• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Twilight vs Sunset

Manehattan 10:20

"Cut!" Pinkie Pie screeched as she held a megaphone in her hooves. Her amped voice caused some ponies to freeze in place. This was because these ponies were assisting Pinkie Pie with her Pokestar Studios film. "Give it more fluff. It'll look way more satisfying when landing on it!"

"Ow..." The ponies rubbed their ears after being blasted with that booming sound from Pinkie Pie.

"I could get used to being a director." She laid back on a chair, adjusting some neat black sunglasses she found in the prop box. She took in the glorious sunlight as she watched the ponies help make her movie for her while she gave out instructions, advice and directed them.

"Spinda?" Spinda popped out of her mane, watching the movie being made.

"Just you wait, Spinda. This'll be a movie to remember. I hope I get famous in the Pokemon World too." Pinkie grinned as she rocked back and forth on the chair.


But while this was all going down, from the corner of her eye, she spotted Ash and Twilight walking by as she gained the idea of involving them in their movie. "Oh! Twilight! Ash!"

"Hm?" They both turned to face her.

"Do you wanna help me out with my movie?!"

"Sorry, Pinkie Pie," Twilight replied. "But I'm kinda searching for a Pokemon battle right. We can help you out later if that's okay with you."

"Sure is! Have fun with your battle!" Pinkie waved. They would help her out later on but first, they had to find somepony to battle.

They wouldn't have to search for too long since a majority of the trainers here are battle-orientated or at least are interested in battles. Mostly due to the existence of the Equestria Leauge.

One of which was a very close friend to Twilight who only frequently comes to Manehattan to fulfil her role as a Gym Leader. And luckily, that same friend had also decided to take part in a battle and was also their first Pokemon Festival.

That was, of course, Sunset Shimmer, who was alongside the Canterlot Royal Family and the Dazzlings. They immediately spotted Twilight and Ash in their vision as both Sunset and Twilight let out wide smiles.



The two of them were pleased to see each other once more as they both embraced with a warm hug. "It's great to see you here! During the festival too!"

"I know right?" Sunset grinned. "It's my first one too! Oh, Hey Ash! Good to see you too."

"Great to see you too, Sunset." Ash gave a thumbs up.


"This is getting a bit too crowded for me..." Adagio winced.

"Well since it's your first Pokemon Festival, you've got a lot to look forward too! Just look at all the attractions here." Twilight moved her hoof around. "Take your pick."

"Actually, Twilight. I was just looking for a Pokemon Battle. Or rather, Princess Celestia wants to see me battle as a Gym Leader."

"I certainly do." Celestia nodded.

"Battle?" Twilight gasped before realizing how perfect this moment was. "Oh! The same goes for me. I'm looking for a Pokemon battle too. But for a different reason."

"Hm. Hold on..." Celestia said to herself as she sparked an idea. "I think I see a golden opportunity here." She walked up to her two students.

"You do?" They both said whilst looking up at their teacher.

"I certainly do. A little evil part in me would like to see you two battle against each other. If that is something you can consider."

"Oh..." They both nodded gently before realizing that this was the perfect opportunity since they were both in search of the same thing right now. And with them being close friends, it only made sense that they would test each other out as trainers. At least, in the context of Pokemon.

Seeing that this opportunity was right in their faces, they decided to agree on battling against each other with one final nod. It had been settled.

And there was only one place where they could battle. The Manehattan Gym which Sunset Shimmer normally occupies. A perfect place for their battle to take place. It wasn't being used for any attractions so it was for free to use.

But before they started throwing Pokemon moves at each other, Twilight requested that she had some time to prepare. She wanted to make sure that she had a battle strategy that would guide her to victory.

So she had a chat with her Pokemon, coming up with ways to work around Sunset Shimmer's Pokemon. She's already seen her battle against Rainbow Dash before so she knows what she's up against and what to expect.

"Alright, you four. Let's go over this one more time." She spoke with her Pokemon, still preparing for the Gym Battle.

In the meantime, while Ash and the others were sitting down, Adagio stood up from the seats as she saw this as an opportunity to leave while Sunset Shimmer was about to have a battle.

"Once they start their little battle, we're leaving you two," Adagio said.

"We are?" Sonata turned to her.

"Why?" Aria asked.

"Because I personally don't want her following me around just because she doesn't trust me with this." Adagio took out the jar from her mane. "This was supposed to be between the both of us anyway."

"Oh...isn't that..." Celestia and Luna both recognized the jar that Adagio was holding up with her magic. They had indeed seen it before. "The Magic Siphoning Jar?!"

"Yeah, this. You two know it?"

"Know it? We have been searching for it for years!" Luna stood up.

"We thought we had lost it when a creature of Everfree attacked us. How did you manage to find it, Adagio?"

"Oh. Some old sales pony gave this to me." Adagio twirled the jar around. "I guess it makes sense on why it would be lost now that I think about it..."

"Well, at least it's here now." Luna went over to Adagio. "You may return it to us."

"Sorry. I can't do that." Adagio pulled the jar away from Luna.

"I beg your pardon?" Luna jerked back.

"I need this jar for something important one day. I'll give it back when I've done my job with it."

"Important, you say?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What do you possibly mean by that?"


"Adagio's gonna suck up Empress Twilight's magic with the jar and use it against Ghetsis to stop him for good!" Sonata revealed everything by sliding in-between them.

"...Thank you, Sonata." Adagio sighed. "Yes. It's to stop both of them. Ghetsis is way too dangerous. And the only way we can stop him is by gathering up all the alicorn magic Empress Twilight has stolen. Even Ghetsis won't be able to handle that much. So I won't give it up until I've dealt with both of them."

"It's also why Sunset Shimmer's here. She doesn't trust Adagio so she's sticking to her like glue for 2 months until the invasion happens." Aria explained.

"I'm sorry, did you say invasion?" Eventide scrunched his eyes.

"Oh yeah!" Sonata was about to ramble on again. "There's gonna be a super big invasion in just 2 months! Queen Pyrestar's already made a plan that's gonna work out in 2 months too!"

"...Uh-huh..." Celestia, Luna, Sunlight and Eventide nodded while Ash and his Pokemon were frozen in shock. And Empress Twilight. Who exactly is that?"

"Some random Twilight from another universe or something." Aria shrugged. "She's been teaming up with Ghetsis and has stolen a bunch of alicorn magic. Apparently."

"Is that who that was we saw?" Eventide thought back to when he and Sunlight were still in the Ambrosial Plane where they were able to oversee all of Equestria. They remembered seeing Adagio speaking to Empress Twilight when she first arrived at this universe so she wasn't a complete mystery to them.

"Then we'll have to prepare ourselves too, won't we?" Luna looked up at her older sister.

"Obviously," Celestia replied. "This concerns us as well. It is an invasion after all. And this Empress Twilight...This is my first time hearing about her."

"Same. We don't know a ton about her except for Adagio since she's been around her before." Aria shook her head. "All we know from Adagio's words is that she owns a massive empire and has some protege named L-Luster Dawn I think?"

"Queen Pyrestar will let you know the whole thing!" Sonata waved her hooves.

"You get it now? I'll be able to take out two birds with one stone with this jar." Adagio raised the jar. "Plus there's a plan involving it. So it's staying with me."

"That jar is not your property, Adagio Dazzle. You shall-" Luna narrowed her eyes, raising her voice, but Celestia stopped her little sister.

"Adagio. You would enjoy it if Sunset Shimmer was out of your hair, wouldn't you?" Celestia asked.

"I'd love it..." Adagio groaned. "That way I wouldn't have to put up with her for 2 months."

"And you're using the jar to stop a larger threat too..." Celestia nodded.

"And after that, I won't need this jar anymore. Nothing but trouble anyway. But apparently, I'm not trustworthy to her. Eugh." Adagio stuck her tongue out while having a grimace.

"Then, you'll have to have Sunset Shimmer truly witness your resolve." Celestia smiled.

"Say what now?" Adagio raised an eyebrow.

"Adagio. I trust you." Celestia put her hoof around Adagio's neck.

"Wait...You really trust me with this jar?" Adagio's pupils shrunk.

"I certainly do." She nodded. "While I can't say the same for Luna and especially Twilight, I'll put my faith in you to do the right thing." Celestia was truly trustworthy of Adagio. And to an extent, so were Eventide and Sunlight. They decided to put their faith in her as well since they could see how genuine Adagio was being.

"Nice, Celestia." Ash gave a thumbs up. "If you'll put your faith in her, then I will too."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed along with Ash's Pokemon.

"All of you..." Adagio scooted back. "Even after all I've done you...really trust me?"

"We both wanna protect what we love, right?" Ash said.


"Alright! We're ready!" Twilight exclaimed as she and her Pokemon separated from their group huddle. "Let's do this, Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh, finally, it's starting!" Ash grinned as he and his Pokemon leaned forward.


"Oh!" Sonata hopped off the seats, landing on the battlefield. "I'll be the referee! Me! Uh...how do they start things off." She thought to herself as Aria was the one who explained the rules for her.

"They use whatever number of Pokemon they've got on their team and if all Pokemon on one team faints the other team wins," Aria explained.

"Oh, right. What she said. Twilight's got 4. Are you gonna use 4 as well, Sunny?"

"Sure am. I've got one Pokemon who's been itching to battle for a while now." Sunset looked at a Great Ball that she had in her bag.

"Four huh? That's fine. That will give all my Pokemon a chance to battle." Twilight said.

The two students of Celestia stood on their respective sides. Twilight went right while Sunset went left. Twilight's Pokemon stood beside her while all of Sunset's Pokemon were inside their Poke Balls.

"Alright, you two! Choose your first Pokemon!" Sonata exclaimed.

"We'll fight Fire with Fire. Ninetales, go!"

"Ninetales!" Ninetales was up first as the Fox Pokemon lunged over Twilight as his body was blazing with fire outlining him.

"Ninetales, huh? That's pretty intimidating. But I've got an answer to that with my own fox. Braixen!" Sunset also sent out her own Fox Pokemon in the form of Braixen.


"Ooh..." Sonata looked at the two Fire Pokemon who were both coincidentally foxes. "Okay then...Wait. Sunny, are you allowed to substitute in this?"

"Even though I'll be battling as a Gym Leader...I kinda do wanna switch out so I'll substitute in this." Sunset nodded.

"Got it! Battle Start!" Sonata gave the call to start.

"Let's use your new move, Ninetales! Extrasensory!"

"Ninetales...!" Ninetales's eyes illuminated up, showing a dazzling gold and purple glow that emanated from them. He then released a rainbow-coloured beam from his eyes.

"Braixen! Use Psybeam!"

"Braix!" Braixen pulled out the stick in her tail, waving it about. Sparks of purple energy flew out of the stick as she pointed it forward with a streaky blue beam that had pink circles bursting out.

The two Psychic beams had clashed, entering a small struggle as they were shaking about from contact. They were evenly matched as they cancelled each other out, causing a purple explosion of psychic energy.

"Let's move in! Use Quick Attack!"

"Tales!" The Fox Pokemon bolted forward as a white and silver trail is created behind him. He was moving so fast that he was disappearing and reappearing consecutively while moving through the smoke at blinding speeds, appearing in front of Braixen in an instant.

"Braixen?!" The Fox Pokemon gasped as her fellow Fire-Type tackled her before Sunset could give a command, showing just how fast Ninetales was. "Xen!" Braixen was knocked back by Quick Attack as she slid on the floor.

"You alright, Braixen?!"

"Braixen!" Braxien stood up tall as she adjusted her tail, gripping her stick with vigour.

"Great. Then in that case...let's show Ninetales some love. Use Attract!"

"Braixen..." Braixen was ready to use her ace in the hole. Attract. She spun around before winking at Ninetales, sending multiple pink hearts to fly and surround Ninetales like a tornado.

"Nine? Nine?" Ninetales looked around him.

"This is what I was waiting for..." Twilight smirked. "Burn them away, Ninetales!"

"Nine...Tales!" By using the fire within him, Ninetales summoned a pillar of fire that erupted from his body, burning the pink hearts away into ash.

"Braixen?!" Braxien gasped.

"Oh!" Sunset jerked back."

"You won't swoon Ninetales that easily!" Twilight grinned. "I was there when you battled Rainbow Dash after all. So I've come up with a way to deal with all of your Pokemon."

"Hmph. We'll see. Return, for now, Braixen." Sunset returned Braixen to her Poke Ball. "I'll make sure that Attract lands next time. Then there's no way we'll lose this. You're up next, Fletchinder!" Up next was Fletchinder as Sunset used her magic to launch the Poke Ball upwards.


"Use Aerial Ace, quick!"

"Chinder!" Fletchinder dived down at his opponent as he flapped his wings once. Once he did, he moved so fast he became a blur with a clear aura around him.

"Quick Attack!"

"Nine!" Ninetales used a speedy move himself by using Quick Attack once more to also become a blur. Both Pokemon were moving at high speeds as their heads clashed against each other.

Once they did, Ninetales and Fletchinder entered a back and forth clash with Quick Attack and Aerial Ace. Their heads continuously met with small shockwaves coming out every single time.

Fletchinder ascended into the sky to build up more speed as he dived down towards his fellow Fire-Type. But Ninetales played it smart as he didn't rush in for another head clash. Instead, he used Quick Attack to evade Fletchinder, juking the Ember Pokemon.

"Chin?!" Fletchinder's eyes widened as the speed he had built up a few seconds ago came back to bite him as he took a pretty hard hit on the floor by accident. "Fletch!"

"Ninetales!" With Fletchinder distracted, the Fox Pokemon moved in, slamming himself into the Ember Pokemon.

"Chinder!" Fletchinder was sent flying from that Quick Attack as he spun around in the air.

"Fletchinder! Flame Charge, quick!"

"Fletch!" Fletchinder quickly recovered midair as he ignited himself with fire surrounding his body. With a burst of speed, Flethcinder charged towards his fellow Fire-Type with a trail of fire following behind.

But this is what Twilight was expecting as she didn't even give a command to Ninetales at all. She just stood there along with the Fox Pokemon.

But there was a reason for this.

Not because Ninetales resists fire. But because of his ability. Once Fletchinder got close enough, Ninetales's body glowed red as he was suddenly absorbing all the heat from Fletchinder's Flame Charge.

Fletchinder noticed that his fiery aura had been absorbed as he no longer had flames surrounding his body at all. Instead, it had all been pulled into Ninetales.

"What the?!" Sunset gasped, confused about what just happened. "What happened to Flame Charge?!"

"That's a good question. What actually happened?" Aria wondered.

"It's Ninetales's ability, Flash Fire!" Ash exclaimed. "Flash Fire absorbs heat from its surroundings or Fire attacks that hit it, powering up its Fire-type attacks."

"It does what now?!" Sunset had heard this as she grimaced.

"It's our turn now! Mystical Fire!"

"Tales..." Ninetales summoned an orb of fire that gaped out of his mouth as the orb was increasing in size.

"Not bad, Twilight. But it isn't over yet! Use Double Team!"

"Fletch! Fletch!" Flethcinder still had ways to work around his opponent. The Ember Pokemon's body glowed white, creating multiple copies of himself that filled the air, throwing Ninetales off guard.


"Focus, Ninetales! Blast them all!"

"Ninetales!" Ninetales unleashed Mystical Fire as a red-orange stream of fire burst out of the orb. As Mystical Fire raced forward, Ninetales moved his head around, causing Mystical Fire to move as well by his will.

The clones of Fletchinder were being burned away by the moving stream of fire as Ninetales was searching for the real Fletchinder.

"Now, Fletchinder! Aerial Ace!"

"Chin!" The real Fletchinder was revealed as the last of the clones had been burnt away by Mystical Fire. Fletchinder evaded Mystical Fire by ascending to the sky with a white aura surrounding his body. He then dived down with a burst of speed as he was aiming straight for Ninetales's stomach.

"Here he comes...Extrasensory!"

"Tales!" Ninetales ceased Mystical Fire as he quickly switched to Extrasensory next. A blast of psychic energy came out of his mouth as it made direct contact with Fletchinder and his Aerial Ace.

"Fl-Fletchin!" Fletchinder was trying to break through Extrasensory as he was pushing himself with Aerial Ace.

"Nine...Tales!" But Ninetales proved to have the superior power overall as he added some extra Oomph to his attack. The Extrasensory grew in size, overpowering Fletchinder's Aerial Ace as the Ember Pokemon was engulfed by the large blast of psychic energy.

Afterwards, a purple and gold explosion occurred due to the aftermath of Extrasensory as Fletchinder was seen falling from the smoke. That Extrasensory hit like a truck and it really showed since Fletchinder tumbled on the floor. He wasn't able to withstand it as he had fainted.


"Fletchinder's down and out! Twilight wins!" Sonata announced.

"Yes! Excellent work, Ninetales!" Twilight jumped for joy as all her other Pokemon cheered for their fellow teammate.


"Return, Fletchinder." Sunset returned Fletchinder to his Poke Ball. "You did good, pal. That Flash Fire's gonna be a problem...Unless..."

"Come back, for now, Ninetales."

"Tales." Ninetales returned to Twilight as a switch was about to happen.

"She might choose either Braixen or Litleo next. Or maybe that fourth Pokemon she hasn't shown yet." Twilight said. "Minccy. You'll go next, alright?"

"Cinccino!" Twilight's Cinccino was chosen next as she ran forward, lifting her fur.

"Cinccino...Then I guess it's a good enough time to use you. Go! Volcarona!" She used her magic to send out her hidden Pokemon which was none other than the Sun Pokemon Volcarona.


"Oh! Who's this?" Twilight gawked as she quickly took out her Pokedex for this one.

"Volcarona. The Sun Pokemon. This Pokémon emerges from a cocoon formed of raging flames. Ancient murals depict Volcarona as a deity of fire. When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona’s fire provided a replacement for the sun. As it flies, it scatters its flaming scales. It was feared by ancient people, who referred to it as The Rage of the Sun. It appeared during a bitterly cold winter and saved Pokémon from freezing."

"A deity, huh?" Twilight placed her Pokedex back. "Pokemon lore is just so interesting!" She squeed.

"Ccino!" Minccy told Twilight to focus.

"Oh, right!" Twilight snapped out of it as she began talking to herself. "If we use Tri Attack, the burn effect won't work on Volcarona. But Paralyze and Freeze might."

"Volcarona! Use Quiver Dance!"

"Vol!" Using its signature move, Volcarona's body began to glow white. She then started dancing around, leaving behind afterimages of herself. Her attack, special attack, special defence and speed had just risen.

"Okay..." Twilight bit her lip. "Use Tri Attack, Minccy!"

"Ccino...!" Minccy raised her arms as she charged an orb of energy above her head, all with different colours. The beam was then fired with three different elements mixed inside of them as Twilight was hoping to freeze or paralyze Volcarona.

"Charge through with Wild Charge, Volcarona!"

"Caro!" The Sun Pokemon forcefully propelled herself towards Tri Attack while surrounded in bright gold electricity with white static around it.

Volcarona smashed into Tri Attack head-on without any worry of being frozen or paralyzed. In fact, her Wild Charge was so powerful that it broke through Tri Attack as Volcarona was now heading straight for Minccy.


"Uh oh! Dodge it, quick, Minccy!" Twilight gasped.

But it was too late. At a breakneck speed, Volcarona smashed into the Scarf Pokemon with Wild Charge at full-force. When she made contact with Wild Charge, the electricity around her gathered where Volcarona collided with Minccy, forming into a white orb of sparkling energy, which then exploded.

Volcarona took some recoil damage from Wild Charge as she was sent flying. But not as hard as Minccy who was launched like a rocket after being hit by it.


"Minccy!" Twilight exclaimed as she saw her partner fall from above, worried that she might have fainted. Luckily, the Scarf Pokemon was still able to battle as she used her soft scarf to land safely on the floor.

"Ccin! Cinccino!" She growled.

"Phew..." Twilight let out a sigh of relief. "Alright. If we attack up close we should be fine. Quiver Dance doesn't raise physical defence thankfully. Minccy! Use Aqua Tail!"

"Ccino!" The Scarf Pokemon's tail glowed light blue as she spun it around. When she did, a spiral of water emerged spiralling around her tail. Minccy flipped towards Volcarona as she started swinging her tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.


"Vol!" Volcarona immediately stopped Minccy in her tracks by using Psychic to hold her in place as the Sun Pokemon's eyes flashed blue.

"C-Ci!? Ccino?!"

"Volca!" Volcarona then slammed Minccy on the ground with her Psychic hold, causing the floor to slightly shake.


"Not good!" Twilight growled, realizing that Psychic was going to be a major problem as she was trying to figure out how to break free of this. Then she thought of a fairly risky approach. "Get up close to Volcarona!"

"Cinccino!" The Scarf Pokemon did just that. She lunged towards Volcarona, waiting for Twilight's next command.

"Try Tri Attack one more time!"

"Ccino...!" A second attempt at Tri Attack was made. She was hoping to get one of the status effects off this time as she fired the triple coloured beam of elements towards the Sun Pokemon.

"Fire Blast through it!"

"Volca...! Rona!" Volcarona released a powerful stream of red-yellow fire that formed in front of her at her opponent. As the flame travelled at Tri Attack, the front of the flame forms into a -shaped blast.

The two attacks collided, but it was clear which one was superior in power. Volcarona was already powerful when it comes to Special Attacks. But with Quiver Dance and a move as powerful as Fire Blast, it didn't come as a surprise when Fire Blast engulfed Tri Attack completely.

With Tri Attack consumed, Minccy's eyes widened as before she knew it, she had been hit by Fire Blast, becoming engulfed in the raging flames. A destructive blast of fire happened afterwards, causing a bit of a shockwave that almost blew everyone back, just from how powerful it was.

Twilight and Sunset both covered their eyes as the smoke was starting to clear. Twilight gasped as she herself knew that there was no way that Minccy would be able to withstand an attack that violent.

She's a glass cannon, so getting hit by something like that was bound to make her faint. But surprisingly, when the smoke vanished, Minccy was still standing.

"Ccino...Ccino..." She breathed in and out as she had one eye closed with scratches and burn marks all over her.

"No way!" Sunset screeched.


"Minccy! You're okay!" Twilight let out a wide smile.

"What durability..." Luna's eyes widened.

"Mhm." Celestia and the others nodded in agreement.

"Alright, Minccy! Let's get it one more go! This time, use Quick Attack!"

"Cin...Cinccino..." Suddenly an orange glow emanated around the Scarf Pokemon's body as sparks were flying out. This was an indication that a new move had been learned.

"Oh! What move is this?!" Twilight took out her dex to see what she could've learned.

"Focus Blast. A Fighting-Type move. The user heightens its mental focus and unleashes its power."

"Amazing! Alright! Use Focus Blast, Minccy!"

"Cin...Cin...Cinccino." But unfortunately, Minccy eventually gave out as she fell to the ground, fainting finally.

"Cinccino or...Minccy is done for! Volcarona wins this one!" Sonata exclaimed.

It was now even between the two. They had both lost one Pokemon.

"Alright. We're still safe, Volcarona." Sunset said.


"Minccy..." Twilight walked up to the fainted Scarf Pokemon, picking her up. "You tried your best. And you learned a new move too."

"Ccino..." She whimpered.

"Get some rest, okay?" She brought Minccy over to the seats, placing her down next to Aria.

"We're even now, Twilight," Sunset spoke. "Ready to see what else my Pokemon are capable of?"

"This isn't over yet, Sunset." Twilight flew back. "There's still a lot my Pokemon have to offer. Eve. You're up."

"Espeon!" Up next was Eve as she ran forward with her gem glowing. The battle between Twilight and Sunset was only just beginning at this point.

Hunter J's secret base. 11:00

That same secluded lake with the small buildings still had the ponies who lived there turned into stone thanks to Pokemon Hunter J.

They've been stuck like this since yesterday and they're most likely going to be stuck forever. All because J needed a place to make her base of operations, especially in this new world.

However, at the moment, J wasn't present here. She had currently left to continue her dirty deeds as her base was now completely silent with the water of the lake producing calm and relaxing sounds. But these sounds would be perfect if the ponies and Pokemon weren't suffering as petrified statues.

J hid them in one house and that house belonged to a pegasus. She made sure to lock the door so that no one would ever find these statues in her base which was basically this entire small village with the lake. But with J gone for the moment, new faces arrived at the secluded town. Or rather, familiar faces.

Chrysalis and her changelings had arrived at the secluded town.

They were searching desperately for a new home after their hive had been obliterated by Draco Meteor. Their journey led them here. Chrysalis saw how silent and quiet this small village was. She believed with how small it was, she would be able to impersonate herself as a random pony and live here.

She wasn't going to live peacefully with the ponies as she was aiming at feeding on their love to fuel herself. The same can be said for the changelings as well. They were lucky that during their journey, they didn't run into anything that would endanger them. No creature of the Everfree or a random Pokemon attacked them. So their safe journey was the only good thing that has happened to them in a while.

However, upon further investigation, Chrysalis noticed that there was nopony in sight at all. She looked in the windows to see that each house was empty and quiet. There weren't even any Pokemon. She was a bit nervous about this. She and the changelings explored this small village to see if there was at least one pony here that they could be aware of.

But their search was pointless since all of them were gone. Or rather, placed in one room and locked up. Seeing that it was empty and quiet, Chrysalis determined that this would be the place to make their new hideout. It was no hive, that's for sure. But it had to do. She couldn't just build a hive after all.

Chrysalis declared this place as their new home. For now.

The absolute silence that filled this village is what made Chrysalis decide. She wasn't a fan of the lush green grassland and beautiful lake but she would have to put up with it. Little did she and the changelings know that yet another dangerous individual resides here. J. And soon, they will see her for themselves eventually as the journey continues.

Chapter 318 End.

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