• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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103 - At the End of the Rainbow

Silver lagged far behind Rainbow at first, but he could feel his power returning, and began fueling it directly into his wings. His speed began to pick up, rapidly increasing to match her, then going a little faster. His body shuddered with a turbulence-like force as he pushed past what he was skilled enough to handle, but he was getting closer.

Rainbow noticed his approach and redoubled her efforts, pulling ahead from him. "You're not worthy!"

Silver was not ready to accept that as an answer and every bit of energy he could produce went to the effort of catching her. He felt like he was being battered from all sides in the effort, going far too quickly with raw power. Just as Rainbow was almost in hooves' reach, Rainbow pushed past the one barrier she knew. Rainbows filled Silver's eyes as she penetrated whatever limit caused it, but the rainbows reacted oddly with the shell of tortured energy around Silver. Instead of clean circles, it became a chaotic swirl of colors, and both ponies were sent careening out of control.

They made a pair of ditches in the ground, crashing and throwing dirt everywhere as they slid to a stop.

Rainbow popped free of her dirt pile with a laugh. "Oh wow! That was amazing! What'd you do?" She pranced over to Silver's pile and poked at the dirt, but there was no response. "Hey, Hey Silver. Get up." Fearing he might be hurt, she dug into the pile to find an unconscious Silver, though pulling him free of the hole woke him up.

"Huh?!" Silver pulled himself the rest of the way free and shook his bruised body free of dirt. "What happened?"

Rainbow puffed out her chest. "My awesomeness interacted with your coolness and sent us both out of the sky."

Silver reached over and pulled Rainbow close. "Caught you."

Rainbow tensed, looking ready to argue the point a moment before she nestled against Silver, closing her eyes. "Guess you did."

Silver pushed Rainbow to the ground and nuzzled into her neck. "Now to take my prize."

Rainbow tensed, but didn't fight. Silver did not go to mount her, however, instead just cuddling with her. "I want you to be my friend as my prize."

Rainbow snorted. "You already had that, doofus." She kicked up at him weakly. "You won, do it."

Silver tilted his head. "Is that what you want? For real? If you spread your legs and invite me because you want it, not because of some contest, I will gladly be your stud, as a friend, and because I respect you. You are a better flyer than me, Rainbow, by far."

Rainbow frowned a little. "You are a total egghead. I can see why you get along with Twilight..." She ran a hoof over his barrel. "You... So was Big Mac right?"


Rainbow shrugged. "Am I going to have a lunar foal?"

Silver nodded truthfully. "Probably a lunar unicorn, if you let me do it."

Rainbow snorted softly, her wings pumping twice against the ground. "There aren't many of those, like, none, I guess, since you're not really one anymore?"

Silver leaned in, rubbing her nose-to-nose. "Do it because you want it, or not. Your body is your own. I am not here to steal that agency from you. You're too awesome for that."

Claims of awesomeness never went badly with Rainbow, and she smiled a bit. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

Silver recoiled with surprise at the question. He tried to use his hard-earned view of how ponies see one another. "You have the sleek power of an athletic charm. You're strong sexy, not soft sexy."

Rainbow looked perplexed. "There are different kinds?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Sure there are. I'm sure there are some stallions you think are cute because they're strong, and some that are funny, and some that are fast, right?"

This made sense to Rainbow, "Sure. You were geeky sexy before, but now..." She trailed a hoof over Silver' chest. "You kinda got big sexy, and you can plow like an earth pony, and fly almost as good as me." She crossed her forelegs. "Alicorns are cheating."

Silver kissed her cheek softly. "You're a game worth cheating at."

Rainbow went red. "Oh gosh, that was sooo corny. Look... let's talk with Applejack." She slipped out from under Silver and got to her hooves. "Like adults, right? The way I see it, you're alright. I have no problem with you being stud to either of us, but we should see what she says."

"Agreed." Silver felt relief flow through him. "It will be your foal, after all. I want you both to be happy."

They took flight and returned to the farm at a more sedate pace. Rainbow bumped into him mid-flight. "Hey, thanks for not being a jerk."

"Any time, Dash." Silver smiled gently. "We've been friends a while now. I'd rather be that, than 'your stud.'"

Rainbow seemed to grow thoughtful at that. "Huh... Sorry about that, I mean... I'd be pretty cheesed if Rarity suddenly needed me to be a surrogate mom or something and started treating me like a foal-maker instead of her friend. That would be super weird."

They came in for a landing beside Night and Fast. Fast grinned and looked Rainbow over a moment before looking Silver over. She saw no signs that they had engaged in wild foal-making activities. "So, did he lose?"

Rainbow waved a hoof. "We'll call it a draw. Do you know where Applejack is?"

Night pointed with a wing at the Apple house. "Inside, with Twilight and her brother and grandmother. Twilight said they'd be out when they were ready."

They all settled down. Night looked to Rainbow with her large eyes, magnified by her glasses. "You look more relaxed now."

Rainbow shuffled. "We talked. I just need to, you know, touch bases with AJ about things."

Fast rolled a hoof. "I admit I thought there would be more, you know, studding, and less drama."

Silver snorted. "We don't always get what we want. They're our friends, they'll get the time they need to do this right."

Night extended a wing and wrapped it over Silver. "That's a mature thing to say... Just be safe, when you're away."

Rainbow perked an ear. "Away? Where're you going, champ?"

Silver wasn't sure what direction Anugypt was, so he just shrugged. "Anugypt, with Celestia. We're supposed to be calming down some kind of diplomatic situation that's gotten out of hand."

Rainbow nodded a little. "Huh, sounds boring and exciting at the same time. Good luck with that."

Fast added, "That's not for a few weeks anyway." She rose up and stretched wings she didn't have a moment ago. "Want a race?"

She and Rainbow took to the skies. Fast was clearly outmatched by the veteran flyer, but Fast was also having a good time of it, from the laughs that reached Night and Silver down on the ground.

Night nudged against Silver. "Did you catch up with her? She's acting as if you had."

Silver nodded. "Only because she let me. We both fell out of the sky and she dug me out of the hole I made. I grabbed her after that."

Night tilted her head. "So how did you get back here without rutting her, or her storming off in a huge fit?"

Silver tapped at his chin. "I asked her what she actually wanted, contest aside, and that I wanted to be her friend first, whether or not I served as her stud. This whole thing's gotten a bit more complicated than I want it to be."

Night raised a brow. "Are you backing out?"

"No." Silver shook his head. "I'm not running. I will be there for them, whichever way they decide on ultimately, but I do want to be a friend afterwards, not just a stud. I liked them back when we couldn't have foals together, and they were kind to me when I was a lost unicorn. Heck, without them, we wouldn't be with Twilight at all. I owe them a fair bit. This thing, today? It's nothing compared to that."

Night squeezed Silver close and wrapped her legs around him, nestling close. She seemed quietly pleased with the situation, or at least pleased with her company.

Big Mac emerged from the house and approached the two of them. "Rainbow Dash?"

Silver pointed up to where Fast and Rainbow circled around the property. As if noticing her name being mentioned, Rainbow quickly dived down, and soon they both landed beside Big Mac. "Yo, what's up?"

Big Mac gestured to the house, then turned and walked back to it. Rainbow nodded. "I'll be back." And off she went to join him.

Fast crashed beside her wives. "Everyone's invited but us. I see how it is." Her wings pulled back into her, reabsorbed. "I want to learn how you do the things you do." She pointed at Silver. "You're obviously doing something a bit odd, but it's also working. Spill it."

Silver gave the same basic explanation he had given before, about the way he gathered energy and sent it to where he knew there were 'exit points' in the pony body. "All tribes have magic, just as much of it, so far I can tell. The difference is where it can come out. As a unicorn, the horn's the spot, and they've gotten rather clever about it. Pegasi channel power to their wings, bones and lungs. Earth ponies share the lungs and bones, but also have points in their legs and hooves. Legs gives them power, hooves make plants grow, lungs gives endurance, bones for toughness, wings for speed... Get it?"

Fast shook her head. "Nope, but I like it..." She tapped her chin. "I'm going to see what I can do with that. If my shapeshifting makes those, uh, exit points, as you call them, I could be doing a lot more than I'm doing right now. You're going to have to show me how to 'direct' magic though. The only place I normally direct magic is my horn, or I guess when I change, I think about what I want to be."

Silver was quite content to try to do that. Since Night was there, he invited her to learn along with them, and was soon seated before the two mares with their eyes closed. "Imagine the magic in you like a flowing river, going round and round. You want it to flow faster, deeper, but don't let it spill. That energy is precious. You'll feel warmer if you're doing it right."

Fast perked an ear. "I've done magic channeling like that before, but I usually gather at the base of the horn."

"Then you have the basic idea, but use your torso. It's larger."

Night was a clever pony, and she worked diligently and quietly, warming her body with the circling energy. Silver reached out to feel each of them, nodding. "Good. You're definitely warmer. With practice, you can get really hot. I'm going to suggest you keep it easy with that, Night. I don't think your foal can be harmed, but why risk it? Keep it to the level you're at now until afterwards. OK, you have this stream, now just let it flow to one of your exit points, divert it like a sudden dam, with the only way out being where you want it to be.

Fast sprouted wings quickly, then took off into the sky. She jittered forward noticeably as she let the held energy flow wildly into her wings, and it threw off her flying badly. She came in for an awkward landing, but was laughing the entire time. "Woo! Did you see that?"

Night suddenly tackled Silver, and her teeth sank into him. He was flooded with a confusing mess of emotions. Love, jealousy, worry, pride. Everything Night felt broadcast in a brief moment of painful intensity. Silver shivered under her, legs kicking out weakly. "I... That was very impressive, Night."

Night drew back, licking her teeth clean. "That's what was missing... I let it go into my teeth and it just felt right." She frowned. "How many other lunar pegasi are there that could use this gift but just don't know how?" She slipped off of Silver, who rolled upright.

"I'm not sure we should share that... It can kill, remember?"

Night nodded lightly. "Some things are better off as secrets." She smiled. "But thank you."

Author's Note:

Applejack needs some time with family, so Silver gets into magic lessons! After all that time learning from others, it's nice to give back to the ponies he loves. They were getting tired of typo presents anyway.

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