• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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72 - A Chaotic Turn

Silver departed the town hall with a slip of paper in her magic grip. She parted ways with Applejack and headed for home with a smile. "Night's going to be so excited." She said it to herself, trotting along. She remembered she planned to run and began to accelerate into a full gallop, allowing her magic to run freely through her. While she ran, she thought on her magic use and wondered a moment. How many unicorns outside those who qualified for the university she attended actually fully appreciate the flow of their power, or earth ponies, or pegasi? Maybe even those other ponies who passed were using some other method and were not conscious of the flow of energy through them.

Silver filed the thought away for later asking as she fueled her lungs and legs, gaining speed bit by bit until everything went racing by in a blur of colors.

"What's the rush?"

Silver looked to the side and saw Discord skating alongside her with no apparent effort. "You really should watch where you're going."

A smart retort came to her just before she ran straight into Twilight's castle. She slid to the ground, dizzy and in pain, and yet... Not as much pain as she figured such an impact should have delivered. Silver shook her head out. "Hi Discord."

Discord smiled with glee at the fallen alicorn. "Oh my, you're still polite after all this time. I must say that is a surprise."

Silver rose to her hooves and shook herself out. "Why wouldn't I be? You're still the crazy rascal you always were."

Discord pointed at Silver. "But you aren't. You've fallen for almost every trope in the book! I mean really, I thought better of you." He shook his head with a soft tsk tsk tsk.

Silver tilted her head a bit. "What do you mean?" She settled on her haunches. "It's nice to see you again. It's been... a long time since we played cards."

Discord smiled gently. "Ah yes. Well, it is good to see you haven't changed too much, but so much of you." He reached out and ran a finger over one of Silver's wings, making her shiver. "I really don't think you're much 'princess' material, your highness."

Silver ruffled out her wings. "I blundered into it. I'm trying to own up to it now."

Discord nodded lightly. "Oh, I've seen. Now you're setting up to have a herd with nearly all the snooty royal ponies, minus pretty-pink and her surfer stallion."

Silver frowned a bit at that. "That is really not how I want it."

Discord was suddenly on her back, laying across her with great ease. "Oh come now. You can lie to yourself, but not me. As if you aren't excited at the idea of having sunbutt and moonbutt officially as smoochy-smoochy lovers?"

Silver craned her neck to keep the chaos spirit in sight. "Not at the cost of those who suffered so much to help me get to this point."

Discord easily snatched the paper that was held in Silver's magic. "Hm, looks like work to me."

"Work she wants to do." Silver gently pulled the note back. "She wants to be useful, and to use her talents. Nothing wrong with that, right?"

Discord shrugged softly. "I suppose not. So how's the whole 'female' thing working out? Missing the old dangly bits?" He popped out of existence and was seated in front of Silver on a comfy-looking chair.

Silver tilted her head. "I can get them back when I want them. I've gotten pretty used to myself, which is nice. It... may come off as odd, but I understand you better. I've been there, stared at for being alarming looking."

Discord scoffed and flicked one of Silver's eartufts. "Bat pony's an interesting look."

Silver rolled her eyes. "Don't call them that, it really irks them."

Discord raised his brows. "Them? Not you? Well... What should I call them then?"

"Lunar ponies. And I'm still a human by birth, it's hard to be as reactive about racial slurs on my new race. So... Do you think I'm making a mistake?"

Discord put a hand to his chest. "You're asking moi for advice? You are a crazy one." He smiled and leaned in. "That's why I like you. If you accept Celestia, it will only be a matter of time before Luna wants in too. She had you first, and she's not going to let her sister end up with you in the end. If you have them both, and Twilight, somepony's going to get the idea that all the princesses should be considered some new kind of herd and then, bang, you get pretty-pink too."

Silver flushed deep at the idea of it. "I never wanted to bother Cadance. She's quite happy with Shining Armor."

Discord shrugged. "Just calling it as I see it. Do you think I'm wrong?"

Silver shook her head. "No, that sounds mostly right. But that wasn't the question. Do you think I'm making a mistake?"

Discord looked at Silver a moment. "That depends what you plan to accomplish, if you have a plan. Plans are overrated I find. If you want to be part of the greatest herd the world's ever seen? You're on the right track. If you ever want to live a quiet life? You should start running now and don't stop until you stop seeing ponies. Frankly, I think you gave up on the quiet option."

Silver gave a stiff nod. "I think so too... but what about my non-alicorn wives? I want them to be happy. I think Fast will be delighted. I can't see him or her being upset with the idea of being not only allowed, but mandated to climb into a bed with Celestia or Luna."

Discord snorted. "Too tawdry for me, thanks. But you're asking about that bat pony, oh sorry, 'lunar pony'." He made quotes in the air as he said it. "I don't know her as well as you do, so you're on your own with that. All I can say is don't try to get the sisters in bed at the same time." He chuckled darkly. "There is no happy end there." He waved dismissively at Silver. "Off with you now. You have a wife to excite with that little scrap of yours."

Silver nodded at Discord and moved to skirt around him. "I'm going to do just that, but don't be a stranger. You obviously know where I live, so come say hi sometime. Thanks for the talk."

Discord watched Silver go before vanishing off to whatever other business he had.

Silver entered the castle past the guards and found Night reading a book. She had a hoof over her belly, rubbing the dome softly while looking uncomfortable. Silver frowned a little and moved up to her. "Night, love. I have something for you."

Night quickly rolled to her hooves, as if embarrassed to be caught. "Oh! I hadn't heard you come in. What is that?" She pointed at the floating paper, spotting it immediately.

Silver brought it into her easy reach. "You, my darling and talented wife, have been offered the position of manager for the construction of a road, and not just any road. This road cuts clean through the Everfree. It will require someone with a keen eye for detail and extensive experience in security to keep the crew safe and on schedule."

Night's eyes scanned back and forth over the paper. "Is this real?" She looked up at Silver's hopeful face. "It is." She flopped onto her haunches. "This is going to take a lot of planning..."

Silver tilted her head. "Is that bad?"

Night shook her head slowly. "No... it's wonderful. Thank you." She rose up and approached Silver, kissing her on both cheeks. "I'm going to put my all into this. They'll have that road built a month ahead of schedule."

Silver smiled with renewed joy. "I bet you will, just... be careful. My wife being in the Everfree is enough to make me nervous. I trust you, however, so just use that keen wit I love so much in you."

Night wrapped Silver in her wings, squeezing her a moment. "I'll be fine, and thank you for the trust." She raised a brow with a sudden thought. "I wonder what poison joke would do to you."

Silver coughed into a laugh. "Oh lord. There's no way that'd turn out well. If you plan to prank me with some, please have the antidote already close at hand, alright?"

"Hoof." Night rolled her eyes. "But I'll bear in mind that you're alright with that as a prank."

Silver leaned in and rubbed noses with Night gently. "I know it feels hard to believe it, but you will always be my most beloved."

Night jerked back, ears going up. "More than Fast, or Twilight?"

Silver wrinkled her nose. "Fast is fun... but you think more like me. Twilight is crazy. I like that crazy... but you're better." She softly rubbed noses again. "You are the first wife, no matter what herd we may end up in. You will always be my first wife. Say the word, and I will run away with you, and leave this all behind."

Night raised a hoof and set it on Silver's nose, pushing her back. "That was extremely romantic, but no. You are not leaving Fast nor Twilight behind. No more running. I heard you make that promise. I'm holding you to it."

Silver smiled around the hoof. "Then I will stand at your side, beloved. I just want you to know how much I adore you."

Night smiled gently. "I'm going to plan for this. You know where to find me if I'm not here..."

Silver nuzzled against her side, moving around the hoof. "I will visit you at least once a day to see how you're doing, but I expect you'll eagerly share the story with us? I want to hear it all."

Night nibbled at one of Silver's ears a quiet moment before she nodded. "Thank you. I already feel better..."

Author's Note:

Discord and Silver chat, then Silver runs into Night. A very 'soft' chapter with interactions and a lack of drama or action.

Are the typos more mellow when the chapters are mellow?

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