is a Warp Point, your excellence. A teleporter that we had built for the temple in case someone feels a bit too lazy." The lady explained before nudging her head at other people who may or may not be lazy.

"Huh...." Curious, Ash wanted to see this for himself. So with a move of his arm, his hand made contact with the orb. One-touch and an aquamarine light illuminated out before consuming Ash. "Oh!"

"Pika?!" Pikachu and Dragonite were collectively agape as the disappearance of their trainer had been seen. But thankfully, they knew he was just somewhere else within the temple. Ecstatic, the children ended up doing the same, touching the Warp Point to follow their ruler who they looked up to. Enola included.

Ash had ended up on another side of the temple, just like that. Swift teleportation as the children and even Pikachu had shown up after touching it.

"Awesome!" Ash cheered with excitement. "Man, the Sea Temple's cooler than ever! I'm loving this! Wonder what else they've made?"

"Right here, Ash!" Enola exclaimed, running past him. The blue-haired girl wanted to show Ash the rest of the temple while also indulging in a chase which she enjoys so much. Ash was compelled to follow with Pikachu and Dragonite trailing beside and behind him.

Meanwhile, the people at Samiya, knowing of the incoming threat thanks to Ash's words were hard at work. The cloaking device they had invented all those years ago, while impressive, wouldn't be efficient all the time. But, they had something else for the entirety of the temple.

And with excellent timing as well. Right as the acknowledged threat was nearby. The People of the Water had used their most recent device for protection. It was above a cloaking device. But this device needed the power of Pokemon as assistance.

Mainly the power of Slowbro, Psyduck, Golduck, Marill and Azumarill. This quintuplet of Water-Type Pokemon had used their Psychic and Fairy abilities, adding them to this new device.

And the greatest assistance they could have. The crystals added to the light power. Their immense power was being used, but only a fraction of it for safety.

This protection was a forcefield. A circular one to boot. Powered by the light of the People of the Water and the crystals, the mental might of Slowbro, Psyduck, Golduck and the mystical magic of Marill and Azumarill, this forcefield had many layers of protection that made it a cut above the average forcefield.

And those that had witnessed it were Team Plasma, The Solar Empire and the Twilight Imperium as the Plasma Frigate and a few of the transforming ships came across it.

The moment the first ship came across it, the forcefield repulsed it, causing the transforming ship and the pony inside to hurl through the sea.

"A forcefield?" said Colress after observing the repulsion. "I thought they said that only a cloaking device resided around the Sea Tempe and nothing more."

Unbeknownst to them, the People of the Water were not only back to form, but had increased their defences gallantly. The forcefield was a major obstacle, ruling out the infamous cloaking device. However, this was nothing that Team Plasma couldn't deal with.

While the Solar Empire and Twilight Imperium were thinking of how to get through, Colress already had the solution. The power of the Legendary Pokemon added to the Plasma Frigate's cannon. In this case, Colress would be using the power of Articuno and Regice.

With the dual combination of highly potent Ice Infinity Energy being drawn from their bodies by force, the cannon was already charging up. It had been aimed directly at the cannon as Articuno and Regice trembled with how much their power was being used as of recently.

Out of the cannon, a gigantic light blue beam came flying out. As it flew, parts of the sea were starting to freeze. Articuno and Regice's ice was so potent that even the resistance to Ice was irrelevant. Nearby Water-Type Pokemon who were just casually swimming around felt their bodies shiver, promptly slowing down their momentum.

As for the forcefield, it had been struck by the scientific Ice Beam. However, with the collective power of many Pokemon and the People of the Waters light, the forcefield did not break even with the force of two Legendary Pokemon. But it did tremble.

Seeing that Colress had attacked the forcefield, the others had done the same. The smaller ships had attacked the forcefield with their weapons, trying to break through it. The Plasma Frigate's cannon was reaching with extra power being drawn from the two Ice-Types.

Another Ice Beam was shot out, hitting the forcefield a second time. Another tremble was the only result. However, it was a sign that it could potentially be broken through.

Samiya. The Sea Temple.

Meanwhile, within the temple, Enola and the young ones were showing Ash more of what the temple had to offer through a little tour that had some extra interaction than just walking around.

Right now, Ash had come across platforms that he could jump across. They also had sloped positions where for upwards or downwards approach. Ash jumped onto one of the slopes, he also saw that there were massive fans ahead of them. Ash then jumped up as the wind pressure of the fans started sending him upwards.

"Yeahahaha!" Ash cheered as he spun around in the air with Pikachu. After being sent through the air, Ash and Pikachu had landed on another level of the temple. Once making their landing, they started jumping from sparse platform to platform.

The children could barely keep up with them. All except for Enola, who had proven that during their first chase. The children wouldn't be left out thankfully as Dragonite offered to carry them.

After moving from each platform, they came across a tunnel. And within that tunnel, many Spheal were rolling about as Ash, Pikachu and Enola came to a screeching halt. "Woah!"

"Spheal! Spheal!" The Spheal cried out whilst rolling through the tunnel in either a straight line, sideways or all-around due to the curvature of this tunnel. They admired the Spheal before continuing on their way.

Hanging on the walls with shifty eyes were a group of Shellder, following their movements. Ash, Pikachu and Enola hopped over some glowing crystals that illuminated the tunnel. The crystals reacted whenever they were passed by, gently combusting before sending out azure sparkles.

Ash, so excited to keep venturing, accidentally came across what seemed to be a spring. His leg made contact with it as he was shot through the air. "Woah-Woah-Woah!" He bellowed as Pikachu ended up making the same mistake.


At first, something like this seemed dangerous. However, there was no need to fear. The force of this spring didn't matter as the landing spot would be safe. When free-falling, Ash and Pikachu had landed on the back of a Wailord. With the soft body of a Wailord, it was a safe landing.


After landing on this gargantuan Pokemon who towers above many, Ash and Pikachu were then being carried through a water tunnel this time by Wailord's movements.

Passing through the Water Tunnel and being on the back of Wailord, a higher viewpoint was given to the Kid from Kanto and his Electrifying Partner. More people could be seen through these transparent waves. The People of the Water waved to their king once he passed by. Celebratory cheers filled the temple.

This kind of praise was still something that Ash would have to get used to. He was hoping that the same could be said for when he beats Leon or even ends up becoming a Pokemon Master one day.

Enola, Dragonite and the children landed on the back of Wailord. Mantine and Mantyke with some Remoraid next to them had appeared, diving in and out beside the Wailord.

Ash had also noticed that the People of the Water were currently building new statues of familiar faces that also helped in the past. One of which being May. And soon, Jackie, Brock and everyone else would get statues.

"Ash! Ash!" Finally, after moving all over the temple and bumping into some traps, Ash had reunited with his friends. Over yonder, Luna, Carlita, Adagio, Shining Armor and Flash Sentry could be seen approaching with Shining Armor using Aegislash as a floating ride.

"Oh, you guys are okay!" Ash stood up. "Glad you could make it!"


"Your majesty! The people you requested!" The guard saluted Ash whilst yelling from a lower level due to Wailord's height.

"Thanks!" Ash looked down, giving an appreciative thumbs-up.

"There you are!" But interrupting this sweet reunion was Adagio. And for a good reason. She locked onto Enola who hid behind Ash with a cheeky grin, knowing about the trouble she had caused. "You brat! Making us go through that trouble for no reason!"

"It was fun wasn't it?" Enola giggled, sticking her tongue out at Adagio while using Ash as a shield. Adagio just twitched as she looked away, not doing anything else afterwards.

Darkrai had recently been freed. He was lost for a good few minutes until being eventually found. The Pitch Black Pokemon held his head, feeling a bit dazed. The abundance of light wasn't helping that either.

"Impressive that you managed to break yourself out of the traps. As expected from a Mythical Pokemon." said a guard as Darkrai was the one who freed himself without needing help.

"Mmmrrrgh..." He could only grumble in response.

"Mana! Mana!" Manaphy had caught up too after wandering the temple. It was easy to get lost here, even with a Pokemon that has homing instincts for the temple. But as Manaphy showed up, she eventually ended up bumping into her brethren.

The Prince of the Sea Manaphy. They had both butted heads while simultaneously jumping. Afterwards, they got a good look at each other. Both Manaphy have never seen another one of their kind before. One hasn't seen another Manaphy for years while the other was still young by one year so it wasn't as extensive.

And of course, they loved this new interaction. "Manaphy!" Upon meeting each other, the two Seafaring Pokemon gave their variant of a high-five despite not having any fingers. Both Manaphy were looking for someone to play with. And what better playmate than the same species.

"So uh...what gives?" Carlita asked. "I thought the People of the Water weren't...you know...physically here. Just light."

"Yeah. Even the story you gave involved them being light and voices." Shining Armor chimed in. "How come they're all here and walking around?"

"Yeah, about that. Turns out I brought them back without knowing." Ash chuckled. "When I placed the crystal back and gained the Sea Crown, months later, they all stopped being forms of light and ended up returning to form. The only reason it happened then was because they didn't have a king for a while."

"And for that, we are in your debt and absolute loyalty, your awesomeness." A guard and many others bowed in respect to Ash.

"Should I start treating you like royalty then, hm?" Luna nudged Ash. "King Ash?"

"Ash is totally fine. Princess Luna." For once, Ash called Luna by her royalty name instead of just 'Luna' as he nudged her back playfully."

"Just gonna borrow this." Shining Armor took the Xtransceiver from Ash, setting out to do what he aimed to do before Enola snatched it. Show Cadence and both Flurry Heart the view of the Sea Temple as they so wished to see. He turned on the Xtranceiver, activating its camera function afterwards while calling Flurry Heart's Trainer number.

"Anyway. Now that we're here, what now?" Adagio asked. "We came here to protect this place but...Everything seems safe from the looks of it."

"The People of the Water are getting ready to protect themselves. Boy, I'll tell ya, they've got some defences." Ash nodded with crossed arms as Pikachu and Enola did the same.


"But more importantly, we should make sure the crystals are safe." Ash then looked to the very depths of the temple. "That's what they're coming here for. If they get even one, then everyone in the temple could drown with everything flooded."

"The crystals have been safeguarded now with extra protection since the pirate attack, your majesty." A guard went up to Ash. "Only the best care has been given to it."

"Ooh!" Ash gawked, wanting to see this ultimate defence of the crystals. "I gotta see this!"

Depths of Samiya. The Treasure Room.

There, the area of the crystals could be found. Including the power of the Sea Crown. They were still there. Just like how Ash left them years ago. At the same time, with the Xtransceiver on, baby Flurry Heart, older Flurry Heart and Cadence were greeted with the sight of the Sea Temple.

"Wow! I wanna come over there now!" Flurry Heart moaned. "I didn't think they'd be back!"

"Neither did I," said Shining Armor.

"Well, it's great that you got there safely without trouble it seems," Cadence spoke through the Xtransceiver.

"Uh...I wouldn't say without trouble."

As Shining Armor showed the Sea Temple to his family, the Treasure Room was being protected by the combination of moves such as Safeguard, Protect, Light Screen and Reflect. Instead of them fading away like normal Pokemon moves, these moves stayed adamant, showing no signs of fading.

"As you can see, we have converted the power of moves such as Protect and made them permanent." The guard showcased.

"You made them permanent?!" Ash gasped along with the others. "H-How-'d you do that?!"


"The Crystals hold enough power to do so. We used a bit of their power to make these moves reside without fading at all, granting the Treasure Room absolute protection. We have even done the same for the forcefield outside of the temple."

"Doesn't it drain the crystals though?" Carlita asked.

"Not at all. The Crystals are bound by the power of the endless sea. They never run out of energy, no matter what. But we are always careful to use just a bit of it. Too much is just asking for trouble."

"Sounds like we didn't need to be here at all," Flash uttered, shaking his head. "Do you think we should leave everything up to them?"

"Not a chance, soldier." But Shining Armor said otherwise, turning his head away from the Xtransceiver. "We know of the threat that's coming this way. Nothing's guaranteed after all."

Just as they spoke, a rumble could be felt across the temple, causing everyone to stagger and almost lose balance. Baskets of fruits had been dropped along with other things. The constant attacks of Team Plasma and the others were beginning to show and reach here. "What was that?!" Carlita wondered.

"They're desperately trying to break through our Forcefield it seems." The guard answered. "Realistically, it would take months for them to break right through. But we should fend them off while we have the chance."

"And we'll help," Ash uttered. "I didn't even think about being a king, but I'll do my best. All of us will."


"Oh, so you won't be back so soon?" Cadence said through the device. "Just be careful with whatever's there."

"We'll be fine." The unicorn reassured. "Just hold on tight."

"Do your best, dad! Aegislash! Oh, and you too Flash!" Flurry Heart waved as Shining Armor had turned off the Xtransceiver, returning it to Ash.

"I can do more than just tag-along for the journey. I'll show her that I'm capable enough to help stop any threat there is." Carlita chimed in, nudging her head towards Adagio as the siren scoffed. "Plus, this might be the only time ver the People of the Water have fought side by side with the People of the Vale."

"Hold on!" The guards bellowed after Carlita's sentence. "You're from Vale?!"

"Well...I'm a descendant." She shrugged in response. "I come from Eindoak Town. The Kingdom of the Vale isn't super around as always like it was before. But the sword's there still."

"This is excellent. We haven't interacted with the People of the Vale for centuries now. Your majesty, you've brought an amazing cast with you."

"Hehe...Thanks. Alright. Let's see what else we can do. Come on you guys!" Ash, eager to help, ran off to give his assistance. He was heading straight for the entrance of the temple, where the bulk of the forcefield and cloaking device could be found.

As they bolted off, some of the people looked at Adagio, getting a good look at the siren. Adagio noticed the sudden gazes once more before turning around.

"Can I help you? What's with all these stares recently?" She said with an agitated tone.

"S-Sorry!" The guards stammered. "It's just that...you look a lot like her."

"Like who?" Adagio asked, wanting answers immediately.

"Vivace, of course. Apologies if we were slightly jaded by your appearance." There it was. Once one of the guards mentioned the name Vivace, the mother of the Dazzlings, Adagio froze. This was a sudden opportunity that showed itself. Something that Adagio was waiting for all this time.

"...What?" That was all Adagio could say. She had a lot more questions to ask after this revelation.

Outside the Sea Temple. On the surface. The Grand Equestria. Afternoon.

After being found out, the Grand Equestria and the Sunstorm, once again, were in conflict. They had their usual aerial battle but this time, they could go all out for one reason. There was no Rift Blockade to hold them back. Thus, the Golurk could all participate and use their full strength against their opponents.

Plus, some of the Pokemon from the opposing side were still under the influence of the Capture Styler. While temporary, lasted a while for enough scuffles.

The skies were being littered with Pokemon moves and magic, flaring them with multiple colours. And within this chaos was Jackie, who was currently looking for a way to enter the Sea Temple.

"Anything to get under there?" Jackie asked as Golurk had flown past him, using Dynamic Punch on an incoming Honchkrow.

"Apologies! We had only one mini-boat to carry the group down to the sea. I'm afraid we have nothing left." The guard explained.

"Then, I'll get down there another way." Jackie's mind rapidly acted. He had another solution. The Shift Stone. He took the small crystal out, deciding that this would be a way for him to get to the Sea Temple. "If I remember correctly, whatever I turn into, I could get their properties. So a Water-Type is the way to go."

"I'll be taking that!" Incoming with a sudden warning was Tempest Shadow. She was riding on the back of a Mandibuz as she had blown through some of the Golurk with her magic.

"I'll leave everything to you guys for now!" Jackie saluted before jumping off of the Grand Equestria. He then held the crystal tightly before thinking of the first Water-Type that came to mind. He wanted to be bot strong and fast and he thought of no better Water-Type Pokemon than Empoleon.

After becoming Empoleon, Jackie dove into the sea with the power to breathe underwater. Truly, the Shift Stones were cut above the rest, certainly on par with a changeling's shapeshifting abilities, the move Transform and so on.

"Golurk, use Flash Cannon!" A few of the guards would protect Jackie, allowing for their Golurk to fire concentrated silver beams at the approaching Tempest Shadow.

Even Tempest couldn't do much against this array of massive beams. However, that was where Spitfire came into play. Her troops, with magic surrounding their shields, used their ships to get in the way. Spitfire appeared in the skies, not riding a ship at all. Rather, standing on one.

"Go ahead," Spitfire said to Tempest Shadow, encouraging her to go along instead of waste time here. "Make sure you use that Underwater Breathing Spell."

"I know, I know." Tempest groaned before leaping off of Mandibuzz. With the ships here to back her up along with other Flying-Type Pokemon, Tempest was free to avoid the Golurk. She quickly cast the spell on herself, crashing into the sea and making a heavy splash.

Once underwater, Tempest had already caught up with Jackie. Jackie did get relatively far very quickly, but the usage of magic around Tempest's body allowed her to move quicker.

"Pokemon Ranger!" Tempest called out his name.

"Oh!" Jackie gasped after seeing Tempest. "You're persistent! Reminds me of...me!"

"Let's see if you can use moves while appearing as that!" Tempest then roared in the sea before using her magic against Jackie. Unfortunately, Jackie could not use Pokemon moves with the power of the Shift Stone.

But even then, he still gained Empoleon's typing and impressive defence. The Pokemon Ranger put up his newly gained fins, using their steely exterior to block the rays of magic. Now there was also an underwater battle taking place.

And further underwater, the weapons were being unloaded onto the Sea Temple. Colress was pouring more power into the cannon, trying to break through the defence. But even the power of Articuno and Regice wasn't enough.

"This defence is absurd..." He growled, feeling frustrated. "I'll give the People of the Water that. They've crafted a well-made forcefield. All we need is more power. Just that simple."

Needing assistance, Colress got in touch with Ghetsis and Daybreaker from another universe. The forcefield had pushed him to that point. "Sorry for the interruption. But we have a problem."

"Forcefield?" Daybreaker already knew what the issue was. Colress nodded in response.

"It's unbelievably sturdy. I'm not sure adding more Pokemon to the power of the cannon will do us any good. It must be those crystals that are giving it such wonderful defence."

"Hm-hm." Daybreaker nodded. "Well, unfortunately...Ghetsis isn't here at the moment. But I may have a solution to your forcefield issue."

"And that would be?"

"Every forcefield to ever exist has light properties. If you ask me..." Daybreaker then raised an Ultra Ball with her magic, revealing the one that Necrozma was within. "I think it's feeding time." Wouldn't you agree, Necrozma?"

The only quick solution that could be thought of. Colress was a bit intimidated by that since Necrozma is a rogue Pokemon. Merciless without any remorse in its hearts and will do anything for light. If it were to enter here, there is a chance that the light within the Plasma Frigate would die out.

"Wait!" Colress exclaimed. "Necrozma is far too risky! That thing could suck up the light from the frigate! Electricity is light as well! It is far too dangerous to try and have it show up here at all."

"Trust me." Daybreaker leaned in. "I understand your fear. But just for this one instance, trust Necrozma. I know first-hoof how destructive Necrozma can be when searching for light. But I've tamed it. It will only last for a few seconds and it will return to my universe."

"Are you sure?" Colress was still sceptical.

"Do you want to get through that blasted forcefield, or not?" Daybreaker then slumped on her throne, twirling with her blazing hair while roasting a marshmallow at the same time.

"...Fine." Colress, after taking a deep breath, agreed to have Necrozma here. But it was still haunting. The only Pokemon close to Necrozma's ruthlessness was Mewtwo.

Colress, using a Travel Sphere, allowed for a gateway to open right in front of him and right at Universe 11. He promptly stepped back as the power that was being drained from Regice and Articuno had ended.

Once the gateway had appeared, hovering there with its cosmic enigma, Daybreaker acted. She threw the Ultra Ball right through the gateway. The moment it was thrown, the devastating and ruthless Pokemon inside had been sent out. The one who devours all light.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 615 End.

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