• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Galaxy Tower

Unova. Virbank City. PokeStar Studios. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

"Come on out, Heracross!" Celebrating her first ever serious Alpha Pokemon Catch was Sci-Twi as she unleashed Alpha Heracross here at PokeStar Studios in front of Ponyville and Cloudsdale ponies.

"Heracross!" Out came Alpha Heracross fully healed thanks to Nurse Joy. He was there for all of them to see as the sheer size of Heracross was so vast that his horn could potentially hit the ceiling. If he was any taller, that is.

They had already seen her Alpha Pikachu, who was bigger than the average Pikachu. Now they feasted their eyes on the juggernaut that was Alpha Heracross.

"The size of this one...I already felt inferior in front of an average Heracross." Amethyst Star commented.

"He's a big one. Which gives me an idea!" shouted Mayor Mare after witnessing Alpha Heracross "A giant monster film! That should be up next in our options of films! We can have Alpha Pokemon be the giants and everything else explains itself."

"Uuuuughh!" But judging by all the groans from every pony, they were still fresh off the heels of making the Equestria Film. Going for another film so soon would be taxing on them all.

"But...we can wait on that." Mayor Mare postponed that idea but it was still in the air and eligible to be made.

"Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. Aren't you going after Galaxy Master?" Twilight soon noticed that Celestia and Luna were going through the recent books of Galaxy Master's adventures, reading through them as if they were in the library studying. If anything, this was studying as they needed the knowledge on his whereabouts.

"We are. And we'll be using the books to do so." Celestia replied. "It tells all of his current adventure and new images are being added to these blank pages."

"With these books, we'll never have to worry about finding him or knowing what he's up to. We'll always know his every move." Luna added.

"That's a great idea." Cynthia walked over, kneeling to grab herself one of the books. "A tad creepy thought but..."

"Although...I'd like to stay around a bit more and read these books. And even leave him to have his adventures so there's more to see." Celestia giggled, holding the books as if she was a child.

"Sister!" Luna exclaimed, startling her older sister. "This is serious. Let's not be hyper-carefree."

"Sorry, sorry. Being so free does something to a princess. Anyway, it seems that he's stopped yet another Dread League. But nothing about his recent location yet. These books seem to take their time when it comes to forming pages."

"So uh, if we do something short, is the process gonna be short?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Just guessing."

"Probably. It will only form once we stop at a certain point. Just like an actual story." Celestia explained. "Either way, we'll meet with him when we get the chance. But Hoopa, are you still sure you can't bring him here?"

"Hoopa just doesn't know specifics or whatever they're called." Hoopa twiddled his fingers, pouting as he felt disappointed that there was one thing his ring couldn't achieve.

"I have an idea that will cheer you up." Along came Rarity to stave that from off his face. "You may not be able to use your ring to find him. But...you can use it to head to his secret lair."

"Oooh!" Hoopa's eyes shot open as Rarity was on to something. Celestia and Luna nodded in approval. "Hoopa can break in?!"

"Pretty much. You can at least go there, can't you? Locations aren't out of your boundaries, are they?" The fashionista nudged. "Please tell me you can or else I'll look silly."

"Hoopa...Hoopa can!" Hoopa exclaimed. "Hoopa can go places! But...only through space. Not sure if Hoopa can find this tower."

"So you just can't decide to go to the Galaxy Tower at all. The limits on that ring are small but strong." Twilight pondered. "But, who said we'd struggle to find it? We have the location right here." She then used her magic to bring over one of the books.

And in that book, the Galaxy Tower's appearance was not only seen but the location was discovered. It was, of course, located in Equestria but since it was hidden, the tower could be found underground.

"Underground..." Hoopa gazed.

"Judging from the scenery art, you can find this place somewhere in western Equestria," Twilight added. "That should be easy enough, right?"

"Oh! Oh! You managed to bring Apple Bloom and the others here after you saw their faces! So bring Galaxy Master here too!" Pinkie Pie threw in her own suggestion.

"Hoopa tried that, actually," Luna replied. "After seeing what he did with the young ones, we figured we'd try the same thing. But even then, Hoopa failed to do so. You can even see it here on this page."

She then showed off the page to the others, revealing what happened between Hoopa and Galaxy Master. Hoopa could identify Galaxy Master since he had a unique appearance that no one else in either world had, making it easy for the Mischief Pokemon. However, upon attempting to grab Galaxy Master, the next panel showed his Galaxy Sense kicking in.

Not only did it alert Galaxy Master but the golden light particles from the Sea Temple had shown themselves. Reacting with Hoopa's ring led to the light forcing Hoopa back. After all, a bit of Arceus' power was within it thanks to what Luna leaned.

"Someone's messing with Hoopa!" Annoyed by that fact, Hoopa crossed his arms, bitter that Galaxy Master was another force that completely counteracted his ring. "What can Hoopa do about this?"

"For now, help us. Please, send us to this secret base of his." Celestia pleaded to the Mischief Pokemon. "I hope it's not too much of a hassle."

"Okay! Hoopa can do it! Underground to the West, right? Easy!" Hoopa was up to the task. He tossed up one of his rings, looking directly at the book. He would try his best to pull it off perfectly if he could. Hopping from space to space wasn't uncommon for him but when it came to this, he would have to try a bit more.

Once the ring opened up, it showed the image that was shot-for-shot exactly like the one in the comic book. Hoopa pulled it off thanks to the encouragement from the ponies. The Galaxy Tower had been seen by everyone's eyes from the outside as it was surrounded by crystals.

"You did it, Hoopa!" Ash and everyone cheered after Hoopa pulled it off. "Way to go!"


"Looks like you just needed to break past some of those doubts. There was nothing stopping you from doing so, little one," said Rarity. "You're stronger than you think."

"Hoopa did it?" Even Hoopa was a bit shocked. After a repeat of failures, failing to grab Luna's Pokemon and Galaxy Master, this action was a stunning success. "Hoopa knew it!" Of course, Hoopa, being the prideful Pokemon that he was, boasted and shrugged it off as if it was all natural. "There was no doubt."

"Sure..." Amethyst Star sarcastically replied whilst clapping for the Mischief Pokemon.

"Now. Let's get this started." Luna rubbed her hooves together, eyeing down the tower. "Now that we have the tower in sight, let's-"

"Go!" And of course, Ash was the one to go on ahead. Not just because he had the biggest thrill for adventure but because this was also his creation to an extent. And now that it was real, he just had to enter and explore the Galaxy Tower for himself.

Entering the area would be Canterlot Guards as well, solely there to see what Rift-related objects they could find. This tower was beautiful to the eyes once everyone got a good look at it. Immediately, they all felt the urge to view it for themselves. What was the secret base of a Superhero like? Only one way to find out.

Equestria. Underground. Galaxy Tower. Day.

The Galaxy Tower.

Standing in front of its entrance, Ash and everyone got to marvel at it. For something that was underground, it was astronomically tall to the point where if it were outside, it could be seen in the distance past the cloud and maybe even the fog, especially with the radiant cosmic sparkles it gave off.

In this underground, the sparkles lit up, outshining the darkness to give this place some flair while also reflecting beautifully off the crystals.

"I know villains in stories usually have the cooler looking places but this rivals them." Rainbow Dash gawked. "You've always got a nice sense of style, Ash."

"Obviously, he does. It's how he pitched the idea of his current outfit to me. Then again, it must run in the family since Delia thought of the old outfits as well." Rarity applauded.

"It's made out of what I thought it would be..." Amazed by the fact that he was truly here, Ash placed his hand on the tower, feeling the texture as the stardust beautiful flowed past him.

"What kind of texture is this even?" Twilight did the same, trying to identify it. "It feels...unlike anything else I've felt."

"Yeah. When I wrote about his secret base, I basically said that the Galaxy Tower's made out of stars. Pretty neat, huh?" Ash revealed the strange texture to it, grinning at Twilight.

"Made out of stars?!" Hearing that, Twilight pulled her hoof back, fearing that she would be incinerated. But of course, that didn't happen. Not only that, but the texture wasn't harmful at all. "Huh...Let me guess. You made the stars solid, huh?"

"That's right! Solid Stars is what I call 'em! Well, mom actually came up with that name when she saw it. Pretty neat huh?" He chuckled.

"This is an otherworldly substance then?!" Celestia, Luna, Cynthia, Twilight, Sci-Twi and Bertha soon realized how important this was. This material was not from this world. Technically, it was from the cosmos and realistically, it was from a comic book.

This was a stunning discovery. Pure energy from the stars had been solidified and built to make this tower. This was only possible thanks to the power of the Sea Temple Crystal bringing everything about Galaxy Master to life.

"Well, how are we gonna get in? If we bust the place wide open, he'll notice." Rainbow Dash asked. "What say you, Ash?"

"Uh...we-" Ash held his hand out before the doors suddenly opened up automatically. They reacted to Ash's hand motions, prompting them to open themselves without needing special access.

"That works too." Rainbow Dash zoomed in, heading in before anyone else as the group then followed right afterwards. At this rate, this might be considered a tour and all of them were tourists. In a way, Ash was the tour guide since he technically made this but he was just as curious as them before joining all of his friends.

When entering, they found out that Galaxy Master's base from the inside was astronomically clean. So clean that the stardust twinkled from every shiny substance and the floors were so smooth it was out of this world. It worked well since everything about Galaxy Master was meant to be otherworldly, especially the tower.

There were these soft pads on the walls that immediately felt like coming into contact with pillows. Some of these pads could be found on the floor. As to be expected, the colour scheme was mainly blue with a sprinkle of white, red and gold everywhere else.

This was the cleanest place they'd ever seen. Cleaner than any castle, palace, hall or anything that was always kept in top condition.

"I think...I think I'm going to pass out from this..." Rarity felt perplexed by this as she was on the verge of fainting, loving this beautiful polish. She was then caught by Applejack, saving her from falling. "This is perfect...Too perfect it should be illegal. Twilight..why can't your Cinccino be this tidy?"

"You'd need a hundred or a thousand Cinccino and Minccino to make this possible," Twilight replied before realizing it was targeted to her Cinccino, essentially downplaying her. "And...hey!"

"The air here is special. What is this?" Celestia pondered, feeling the air within the atmosphere. Once again, this area had forces that were new to them. "It's probably from space, isn't it?"

"All of it's gotta be from space." Derpy suddenly started taking pictures of this place just to remember this stupendous appearance forever. "So is he like an alien then?"

"Nah, I don't think Ash would make his dad an alien. Or maybe he would. Would he?" Soarin wondered. "What does an alien in the Pokemon Universe even look like?"

"Let's figure out what an alien in our universe looks like before we answer that," Cloudchaser replied. "Say, do you think there's any food we can grab? Please tell me Ash made a food stand when drawing about it?"

"Checking..." Amethyst Star held some of the Galaxy Master books up with her magic, flipping the pages to find earlier portions of the Galaxy Tower prior to him emerging into reality. "Oh! Looks like there are! This page shows off al the rooms in this tower. They have a food stand, indeed."

"I can already smell it!" Interrupting Amethyst was Pinkie Pe as her nose already picked up on a delicious scent. Once the scent came her way, she zoomed off just to find it.

"It has a lot to offer here. An outfit room, armoury, hobby room, trophy room and few quarters." Amethyst continued with Cynthia and the others gathering around the unicorn. "You could live here if you wanted."

"Really now? Noted." Lyra added. "In that case, it's all up for our viewing pleasure!"

"She's right. I need to see that Trophy Room. Perhaps potential future awards can go beyond the stars themselves." Octavia replied before she, Lyra and many others went off to explore the tower to its fullest. They weren't here for the potential Rift Objects. They were here solely because of the enjoyment factor.

And the same went with Ash, who was living out his own childhood creation right now. How could he just stand around? Actually, he was already gone a few seconds ago, going ahead of everyone else before. They all went in different directions that held various pathways.

Celestia, Luna and even Cynthia would focus on what Rift-Related objects there may be here but they would take their time to explore this tower as well.

Hobby Room.

The Hobby Room was exactly as they expected. A nice, comfortable place for relaxation and of course, hobbies. When entering, the ponies and their Pokemon saw how there were sculptures and paintings. Tables with different board games could be found, ranging from a Pokemon Chess Board to a card game that didn't have a cover.

Most likely a result of Ash never continuing to write about Galaxy Master's adventures later on. While Galaxy Master is always busy, he would have this to relax when needed. The paintings looked to be relatively old as if they were made long ago despite this tower and everything else being made only a week ago. The chess game hadn't even been touched by anyone.

"A Pokemon Chess game? Why don't we have this back home?" Flitter went over to the game with Cloudchaser.

"Not sure...oh, well! Best to try it out for the first time. I'm going Red!" Her fellow pegasus already started the game upon discovering it. It was too interesting for them to just ignore.

"Then I'll go Blue!" And just like that, the two of them started the Pokemon Chess Game while others gathered to witness them go at it. Some music could be found here. Mainly in the form of a radio that looked rather old.

Vinyl Scratch acknowledged the radio, wondering what kind of music this fictional character would listen to and if it was any good. With her magic pressing down on one of the buttons, the radio was on. And what about the music that came from it?

Once it played, the music, much like everything else, was all about the stars and space and what lies beyond. In short, it had a cosmic feeling to it. Vinyl smiled as this kind of sound was euphoric to the ears. She slumped on the couch pillows upon hearing it, melting to its sweet sound as it brought a nice aesthetic to the place.

Overall, this place was just nice to be in. Meloetta could vouch for that as she decided to experience the trophy room as well, for once, not trailing behind Ash. Mainly because Ash was already ahead of everyone else.

Trophy Room.

The Trophy Room. What trophies would Ash grant this character at all in the beginning? Octavia, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and many others would find that out for themselves once they came across it. Various trophies of different shapes instead of the traditional cup could be found.

These trophies all looked otherworldly too as everything else. One of them resembled a star. One of them resembled a ringed planet, star clusters, strange eyes and more.

"These trophies are...very unique looking. What do you think they're for?" Rarity wondered.

"I don't know. There's words on some of them but the writing looks super weird...Do you think it's an alien language?!"

"If it is then..." Octavia pondered for a moment before having her eyes flash. "If I were to play some of my music to an alien, what would I receive in return? Extraterrestrials give out fresh rewards that nopony in this world could ever imagine. If that's the case...I'd have a special trophy as well~"

"Nice souvenirs too." Hilda held up a souvenir which ended up being a cosmic-coated necklace. "Strange how all of this is brand new yet old at the same time, huh?"

"We've gotta ask him about all of this someday, Rarity. No harm in it. After all, he saved our lives." Sweetie Belle pleaded.

"I suppose so. He isn't evil at all. Just working for the worst force. If only he could see it but that Rift has already imprinted a false effective truth in his mind. I refuse to believe anyone who collects such beautiful trophies and souvenirs would work for the Rift. Apart from that other version of me but never mind that."

"Speaking of the Rift...that book showed the Rift gaining some of its strength back. It's recovering." Hilda added. "If we don't talk to him soon, the Rift's gonna keep gaining control over him. It might as well puppet Galaxy Master around."

"Which is precisely why we have the means to know when he shall return." Rarity tried on another cosmic necklace. I assume he doesn't know of his own books. After all, he's a fictional character. If he were to be aware that he was brought from a book...not sure how'd he react.

Food Stand.

The Food Stand. Pleasing to the eyes, nose, stomach and mouth for what it had to offer. Unlike everything else, this wasn't otherworldly at all. It was all standard. Pinkie Pie found it first which led to everyone else tracking down the enticing scent.

All their favourites could be found here, stored within a glass container the size of a bookshelf. Spaghetti, candy, doughnuts, ice cream, varying cakes and salad. The lot of it. All kinds for everyone. This wasn't just for Galaxy Master but for his Pokemon as well.

"My hero..." Pinkie Pie melted as Mew and she licked their lips. All they had to do was have the container open. The stand here looked like it would be served by someone as it was a Food Stand after all. "Ahem! If anyone's there, I'd like to order~"

There was a response. It came in the form of a sound. A rather robotic sound. Looking ahead, Pinkie Pie could see something blue glowing in the dark with a V Symbol. This V Symbol got closer and so did the noise after reacting to Pinkie Pie's request.

Revealing itself, it was none other than a robot. A robot that had the same colour scheme as Galaxy Master but just with an alternate look while also having wheels for legs. Not the kind of service that Pinkie Pie was expecting but she wasn't complaining.

"Oh. Okay then. Can I get uh..."

"ᴜɴᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀɪᴢᴇᴅ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ ᴅᴇᴛᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ. ᴜɴᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀɪᴢᴇᴅ ᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ: ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡᴏʀʟᴅʟʏ." The robot then spoke while scanning Pinkie Pie, already claiming that she was otherworldly

"Entity?" Pinkie Pie repeated. "Well some of them call me something weird like eldritch...whatever it's called. But I don't know about-"

Before Pinkie Pie pie could finish, more of these robots revealed themselves. They appeared out of the most unusual places. From the walls, the ceiling and even the tables, sliding out of them. Everyone was taken aback by this as robots were the last things they would expect. They appeared in impressive numbers, surrounding this part of the room as they were in hiding the entire time before finally appearing.


"Arrest?!" Pinkie Pie and the others exclaimed. They went from making movies to suddenly being threatened with an arrest by these Galaxy Master Robots.

Everywhere else, these robots were showing up, reacting to the arrival of all these individuals who were not Galaxy Master. In each room, they showed up, stationed as the tower's bodyguard while Galaxy Master was away. No hostility was shown by them. Only the goal to arrest them.

As far as it stands right now, Pinkie Pie and everyone else here was a criminal. As the journey continues.

Chapter 905 End.

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