• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,485 Views, 7,937 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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How to get tired

Equestria. Ponville. Day.

A mission had been set. Princess Twilight Sparkle must fall asleep. After gaining control of Rift Magic, a drawback had been given. Although, some wouldn't consider it a drawback but Twilight certainly would. The inability to ever get exhausted with infinite stamina.

Twilight wished for that to be gone. Dreams were too precious for her to lose and the concept of sleeping as well. Thus, her friends would help her in one way only. Burning her out.

"No need to worry, Twilight." Pinkie Pie said. "The best way to have a burnout...is with a party!" Pinkie Pie was the best option in this case. She spread her hooves out as confetti and music blared from SugarCube Corner, startling Twilight and the others. "Let's have a party celebrating you becoming a Rift Pony! Or half Rift Pony!"

"Great idea, Pinkie!" Twilight approved of this greatly. "I'm ready to party as long as I can here. And the best way to do that is to mess around with my Rift Magic and burn it out."

"Not just that! Let's have a battle first!" Rainbow Dash flew over.

"A battle?"

"Yeah. Pokemon Battles make everyone tired when they go all out, don't they? Pinkie Pie and I agreed to make you battle first and then party later. The party's gonna be longer than the battle anyway."

"Hmmm...Okay.So you want me to do the Pokemon battle first and then the party. I see..." Twilight nodded slowly.

"A big one too. Maybe 6-on-6 battle. But uh...you don't have a 6th Pokemon yet do you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Sorry. Stuck with 5 on me." The young alicorn shrugged. "But there's always PokePark. I haven't battled with the Pokemon there. Or much at all. It's only been Dewott and Bisharp who helped me out during the Canterlot Tournament."

"Yeah-yeah! Get one of those two! They're so cool! Especially Bisharp!" Rainbow Dash's eyes flared.

"But, Rainbow Dash...I'm not going to be using my Rift Magic in a Pokemon Battle, am I? I cant' do much with it."

"But you do have the Harmony Phenomenon, don't you?" Rainbow Dash nudged her. "You can find a way to make yourself tired with that, right? Everyone's got it after all."

"And it's all about getting into the heat of battle, Twilight." Rarity walked over. "Especially with Mega Evolution, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh, right! Mega Evolution does involve the trainer...And you've never used your Mega Ampharos and Mega Lopunny at the same time Rarity because it's too dangerous."

"Precisely, darling."

"And if this Harmony Phenomenon can appear with Mega Evolution too...Rainbow Dash! Your idea's brilliant!" Twilight saw the benefit of Rainbow Dash's plan.

"Uh yeah. Of course, it was." The pegasus confidently crossed her hooves. "Was there any doubt?"

"We'll have it at Saddle Lake as always. I'll be using just Absol and you can use Braviary and Altaria. That'll do and maybe push myself."

"You got it, Twilight! But don't worry...I'll make sure you give it everything you've got." Rainbow Dash rubbed her hooves together as she wasn't planning on holding back. She would make sure that Twilight goes to the extreme. And for Twilight, that much was needed right now.

"Wait. Will battling actually work?" Fluttershy was also curious about Rainbow Dash's approach.

"It'd better. For my sake and sanity." Twilight replied. "I don't think I could handle never sleeping again. Let's do this."

Saddle Lake. Day.

The group had gathered at Saddle Lake. The objective of exhausting Twilight was in full motion. Granted, the ideas that had come up were only theories that needed to be tested. There was no definitive way of causing a Rift Pony to ever feel tired aside from Emerald Aura, who had been attacked by the Rift, leading to her capability of sleeping.

"By the way...what about Emerald Aura? Can't she help?" Starlight asked Applejack.

"She's just been sleeping and sleeping all this time. Barely wakes up." Applejack sighed. "You're lucky she's a good friend of yours, Cold. Otherwise, she'd be sleeping far out from here.2

"Hehehe..." Cold Colt nervously laughed.

"Okay! 2 on 1! Doesn't seem fair when you think about it but I'm sure it's fine!" Pinkie Pie acted as the referee. "After this, we party the night away, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." Rainbow Dash put on her aerial goggles, already having the Altarianite ready. "Are you, Twilight?"

"I am." Twilight brought over her quill, holding the Absolite within it. She then looked at the Mega Stone, pondering for a moment. "The Mega Stone and all the Infinity Energy inside will mix with Equestrian Magic. That means it could draw into the Harmony Phenomenon. Maybe...if I try something with the stone, it could expend my energy some more."

A new idea had been sparked for the young alicorn. She wondered if it would be risky or have no drawbacks whatsoever. What Twilight was truly shooting for was the capability of feeling exhaustion once more.

"I'm going to try something." She said to her friends before holding the quill pen up. Everyone paused, wondering what their alicorn friend was up to. Twilight decided that now was the best time to test out her Rift Magic as the vibrant purple beam from her horn had been unleashed onto the quill pen holder and the keystone.

She showered just the stone with this magic and nothing else. Twilight's intention was to push the power of the Mega Stone. Simple as that. And with the power she now had, it was very possible as all of the Infinity Energy within it reacted to not just the Rift Magic affecting it but also the Equestrian Magic that flowed across this nation.

Saddle Lake lit up as Twilight quickly contained the overwhelming light that was coming from it. But this was a good sign that something had been done to the stone.

"Uh...Worked like a charm." Twilight giggled. "I added one change to the Mega Stone. Hopefully, this helps with the burnout."

"Oooh? What'd you do? Pinkie Pie asked.

"I connected it to me. I just used spells I already know and added them with Rift Magic. So I know what I'm doing. Let's go, Rainbow Dash."

"Okie Dokie, then! Battle Start!" Pinkie Pie gave the call for the battle to begin.

"Absol! Mega Evolve!"

"Altaria! Mega Evolve!"

In unison, Twilight and Rainbow Dash had initiated Mega Evolution. The lights from the keystone reacted accordingly, flaring with great vibrance. Immediately, they formed the DNA symbol before then entering the bodies of the targeted Pokemon. Absol and Altaria were enveloped in this wondrous light before emerging as Mega Absol and Mega Altaria.



"Alright! We'll go first! Altaria, use Dragon Pulse!"

"Altaria...!" Altaria huffed and puffed, gathering up draconic energy before unleashing it as a dragon-shaped blast.

"Dark Pulse!"

"Absol!" Absol did the same. Only with a spiral imbued with dark thoughts emerging. The spiral and the blast met, cancelling each other out in the process. And just as Twilight hoped, Absol's actions resulted in her feeling an effect as well.

"Yes!" She pumped her fist with excitement once finding out. "It worked! Okay, Absol! Now use Night Slash!"

"Sol!" Absol then lunged into the air, moving through the smoke with his horn glowing.

"Quick! Hyper Voice!"

"Alta-" Altaria was ready to unleash a beautiful sound, only for Absol to be quicker on the draw, swinging his head as his glowing horn slashed onto Altaria's body. "Tari!"

"Nice hit! Now use Night Slash again!"

"Absol!" Absol would follow up with his Night Slash. He still had it active so now was as good as any time to keep going with it.

"Yikes! I thought I was going to be the one in control of this! Quick Altaria! Dodge if you can!"

"Tari!" Altaria certainly could. She managed to recover mid-air, using the skies to her advantage. With just a puff of her cloud-like wings, she managed to fly to the side, evading Night Slash. "Aria!"


"Taria!" Altaria gathered up power from the moon itself before manifesting it into a pink sphere which had been unleashed on the Disaster Pokemon.

"Sol!" Absol took the Moonblast directly. A pink explosion happened afterwards as the Dark-Type tumbled to the ground from that super-effective hit. Twilight felt it as the connected stamina between these two. The more things intensified, the more magic she was spending in response to Absol's efforts.


"Ab...Sol!" Absol would retaliate via an expulsion of energy. Once Moonblast had struck, Absol concentrated all of that power into his body, releasing it as a vast orange wave. Altaria received this blowback, although it was not very effective.

"That all? Altaria, Freeze him with Ice Beam!"

"Tari!" Altaria shook her head, recollecting herself. Afterwards, a chilling aura appeared around her mouth before a beam of ice was then thrown.

"Dodge and use Night Slash!"

"Absol!" Absol quickly zipped to the side, evading the beam of ice. However, Rainbow Dash wanted that as the beam ended up freezing the ground instead. A flash-freeze occurred, turning the ground into ice as it immediately threw Absol's balance off. "A-A-Absol!" Absol's eyes widened as his legs rapidly moved on the ice, struggling to stay fixated on one spot.

"Gotcha! Dragon Pulse!"

"Alta!" While Absol was frantically losing his balance and moving on the ice, along came Dragon Pulse from Altaria. Absol looked up as he decided he would meet with Dragon Pulse via Night Slash. His horn lit up as he swung it onto the dragon-shaped blast. But thanks to the ice, his legs slipped upon clashing with the pulse, causing Dragon Pulse to hit instead, not only knocking him away but also shattering the ice ground.

"You're doing good so far, Rainbow Dash. Keep going so I can waste it all! Use Giga Impact!"

"Absol...!" Absol recovered, jumping up from the ground before then building up a massive collection of Infinity Energy. And by doing so, Twilight could also feel this buildup. She gasped, realizing that a powerful attack such as Giga Impact was enough to respond to her magic.

"Wait! Absol! Keep building it up!" Twilight ordered.

"Absol?" Absol turned around as the invisible aura of Giga Impact remained. At any point, he could unleash the power. Rainbow Dash and Altaria stopped as well, wondering what Twilight was planning.

"That connection spell worked better than I expected. Giga Impact already makes me feel...well weird that's for sure."

"It does?" Rainbow Dash squinted.


"Sol." Absol went along with it anyway. He kept the energy of Giga Impact active, allowing himself to build it up some more.

"Uh...W-We could just attack you at any time, Twilight. Or just dodge." Rainbow Dash scratched her mane as Altaria was waiting for the next command. She certainly wouldn't let Absol hit her.

"I know. But so far, this plan is working. Just keep doing what you can Rainbow Dash. You battle even better when you're pushed against the wall, right? So I want that to come out."

"Yeah, but I'm not really struggling here am I? I've got one more Pokemon waiting after Altarai too. If you can get past her, that is."


"I gotcha Twilight. Then bring it on!" Rainbow Dash grinned as she accepted Twilight and Absol's challenge. To push them, she wanted to match Absol's power. "Altaria! Let's use Moonblast!"

"Altaria...!" Altaria mimicked Absol, gathering up power from the moon while also taking her time. By doing so, she managed to make the biggest Moonblast so far with her build-up.

"That looks big enough. Now fire!"

"Altaria!" The attack had been unleashed with stellar power behind it.

"Now, Absol! Crash into it!"

"Ab...Sol!" Absol finally released the energy. And it was worth the build-up as the second he leapt off the ground, a shockwave emerged, blowing Twilight's mane and tail along with everyone else. Spike and Cold Colt fell over whilst Audino held onto Fluttershy.

Giga Impact had crashed right into Moonblast, forming an intense struggle. Absol tried breaking through the sphere as Altaria had definitely made it a challenge for him. And it was all the more beneficial for Twilight, who could feel her connection to Absol. As Absol struggled, Twilight felt as if she was struggling as well.

Twilight closed her eyes as she was forced to use her Rift Magic in this instance. Just what she wanted. She could feel the Rift Magic within her starting to react in a haphazard way. She grinned knowing that her plan could work. Albeit with the consequence of her feeling pain.

Fluttershy and the others watched as Twilight's body started twitching. This sight caused them to start worrying, even if they were all for Twilight's plan. Something started sparking out of Twilight. And it all started from her hoof from what they could tell.

"Hyper Voice!"

"Aria!" Altaria added Hyper Voice onto Moonblast. Thanks to Mega Altaria's ability Pixilate, this attack had become a Fairy-Type attack in the process as the pressure was truly being put on Absol.


"That's great, Rainbow Dash! Go, Absol! More!" Twilight yelled out as Absol pushed past his limits. And by doing so, he absolutely shattered and obliterated the sphere and soundwave, shocking Rainbow Dash and Altaria.

"Absol!" After breaking the attacks, Absol crashed into Altaria with Giga Impact, landing the strongest one he's had so far. Altaria's eyes widened as she felt that to the core, causing her to stagger. A paroxysm of Infinity Energy emerged in the air, causing Rainbow Dash to flinch.

Absol twitched, feeling rather perplexed by that Giga Impact. It took a lot out of him thanks to the build-up. And thanks to Twilight using the Connection Spell, she felt it too. Twilight and Absol both felt weak in their knees.

"It's working..." Twilight uttered with a weakened voice, almost falling over. "Let's keep going."

"A-Are you sure?" But despite how intense the battle was already getting, Rainbow Dash showed signs of hesitation. She saw how Twilight was feeling the effects of this battle.

"Positive. The Connection Spell's tied Absol's stamina to mine so if we keep going, I'll be back to dreaming in no time." Twilight lowered her head.

"I think it's best we stop now, Twilight!" Fluttershy stood up. "Look at you!"

"Huh?" Twilight hadn't noticed it yet, but by pushing herself and Absol far, the Rift Magic, while it did react to these actions, also had other side effects for this new vessel. Twilight looked at her hoof, noticing an alarming sight that everyone else saw moments earlier. But after those few moments, her face had been affected too, receiving the same cracks on her right eye.

The Rift Energy started leaking out as cracks formed around Twilight's hoof. The energy permeated and flashed out of the cracks as Twilight gasped. She quickly placed her hoof down, holding her magic back. "Oh...I-I didn't think that would happen..." Right after seeing them, the effects kicked in.

This pain that the cracks had made came as a shock to her. The damage that Absol received passed on to her, reacting to the Rift Magic in the process. It was not a pleasant sight.

"Altaria, let's stop here." Rainbow Dash decided to end this battle as Mega Altaria reverted to regular Altaria afterwards. Everyone else then rushed to Twilight's side right afterwards. "Twilight! Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine." She nodded before almost falling over. Absol ran over to catch her. His Mega Evolution form ran out the second she fell. Twilight then groaned, feeling like screaming out in the process as it took a larger toll on her than she was expecting.

"Twilight!" They all screamed.

"But...it worked for the most part." The Princess of Friendship smiled even in her condition. "I was right to tweak the Mega Stone and use the Connection Spell. All the Infinity Energy within a Mega Stone was just what I needed to affect my infinite stamina. Fight Infinity with infinity, right?"

"You still hurt yourself, Twilight," said Starlight. "Look at your hoof. The crack's still there."

"What does that mean? Do you know, Cold?" Applejack asked.

"Uhh...Sorry. I don't think I do." Cold Colt sadly wasn't aware of this predicament. "But if I had to guess...maybe doing all of that forced the Rift Magic to tear some of your body up? I don't know."

"Well...on the bright side, you've shattered that endless stamina. But, you look to be in a terrible state. Do you feel like resting now, Twilight?" Rarity questioned.

"Not yet. I can still feel it." The young alicorn groaned before standing upright. "The Pokemon Battle was a good start, but there's still a bit more I need to do...The party's the final option."

"Umm...Maybe we should pass on that right now, Twilight." Pinkie Pie had surprisingly turned the party down. A shocking thing for her to do. And it was all because of those cracks. "If you use that magic again in a big way, who knows how bad those cracks will get?"

"But our plan." Twilight sighed.

"It's not worth getting you hurt." Spike shook his head.

"I...You're right." Twilight quickly ceased herself from taking it too far. "I guess I got too focused on getting it done as soon as possible. I just don't want to be awake all the time..."

"I wish I could say you should take a rest but..." Rarity nervously scratched the back of her mane. "Now what?"

"I should be expecting Zero soon. He'll be at my castle. Maybe he can help. I hope so because this is all so surprising." Twilight placed the pen holder away. "Are the cracks still showing up?"

"Nope, they've stopped. But they don't look like they'll be going anywhere anytime soon." Rainbow Dash observed.

"Hah...This is my fault. I should've thought about what could happen if I had absorbed it all." Twilight felt like she was to blame for this predicament, sitting down. "If I knew then...Oh...What am I gonna do?"

All of her friends looked over, unsure of what to do now. Rift Magic was always such an oddity to them but now with their friend being unable to sleep or dream possibly forever was a downer. They had reached their biggest obstacle so far and it happened to be this. The infinite energy of a Rift Pony, while seemingly an amazing thing, ended up becoming a problem for Twilight Sparkle.

"I'll be at my castle if any of you need me." Twilight decided to return home, using her magic to teleport from the spot. She wanted to keep things silent while the cracks were still there. Absol had been left behind, but Twilight decided to stay on her own for now.

Twilight's Castle.

She ended up in her bedroom, waiting for Zero to show up. Twilight looked at a mirror, seeing that the cracks on her face were still there. She raised her hoof which was constantly glowing, touching her face to see what would happen. Nothing happened.

Twilight could at least feel relieved that she wasn't falling apart. But, the Princess of Friendship feared that future problems could be caused by this magic she now holds. Twilight sat there, taking in the silence. This went on for a few minutes, she found out that being exempt from her friends was another feeling that she could do without. Usually, Espeon and the others are around here roaming about, doing whatever. But after wanting some privacy, Twilight didn't feel strongly about it anymore.

She had used her magic to bring over the Xtransceiver, deciding to have someone to talk to. And to her, the one individual who is always fun to talk to was Ash. With his Trainer Number already being up there, she made the call.

"Hey, Twilight. What's up?" Ash greeted her with Pikachu's face coming into view.


"Hi, Ash. I wanted to talk to you about something. I know you're ready for this but..." Twilight was ready to fill Ash in on what has happened since yesterday. Little information but a massive shock.

Right after she told Ash about her becoming a vessel for Rift Magic, having the inability to no longer feel exhaustion or even sleep anymore and the cracks that formed around her body, Ash was blown back along with Pikachu. That was the natural reaction.

"Twilight...You got Rift Magic?! That's so cool!" He was first amazed by the Rift Magic she now had, making Twilight laugh. "But, sorry about what happened to you though." Ash then quickly switched tones.

"It's fine. Wish there was an easier way to solve this. Taking part in a Pokemon Battle did held diminish things...but look what it did to me. I served the connection spell but these cracks still won't leave. I don't know what to do..."


"You totally do." Ash thought otherwise.


"You always know what to do a lot of the time, Twilight. And even if you don't you find a way, don't you?"

"This is different, Ash. We're talking about Rift Magic here. For all I know, there could be other side effects I don't know about. Can I stop them in time?" Twilight looked at her crackling hoof.

"You can, Twilight." But Ash was still in the same mindset. "Rift Magic's never stopped you and everyone before. You can't let it stop you now."

"I guess..."

"Pikachu and I have all the faith in you, Twi. You've got this magic now that's all kinds of crazy. You can do well almost anything. Everything small can be turned into something big with that magic, right? I don't know I haven't seen anything from you yet." He laughed.

"Hopefully, I can." Twilight needed this talk as a smile continued to grow on her face. "What do you think I should you? Is there anything?"

"Hmmm...I guess...while I'm at it, I'd continue trying to exhaust myself. But maybe not with a battle. Maybe with uh..." He paused for a moment, trying to figure something out. "I got nothing."

"Not that helpful, Ash." She lowered her head. "But thank you, anyway."

"Just do what you do best, Twilight. You do awesome when your mind really kicks into high gear, ya know. I'll be rooting for you even from all the way here. I'll be finishing up today too."

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu, of course, would root for her too. "Pikachu!"

"Hang in there, Twi! You'll figure it out! Gotta go!" Ash and Pikachu bid their farewell to her.

"Thank you for the chat, Ash. Goodbye." Twilight did the same before ending the call. Right afterwards, those words resonated with her as she stood up on her bed. "Ash is right! I'm not going to let this stop me. I've been through a lot worse. So, so much worse. I obtained this magic...so it's going to be my duty to control it. You won't stop me, Rift! You hear me?!"

She declared before realizing she was starting to sound just like Ash. Right after declaring to the Rift entirely, as if she was Ash right now at this moment, her stomach started growling.

"But first I need to eat...That's what I get for staring at the clock for hours..." She grumbled, sitting down afterwards. However, this moment of hunger sparked an idea in her mind. "Just like what Ash said...Anything small can be made bigger than it needs to be thanks to Rift Magic. I know just what I need to do."

SugarCube Corner.

Over at SugarCube Corner, Pinkie Pie had returned from Saddle Lake. The party that she had planned for Twilight had been cancelled by herself. It was regretful, but the safety of her friend mattered more. And just as she was putting everything away, popping out of the cake via a teleportation spell and destroying the cake was Twilight Sparkle herself.

"Gah!" Pinkie fell over.

"Pinkie Pie! Keep that food right there where you left it!" Twilight said as she was covered in frosting. "Everything you made for the party...I'm having it."

"But Twilight. You still haven't gotten rid of those funny looking cracks. They're still there!" Pinkie Pie pointed out as the cracks around Twilight still remained. "And...you want to eat? Is that safe?"

"It is. In hindsight. I'm going to exhaust myself by using Rift Magic in one way. With food."

"Huh?" For a moment, Pinkie Pie was confused. But it was only one second later that she knew exactly what Twilight meant. She knows this approach all too well. "Oooh...Gotcha."

"Mhm. I'm going to use my Rift Magic to create the biggest batch of food possible. This is sure to work. I know it."

"Alright. If you say so, Twilight. Everything else is still here for the party. So go to work."

"Gladly." Twilight faced all of the food that were tailored to her. Pinkie Pie knew her favourites as to be expected. Twilight had then used her Rift Magic to do one thing. Increase the size of the food. She was going all in and the dramatic size increase was proof of that.

"Woah..." Pinkie Pie was stunned, to say the least. "Uh...Think you could spare some?"

"Let's do this. I'll eat till I drop." Twilight scrunched her face, feeling somewhat nervous yet confident. She would go through a state of somnolence. Eating too much food can most definitely exhaust someone and Twilight would overpower an overwhelming force with another overwhelming force.

And thus, she wasted no time.

Twilight grabbed the first batch of food, immediately chowing down without hesitation. She chose the hayburgers before anything else. Her personal favourite. Pinkie Pie could only sit in awe. She had never seen Twilight eat like this. Usually, Twilight just eats like everypony. But in this case, it was a different story.

Twilight ripped apart a hayburger with her teeth, already making herself a mess with the sauce on her face. Eventually, Espeon, Absol and all of Twilight's Pokemon found her here within SugarCube Corner. They tracked down her scent, witnessing what their trainer was up to.

They had never seen Twilight act so vicious with food as she was using her magic to grab multiple pieces. And at the same time, she was also using her magic to balance her metabolism. A little trick she consciously picked up with Rift Magic during this vicious consumption.

1 hour later.

"Go, Twilight, go!" Pinkie Pie cheered her on along with the two Mews and the Slurpuff. "Go-go!"



"Gaaaah...!" Twilight didn't slow down. Even when she felt like slowing down, she just kept going, getting herself a drink too. Orange juice to be exact, gulping it down if she ever felt like her mouth was clogged.

Soon, with Mew spreading the word, her friends were drawn to SugarCube Corner. They didn't expect to see her in this state. It wasn't the cracks that alerted them. It was the way she was eating.

"Twilight! Since when do you eat like that?!" Rarity pulled back.

"Yeah, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack thought differently. The way she was eating mimicked the way they sometimes eat along with Ash and Pikachu.

All of the food here was tied to Rift Magic, even having some of it inside. Her friends cheered her on, encouraging the Princess of Friendship to go all the way. This cheering alerted other nearby ponies, wondering what was going on. Mr and Mrs Cake came down with their children to see the devouring of the super-sized foods.

Ponies and Pokemon from across Ponyville looked through the window or opened the door to witness Twilight's consumption. This would go on for a while. The day was still young after all. Zero, who had shown up at Ponyville, couldn't help but gaze at the gathering of ponies around SugarCube Corner.

"Snorlax!" Snorlax was ready to bust in and consume the super-sized food that Twilight had made.

"Mmm!" Twilight's flared as she used her magic to hold even the seemingly unstoppable Snorlax in place. She wasn't about to let it ruin this as Snorlax's rampage had been stopped before it could even begin.

14 hours later.

14 hours had passed. Twilight made it all worth it. With everyone cheering her on, she had the drive to continue. But after eating so much, everything within SugarCube Corner had been finished. And so was Twilight.

"Hah...That's it." She sighed, finishing up with a horseshoe fry. "I did it..."

"Did it work?" Her friends asked, wondering if this plan had worked. What truly mattered was if she felt exhausted and ready to fall asleep.

There was a moment of silence. Her Pokemon stayed static while everyone else inside and outside waited for the result. Twilight sat there with her eyes twitching. The Rift Magic from the food was starting to take its toll. But it was the food itself that truly hit her hard.

And after that abrupt silence, Twilight felt it. A smile graced her face as she closed her eyes. With a happy heart, she fell off the chair, laying flat on her back. Everyone feared that she may have passed out. But after Espeon went up to her, that was not the case. She poked Twilight's face, hearing one thing. Snoring. Confirmation.


"It worked. She's asleep." Fluttershy translated as that was music to everyone's ears. Most of them knew about this later than everyone else but they understood the gravity of the situation. Twilight's bizarre plan ended up being successful. Using something as common as food as the answer was not what anyone was expecting.

"Everything here is so strange..." Zero scratched his hair. "I watched her eat food for hours on end instead of researching Rift Magic with her. Somehow, I'm not complaining."

"It's a fun feeling, isn't it?" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Rest easy, Twilight." Rarity said to Twilight as a blanket was placed over her via Cold Colt summoning one. She needed the rest. She missed out on one night of it after all. "Let's give her some privacy now."

To let Twilight rest peacefully, everyone had left the scene, returning to their homes and what they were doing hours ago. Time had been wasted but it was time well spent, that much was true to all of them. Twilight Sparkle had proven to be a worthy user of Rift Magic.

Confusing as it may be, there was nothing that the young alicorn who was once a unicorn could overcome. That was the culmination of her being gifted and the help of her friends. Cosmic occurrences and influences or not, she had her friends and her own spirit to help her through it as the journey continues.

Chapter 772 End.

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