• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Village of Dragons

Equestria. Canterlot. Late afternoon.

Right now, the Flurry Heart of another world, all aged-up, was speaking to Princess Celestia, giving her important information that was exclusive to her universe only.

Not only that, Flurry Heart was able to tell Celestia about the invasion and what it was going to entail. This was a major development because it could help Celestia's forces very soon.

"That is quite a lot to take in..." Celestia put her hoof on her head, taking in everything she had just heard. "So their approach will be from above the planet instead of on it?"

"Mhm." Flurry Heart nodded. "That's how she sometimes invades worlds. All those ships have machinery that can attack from the highest points."

"Above the planet...That would require going to space." Celestia bit her hoof. "The first phase of our plan might have to be revamped if that's the case. There are Pokemon that can interact with space but..."

"Well...there is a way to stop it from happening." Flurry Heart replied, prompting Celestia to immediately turn around.

"There is?!"

"I'm not sure about above the planet...but there's a spell that can help. Well...it's the only spell that I know. But auntie knows as well."

"And that spell is?"

"It's called the World Pirouette Spell. It's a powerful spell that has the power to change the geography of the world itself."

"Geography of the world itself?!" Celestia gasped along with her Pokemon.



"Y-You're serious?!" The Ruler of Equestria dashed forward, getting a bit too close to Flurry Heart.

"Y-Yeah...It manipulates the very geography of the ground itself. Whoever uses it can alter the landscape by compressing the land and purposely send certain things or species to certain locations. Everything, even structures, and landmarks' locations are all switched at random." She explained in further detail. "Auntie used this spell once after stealing it from another universe she conquered."

"It's another one of her many stolen spells is it?"

"Mhm. I've only really seen her use it once. Auntie used it as a way to change everything against those who went against her."

"A spell that powerful can change everything we know." Celestia looked up at the ceiling. "The whole map itself."

"But it can be reversed." Flurry Heart stepped forward. "Auntie only did it properly defeat her enemies by confusing them. After she beat them all, she returned the world to its original geography. It does take a really long time to use though."

"Hm. It's settled then. We need to get our hooves on this spell. It could be the best way to through her forces off balance. But it also means throwing our plans off balance as well..including the entire world. And the Pokemon have already changed the map itself by just existing."

"Maybe I shouldn't have recommended it." Flurry Heart whimpered.

"It's alright. It does sound like our best...and most dangerous option. The spells she's stolen. All of them are books from other worlds, correct?"

"Right. Every exclusive spell has its own book. Auntie taught me some spells but...I only got the less important and stellar ones. She thought I was too big of a threat to let me learn the rest. I can get the book that has the spell for you if you want."

"Doesn't that sound a tad bit dangerous? Won't she be suspicious if she forbids you to ever learn any more spells?"

"Well...yeah. But I have to try. I want to do something big and stop this, great auntie. So many worlds have already been taken."

"Well...if you're going to retrieve the book, you might as well require assistance, won't you? I know of one group that can greatly help." Celestia smirked.


"The Ranger Union. More specifically, the Pokemon Rangers. After hearing all about them and how efficient they are, I've decided that they are the best candidates for situations like these. I'll talk to the Ranger Union and see if a Pokemon Ranger can come and assist you?"

"Really?! Thank you so much, great auntie!" Flurry gave Celestia yet another perplexing and powerful hug.

"Gouh!" Celestia's eyes felt like they were going to pop out at any moment. "Y-You're welcome...L-L-Let's just make this quick. We only have 6 days left until the invasion..."

Unova. Opelucid City. Night.

Opelucid City. A convenient city of rapid change, showing no traces of the past. It's also a city that respects history and values old things. Some call it Time's Dividing Line because of this.

Spike and Axew had finally arrived here on Salamence's back. They had also just recently caught their newest friend and teammate Druddigon after battling at Dragonspiral Tower.

"About time," Spike spoke as he stood before the city with Axew. "But boy...I'm tired..." He yawned out of exhaustion. It didn't help that the moon was up, illuminating this city and complimenting its lights.


"Let's clock out for today. Luckily, Rarity gave us a lot of Pokedollars. So any hotel is totally covered...I could really use the bed of a hotel room right about now?" Spike grumbled as he was on the verge of falling asleep on the spot, right in the middle of the street too.

"Xew-ew." Axew supported his trainer by helping him walk towards Opelucid's nearest hotel. Spike may not have the opportunity to try out the places of interest in Opelucid due to him being tired. But perhaps tomorrow.

However, since he was in Opelucid at night, that meant only one thing. Drayden was here. The same man who gave Spike the idea and inspiration to set out on his own quest to become a better Dragon Trainer.

And due to it being nightfall, Drayden's gym had closed for the night as he came outside. And when he came outside, he saw a familiar Axew and baby dragon walking by while also holding another Axew of his own in his arms.

"Hm? Spike?" Drayden walked over while holding his own Axew. The Mayor of Opelucid was greeted with some nightfall greetings by the citizens living here. Spike and Axew quickly took notice of the Dragon Gym Leader.

"Huh? Oh, Drayden..." Spike said in an exhausted tone. "Hello."

"You look...well. How has your journey been going so far?"

"Pretty great." Spike gave a thumbs up. "I got to visit Dragonspiral Tower and caught a Druddigon so there's that. I'm heading for the Village of Dragons next."

"I see." Drayden nodded. "Good on you, boy. If you wish to head to the Village of Dragons, I can lead you there tomorrow."

"That'd be great." Spike yawned. "Gonna rest up for a long time first at that hotel."

"I'll cover that for you. I'll pay for your inn stay."

"Thanks, Dray- uh...I guess I should call you Mayor Drayden."

"Drayden is fine. I like being called by something so simple. Come along." Drayden led Spike and Axew to the Opelucid Hotel while his own Axew greeted Spike's Axew.


"Xew!" Spike's Axew greeted its fellow Tusk Pokemon back. It decided to show off by revealing its Equestrian Form, transforming before Drayden's Axew's eyes. "Axew!"


Afterwards, Spike and the group had arrived at the Opelucid Hotel with Drayden being the first to enter. Being the Mayor of this town, he was immediately given multiple stares and a greeting from the hotel.

As he said before, he would pay for Spike's stay so that Spike wouldn't have to waste Pokedollars. Drayden chose to give Spike one of the best deluxe rooms in this hotel so that when he rests, he can be fully refreshed in the morning. And while he paid for it, Spike ended up dozing off either way. He only had so much energy as a baby dragon, unfortunately.

After paying for the stay in and expenses, Drayden carried the baby dragon to the deluxe room by himself, further garnering the attention of the people and Pokemon here. Drayden is popular for a reason and the mayor.

The deluxe hotel room held up to its name. One king-sized bed, a full bath, high enough to see the rest of Opelucid with a delightful view, raised ceiling and curated furnishings enhanced this elegant urban retreat. And for anyone that was a fan of books, there was a fancy bookshelf in this room as well.

Drayden placed the baby dragon on the king-sized bed while Spike's Axew hopped onto the bed with him. When being placed down, Spike's eyes were actually starting to wake up. Turns out, he wasn't fully asleep.

"Looks like you still have some energy left in you," Drayden spoke.

"Yeah..." Spike rubbed his eye. "I'll just wait until I'm really tired. But it could be a super good sign. Being a Dragon Trainer means I need to have all the energy in the world. Like a Dragon. Right?"

"Actually, you're correct. We Dragon Trainers must be healthy and energized. As if we have the strength of dragons within us." Drayden confirmed Spike's words.

"Sweet." Spike laid his head on the comfortable and large pillow that almost absorbed his head. "I need to be as great as I can be. When I return home, I can bet I'll be ready for that invasion and stop Empress Twilight. And maybe even Ghetsis and Team Plasma."

"Ah, Ghetsis." Drayden crossed his arms, looking up. "It baffles me honestly. He was already a problem before in Unova and is proving to be one to your world. But...how could someone of his heritage and name be like this?"

"Heritage and name? What do you mean?" Spike asked, turning his head to Drayden. Due to the pillow absorbing his head, only one eye could see Drayden at all.

"I suppose it's only known here. But Ghetsis' name is one of great importance. Perhaps one of the most important names out there. Harmonia."


"Axew?" Spike's Axew sat up.

"Right. The Harmonia name. Something that is not to be taken lightly at all." Drayden turned to the bookshelves holding many books. One of which held lore of the Pokemon World. He went over to the bookshelf, picking up a book that contained the history of the Pokemon World in its more medieval years.

"W-What's the Harmonia name?" Spike was now glued to this. "And what about Ghetsis?"

"I think this will better explain this. The name Harmonia is now just a middle name. But before, it belonged to one person of great status." Drayden opened the book, revealing the one he was mentioning. Someone that actually looked a lot like Ghetsis in terms of the hairstyle. It was an artwork of her. "Her name was Harmonia."

"Woah..." Spike and the two Axew leaned into the book. "She kinda does look like Ghetsis..."


"She should. She was the one who started the Harmonia bloodline which led all the way up to Ghetsis. Although, compared to Ghetsis, Harmonia was a completely different soul."

"How so?"

"Well for starters, many considered her to be a Master of Harmony. One that was able to spread and bring harmony with such ease, it was almost otherworldly. Like some sort of cosmic balance. Her bloodline is famous in Unova, but really, it began in Sinnoh somewhere near Eterna Forest before it became Eterna City. Back then, she was never a part of any royalty out there. But even so, when Unova and Sinnoh were at the brink of war with each other, she arrived and gave her harmony out to them all, preventing the war from happening."

"How did she do it? Stopping an entire war from happening?"

"Not many know this, but she travelled to a place in Kalos known as Arche Valley. Where the people there are close to nature and said to be able to communicate with Arceus and receive its power. Harmonia travelled to Arche Valley, learning a few things along the way, along with Arceus' light."

"Oh! So it was Arceus' light that made her make harmony?"

"Partially. In truth, most of it came from her own spirit and nature. The light was just a way of soothing things a bit. And ever since she managed to stop two entire regions from destroying the world, she has been praised ever since. But it didn't stop there. Harmonia sought to unite all regions to obtain true peace and harmony, truly living up to her name. Shared wisdom, friendship and so much more..."

"Oh...So then, what happened? Did Ghetsis just forget all of that?"

"I doubt it. Harmonia brought such peace that peace and prosperity became the most dominant force in the world. Little conflict existed. Every region and the sovereign rulers of those regions via kingdoms, despite their royalty status, were all led by Harmonia. She was at the forefront of it and dealt with any potential issues that could come up. Unfortunately, the unexpected happened..."


"Someone who wished to become the one true queen of the world, stepped forward to every kingdom in every region and offered many of the kings and queens unrivalled wealth fame and power as long as they were the one to rule everything. Because of this and how they were blinded by that power, 6 kings and queens turned against Harmonia as they were gifted powerful Pokemon. Legendaries and Mythicals to be exact."

"Geez." Spike adjusted himself on the bed. "So she was betrayed and lost?"

"Betrayed yes. Lost? No. Because the other kingdoms and regions were with Harmonia and her cause, their shared wisdom and power was capable of enough to stop the betrayal from fully happening. However, the one who turned the kings and queens against Harmonia took matters into her own hands and used the destructive power of the Legendaries and Mythicals themselves by controlling them. Harmonia managed to defeat her, but at a great cost. The battle drained her completely, forcing her to use every bit of Arceus' light which expelled it from her body."

"She no longer had Arceus' light with her?!"

"Maybe. It's said that a bit of Arceus' was still within her. Harmonia suddenly disappeared without a trace one day, but before that, she gave a final message to her friends and the regions she united. To do everything in their power to make sure that her vision of a peaceful world would be made a reality someday. Ever since then, those who supported the one who wished to become Queen of the World would also do everything in their power to establish their own rule."

"And then...?"

"Well...peace wasn't exactly common went time went on. The Kalos War happened. So did the Great Pokemon War and many more unpleasant events that have not been forgotten in history. However, despite all of those hardships, peace did eventually resurface in its best form. But, the Harmonia name had been tarnished ever since the disappearance of Harmonia herself. The rest of her family bloodline were part of many mini-wars and even the Great Pokemon War as well. They didn't exactly live up to their names which meant harmony."

"And that's what happened to Ghetsis..." Spike gawked.

"Probably. All of this information wouldn't be possible if many of us Unovans, Sinnoans and Kalosians weren't heavy history go-ers and explorers of the past. Out of the entire Harmonia bloodline, Ghetsis is most certainly the one that has perhaps tarnished its reputation." Drayden shook his head. "If only Harmonia herself was here."

"You said she disappeared without a trace one day? Could she be around still?" Spike asked.

"I highly doubt it. She has most definitely passed away centuries ago. Her influence still exists here but it might not be as effective since she is no longer here."

"Oh...Guess I shouldn't expect her to be like an Alicorn..."

"However...it seems that another name might end up finishing what Harmonia started."

"Another name?" Spike looked up. "Do you mean...?"

"I mean it exactly. Ash. Or should I say, Ketchum? From what he's done, Ash might end up being the next Harmonia. The one who unites all...Then again, I highly doubt that's his main goal since he wishes to become a Pokemon Master."

"Well totally!" Spike stood up on the bed. "Ash can totally bring everyone together. And so can Twilight! When those two work together, it's a real treat and miracle!"

"Hoh? Then perhaps two names will end up following in Harmonia's legacy. Although, I suppose your world already had its own harmony with those elements, right?"

"Right! Oh geez...That's a lot to take in...Uh, not sure I'm gonna remember. Do you think I can borrow that book, please? Twilight might enjoy reading it."

"Go ahead. Copies exist anyway."

"Sweet! Wait till Twilight hears about all of this! She's gonna-" Just then, while Spike was getting riled up, he suddenly fell asleep in an instant, flopping onto his back on the bed and dozing off.

"Hm. Goodnight. See you in the morning at Dragon Village Spike." Drayden wished the baby dragon and his partner goodnight as Axew was ready to sleep alongside his trainer.

But while Spike slept, Drayden was actually thinking about what he said. About how Ash and also Twilight could essentially do what Harmonia sought out to finish, but potentially with both worlds instead of one.

And if it were to go even further, Drayden believed that they could bring peace to every universe that Empress Twilight herself has conquered, if they ever go that far.

"Hmm...Ash and Twilight to bring true harmony and peace? Now there's something to look forward to..." Drayden said to himself as he walked away with his own Axew, ready to head to his own home and sleep for the night until the morning comes.

Night. Equestria. Canterlot.

All was sound in Canterlot and Equestria apart from a few exceptions. Celestia herself was walking around the castle corridors, ready to sleep for the night. As for Flurry Heart, she hadn't yet returned to her universe. In fact, she was staying for a bit.

"Are you sure you want me to stay, great auntie?" Flurry Heart asked.

"Until the Pokemon Rangers arrive and help you with your retrieval mission, you're welcome to stay here. Besides, you might have something else important to share with us."

"Ehehehe...I do have a few things." Flurry laughed nervously.

"But, I am worried about what Luna will think if she finds out about your homeworld origin. Her previous visit to your world wasn't the best. It almost resulted in her having all her magic taken away and even gave her broken bones for a while."

"I heard about that. I didn't know it was the Luna of this universe."

"If you wish to talk to her, we can make it clear that you're not here to be an enemy. Rather an ally."

"Uh...That might be happening a bit sooner than we think..." Flurry Heart gulped as she stopped trotting alongside Celestia. She then pointed her hoof forward, indicating that someone was standing before them.

And that someone was indeed Princess Luna, who is always roaming around at night.

"Luna!" Celestia exclaimed.

"So...You're from that world, are you?" Luna spoke.

"Uh, hehehe..." Flurry slowly backed away with a nervous laugh and grin. "I know you um...probably don't want me here since...ya know..."

"Uh, Luna. This is Flurry Heart." Celestia introduced. "Rather from another universe instead of our own hence the age difference. She's come here to be an ally and help us against the upcoming invasion in just 5 days from now."

"I'm doing my best to give out everything I know and can. But um...I guess you might not want me here because of my auntie...do you?"

"It's fine." Luna suddenly replied. "I don't hold any resentment or hatred towards you."

"You don't?"

"I am a bit wary of you but...I don't have a reason to hate you. I hardly believe that you'd follow in your auntie's hoofsteps at your age. If you're here to assist us, then we'll need all the help we can get." Luna slowly paced around Flurry Heart as she was highly sceptical of the young alicorn.

"Um...I get it." Flurry Heart was quivering from Luna's imposing presence and glare. "I promise I won't cause any trouble."

"Luna. We have stellar news." Celestia uttered. "We've found possibly the best way to turn this upcoming invasion to our favour. Quite literally."

"Eh? What do you mean by that exactly?"

"It's called the World Pirouette. A spell, unlike anything I've ever heard of." Celestia shook her head. "Apparently, it has the power to change the geography of the world itself, alter the landscape and send anyone and anything anywhere random."

"C-Change the geography?!" Luna pulled back. "As in...shifting the planet itself?"

"It certainly took me back when I first heard about it." Celestia nodded. "To think she had such a spell at her disposal..."

"And one of the books she stole from other world's holds that spell." Flurry Heart stepped forward. "It originally belonged to the Queen Chrysalis of another world before it was taken."

"And you aim to retrieve this book that holds the spell?" Luna asked.

"She does. But she won't be alone. I've contacted the Ranger Union about this. They already know of the threat that the Empress holds and they'll do anything to protect all Pokemon. Even from this world. This morning, Pokemon Ranger Jackie, their best ranger, will assist Flurry Heart."

"This seems far too dangerous...You recall the last time I went there?" Luna was already having unpleasant memories.

"Trust in the Ranger Union, Luna. They're good at what they do." Celestia reassured Luna by walking up to her. "We've had our doubts about all of this, but with what we've gathered so far and been through, I believe we have a chance to win this upcoming invasion. We need to take every chance that we have."

"I suppose so." Luna nodded in agreement. "But, this might be a bit of accurate timing in all honesty."

"What do you mean by that?" Celestia questioned.

"This morning, Pyrestar is heading for the Empress' world as well." Saying that shocked Celestia as she immediately jerked and shot up.


Unova. The Village of Dragons. Day.

Finally. The Village of Dragons. And it only took one day to reach here. Spike and his Axew had shown up after being led here by Drayden himself. They came across the hidden village and were able to see it fully.

The Village of Dragons is a place where people raise and admire Dragon-Type Pokemon. Statues of the Legendary Reshiram and Zekrom were built in the centre of the village to commemorate them.

Dragon Pokémon roam around the village freely such as Axew, Fraxure, Altaria and even Zweilous. Although, some of them weren't Dragon-Types like Darumka, Deerling, Pidove and more that live in the surrounding forests. All live with their trainers and the people that live here in perfect peace.

"Ohohohoh!" Spike liked what he was seeing.

"Captivating, isn't it?" Drayden said as he walked forward with Spike and Axew following. "This place is considered a Dragon-Type Trainer's dream. Everyone here in this village has the same dream as you, boy. To become Dragon Masters."

"Everyone?" Spike looked up at Drayden.

"Everyone. And they can thank the elder for that as she gives out Dragon Pokemon to upstarts. She evaluates partnerships between beginning Dragon Masters and their first Pokémon, which are typically given to the Trainer at a coming of age. She is the one you should speak to for your quest."

"I've got a lot I want to ask her!" Spike was getting giddy as his own dragon appearance was drawing massive attention. Especially Axew who was currently in his Equestrian Form.

The young ones of this village immediately rushed over to Spike and his Axew, swarming the baby dragon and Tusk Pokemon from all sides.

"Oooh! Look at that!" One young boy was the first to speak as Spike and Axew stopped walking, noticing how they were surrounded. Drayden however just simply stood by as he wasn't within the circle.

"I think he's from that place called Equestria!"

"Look at how small he is!" One girl gushed. "So cute!"

"Check out that Axew! It's all blue and gold!"

"What are the dragons like in Equestria?!" One of the kids leaned in as multiple questions were being asked.

"Do you all evolve too!?"

"Can you use Dragon moves like our world?!"

"What does a Haxorus look like in that form?!"

"Uh..." Spike was getting bombarded by all these praises, words and questions from every side. So many were coming his way that it was hard for him to respond.


"Alright. Slow down." Thankfully, Drayden was there to stop this overwhelming chatter by standing in front of everyone. "All your questions can be answered later. But that Haxorus part, you won't have to wait. Spike."

"Oh, right. Show them, Axew."

"Xew!" Axew nodded as he was ready to show all the young ones and other residents of this village what an Equestrian Haxorus looks like. By summoning that same golden light as always and shifting in size and shape, out of the light, Equestrian Haxorus emerged.


"Ooooooh!" Needless to say, they were all impressed as their eyes lit up. Even the adults here couldn't help but gaze at this newly-discovered regional variant Dragon-Type.

"What Type is it?!" One girl asked.

"Uh...W-Well, the Pokedex hasn't been updated yet for Equestrian variants so..." Spike shrugged.

"There's Equestrian Variants?!" Everything Spike said just kept raising the excitement of the young kids even more to the point where they might explode from joy.

"You sure do know how to rile up a crowd without knowing so...Come. Let's go meet the Elder." Drayden led Spike to the Elder's tent.

"R-Right! Uh, catch you all later! Come on, Haxorus, let's go!"

"Haxo!" Haxorus walked behind Spike while the young ones couldn't help but follow them. They were so enamoured and enchanted by Spike's entire arrival and the Equestrian form of Haxorus plus Axew. This might go on for a while.

However, the kids themselves did have limitations at the end of the day as they knew not to disturb the Elder during important meetups and scenarios. So, once Spike and Drayden entered the tent with Haxorus reverting to Axew to fit the tent better, the kids all stood back.

And once they entered, there she was. The village Elder. The matriarch of this wonderful and quiet village, sitting alone in the tent with baskets around her. When opening her eyes, she saw Drayden enter with some new guests.

"Drayden. It's good to see you again." The Elder spoke.

"Wonderful to meet you as well, elder." Drayden bowed as Spike and Axew imitated him, also bowing.

"How is Iris right now?"

"Better than ever. Becoming Champion of Unova has really revealed her at her best. And I can proudly say she has more room to grow."

"Iris...?" Spike recalled a name like that from when Ash was telling stories of his past.

"And who are these two? That's a unique looking Axew."

"Oh. I'm Spike. And this my partner Axew. Equestrian variant."


"And right now, I'm on a quest to become a great Dragon Trainer and even a Dragon Master. And I had to come here to really see if it was the best place to start at."

"Hoh? Dragon Master, hm? You certainly have a goal similar to almost everyone here. You're still new to this world, aren't you? There's a lot for you to discover."

"Yeah. But I'll take anything if it means I can get better. Besides, I have to protect my friends as well from whatever comes next."


"Mhm. Well...I can say that what you wish to experience and learn is varied. There are plenty of options here and nearby. You can have the ability to perfectly speak and communicate with Dragons, journey through many Dragon, exclusive lands, visit or battle Kyurem, take on the-"

"Hold on! What was that last one you said!?" Spike shot up.

"Hm? You mean...Kyurem?"

"Yeah! That! I've heard about Kyurem...I'll choose that one!"

"Kyurem?" Drayden turned to Spike. "That's far too big of a leap I'm afraid. Recommending Kyurem isn't the best option, Elder."

"Hm, slip of the tongue."

"No, no, no, that's fine!" Spike rapidly shook his head. "I'll take the Kyurem option! I want to visit and battle Kyurem! Just like how Keldeo and the Swords did!"

"Hmm...Eager are we?" The Elder narrowed her eyes. "You have the spirit but...Kyurem is not one you can just go up against and battle. It is the world's strongest Dragon for a reason. The chances of you winning are-"

"I know I'm not gonna win at all." Spike interrupted. "Ash's story kinda gave me clarity on that. I just want to try and see how I do. Kyurem could teach me something like he did with Keldeo. So maybe, probably, that's the Dragon I need to see."

"Ash, hm?" The Elder definitely remembers that name. "And you're already accepting of the fact that you can't win against Kyurem."

"Yes ma'am."

"Ah. Those are pleasant words to these fading ears." The elder smiled as Drayden nodded in agreement. "Usually, the answer is the exact opposite. But...your answer is one that I can accept."

"So...C-Can I challenge Kyurem?!"

"Hmm...Certainly. You're free to challenge Kyurem."

"Yes!" Spike and Axew jumped up for joy.


"But...you still need to learn a few things before you set out for Kyurem's Ice Castle. Now that you're here, I believe some expert communication skills on Dragon Pokemon will be needed. Even though you won't defeat Kyurem, it helps to at least have something to show of your improvement as a Dragon Trainer."

"I can really get to communicate with Dragon Pokemon? Maybe that can also help with Salamence's Mega Evolution..."

"How many days are you planning on experiencing your journey, Spike?"

"Just 3. Before the invasion happens. I want to get everything done before that." Spike declared.

"Alright. That's a fair amount of time. We'll get started immediately before you head to Kyurem. Are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am!"


As the journey continues.

Chapter 430 End.

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