• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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27 - Welcome to Ponyville

The train pulled to a smooth halt, and they all spilled out onto the station. Rarity raised a brow, "Did you have any baggage?"

Night shook her head, "We have our things in our saddlebags."

Rainbow shrugged, "We didn't have much either, but we were out on a trip, not moving to a whole new town. Good luck with Twilight!" She suddenly sped off in a trail of rainbow hues. Her departure seemed to be a cue for most of the others to depart, leaving Pinkie Pie and Twilight of the Mane Six.

Pinkie smiled brightly, "You get a welcome party, and a foal shower! I'm almost jealous, but I get to throw them both, so that makes us even." She tapped at her chin, "Any of you allergic to anything? Favorite music? Party games?"

Silver reached out and gently poked Pinkie on the nose, "Seeing you is gift enough."

Pinkie blinked in confusion, "Huh?"

Twilight sighed, "Silver is one of those 'bronies'. She knows all about us. I'm guessing she means she's happy to meet you."

Pinkie bobbed her head, "Well I'm happy to meet you too! So let's get this party right."

Silver wobbled a hoof, "I'm easy to please. Just don't play the music too loud and I'll be fine."

Pinkie looked to Night expectantly. Night raised a brow, "No foal's games, and I second Silver's request to keep the music moderate."

Pinkie nodded once more, "Got it! You get settled in with Twilight while I get these parties planned!" She about-faced and bounded off in springy motions that seemed far too elastic for equine frames.

Silver raised a brow, "It looks stranger in person." Silver's gaze wandered over Ponyville itself, trying to spot familiar buildings. She could see Sugarcube Corner as they approached Twilight's tower. She could also see the fruit stands, and it seemed Big Mac, Carrot Top, and that stallion that looked like a taxi driver were offering up their fruits and veggies.

Silver paused when she saw Bon Bon seated in front of a shop. The candies on the dangling sign implied it belong to her. She looked... down. Her eyes were downcast and she was just sitting there, doing nothing. Silver detached from the group, letting Night and Fast continue with Twilight as Silver approached Bon Bon, "Hey."

Bon Bon jerked upright, looking at the lunar unicorn approaching her. Her eyes went wide, "Oh my! Did I do something wrong?"

Silver shook her head, "Not that I know of. I'm not with Luna. It's me, David, though I go by the name Silver Stars of late."

Bon Bon tilted her head one way, then the other, "You don't look or sound like David..." She sank to the ground, "It's not nice to play jokes. I'm sad enough as it is."

Silver considered a moment before asking, "Is it about Lyra?"

Bon Bon flinched at the name. "No!" she blurted with far too much denial, looking away.

Silver stepped closer, "She's OK, last I saw her... she's becoming a good teacher, and she thinks about you a lot."

Bon Bon glanced at Silver, then away, "You're just saying that... Big dum dum got dragged away and probably forgot all about little Sweetie Drops..."

Silver sagged a little, saddened by Bon Bon's state. "I'm telling the truth. She taught me magic, and I'm not an easy student. Did you ever tell anypony about how we almost became a herd?"

Bon Bon looked to Silver sharply, "No... David? What happened to you?"

Silver sat on her haunches, "Long story, but you remember I was made into a foal, but I learned magic, and got mixed up with Luna, and now I'm a lunar unicorn, and then later, a mare, and after that, pregnant."

Bon Bon blinked owlishly, peering at Silver, "You are a blessed or cursed pony, maybe both... Congratulations, I suppose. Who's the father?"

Silver shook her head, "I'll let them announce it, or not. Now stop being so sad! Lyra will come back with a hundred stupid stories and she still loves you so much."

Bon Bon smiled gently, "Do you really think so?" Silver nodded quickly. "Alright," said Bon Bon, "I'll try to buck up. Say, want to try a chocolate?" Bon Bon rose to her hooves and led Silver inside. It smelled divine with a mix of all sorts of candies and treats. Silver opened her mouth to comment when Bon Bon stuffed something into that mouth. Silver chewed softly, almost melting with pleasure. She couldn't remember a better candy before. The chocolate melted across her tongue just right, and the herbs flavoring it danced in an ecstatic explosion of delight.

"I think I might have just died," said Silver in a dreamy tone. "Is this what heaven's like?"

Bon Bon giggled at Silver's reaction, looking better for it. "I heard Pinkie rushing past. Is she planning a party for you?"

"Two," replied Silver. "Greetings and Foal Shower."

Bon Bon gave a genuine smile, "I'll be sure to bring some treats with me." She suddenly darted forward and kissed Silver on the cheek, "Sorry it didn't work out, but you're a fine pony."

Silver departed Bon Bon's shop, happy and blushing. She almost ran into Fast Change.

Fast Change grinned at Silver, "Old flame?"

Silver jumped back in surprise, "Maybe! I thought you were with Twilight."

Fast threw a leg over Silver's withers and started to guide her towards Twilight's tower, "And leave you behind? Never! My mare will never escape my watchful gaze."

They soon arrived. Silver blinked at the great map that occupied the main room, not remembering that being there. Fast guided Silver right past it though, into a library where Twilight and Night were conversing.

Twilight saw Silver coming in, "We were just talking about you. You three can stay on the second floor. You're welcome to read any book you like, provided you handle them with care." She pointed at Silver, "I expect to begin my first experiment tomorrow morning."

Silver perked her ears, "As long as you never forget that I am a pony, and that I love you. Treat me kindly and I'll be good for your tests."

Twilight flushed softly, "I... am not used to test subjects with such strong feelings."

Silver objected, "What about Spike?"

Twilight shook her head, "That's different! He's used to... how I act, and doesn't usually argue it, or how I treat him."

Silver laid down on her belly, "I'm not asking for much, I don't think? Just tell me what you're doing before you do it, and give me the option to not do it. I probably won't take the option often, but giving it is a sign of trust, and that is something we both need from the other."

Night nodded her head, "It's only reasonable. Twilight, you were saying, about the map?"

Twilight clopped her hooves, "Right! We may get called away at any time, me and the girls. If we are, you three will be the official guardians of the tower. Nothing fancy, just keep the place clean, collect my mail, water the plants, the little things."

Fast perked an ear, "I think we can handle that. Is that what you were all up to when we ran into you on the train?"

"Exactly," agreed Twilight. "I'm not about to drag two pregnant mares or their wife along, besides, you're not Element bearers."

Silver felt bold and rolled over so that her belly faced Twilight, "Are you excited? I mean... it's your foal as much as mine."

Twilight froze in spot, staring at Silver like a deer caught in the lights.

Night snorted as Fast burst into laughter. Night softly bopped Silver on the snout, "Stop breaking her!"

Silver fidgeted a moment, searching her feelings, "I know we aren't married, but I wouldn't... mind if the father was a little closer."

Twilight shook herself free of the stupor, looking at the three mares that had become part of her house. She timidly approached Silver and reached out, rubbing across the ribs with a hoof once before she suddenly fled. "I have to check something!" she exclaimed before she was gone, dashing up the steps.

Fast smiled gently, "I think that went quite well, considering."

Steps came down the steps, but they were clearly not hooves. A familiar human stepped into view. Jake was whistling to himself idly, not noticing the new ponies at first as he wandered past towards the kitchen. His whistling caught as he stopped and looked into the library. "Hey chicas! Huh woah, a... what are you?"

Silver saw his eyes on her solidly and rolled to her belly, "Lunar unicorn. Nice to see you again, Jake."

Jake frowned, "Huh? What? No way! Silver? Why are you a girl? I thought Celestia was going to do that for me." He shrugged, talking on without waiting for answer, "Suits me just fine. Being a human's working out for me, so why a mare? Why the whole 'lunar' thing? What's going on man?"

Fast looked him up and down, "Is this the infamous 'Jake' then? He doesn't look awful."

Jake burst into laughter, "Ouch, what have you been telling her about me?"

Silver inserted her face into a hoof a moment, "Quick story, I'm a mare, I'm tied to Luna, and I have a foal cooking in here."

Jake approached and reached. Silver shrunk away a little, but far too little to avoid Jake petting Silver across the ears and skull. Nails worked at sensitive ears and along her neck, and Silver began to relax. Silver sighed out, "You are still a bit grabby."

Jake chuckled softly, "I'll stop the moment you want me to."

Silver decided this was fine, and didn't stop him. Fast moved up, presenting her own head. She began to make soft happy noises when a hand went to work at her. Fast glanced at Silver, "This really is nice. Why'd you give up your hands?"

Night rolled her eyes, "You're both acting like overgrown pets." She rose to her hooves, "I'm going to make something in the kitchen, hungry?" All three nodded, including Jake. Night huffed and was gone to the kitchen.

Jake casually rolled Silver over as she squeaked. A hand rubbed slowly over Silver's lower belly, "Just you, or all three of you? Are you, like, married?"

Silver's hind legs kicked out in soft twitches as her belly was rubbed. It was both ticklish and delightful. "Mmf, yes. All three of us. Like a herd."

Fast moved alongside Silver and flopped over, presenting her own belly.

Silver bumped sidelong against Fast, "Hedonist."

"Never claimed otherwise," was Fast's easy reply, sighing out as she soaked up Jake's belly rubs.

Jake stopped petting after a moment, "Gonna see if your friend needs any help." And off he went to the kitchen.

Fast perked an ear, "He seems pretty nice. I think Equestria's been good for and to him."

Author's Note:

I know you all missed Jake! And Bon Bon!

No one misses the typos though. Find and eliminate!

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