• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 6,011 Views, 2,919 Comments

The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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92 - Mission Accomplished

Twilight took the crystal that Rainbow had fetched for her and, in a fit of pique, hurriedly enchanted it with the spell, doing it with a flourish that Rainbow couldn't see. "There, better than anypony else could do."

Rainbow took the crystal and peered at it as if she could see the spell contained within. "Huh, nice job. I remember when you were shy about showing off your skill."

Twilight seemed to just realize how boastful she was and went dark. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be a show-off..."

Rainbow threw a leg over Twilight's neck, hugging her. "Don't sweat it. You're cool in my book, egghead." She stuck out her tongue and flew off, crystal secured and a grin on her face.

Twilight relaxed until it was about twenty minutes before they had to show up for the day's signings. She gently shook Silver awake. "Feeling better?"

Silver sat up and gave Twilight a gentle kiss. "Much. Is it time?"

"About twenty minutes. Need any help getting ready?"

Silver hopped from the bed and stretched out languidly. "Only to answer a few questions. Come with me?" They went together into the bathroom and Silver hopped into the tub, starting the water and getting to washing herself. Having another pony in the room while bathing wasn't nearly as interesting as it would be as a human. Nothing new was revealed with water involved, and she got to scrubbing her fur diligently. "Do you really want this?"

"Want what?" Twilight tilted her head. "You to get washed? Yes."

Silver snorted as she raised her wings, washing over them carefully. Wings requires special care and attention. "I meant the male thing."

Twilight pointed a hoof at Silver. "No way buster. This is your decision. I won't have you going with it, or not going with it, because of what I say. I mean, it's flattering and all that you probably would go with what I say, but that's exactly why I'm not saying."

Silver frowned at the lack of answer, but smiled a little. "That's a very honest answer, and a good one." She shook herself free of soap and water, rinsing off once more before she emerged and grabbed a towel in her silver magic, drying off. "I suppose it is my choice. I'm not even used to that anymore, the idea that I can do either and everyone's alright with it."

Twilight nipped Silver's cheek. "Well that's the way it is, so get over that and decide. Either way, you're my herd-mate, and co-princess, and I'm going to hug you a lot whether you're a mare or a stallion."

Silver laughed softly. "Did you eat something, Twilight? You're especially bold today, and I'm liking it." Silver pushed Twilight back a little, looking amorous, but Twilight quickly denied her, pushing Silver back.

"Not now, we have places to be, remember? Those hugs can start after we're home."

Silver pouted, but retrieved her saddlebags and crown. "All set."

They walked out together and met up with their guards before proceeding down to the autograph room and situating themselves. The doors were thrown wide and the line began to move. Like a well-oiled machine, they smiled, waved, and signed. The human from the day before, Ted, was in line and approached Silver. "Hey, uh, so you were human before?"

Silver nodded. "Was. Feels like ages ago. Are you doing alright?"

Ted waved a hand. "I have a job and a few friends, could be worse. Most ponies seem to be pretty nice."

"They are," agreed Silver with a smile. "Did you want an autograph?"

Ted shook his head. "Nah, just wanted to talk to a fellow human, even if former. Say, I'm looking for a guy, kinda heavy, this tall." He held up his hand, but one of the con staffers approached, nudging him along. "Ooops, uh, maybe next time?" And he was gone, making room for the next person in line. Silver made a quiet note to try and find the poor guy after signing was over.

As another lunar pegasus came up, Silver greeted them warmly and signed their book before asking, "Say, if I were to keep right on doing the impossible and tried to be the first alicorn prince, how would you feel?"

The pegasus looked like she was caught in headlights, caught entirely by surprise by the question. "I, uh..."

Twilight reached out with a swift wing, swatting Silver on the side of the head. "You don't have to answer that."

The pegasus shook her head. "No, I mean... It was just surprising is all. Is that even possible? Well, uh, you've done a lot of new things, right?" She smiled with uncertainty. "What's one more? You'd still be one of us, right?" She spread her leathery wings wide. "You should do what you want to do, and what you think is best. We're behind you."

Though the exacts of what Silver had asked were not heard, the lunar pegasus' firm statement of loyalty got a few murmurs of agreement from the others in line, and she soon left with a proud expression. Twilight snorted softly. "Stop trying to avoid making a decision. Even your people want you to just make up your mind."

No other surprises came up, and their duty to the convention was complete. Twilight trotted off to find Spike and hang out with him. Silver went out for some fresh air, Sky Ranger walking alongside protectively. Sky tilted her head a little. "Tough decision?"

"You could say that." Silver shook herself out. "I was just getting used to things. I don't want another change, even if it's back to where I was. On the other hoof, it is back to where I was, where I was supposed to be. I'm not sure which way is running away from a problem." Silver hopped up onto a wide fence and walked along it. "Everyone says I'm pretty as a female, will that translate to being handsome as a stallion?" She frowned. "And will my foal be safe?"

"Foal?" Sky raised a brow and looked Silver over. "Are you pregnant?"

"Sort of?" Silver sank down onto the fence, perching on it. "She's all around inside of me, still growing. It takes an incredible amount of energy to give her a body, and she's not old enough to hold onto it yet."

Sky waved a hoof. "Well, you might want to check that out first, then consider in or out after that?"

Silver nodded and rose to her hooves. "Sound advice. If it's going to hurt the foal, forget it. There's nothing to consider." She hopped down to the ground and returned to the hotel. She found Ted in the videogame room, playing on the latest in pony gaming technology, which wasn't all that amazing. "Hey."

Ted glanced at her and lost the game. He left it be and turned to Silver. "Hey. I didn't think I'd see you again so fast."

Silver waved a hoof. "Fate was conspiring to keep us apart, but you obviously had a question. What was it?"

Ted held up his hand again. "This high, goes by Jake?"

Silver bobbed her head. "Jake! He's not so heavy these days, well, at least not with fat. Keeping busy has been good to him, and even Sugarcube Corner hasn't been able to combat the calories he burns working with Rainbow Dash and Applejack."

Ted look elated. "He's in Ponyville? Shit man, I should have guessed that."

Silver waved a hoof. "Don't feel bad. I avoided Ponyville for quite a while after coming here."

Ted crouched down so they were face to face and did what humans seemed to like to do to ponies, pet them. Silver rolled her eyes but tolerated the contact. "You'll annoy more ponies than not reaching for them. Was I the only one that asked first?" Silver put a hoof on Ted's nose. "See, not as fun, right?"

Ted burst into a short laugh before rising back up to his full height. "Point taken, besides, your bodyguard's glaring daggers at me. So, since you're here, what's the deal with humans around here? I mean, you know, legally and stuff?"

Silver gestured in the vague direction of Canterlot. "If you want to be proper, you go to the capitol and say hello to Sunbutt, don't call her that, and introduce yourself. At the least, you fill out an immigration form like anypony, minotaur, or anything else that wanted to move in."

Ted pointed at Silver. "You're a princess, right?"


"So I could just introduce myself to you?"

Silver tilted her head. "Huh, you have a point. Consider yourself introduced. I'll write a letter to the others about you. Are you playing nice with the ponies?"

Ted pointed across the room where the stallion from the day before was playing a game with intense concentration. "That's my best bud, Screaming Rocket. The ponies I've ran into have either been uninterested, or friendly. Got a job, an apartment that I'm sharing, and a few bits in my pocket. I've been in worse spots."

"Miss the Internet?"

"God yes." Ted frowned a little. "It's amazing how much more human you seem after mentioning that. Ponies around here think I'm talking crazy powerful magic when I get to describing the old WWW to them."

Silver sat up on her hind-legs. "Looking it or not, I was human. I remember Youtube and Gmail, and I know what a meme is. Can haz cheeseburger?"

Ted chuckled softly at Silver's antics. "It's like a taste of home. Thanks for finding me, and, uh, enjoy the whole royalty thing."

Silver wobbled a wing. "It has its ups and down. If you need help, send me a letter. I live in Ponyville, with Twilight. Oh! Did you run into Text?"


"Some kinda interdimensional thing that only talks in words. It has no body?"

"I got a funny email before I was sent here. Is that what you mean?"

Silver raised a brow. "Huh, email. That's new. Probably the same guy. He may jerk with you later. If you end up back on Earth, don't panic, he's just teasing you. Enjoy the time back while you have it, you'll come back here afterwards." Silver tapped a chin. "He'll offer 'paths' to open, but he'll open them whether you agree or not, so watch out for that. If you don't want something, you'll have to actively avoid it." Her expression went flat. "Would you believe I said I didn't want to be a princess? I was a guy once, you know."

Ted gave a soft 'huh'. "I'll keep that in mind, if I see it again? I don't know how I'd get email without a computer though. He is a bit of a jerk though. I asked for money and he sent me with worthless American dollars."

They shared a chuckle over shared misery with Text, then they parted ways amiably, but not before Silver slipped a few bits into Ted's hand.

Author's Note:

Rainbow Dash celebrates a job well done while Silver looks for answers that can only be found within herself.

Oh hey, it's Ted! And he brought typos! So thoughtful.

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