• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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56 - Perchance to Dream

Silver snuggled into her bed with her loved ones tucked in with her. It had been a hard day, and she was sore, but it was a good sore. She was tired and ready to surrender to sleep. Fast gently poked her in the ribs. "You sure you're tired?"

Silver laughed and rolled over to face Fast. "I am certain, but if you want to cuddle..." And cuddle they did. Silver's thoughts drifted to the fact that she was gladly cuddling a male, and cast the thought side. It was Fast. Fast was worthy of cuddles no matter what parts they had. Silver kissed Fast's throat with a soft growl, then faded away into the embrace of sleep.

Silver was in a familiar dark place. "Text?"

Text did not appear. Luna did. She approached Silver slowly. "Are you calling for your writing friend? I have seen no sign of them since your ascension."

Silver nodded once. "I thought he had called me here. Was it you?"

Luna tilted her head. "Nay, but here you are."

Silver perked a tufted ear. "Rainbow Dash said I may take after you, being a lunar princess."

Luna extended her wings. "Does this disturb you?"

Silver smiled gently. "No. Will you teach me?"

Luna turned away from Silver. "Follow." They were abruptly standing in a long hallway of doors. "This appears as you wish it to. Sometimes I travel a field of stars, other nights, I am drawn to gaze in a pool." She looked over her shoulder at Silver. "I feel I should warn, dreams are no kind place. Some ponies dream of terrible things, and not all of them wish to be roused from it. If you wish to return to your own mind and never return, I will not blame you."

Silver trotted up beside Luna. "Have you been working this by yourself for... however long?"

Luna tilted her head. "Who else could take this burden?"

Silver pointed at herself. "Me, now... I didn't intend to become a princess, but sitting on the title seems even worse. If I can be a help, a real help, then that is what I want to do."

Luna turned towards Silver. "You play a dangerous game, young princess. You tempt me, and I surmise you haven't even told your herd of our meetings."

Silver shook her head with a smile. "Wrong, actually. We talked about you this morning... Well, all of us but Twilight."

Luna glanced away, then back at Silver. "What did... they say? Did Night Watch remember me?"

Silver frowned a little, pawing at the ground. "Remember you? She... she really misses you."

Luna stiffened then raised a wing to brush it against Silver's face, making her sneeze. "You lie to make me feel better. I would rather the truth."

Silver rubbed her nose with a fetlock. "It's true. She..." Silver trailed off again and sat on her haunches. "She loves you."

Luna bared her teeth and advanced on Silver. "Why would you tell me that?! If it is a lie, it is one most cruel! If it is a truth, it may yet be as cruel! She is bound to you, and you to Twilight Sparkle. You will not return to my side, so why taunt me with this? Why?" Luna sank before Silver, fresh tears flowing. "Why..."

Silver realized she had messed up in a big way and clenched her teeth as she tried to find a way out of it. "You deserve to know the truth..."

Luna suddenly pinned Silver, leaping at her before she could even register the movement. Silver was thrown to the ground and Luna pinned her, teeth clenching tightly around the throat with a terrific force. Her voice was quite clear despite the stranglehold, the logic of dreams caring little. "The truth does not always set one free! You have attacked me with things I cannot have! I cherished her. I cherished you! You ran away, not I. You gave up on me..." Luna sank against Silver, her crying becoming more potent than her moment of fury as she draped herself over Silver's body.

Silver took a deep breath when she was able. She might have grown a little, but she was still but a foal under Luna's bulk. "What can I do?"

Luna sat up then, looking down at Silver. The tears were gone, banished to where forgotten things go in dreams. "You will swear fealty to me, my little princess of the night. I will formally deputize you as a watcher of the night hours, and you will respect this task with all the burden that it is. You will not complain, nor whine, nor receive recompense. It will be thankless work that most will not remember you rendering. You will suffer terribly."

Silver tilted her head at Luna. "As you already have."

Luna stiffened. "Yes... Do you accept?"

Silver looked around a moment, then tilted her head. "This is another crossroads."

Luna blinked at Silver. "Yes, yes it is. What do you mean by that?"

Silver waved a hoof vaguely. "The paths that Text speaks of. This is one of them. I could say no, and hide, and live a quieter life."

Luna frowned. "Yes, that is an option."

Silver pointed at Luna. "Or I could step forward, and know that my life will be more complicated for it."

"Yes." Luna tapped a hoof on the ground. "Do you accept?"

Silver nodded slowly. "Then I accept. Future me, you did this willingly, so no crying."

Luna smiled. "No crying indeed. I thought you would back away, considering the pain you have suffered so recently."

Silver frowned a little. "Think... of it this way... I paid a lot to have this chance. If I throw it away, then I paid for nothing but a few inches and some wings."

Luna raised a hoof at Silver. "And yet, by marching forward, you invite further pain. Enough. I profit not by talking you out of this. Concentrate on the image of somepony."

Silver considered a moment, and a door slid into view, stopping in front of them both. Luna gestured at the door. "Their dream awaits. I do hope you selected well."

Silver opened the door, and was suddenly elsewhere. She was part of a loud angry crowd, shouting and jeering. Standing up on the gallows was Twilight. Her hooves were secured to the floor and a noose hung around her neck. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was messy with tears and rotten fruits.

Ponies in the crowd shouted hurtful things at the captive Twilight.

"Hang the murderer!"

"Show her how we treat killers!"

"Unicorn menace!"

"No more hiding under Celestia's hooves!"

Twilight cried and sobbed, piteously apologizing for her crimes, but the crowd hardly seemed to notice. A pony in a black mask stepped forward and wrenched a lever. Twilight fell down, the noose went taut, and suddenly Silver was ejected violently to Luna's side with a blinding headache.

Luna looked down at Silver impassively. "A nightmare, I gather. From the dazed look in your eyes, it ended. As you have experienced, a nightmare that ends without your being prepared for it is quite painful. You will learn how to 'land' properly with practice. Tell me, what did you see in Twilight Sparkle's dream?"

Silver slowly gathered herself up as the pain ebbed away bit by bit. "She was being hanged! What the heck! Do they even do that in Equestria?"

Luna nodded slightly. "Only for most heinous crimes. Celestia prefers to reform wrongdoers." She pointed at Silver. "For instance."

Silver flipped her ears back. "I... Well I guess better mare than dead or in jail forever." She shook herself out. "I turned out well, right?"

Luna raised a brow. "That remains to be seen. Our job is not simply to witness, but to intercede when a lesson of a dream is not being learned. Some nightmares are very educational, and should be left to do their work, but other times, the pony becomes frightened or confused and loses sight of the wisdom being offered. That is when we intercede. Do you understand?"

Silver gave an unsure nod before focusing a moment. A new door slid into position. Silver glanced at Luna, then nudged it open and stepped inside into what appeared to be her own bedroom back home, on Earth. Luna appeared beside her, making the bed creak under their combined weight. "Ah, your own dream world? Well, it is yours, you can change it as you please."

Silver looked at Luna curiously, then they were on a ferris wheel, side-by-side, riding it under a sunset. Luna smirked lightly. "Silver... Romantic visions are not called for. Good control, I confess. Come, let us visit a dreamer who can control her own dreams." They were back in the hallway again and a new door slid up in front of them with a large sun painted on it.

Silver pointed at the symbol. "Celestia?"

Luna nodded. "Of course. She has a powerful dream magic of her own, deeply prophetic, but it is personal. She cannot enter the dreams of others as we can." Luna opened the door and they were drawn inside. They were soon seated around a small table. Celestia was there, and all three of them had cups of tea held in their magic.

Celestia smiled. "What a pleasant surprise! Luna, you are a rare delight, but you brought a friend." Her eyes turned on Silver. "I wondered if Sister's lunar talents would rub off on you. Are you enjoying dream walking?"

Silver nodded. "I'm still learning, so I can help Luna. It's terrible that she has to do all this alone."

Celestia's expression softened to sadness. "It is... but she was the only one that could do it. Now that's changed!" She clopped her hooves together twice and a stallion stepped in with cake. The stallion was the literal definition of stallion attributes. His muscles were well defined under a glistening coat. His features were strong. Even his scent was virile. Silver barely had to glance to see that this stallion was the complete package. This avatar of masculinity set the tray down before Celestia then prancing away.

Celestia noticed Silver's wide eyes and smiled gently. "These are my dreams. Even I'm allowed to enjoy my own dreams, am I not?"

Luna snorted softly. "Of course, Sister. You're just confusing Silver."

Celestia reached out and stroked the befuddled snout of Silver. "You'll understand when you get older. Ah... since you're both here. I will need you both to be ready for a trial in three days. Twilight Sparkle has turned herself in for a most grave crime."

Silver cringed and recoiled at once. "What? She fell asleep just next to me a moment ago."

Luna tilted her head. "I do presume Princess Twilight Sparkle has been given time to gather witnesses. What is the crime?"

Celestia pointed at Silver. "The slaying of your unborn foal, and the unsafe release of extreme war magic. Both serious crimes."

Silver banged the table with a hoof. "Celestia! Really?! How could you do this to Twilight?"

Celestia exploded in light and heat, the table turning to ash as she leaned forward. "Do not presume to lecture me here." The heat and light suddenly faded away. "As I said, Twilight gave herself up. It was entirely her initiative. I would rather not have this proceeding at all, but Twilight will not rest until she faces judgment."

Author's Note:

Welcome to Luna's world! Sleeping minds are very bad at typing. I think typos are born here.

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