• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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118 - Taken

As they came in on Stand's flower, Silver couldn't shake the impression of being a bee, coming to inspect a flower and collect nectar. His giggle died as they pressed into the center and fell into her dream, but it was no standard one.

Stand In was roughly tied and thrown to the side, and Fast Change loomed over her. "You thought you could have the hive from me? I only left because it was boring. Now I'm back, and I'm taking them from you, all of them." Fast leaned in with a wide grin. "I'm a better changeling anyway. Why, if you ask really nice, I'll even let you be one of my mares."

Luna brought a hoof down with a wave of nightmare banishing energy, but little changed. Silver scowled and advanced on Fast. "Fast, stop this. You gave this up, and for good reason."

Fast looked up at Silver. "Ah, my main stallion." She sauntered towards him, hips swaying. "You keeping the engine revved? I'm feeling up for a nice ride or two."

Silver felt something was off, to say nothing of Luna's failure to banish it. This wasn't a dream, not exactly... "Fast, you're a good pony, and one of my beloved wives. Will you come home with me?"

Fast stopped and frowned. "Come... home?" She glanced to the side and back at Silver. "We have a home? Stop messing with me, Silver! That wasn't very fun at all."

While Silver engaged with Fast, Luna slipped in beside Stand In and had her free of her bonds with a few quick snaps of her teeth. "How did you come to be here?"

Stand In shook, shaking. "I don't know exactly. I thought I was going to bed, and I've been... This is all a dream, right? Please tell me it is."

Fast stepped towards Silver. "How did you get back anyway? Not that I'm sorry to see you." She poked Silver in the chest. "You aren't a changeling trying to butter me up, are you?"

Silver shook his head quickly. "No, of course not. Who else would remember the time you played a barbarian druid in our game of humanway that one time?"

Fast smiled gently. "Yeah... I remember that... Is it really you?" She grabbed Silver suddenly, burying her face in his neck. "I missed you so much!"

Luna took ahold of Stand. "I will try to take us out." And suddenly it was gone, that version of Fast banished, and all three standing on the flower that was Stand's nightmare realm. "We have succeeded."

Silver shuddered powerfully. "That was another possibility. I was gone, maybe dead? Definitely gone and it drove Fast down a dark path."

Stand tilted her head at Silver. "All that for you? No thank you! I don't want another moment to do with that place, and I didn't ask to go there." She looked around. "Where are we?"

Luna waved over the field of flowers. "This is the dream world, though where you were was no ordinary dream. Silver's theory is as good as any I have. Somepony is taking sleepers and pulling them from their dreams, to other 'would bes'."

Silver nodded slowly. "Why were we able to find her, if you couldn't find me?"

Luna tapped at her chin. "It could have been a matter of time. If we had not been seeking her out directly, she might have fallen deeper into that false world, as you had, Silver."

Silver scowled. "Is Celestia in one of these? We have to save her, even if she's involved!"

Stand In waved a little. "Hello, about me?"

"Ah, yes." Luna smiled at her. "Tell us what you have found today."

She snorted with a sour expression. "Besides that nightmare place? Did you do that to cow me? It won't work!"

Silver shook his head. "We had no idea that was going on. I'm glad we showed up at the right time to set you free."

"Right." Stand let out a slow breath. "I'll accept that. You don't strike me as the sort..." She looked to Luna. "It'd be easier to say who's not replaced than going into detail on who looks pure."

Luna's wings unfurled. "That many? What is your proof?"

She raised a brow. "Now you want proof?" She turned her head to Silver. "Why don't you give some. Was that the face of those who once fought at your side?"

Silver nodded slowly. "The ponies we ran into while trying to reach Celestia were behaving oddly. Was it odd enough to be certain they were replaced, rather than just behaving oddly?"

Luna grunted with an obvious agitation. "Unacceptable, and here I have been, blind to it all." She turned on Stand In. "What of me? I am clean, yes?"

She chuckled softly. "Wouldn't that be ironic? So far, every pony we've peeked in on has known all the others. Since you don't know them, that makes it very unlikely." She looked to Silver. "That goes for you too. Not a promise, but fairly strong initial evidence, unless, of course, you're lying. We'll figure it out, eventually. Now, I don't want to be falling into any nightmares like that again..."

Silver raised a hoof. "One or the both of us will be visiting every day. You'll be kept safe, promise."

"Good." She stretched out slowly. "Can I go to bed now?"

Luna waved at her, and she vanished. "This is most concerning."

Silver nodded slowly. "It is, but I'm glad you're fine, as I thought you were." He moved to press nose-to-nose with her, and silence came over them as they nuzzled a moment. "I'm starting to get ideas what might have happened. We need to rescue Celestia."

"Why so eager to rescue my sister, if she did begin this?"

Silver rolled a hoof, "Because I'd hope she'd do the same. Because she's a good pony. Because the ponies of the nation need her. Because I still want to like her, even if she's scared of me. Because..." He set a hoof down. "When I last saw her, for real I think, she was terribly sad. She's sorry, really sorry, for what she did. If I can support Starlight Glimmer getting another chance, how can I not for Celestia?"

Luna perked an ear. "Did you learn anything in that journey of yours? You seem... grown. I am proud to be your mare." She rose. "The nation does indeed wait for the real Celestia, my sister. Let's rescue her, even if she does continue to fear you, perhaps I as well." She extended a hoof towards Silver. "I have an idea. It has its risks, but with you at my side, I feel we can do this, together. We will bring my sister back."

Silver accepted her hoof, entwining his leg with hers and drawing her forward into a kiss that quickly deepened on both sides with shared passion. "If we weren't quite busy, I'd prove my love."

Luna laughed softly. "You mean physically? You knave. Keep that away for now. We will have time for such games, together, once all is put to rest and restored to what it should be." She tilted her head. "I wish to hear of this world you suffered through, even if it is gone now. We may both learn from it, and it should not simply be forgotten. For now, do you agree?"

"As if it needed to be asked." Silver sat up straight on his haunches. "I'm ready to do what needs to be done. If you have an idea to reach Celestia, let's enter her nightmare, whatever it is, and free her from it."

Luna nodded. "It did need asking." She rose and Silver rose with her, both turning out over the field of flowers. "It is time we began acting as equals, and equals do not assume their partner's desires, save for surprise gifts, and this is certainly no gift."

Silver moved to stand beside her instead of in front of her. "Right you are, but wrong. This is a gift, from us, to Equestria. Let's return their princess."

"Let's" She spread her wings, and Silver followed, both taking off into the darkness that hovered over the flowers. "This way."

Author's Note:

On one hand, I like where we're going, on the other, I'm in a bit of pain RL and it's making typing significantly difficult due to distraction, boo! It's slowing me down from 4-6k down to 2-3 and change K and it's bothering me a lot. Boo again!

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