• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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55 - In the Warmth of the Sun

Twilight stepped past the royal guards, who saluted her but otherwise remained still. She moved as if she belonged, even if nagging doubts tugged at her. Silver may have been joking the day before, but she really did do exactly what she had. She didn't deserve any more mercy than she had gotten.

She arrived at a familiar room and softly knocked on the door before pushing into the small receiving room. Celestia was there, perched on her favored cushion. Celestia smiled brightly and gestured to a free cushion. "It is ever a pleasure, my dear Twilight. It's become a rare treat that you would request my company, outside of calamity."

Twilight cringed as she nudged the door shut with her magic and moved quickly to her seat. "I wish I could say that was the case... I did something truly awful."

Celestia tilted her head. "What could you have done that has you so rattled?"

Twilight looked confused a moment. "Didn't Silver tell you?"

"Tell me what? Twilight, please start from the beginning."

Twilight made a slow gesture with her hoof as she breathed. "Alright... Silver was foalnapped right off my back when we were flying back to Ponyville. When I found her, I let my magic go... wild... I destroyed basically everything... Silver included..."

Celestia took her turn to cringe, wings spreading a little before they folded themselves back into place. "Were there any other victims besides Silver?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know... Starlight had two unicorn associates at least. I have no idea if they were in the blast or not. Starlight is still at large... Sil--Our foal..." She hung her head. "I am a killer. I'm worse than Silver! I threw that magic wanting to destroy! I wanted them to all go away, forever..."

Celestia brought down her wing over Twilight, blanketing her in soft warmth. "Twilight Sparkle. You have done a very wrong thing, but I do not believe you are a bad pony."

Twilight jerked away from the wing, expression darkening as she barked, "You're just saying that! You're protecting me!" She hopped up to her hooves. "I'm not your student anymore! I'm a princess, same as you! I should have known better! It wasn't a mistake... It wasn't an accident..." She stomped a hoof on the ground. "I was evil... I threw aside harmony entirely... Nopony else can take the blame."

Celestia smiled thinly. "Twilight, sit down. I wish to tell you a story."

Twilight shrank back, wings flared out defensively. "This isn't the time for stories..."

Celestia gestured at the cushion. "It is. This one is important."

Twilight shivered in place before collapsing onto her cushion, looking at Celestia sullenly.

Celestia nodded once then arced her wings, creating a spell between them that created an image as she began to tell her story. "There was a time, long ago, where an alicorn ruled over her people. It was an unharmonious time, filled with strife and struggle." The image showed a smaller Celestia, her mane waving lightly, garbed in armor as any guard. "She did not have her sister, for she was banished not long before. Times were quite difficult, and ponies were hurt. Equestria was wild, and..."

Twilight clopped a hoof on the table. "Celestia! This is not a lawless time... We have peace. We have a nation. My outburst doesn't have your excuse. I wasn't doing battle with some great evil or even an opposing army! It was three unicorns, three! They hadn't even shown that much magical talent, basic battle magics all around."

Celestia lowered her wings. "Are you so convinced you need to be disciplined?"

Twilight looked down. "Disciplined? I... deserve to be punished... harshly. If anypony else did what I did, you'd have their horn! You should have seen Starlight's eyes. It was like I had risen from Tartarus itself. She was utterly terrified, and she had every right to be. I was a rampaging, wild unicorn with the power of a princess! Didn't you see the crater beside us after Silver ascended? That was me! Even if I didn't catch Starlight's friends, I brutally snuffed the life of an unborn foal. The punishment for that is very clear." She sank down, choking back a sob. "That... it was mine... makes it even worse."

Celestia tried to lift Twilight in her golden magic, but a burst of lavender dispelled her grip as Twilight glared at her. Twilight would not be casually handled as Silver might. Celestia nodded. "Very well. It is an honorable thing that you have turned yourself over to me, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Your trial will be held in three days' time. Can I trust you not to flee or otherwise attempt to evade justice?"

Twilight nodded stiffly. "I demand I be treated as any other criminal."

Celestia held up a hoof. "You are a princess. There are certain requirements you may not waive. Return to your castle. You are not to leave its grounds unless you are coming here for trial. You may bring witnesses to speak on your behalf, and I will do the same." She lowered her head and tapped her horn against Twilight's head. "May justice be done."

Twilight rose stiffly, moving to stride from the room with what grace she could muster. Celestia's wing fell across the door. "You are not a bad pony, Twilight."

Twilight gently brushed the wing aside, sniffling. "I did a bad thing, whether or not I am. I will not hide behind my crown, or your love." She vanished in a flash of light.

Fast looked up, watching Night and Silver flap around the sky. Silver's flight was... awkward as expected and more often than not resulted in a sudden impact with the ground. It seemed princesshood had agreed with her durability, and Silver was determined to get it right. She would bounce back to her hooves and take off again, resuming the lesson.

A rainbow streak suddenly joined the two as Rainbow Dash appeared. "Hey, what's all this? When did w--" she paused when she spotted the horn on one of the lunar pegasi. "Huh, what? Nopony told me Ponyville got a new princess!"

Night flew easily in front of Rainbow. "That's Silver Stars. She's learning to fly."

Rainbow made a bit of a face. "Really? Wow, uh..." She leaned in, "Did you have to blast her? That freaked me out when Twilight got her wings."

Night glanced away a moment. "I didn't do it, Twilight did."

Rainbow tilted her head. "Wait wait wait! You mean Twilight can blast anypony into a princess? Sign me up! I'll bring some real pizzazz to royalty." She struck a cocky pose. "No more boring balls when I'm in charge!"

Silver laughed on her way past, but it was only moments before she made another rough landing. She rebounded up and quickly lifted towards Night and Rainbow, trying her best to hover in place. Something about the magic of Equestria made hovering a lot easier than it should be. "Don't fall for the hype. Being a princess isn't your style."

Rainbow waved a hoof, "Yeah, guess you're right. If I was a princess they probably wouldn't let me race or compete in the Equestria Games! Twilight had to sit it out, that was lame. Your timing's off by the way." Rainbow joined Night in coaching Silver's movements, but wasn't shy about sharing her views. "So, lunar princess? That's new. Do you get awesome night powers or something?"

Night tilted her head. "That is actually a very good question. I'm not sure if anypony knows, but if anypony did, it would be Luna."

Fast nodded from below, shouting up at them. "We should go ask her eventually." Tiring of not being close enough, Fast burst free feathery wings and joined them. "Luna's probably psyched that she has a princess that follows more after her for a change. Twilight and Cadance are total Celestia fangirls."

Rainbow nodded at Fast quickly. "Exactly! Maybe Silver can dream walk or something? That would be cool. Not my specific style, but cool." Rainbow suddenly flew after Silver, catching her before she could kiss the earth again. "Keep your wings moving together. There's hardly ever a reason to flap them out of sync."

Night kept up with Rainbow and Silver. "I don't know why Twilight said you were a poor teacher. You're doing quite well, thank you for joining us."

"What?!" Rainbow crossed her forelegs. "That ungrateful little... I taught her how to get off the ground and this is the thanks I get?"

Fast shook her head. "Don't take it personally. Twilight was pretty frazzled this morning, you know, with Silver ascending and all?"

Rainbow waved a hoof. "Nah, not even gonna worry about it. Twilight's a crazy girl. She just doesn't like getting all sweaty, and you have to do that if you're going to learn to fly properly."

They turned their focus onto Silver, harassing her through the day. Though Silver gave a whine once in a while, she stubbornly stuck to it, and even thanked them for keeping on her case. Getting close to noon, Rainbow took off on other business, and the rest landed by the castle. Night looked between them. "I'm ready for some lunch. I'd suggest going down to Sugarcube for an energy snack, but that would mean trotting through town."

Silver shook herself out, looking thoughtful. "They're going to know. Some of them probably saw us flying around. One moment." She dashed inside and returned with her scant letter. "I want to send this on its way." They trotted towards Ponyville from the castle. Silver strode with a confident and spritely step, amped up from her workout. Seeing the lunar princess brought about a variety of responses. Some ponies bowed at her passing, others just stared, and some hid away from the strange sight.

They passed Carousel Boutique and Rarity spotted them through her window. She was out in record time. "Is that you, Silver Stars, darling? Whatever happened?! You're..."

Night extended a wing to gesture at Silver. "Behold, Princess Silver Stars, though she has not been formally coronated yet."

Rarity dipped down into a bow, but rose up as quickly. "A pleasure, your majesty? My my! It feels like just yesterday... You are an imposing sight! Look at you." Rarity circled around Silver. "There's no way my old dress fits you. I'm certain we can adjust it, and maybe make a new one." She reared up and clopped her hooves. "Oh yes, idea! Your stunning lunar theme could be put to such uses! Did you get Celestia's stipend yet?"

Silver tilted her head at Rarity. "Stipend? I get a stipend?"

Rarity waved a hoof. "Why of course! We can't have princesses in poverty. Maybe she's waiting for your coronation. No matter. I can start a tab and we'll settle it after that silly paperwork is out of the way. Where are you going now? It would take but a moment to measure you." She produced her measuring tape in her magic.

Fast sat himself. "No harm in that. Can you measure Night and me too? We can't look like slobs next to our royal lover."

Night adjusted her glasses nervously. "I do not appear to be a slob."

Rarity shook her head. "No! No, of course not, darling. You look adorably... quaint."

Night frowned, seeing through the politeness effortlessly. "What do you suggest, assuming we still need to be mobile? We are her guardians as much as anything else."

Rarity tapped at her chin. "I'm certain I can work with that in mind. Now let's begin." She advanced on Night and began measuring her from top to bottom. "You're lucky you came to the best fashionista in all of Ponyville."

Fast chuckled softly. "Are there others?"

Rarity snorted. "Not after they realize the competition they're in for." She moved to Fast next, but was stymied. "I don't understand. Every time I double check the measurement, it's changed."

Night struck Fast lightly with a wing. "Be good!"

Fast huffed. "I wasn't doing it just to mess with you, Rarity. My special talent is shapeshifting. What can you do with that?"

Rarity plopped onto her haunches. "A true challenge... Something elastic, clearly. We'll have to make sure it can adjust with you. Now, please, relax and let me get your basics." Fast didn't change again, and soon Rarity had her measurements. She turned on Silver last. "I saved the best for last, your majesty. Please spread those lovely wings of yours."

Author's Note:

Twilight has a serious conversation with Celestia while Silver gets fitted for a pretty dress. Glad somepony here has their priorities straight!

The red tape created by the trial is sure to result in new typos.

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