• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The New Hive

The Pokemon House, Night.

Complete silence and tranquillity at the Pokemon House with all of the Pokemon currently asleep. With some exceptions. Krookodile was obviously keeping guard of the Pokemon House with some nocturnal Pokemon joining him.

Other than that, total silence, as well as all of Ponyville. Fluttershy was asleep in her bed with Chikorita lying down next to her and Audino holding Angel Bunny in her arms. Tomorrow, they were going to head out with Ash to view some Pokemon-exclusive locations so some early sleep was needed.

But unfortunately, someone wouldn't have a full-hour sleep through the night because of a certain little inconvenience that can really keep her up.

And that inconvenience came from Chikorita.

"Chiko..." The Leaf Pokemon stood up, walking out of Audino's arms. But she wasn't awake. Not at all. Instead, she was once again, for the second time, sleepwalking.

And the first to hear this was Audino who was the closest to her. Her feelers picked up on the sound of Chikorita's tiny little feet walking on the floor while she mumbled in her sleep.

"Dino...Audino?" The Hearing Pokemon rubbed her eyes as she rolled over. When rolling over with one eye opening, her gaze had locked onto the Leaf Pokemon who was sleepwalking yet again. "Audino?!" Audino fell flat on her face after being surprised by a second sleepwalking instance.

"Chikori..." Chikorita ended up smacking herself onto the door. Since she was sleepwalking, and considering how small she is, she couldn't exactly open the door by herself. She would need support. So, she kept walking into the door, making zero progress as her little legs were moving in one spot constantly. "Chiko..."

"Dino!" Thankfully, Audino was here as she grabbed Chikorita, preventing her from potentially going outside. She didn't want to deal with another sleepwalking scenario. Especially the one that happened back at the Crystal Empire which put both Audino and Chikorita in danger via that sinister Togepi.

And if she did somehow get through the door, Krookodile, the nocturnal Pokemon and Jade and Cold Colt would be there to help stop her from involving herself in anything dangerous.

A really lucky break indeed.

Audino sighed as she kept Chikorita close to her by making sure her arms do not let go for a second. Chikorita's feet were moving in the air as she was still in a sleepwalking state.

Meaning that Audino would have to stay up all night until Chikorita snaps out of it, much to the chagrin of the Hearing Pokemon.

"Audino..." Audino sighed. Ever since Chikorita came along she's acted like a big sister to her. And unfortunately, the responsibilities of a big sister smacked onto her.

But they're responsibilities that the Normal-Type can certainly handle. And it's all thanks to her wonderful, kind and caring trainer.

Ponyville, morning.

"Alright! You ready to go, Fluttershy?" Ash said as he placed his bag on his back.


"Mhm!" Fluttershy nodded. "It's the Faye Mountains right? I can't wait! Krookodile. Take care of the Pokemon House as usual. And make sure you and Angel bunny get along, alright?"

"Krook..." Krookodile's eyes met with Angel Bunny as the two of them were still not on the best terms. But, for the sake of Fluttershy, they will do their best to not try and ruin each other while she's gone.

"Chrysalis and the changelings live at the Faye Mountains now as their new home. Hope you aren't nervous to go there," said Ash.

"Oh, no. Not at all." Fluttershy shook her head. "You're good friends with them after all. And any friend of you is a friend of mine But um...I'm a teensy bit nervous."

"Great. There's a pretty good shortcut Pikachu and I found when we first went there. Pretty fun too."


"Audino..." Audino yawned as she stayed up for hours last night, trying to keep Chikorita from sleepwalking away. As a result, when the morning came, she wasn't exactly in the most energetic mood as she was hunched over.

"Hm? Audi? You look tired. Are you alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"Audi...Audino..." Audino explained why she was so tired.

"Trying to keep Chikorita from sleepwalking? Aww..." Fluttershy patted the Hearing Pokemon on the head. "No need to worry. You were just being helpful. Here." Fluttershy then dug into her saddlebag which had different berries in them for certain situations.

One berry she had was the Chesto Berry. A berry that greatly helps with sleep conditions, even when someone is on the verge of sleeping.


"Have this Chesto Berry. It'll keep you up for sure." She fed her partner the Chesto Berry as Audino bit onto it.

"Dino...Audino..." Audino chewed the thick skin of the berry, Audino felt the dry flavour running through her mouth. But, past that dry flavour was an effect that can spark anyone up back to full energy. And that's what the berry did. "Di?! Audino!"

Audino could feel the effects of the Chesto Berry hit her as her eyes flared up with her feelers rising like they were being blown by the wind. Audino was back to 100% energy.

"Great! Isn't that better?" Fluttershy grinned.


"Alright, Ash. I think we're ready to go now. Right, you two?"


"Chikorita!" Chirkota jumped onto Audino's back, using her as a piggyback ride. It was time for them to head off to the Faye Mountains and experience some nice sightseeing and potentially a reunion with the changelings on Ash's part.

The Faye Mountains.

Still as mystical and beautiful as ever. And it received an extra touch in the form of a brand new landmark. One that was built from the ground up by a large group of hard-working individuals.

A Changeling Hive.

And of course, living in harmony with the Fairy-Type Pokemon here were the changelings themselves. Living in the newly-crafted hive that was made by them and the Pokemon as well, they were having possibly the best experiences they've had yet.

With all the magical healing spots and positive energy formed by Fairy magic, radiating across the land, the changelings were receiving healthy amounts of love that was keeping them strong.

And Ash, Fluttershy and their Pokemon got to witness this brand new look. The Faye Mountains were familiar to Ash but the hive was new to him and Pikachu as well as Fluttershy and her Pokemon. And they could also see that there were smaller hives in the shape of domes as they were spread out.

Speaking of Ash, the changelings were able to spot him and Pikachu right in the distance on a hill. And seeing Ash and Pikachu was one more was like seeing an old friend after so long.

"Hey, it's Ash and Pikachu!" Many of the changelings called out his name as they flew to them with some Pokemon next to them.

"Hey, you guys!" Ash and Pikachu waved, approaching the changelings. "How've you all been?"


"We've been great!" A changeling responded as she high-fived Ash with her hoof. Other changelings came by to greet Ash and Pikachu as they immediately surrounded the two of them.

"Mhm! Better than ever with all these Fairy-Type Pokemon!" Another nodded. They all told Ash that they were doing fine and they certainly were. This might be the best living conditions for them ever. Completely beating out their previous living condition in a dry wasteland.

"Nice!" Ash gave a thumbs up. "Great to see you all doing well. So that's your hive over there?"

"Sure is. We worked hard to make it feel and look like home."

"Makes me a bit homesick you know..." One changeling grumbled.

"Hm? Who's that?" A changeling spotted Fluttershy and her Pokemon.

"Oh!" Fluttershy shot up as she was standing behind Ash. "Um, hello." She gave a little smile and wave.

"Yeah. This is Fluttershy, Audino and Chikorita. Great friends of mine and I'm here with them to sightsee the Faye Mountains."


"Hm." One changeling started sniffing the area, detecting newfound Fairy-Type magic close by. "I smell new Fairy magic. Two of them. Coming from...them." He pointed at Fluttershy and Audino.

"Eh?" Fluttershy pulled back.


"The Pokemon I understand but the pony?" A changeling went up to the duo as they also sensed the Fairy magic coming out of them.

"Um..." Fluttershy was getting a bit uncomfortable with all these changelings surrounding her and Audino in a circle, sensing the Fairy magic from them.


"Chiko...!" Chikorita's leaf flared up as she growled at the changelings.

"A bit close...!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Alright, alright." Ash walked in between them, laughing and giving Fluttershy and Audino space. "Fluttershy's got some Fairy magic in her and Audino can become part Fairy when she Mega Evolves. That's why you can really sense it out of them."

"Oooh..." The changelings nodded.

"Whew..." Fluttershy and Audino exhaled.

"Looks like you've all got Pokemon of your own, huh?" Ash observed how there were Pokemon attached to the changelings.

"Yeah, but we don't have those um...The um..." A changeling was struggling to figure out what to say until a fellow changeling helped him out.

"Poke Balls."

"Right! Poke Balls! We don't have those to catch them. But they're around so much so it's fine."

"Hard to sleep with them though..." A changeling sighed.

"Ah. Great stuff. By the way, how's Chrysalis?" Ash asked.

"Queen Chrysalis? She's doing well. Better than us. Right now she's adding the finishing touches to our new hive."

"Yeah, she's been a bit more...fancy than usual." A changeling scratched their head.

"Too fancy if you ask me. I think it's that Ribombee that's next to her all the time. But she gives us free delicious pollen so I'm not complaining."

"You should see what she's been doing so far. She's been taking care of Anthophilia and all of us more than usual. Well...mostly her."

"Whaddya say we check it out, buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu agreed as Ash and him jumped off the hill landing on the lower section of the mountains.

"Oh, Ash! Wait for us!" Fluttershy gently fluttered down as Chikorita and Audino had to take a different path since they weren't going to risk jumping from this height.

Upon reaching the lower and flatter land of the mountain, Ash and Pikachu were greeted by more changelings who were hanging out with the Fairy-Type Pokemon here. Usually, changelings stay in their hives most of the time and only stay outside it if they're on a mission. But in this land, they can do both without having to worry about anything important at all.

Ash and Pikachu got to have a closer look at these smaller dome-shaped hives and quickly came to find out that they were homes for all the changelings to live in. Like a town. Seeing it reminded them of the Pikachu Highlands since they have a somewhat similar layout in terms of the massive hive and the smaller hives.

"Hey, Ash. Pikachu." A changeling flew by, greeting them.

"Morning, Ash and Pikachu." Two changelings looked outside their hive.

"Hi, Ash." Another changeling greeted them. And another. And yet another changeling said their hellos' and heys' each time Ash, Pikachu or any of them passed by. Fluttershy, who was floating behind Ash, could see the massive difference of when she first encountered the changelings back at the Canterlot Royal Wedding to now.

As Ash and Pikachu greeted the passing Pokemon, they finally reached the hive where Chrysalis and the other changelings resided at the moment. Upon reaching it, there were already changeling guards who stood by the entrance as ordered by Chrysalis.

This was done because of what occurred back at the previous hive. Chrysalis had decided to amp up her defences. But, the guards quickly saw that Ash and Pikachu were headed here so they were alright to pass after how they helped them.

"Ah, Ash. Pikachu." They both said as they walked to the side allowing the duo inside. But, before Ash and Pikachu did that, they were admiring the armour the changeling guards had on.

"Oooooh! Sweet armour!" Ash gawked.


"It is? Looks a bit too tacky if you ask me." The first guard disagreed as he adjusted his helmet.

"I don't know. I like these little horns they have down here. See?" The second one touched the horns that were on the lower part of the helmet.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy and her Pokemon came across the hive, seeing how freakishly tall it was up-close. "I wonder what the previous hive was like..."

"Chrysalis said it was almost as tall as Canterlot Castle," Ash replied. "And if she had more changelings, it would've gotten even bigger for more space! So it's technically always growing."


"Hopefully not too much..." The first guard murmured. "The echoes get a bit overwhelming at times, to be honest."

"Wonder what's in here?" Ash advanced with Fluttershy and the Pokemon, finally entering the changeling hideout for the very first time.

And when they got there, they could see what the changelings meant when they mentioned the word fancy. Chrysalis and the changelings, but mostly the Pokemon, had made this hive stand out from the previous one. It still had its usual green aesthetic to it but with the addition of Fairy stardust that filled the walls, ground and ceiling.

Because of all the Fairy magic here, the green aesthetic was also given a slight tint of purple and pink with very opaque lights that glowed which could barely be seen. But they were there if you were to look hard enough.

Gems and jewels were also a part of the hive, most likely from the Carbink. A smooth aroma filled the hive, coming straight from Spritzee and Aromatisse. It was easy to tell that the Pokemon helped with the creation of this new Changeling Hive. And of course, there was pollen from Ribombee here. But they were all placed into leaf baskets to keep them clean.

Certainly, this was a huge step-up from the last one. One that embraces a more Pokemon and love-filled feel to it. And Ash, Fluttershy and their Pokemon could tell as all they could do was gawk while wandering in the hive.

Eventually, their little wandering led them to the new and improved throne room of Queen Chrysalis. Wider in scope, flashier in design and more welcoming than before.

And sitting there was Chrysalis herself, along with that same Ribombee, who had spotted Ash and Pikachu entering the room with newcomers.

"Ash! Pikachu!" Chrysalis sat up as she had the widest look on her face. "You actually came to visit!"


"Hi! Sure did. And for some sightseeing too." Ash responded. "Nice hive by the way."


"Thank you. The Pokemon are mostly responsible for this. But more importantly, I believe someone will be excited to see you again. Anthophilia!" Chrysalis called for the youngest changeling here.

"Papa!" And from the other room came the baby changeling Anthophilia who was flying at surprising speeds, already sensing Ash's presence the moment he arrived at the Faye Mountains.

"Hey there!" Ash held his arm out as he and Anthophilia embraced each other with a hug. It was akin to that of a father and daughter reuniting. Which is essentially what Anthophilia views Ash to be. "Man, your hug is pretty tough, actually!"


"How've ya been?" Ash raised Anthophilia.

"Good!" She suddenly spoke, no longer babbling.

"It's lucky you showed up Ash. If she were to go one more day without seeing you, her tears would be impossible to stop most likely." Chrysalis walked up to Ash. "Excellent timing on your part."

"Hehe! Timing!" Anthophilia poked Ash's face.

"Oh my goodness...A changeling baby?!" Fluttershy made a prolonged gasp as Chrysalis turned to face the pegasus. Fluttershy adored babies of all kinds. And changeling babies were a new sight to her as she flew up to Anthophilia. "So cute!"

"Isn't she?" Ash poked Anthophilia back. "She's definitely grown since 2 weeks ago."

"Anthophilia is a fast grower. Not just in height but in terms of magic too. For a changeling baby, it's surprising that she can pull off potent magic with little effort. Usually, it takes years, but not for her."

"Sounds like someone's got some really good potential, huh?" Ash grinned.

"Potential!" Anthophilia raised her hooves as Fluttershy flew closer to the changeling baby.

"Um...if it's okay with you Ash and um, Queen Chrysalis...but could I hold her?" Fluttershy asked while looking at Chrysalis, hoping that she trusts her. Only Ash, Pikachu and his Pokemon were really close to the changelings so far.

"Go ahead." Chrysalis nodded. Just like Fluttershy, a friend of Ash is a friend of hers.

"Here you go." Ash passed Anthophilia over to Fluttershy, letting the pegasus hold the little changeling baby. Carefully, Fluttershy held Anthophilia in her hooves.

"Oooh..." Anthophilia, intrigued by Fluttershy's colour scheme of all things, poked the pegasus in the face.

"So small!" Fluttershy gushed as her eyes lit up with millions of stars. "And surprisingly soft too."

"Pika-Pikachu?" Pikachu went up to Ribombee, having a chat with her.


"Enjoy yourself as much as you want here, Ash I, however, will be a bit busy and away from my subjects for a while," said Chrysalis.

"Hm? You're heading somewhere important?" Ash asked while petting Anthophilia on the head.

"Very. I just need to solve something that has been surfacing up for quite some time now." Chrysalis looked at her hoof. "Something that harms my subjects."

"Harms your subjects?" Fluttershy turned to Chrysalis.

"Is there something in the mountains?" Ash looked around.

"Not quite." Chrysalis decided to reveal and break it down to them. "You see, there is this unexplainable magic that I emanate whenever I feel a sense of anguish or sorrowfulness. One that seems to drain all my subjects around me, strangely enough. Except for the Pokemon from what I've seen."

"So like, it's new magic that you've unlocked?" said Ash.

"Definitely. And I need to discover what it is and how to solve it. Before I continue harming my subjects in times of woe. For their sake. And there's only one place to go."




"I've been hoping to avoid this no matter what but...she's the only one who is an expert of changeling magic. I'll have to approach my mother."

"Your mother?!" Ash and Fluttershy both said along with the Pokemon.

"Yes. The previous Changeling Queen before me. Mellifera. She's the one who created changeling magic so she must know what this dark green magic must mean...Hopefully."

"So you're the...which number queen are you?" Fluttershy tilted her head.

"Second. My mother reigned far longer than I currently have." Chrysalis turned around, thinking about her mother and a certain situation that might happen that she wasn't hoping for. "If I want to reach her, I will have to tread into hazardous territory. My subjects certainly cannot come along. Ash. I was hoping that you would take care of them."

"Hm? Me?"

"I'll be gone for a while. Not for a whole day, just a few hours, hopefully. But, I'm afraid of leaving my subjects here alone. Even with the Pokemon here who have bonded with them. Which is why I was hoping you'd show up. So you can protect them. Ghetsis will still come for us without a doubt. And if there's even a small percentage that his forces strike while I'm away, I cannot leave he-"

"You got it."

"Eh?" Chrysalis paused as she looked up at Ash.

"No need to worry. We'll look after them, no problem."


"You can head off and find your mom to solve this dark green magic stuff out as fast as you can. And if anyone from Team Plasma comes along, we'll smash em flat!"

"Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu flexed his muscles.

"Oh, um! What Ash said. We'll certainly hit them that's for sure." Fluttershy squeed.

"Oh thank you so much!" Chrysalis hugged Ash suddenly. "I can certainly count on you! Also, make sure Anthophilia doesn't cause too much trouble, alright?"

"Got it." Ash nodded

"Alright." Chrysalis sighed a bit. "I'm a bit nervous actually. Having to meet my mother again..."

"How come? Is she really scary?" Fluttershy asked.

"Scary is an understatement...My mother and I are not on the best terms...If I'm to meet her again, I'll have to be cautious. Especially when I'm going to be away from my hive for a few hours."


"My reunion with her may also result in me never coming back...so I have more reasons to be nervous." Chrysalis patted Pikachu on the head. "Times like this where I wish I had a communication spell with all my subjects.

"Then, in that case, take this." Ash took out his Xtransceiver.

"Hm? With this...thing? What is it?" Chrysalis squinted her eyes.

"Ash, you're lending your Xtransceiver?" Fluttershy said.

"Sure am. Use this to call us if you're in danger. You can stay in contact with us this way. Just press that little button and you can call Fluttershy. This is her number." He showed Chrysalis Fluttershy's Trainer number and how to use the Xtransceiver in a short amount of time.

"Ah, I see." Chrysalis nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Ash."

"I'll make sure to respond right away if you call." Fluttershy held her Xtransceiver out.

"Well. I should be going now. Take care, Anthophilia. Ribombee." Chrysalis gave her daughter a kiss on the head before finally leaving the hive to attend to important business. For the sake of her subjects and their well-being.

"Bye-Bye!" Anthophilia waved goodbye to her mother.


Chrysalis also bid farewell to her subjects, letting them know that she'll be gone for a few hours. But she promises she'll return.

"So! Wanna check out some neat moves, Anthophilia?" Ash asked.

"Moves!" She waggled her hooves about, loving that idea. If it meant spending time with Ash, she'll be up for it while Fluttershy and Ash take the responsibility of guarding the Changeling Hive and all of the Faye Mountains.

Deep within some murky and caliginous woods in Equestria.

Chrysalis stood before a wall of wilted flowers. These flowers filled the dark woods along with trees that had these odd black cracks forming around them. A bleak and harrowing mist covered these woods with ominous sounds echoing silently with whispers. But this didn't bother Chrysalis as she held her breath in, ready to speak at high volumes.

"Can you hear me?! Open up!" She bellowed. " The greatest changeling to ever grace this world since our inception has returned! I need to request something! So let me in!"

As her voice overpowered the echoes of the woods, the wall of flowers suddenly burst out with a booming sound as wind starting blowing aggressively towards Chrysalis's direction. Through the wall of flowers, there was an entrance filled with darkness as horrifying numbers of locusts suddenly flew out. Chrysalis stood there with a stern face as the locusts had engulfed the Changeling Queen, pulling her inside of the entrance.

After that, the wall of wilted flowers conjoined once more, hiding the entrance as Chrysalis had disappeared from the spot she stood in. She was in an area that is uncharted to many.

Even all of Equestria as the journey continues.

Chapter 367 End.

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