• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Exploding Rage! Her New Old Self

Equestria. Faye Mountains. Changeling Lands. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

By this point, the Faye Mountains were in a grim state. Massive holes, acidic sprays and now the emergence of green flames, this new home for the Changelings was at its worst right now. This was all thanks to the Centipede Demon and recently, the fury of their own queen, Chrysalis.

The Centipede Demon's durable carapace had been damaged once more thanks to Chrysalis' magic, which saw a stellar increase. Chrysalis was reminded of how she lost her first home to Ghetsis. Seeing this and witnessing Ribombee being badly hurt sparked that horrible memory within her. This trigger unleashed her anger and her Magic of Love had been tossed aside just for the Centipede Demon. Much stronger than she was previously, her magic posed a greater threat as the old Chrysalis had essentially returned, minus the Purity Form.

"W-Where did this come from?" The demon shuddered, terrified of Chrysalis' new elevation of magical strength as it immediately tried getting back up, even if its carapace was struggling to regenerate fast enough thanks to the devastating blast.

"Don't you dare think about getting back up!" Chrysalis would then unload a consecutive stream of magical beams that would bombard the demon's carapace. Its hard skeletal armour would be punished by these rays that were greater than ever. Each of them packed full disdain as their main source of energy. Its carapace would come apart, losing pieces of it way faster than the demon could regenerate them.

The Changelings watched as their queen would blow away so many carapace pieces with absolute hatred, making the Fairy-Types shudder. Knowing that Chrysalis was destroying its carapace faster than it could regenerate them, the Centipede Demon tried crawling away to gain some distance and a better angle.

Alas, Chrysalis did not allow that. The moment she saw the demon trying to head elsewhere, she would aim her magic at the ground, changing her approach. The magic would shoot through the ground before rising back up, hitting the demon from below and halting its movements. She was absolutely relentless, taking all of her bottled rage out on the Centipede Demon to the point where she wouldn't allow it to catch a break.

The Faye Mountains lit up with constant green flashes going off, signifying Chrysalis' exploding rage. She was unintentionally harming the Faye Mountains as well with this outburst. The acid was melted away by Chrysalis' dark green flames. The burrowed holes would be filled up by the erupting magic. Her magic was widespread in so many ways. But this didn't just involve destruction. The changelings noticed how her magic began affecting the mountains in another way that was relatively unique. But Chrysalis had yet to notice.

Eventually, Chrysalis would cease fire. She started breathing in and out simply because of how much she was unloading a blast on the demon. This was the only time the demon could move a bit longer but it was now in immense pain. Multiple holes were left in its body as all the acid started dripping out.

"I-I didn't expect her to possess all of this..." The demon gasped, leaving behind an acid trail. "This is bad...very bad! This isn't love at all!" The demon would then gaze at Chrysalis, seeing her in a different light.

At that moment, the demon shuddered as the vision of Chrysalis in a dark background was formed. This dark background was accompanied by green flames and half of Chrysalis' body being her old self and new self mixed together. The aura she was giving off had horrific intent behind it. So horrific that even the Centipede Demon was terrified. It wasn't looking at Chrysalis right now. It was looking at something else entirely. The demon couldn't believe this. Someone that wasn't a demon could boast this much fear in it.

"This can't be her..." The demon thought to itself. "It feels like she's a demon herself! No. It's more like there is a demon hiding in her!"

"I'm not scared of you! This changes nothing!" The Centipede Demon tried shrugging this off. And to prove this, it would try charging directly at Chrysalis with a full-force tackle. The demon would tear up parts of the ground just by crawling, using all of its physical strength. It even tried intimidating her by using the full extent of its unnerving and horrifying face.

But all of that didn't matter. Not only did it not intimidate Chrysalis in the slightest, but an even more shocking revelation had been revealed. Chrysalis overpowered the demon in terms of physical strength. The second it got close, Chrysalis would hold her hoof out, allowing the demon to connect with it. And with its face meeting with Chrysalis' hoof was the equivalent of crashing into a wall or a train.

Chrysalis stopped it dead in its tracks while causing a viciously strong shockwave to erupt and reverb through the demon. The Centipede Demon's body would vibrate. It felt like being hit by a hammer at full force despite the fact that the demon was the one who approached the hammer. Chrysalis was now the one boasting the greater physical strength as her eyes were emanating a smoking green aura now.

The demon would wince and shudder as it could no longer feel its body thanks to the shock it received. This was undoubtedly a terrifyingly unpleasant feeling, especially when combined with all the pain Chrysalis gave it. Now that Chrysalis was stronger, she would show off her strength. The Changeling Queen would then raise the Centipede Demon into the air with just her singular hoof. She no longer needed magic to make something like this possible.

"My turn!" She growled before slamming the demon back into the ground. The Centipede Demon's already suffering body would take more punishment as the carapace at this point was failing to regenerate fast enough thanks to Chrysalis' elevation of strength. She would then throw the demon away with just a single exertion of strength in her hoof. The throw was relatively impressive too. She threw the demon through the last of the mountains, breaking them with ease. By this point, the Faye Mountains no longer had any mountains to back up the name. All of them were gone.

The changelings weren't sure whether to be amazed or terrified by the strength of their queen. But the latter was the most prominent reaction. While it was good to see the demon being on the backfoot, every changeling could feel Chrysalis' aura and how mortifying it was. They all saw the same thing the Centipede Demon saw. Or rather, they were on the verge of seeing it.

A demon.

Anthophilia would start crying, finally being woken up from her sleep. Thorax would gasp as now he had the duty to calm her down while all of this was going on. But judging by how the events were turning out, it could all come to an end relatively soon.

"Now's a good time to transform, Zorua!" Thorax pleaded. Zorua would do just that. The Dark-Type already had a method of calming Anthophilia down. And that was by transforming into Chrysalis herself. Zorua would walk up to the baby changeling, hoping to calm her down. But it was ineffective. By this point, Anthophilia could differentiate the real from the fake. And unfortunately, the real Chrysalis was currently erupting with rage.

The Centipede Demon was practically powerless at this point. A broken carapace, multiple holes, whimpering and weakened legs that were once tremendously powerful and even bruises on its face just from making contact with Chrysalis' hoof.

However, it wouldn't end there. The unique effect of Chrysalis' magic would show itself off. And it started with the rubble that came from the mountains. The rubble would be enveloped in Chrysalis' signature green magical aura, levitating without Chrysalis' control.

The magic would start putting the rubble back together, reforming the mountains to how they were. But there was something different about them. The mountains would sharpen in response to this magical reformation. The structure was the same but the looks were altered. It wasn't just the mountains that would be affected. The other rubble received a taste of this new magic. All of a sudden, the ground below the Centipede Demon would start twisting, opening a large hole that was enough to fit its entire body.

"W-What is this?!" The demon cried out before being dropped inside. The atmosphere would even change. What was once something full of love, now only had animosity behind it. And this animosity would suddenly affect the Fairy-Type Pokemon as a spark of Chrysalis' magic appeared on their chests.

The Fairy-Tyes would then get back up, shrugging off the acidic poisoning they once had. It was as if they were never injured in the first place. "Oh...Are you feeling better now?" A changeling asked her Kirlia who got up immediately after the atmosphere changed. By reacting to the atmosphere, the Fairy-Types changed up a bit. Not by appearance, but by what they would do next.

"Kirlia...!" Kirlia and other Fairy-Types would raise their arms, using their Fairy Magic in unison which came in a different colour. This colour was now the same as Chrysalis' magic as it would all float into the air. The ground would then gather around as much dirt as it could, dropping it on the Centipede Demon while it was underground.

This was not done by Chrysalis' choice. Instead, this was done by the Fairies. They weren't sure why and how but their bodies simply felt like doing this. Not only that, but they were emanating heaps of hatred as well. Something that was very uncommon for most Fairy-Type Pokemon. But in this instance, the changelings could already see why.

All of them collectively gasped, realizing why this was the case. Due to Chrysalis not using the Magic of Love in this scenario, she was using the exact opposite of love. Hate and animosity. And much like how the Fairy-Types thrived in the positive environment of the Faye Mountains, Chrysalis' overwhelming magic managed to affect them too.

"Miss Opal! I need help here! Please!" Desperate to get out of this, the demon would call for Opal Vivacity, hoping that she would respond with telepathy.

"I'm listening. Having trouble?" Opal replied immediately with telepathy.

"A lot of it! Send me back! Send me back now! I don't want to spend another second here!" The demon pleaded. Since it couldn't be destroyed, taking constant damage was something it was not looking forward to at all. Returning to the box was the best option right now.

"Right, right. " Opal sighed. "Who are you even having trouble with for this reaction to-" Just then, Opal's words paused before she continued. "Oh?"

"W-What is it?" The demon gulped.

"It's not responding." Opal's voice tone would change, startling the Centipede Demon. Those were words it was hoping to never hear.

"What do you mean it's not responding?!"

"It won't retrieve you at all!" Opal raised her voice. "What's with this box all of a sudden?"

"I can hear you..." Suddenly, interrupting this telepathic conversation and even making Opal Vivacity gasp was none other than Chrysalis. Her ears didn't fall deaf to this conversation. Then again, she shouldn't be able to hear this in the first place. The demon, sure. But Opal? Not at all.

"W-What was that?" Opal stammered from the other side.

"You're the one behind this, aren't you?" Chrysalis spoke with her voice being slightly gruff and exhausted at the same time. Opal's voice was clear to her, catching the vampire off guard. "After I'm done with this one...I'll come for you next."

"D-Done with me?" The Centipede Demon whimpered before having the rest of its body buried underneath the dirt. "Wait-" It was cut off once a large mound of dirt covered the hole that Chrysalis unintentionally made. After that, Chrysalis would channel all of her strength into her horn, pulling her head back before gathering a tremendous amount of magic.

The Centipede Demon's strength failed it here. It was unable to break free as the mound was covered with Fairy-Type Magic. But not the usual Fairy-Type Magic that was all about love. "H-Hold on, Chrysalis! Maybe I was too rash in the beginning! You haven't grown soft! Not one bit! I jumped to conclusions a bit too early! Let's talk it out with the power of love, please! I can't go out like this!"

After burying the demon, Chrysalis would unleash the full force of her magic. It was a simple yet gigantic blast of magic that would pierce and engulf the hole that she made, engulfing the demon. The Centipede Demon would make a final cry before having its body absolutely covered in nothing but green magic lost to the colours.

Chrysalis' final burst of magic exploded, releasing a violent pillar of magic that shot through the clouds themselves, obliterating them. The ground itself had been wasted to the core. Nothing was left behind but only bedrock. Chrysalis' magic went that far. All the changelings couldn't help but cover their eyes and shudder at what they realized.

Utter destruction. It was practically on the same scale as what Ghetsis did to the old Changeling Hive. This whole thing reminded the changelings of that one horrible scenario. It didn't help that Chrysalis was the one who did it this time. This was potentially beyond her old self in the worst way possible.

Opal's connection to the Centipede Demon ended there as it never returned to the Box of 100 Demons at all. On top of that, Chrysalis was shockingly away, being able to hear this telepathic conversation for the first tie. The smoke would clear and the only thing that would didn't end was Anthophila's crying.

Chrysalis stood there in front of the obliterated ground, having her magic fume out of her as if she was a chimney. The Changeling Queen looked perplexed and bewildered with just a single expression on her face. Deep breaths were taken as all the Fairy-Types would suddenly faint. That strange reaction from them would immediately end.

Not only that, but another shocking revelation came about. Crawling out of the bedrock and all the destruction was none other than a centipede. A regular-sized one to be exact. This regular centipede would crawl next to Chrysalis' hoof before then skittering away without even grabbing the attention of the Changeling Queen. Only the other changelings witnessed this centipede emerge.

But there were more. More centipedes would crawl out of the ground in massive numbers, catching the changelings off guard. After all that, it was bizarre to see regular centipedes show up, not doing anything but just casually crawling about. But immediately, the changelings thought of one possibility. Could these be the Centipede Demon's original form before it sold its soul to the Box of 100 Demons? With how many of them were crawling out, it could possibly be the case.

"Ugh..." After that, Chrysalis herself would faint. Just like the Fairy-Types. Drained and exhausted, all that magic would leave her body before she then dropped to the ground, almost falling into the massive hole she made. So many of them were exhausted from this, but Chrysalis was the most drained out of all of them.

Quickly, they would rush to their queen's side to immediately help her. Thankfully, since the hive was the least damaged area, the healing cocoons would be safe to use. Chrysalis and everyone else who took damage from this would desperately need it.

Sinnoh. Out in a forest.

"This can't be right..." And at the moment, Opal Vivacity was in absolute shock. In her hooves, when holding the Box of 100 Demons, a stunning revelation had come her way. "Is that even possible? Queen Rosa's not going to like this."

"What? What is it?" Melody Moon asked. "Did you get that demon back already?"

"No. That's the problem. I can't. Or rather...It's not there anymore." Opal shuddered with disbelief in her voice, stunning Melody Moon and Bittersweet. "It's as if its name has been erased from the box itself!"

"Say what?!" Melody and Bittersweet equally erupted. "We lost a demon?!"

"I'm afraid so. We're down to only 99 Demons now that the Centipede is gone..." Opal could confirm it by looking into the box. The Centipede Demon essentially made the name irrelevant since it never returned.

"But that's impossible!" Melody stretched the side of her mane. "That box has always had 100 Demons for so long! And now one of them's just gone?! They can't even be destroyed in the first place!"

"Could it be...someone found a way past that?" Bittersweet questioned.

"Sounds like it. Someone's found a way to ignore the immortality of these demons. I would've thought her majesty would've been the first to do so...But even she hasn't found a way to bypass their immortality just yet. We're assuming Yveltal can do that but the fact that someone else did it..." Opal Vivacity's hooves trembled. "Your majesty! Can I speak with you?!"

"Speak..." Rosa Maledicta spoke to Opal via telepathy after Opal made the request.

"Bad news! Someone got past the defences of the box! There are only 99 Demons left!" Opal blurted out. "I'm not sure how but that Centipede Demon was defeated by someone. I can't return or feel its presence anywhere. It's gone!"

"Uh, that's not gonna upset a balance, is it?" said Melody. "Cause if it does then-"

"Chrysalis." Rosa would say Chrysalis' name while also speaking to Melody and Bittersweet to let them know. "Who else would it be?"

"Chrysalis?" All three of them said.

"She might've done it, finally. Mellifera's wish must've come true. All of that bottled-up potential was the only thing threatening the Box of 100 Demons and nothing else. That kind of magic boasted a plethora of problems the moment that box was made."

"So Chrysalis did this? But how? What makes her so special anyway?" Opal asked, unsure of why Chrysalis would be the one to shut down one of the demons and even affect the box. "And how did she hear us speaking telepathically in the first place?"

"It's because of her magic. What else?" Rosa Maledicta continued. "This kind of magic was prophesized even before I came into power. For you see...Chrysalis was born on the same day the Box of 100 Demons was made. At the same day, the same hour, the same week and the same year. Basically, it was a unified creation."

"All of that at the same time?" Bittersweet spoke. "That's gotta be a coincidence right? And all of a sudden her magic somehow awakens?"

"SIlly Bittersweet. I would have thought you all figured it out by now. The Box of 100 Demons comes from Tartarus yes. But it is not made by any physical limbs whatsoever. Who do you think made that box?"

"That would be someone from Tartarus. Or even maybe one of the earlier Lich Kings and Queens. Right?" Opal theorized before Rosa Maledicta went silent for a bit.

"Wrong. Chrysalis' birth and the box's creation are on in the same. That's because the Creator of the Box of 100 Demons is Chrysalis. Her magic formed the box in correlation to her birth."

Another shock struck their hearts and faces. The true creator of the Box of 100 Demons had been revealed. It wasn't a demon. It wasn't a vampire. It wasn't any Lich that has ever existed. But rather, Chrysalis. As a baby. The one true owner of this box was the Changeling Queen herself.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 976 End.

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