• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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77 - You're Doing Well

Silver found herself in a familiar black space. "Text?"

'I am here. As you are. Your path is most unfavorable.'

Silver tilted her head at the words. "How do you figure? Everything's working out pretty well. I couldn't really recall a better time."

'You draw too much to yourself. My purpose is compromised by it.'

Silver wobbled a hoof. "You mean the royal sisters?"

'I will turn their paths away from yours. You should be happy with what you have.'

Silver summoned an image of Luna and gestured at her. "What's wrong with Luna? I was with her before..."

'Choose. Luna, or Twilight?'

Silver frowned and huffed. "What if I take both, and Celestia while we're 'haggling'? You don't control things, you j--"

Silver was thrown bodily onto her bed, her old bed, on Earth. She was still an alicorn however. She bounced up to her hooves and hopped off her bed, looking around her old, cluttered, room. There was a layer of dust on everything, as if the room had been abandoned, though she spotted new clutter piled on top of the old clutter. Figured. Her room had been converted into more storage space. "Text, this isn't funny. Put me back in Equestria right now!" She clopped a hoof on the ground, but nothing happened. The door swung open and her mother stared directly at her a moment.

"When did I get that?" she asked with a frown. She reached forward and plucked Silver from the ground as if she were just made of plush for how easily it were done. "You're the cutest little thing." Silver kept her mouth shut as she was carried into the living room and set down a short distance from a space heater. Her mother sat down at her computer and began working on something that looked like Facebook. Silver stood up and moved for the door, opening it and departing without turning any heads. So long as she didn't speak, she drew no attention, and she was out onto the streets of Oakland. She was a magical pony princess, and she wasn't sure what good that'd do here.

She reached with her magic and pulled out her spell book, thankful for its presence. Flipping through it for anything helpful, she brushed up on the shield spell a moment before stepping down the stairs to the street and looking left and right. Where could she go...? She needed a working computer. She clopped her hooves together and began trotting for the closest library she could remember, making a brisk pace through the city. A few blocks of hiking she thought of her wings and felt silly. No need to dodge cars that ignored her in the air. She spread her wings and took off, sailing over houses and power lines. Not wanting to risk it, she kept to the center of roads where the lines seemed thinner, and stayed above their height. She landed gently before the glass-sided library just in time for a small boy to rush up and grab her. "Oh man! Look at this!"

His friends, making an unruly mob of youths around fifteen years of age, exchanged laughs and pointed at Silver. "Is that from that show? Look how big it is."

The original hefted Silver up by the neck, which didn't hurt nearly as much as it should have. "I'm gonna Ebay it!"

Frick! Silver whispered softly. "I'm cursed."

The youth dropped her like she was made of lava. "Oh shit man!"

One of his friends advanced and grabbed Silver by the wing, hefting her up awkwardly. "What's wrong with you? It's gotta be worth at least a hundred, maybe a few!"

Being held by the wing stung in a new way, and Silver growled a little. She didn't want to go outright offensive on kids. How to get them away...? She lit up her horn and began spraying fireworks up into the air, showering the area with fireworks of Trixie. The loud sounds and bright flashes made them back up for fear of being burned, and that was enough for Silver to dash inside the library, not stopping until she was safely secluded between two isolated aisles. "Saved by books, what would Twilight say?"

"She would say 'Wow, a talking horse in a library'." A woman stood before Silver, looking down at her with a curious expression. "Hello." She looked to be middle-aged, asian, wore glasses on her face and had her black hair up in a bun. Pretty average as things went, except for the fact that she was engaging Silver.

"Are you not... scared?"

She shook her head. "Why would I be scared of a magic pony?"

Silver considered that. "I suppose there aren't any good reasons to be scared of a magic pony if you're polite."

She crouched down to Silver's level. "Why is there a magic pony in the library?"

"I was hoping to send an e-mail?"

She laughed at that, but covered her mouth quickly. "I suppose that's a good reason. Do you have a name?"

Silver pointed a hoof at herself. "Silver Stars. You?"

"Minsŏ." She reached and gently pet Silver over the ears and examined her sensitive horn, making Silver half-close her eyes. "I didn't expect to find a magic pony today."

"Few do." giggled out Silver. "You're very calm about all this."

She moved her attention to where wings met barrel, making Silver wriggle at the sensitivity. "You remind me of a differently colored Twilight Sparkle."

That jerked Silver to new awareness. "You watch the show?"

"I might be a little old for it, but I enjoy it fine enough."

Silver smiled brightly. "What luck! I came from there."

Minsŏ blinked. "From the show?"

"Yes! From Equestria. I really want to get back to it. I'm trying to figure out how." Silver gave her best piteous look. "Can you help?"

Minsŏ nodded lightly. "I can try, but how do I get you home without creating a stir?"

Silver smiled as she looked around. "I'm going to stop talking. If you see a doll of me, pick me up and take me home." Minsŏ looked uncertain, but watched. Silver stopped talking, and the magic returned, shrouded her from human view. Minsŏ looked amazed. She reached out and carefully scooped up Silver from the ground. Soon they were on their way, and Silver was set in the passenger seat of a small two-seater car. Once the car began moving, Silver spoke. "Thanks."

Minsŏ swerved the car slightly in surprise. "Don't do that! Are you house-trained?"

Silver flushed. "Yes! Of course... I'm a person, just with more fur and stuff. And a little magic."

Minsŏ turned off onto a sideroad smoothly. "You'll have to show me that, besides your doll trick, when we get home."

Home turned out to not be too far away in a small one-story abode that she pulled into the driveway of. Silver hopped out when the car drew to a stop. She was quick to stretch out, working her wings and legs. Minsŏ watched on with a bit of wonder. "Can you actually fly?"

Silver nodded as she flapped her wings in a demonstrative way. "I flew to the library before we met. So far as I can tell, everything works, magic included."

Minsŏ directed Silver to her house and they retired inside. It smelled oddly to Silver, but she hadn't really been in many human abodes since departing for Equestria, so she wasn't sure if it was her or not. The place was decorated with mostly pictures of what Silver assumed to be friends and family. Her host asked, "Can you show me some magic?"

"What kind?" Silver pulled out her spell book and flipped it open. "I don't feel confident doing any of the transforming ones on a human."

She rose a brow. "You have transforming magics? Why don't we start a little smaller?"

Silver flipped through her book a moment, with Minsŏ's eyes locked on the floating book, likely seeing the silver glow that held it aloft. "Here's a simple one!" She pointed her horn at a pencil sitting on the counter and soon it became purple, then green, then plaid. "Ta da."

Minsŏ seemed amused, but a little underwhelmed. "Perhaps a little grander than coloring?"

Silver tapped her chin thoughtfully. So many of her spells were enhancements, transformations, or battle spells. She really had to get some more day-to-day sorceries when she got back to Twilight. "I could demonstrate on myself?" After Minsŏ nodded, Silver lit her horn and focused on the spell before her, soon swelling with new power. She moved over to the fridge and easily nudged it to and fro as if it were almost weightless, but the spell soon faded with her inexperience with it. "How's that?"

Minsŏ clapped politely. "That is more impressive. Did you still need a computer?"

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Please! I don't know if this will work... I never even checked before I left, but I can't think of a lot of alternatives." Silver followed after her host and soon arrived in a small office. She spotted a little Applejack parked on the computer tower and smiled. "I see you have best horse."

Minsŏ smiled gently. "I feel for her. We both work quietly and well at what we do without getting a lot of fame for it, but it's worth doing."

Silver gently nudged Applejack. "She's a good pony, a great pony." Silver hopped up onto the chair, finding it much comfier than the one she left behind in her room. "Any passwords?"

Minsŏ had her logged in shortly, but didn't leave the room.

Silver tilted her head at Minsŏ a moment, but still she didn't budge. "You... want to watch me?"

Minsŏ smiled. "I thought you would never ask. I'd be delighted."

Author's Note:

We interrupt this story with a sudden detour. Would you believe I actually wrote over a thousand words of a completely different chapter before realizing it wasn't working? The Text took it from there, and here we are. Thanks guys, you write the story for me!

Typos included.

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