• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 6,011 Views, 2,919 Comments

The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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79 - Twilight Always Comes Out on Top

Twilight nuzzled Silver gently a moment before circling the room almost aimlessly. "So, I heard you got a new guard?"

Silver watched her intently. "I did. Rough Tumble, an old friend of mine, from before I was a lunar pony, before I even had my cutie mark."

Twilight tilted her head, pausing in front of some papers that she straightened obsessively. "Spike's said he's been trying to be helpful around the castle." Her eyes wandered a moment before settling back on Silver. "I heard... you spent time with Fast Change?"



"You're stalling..."

Twilight shrank a little. "Maybe... I did it the first time out of scientific curiosity. I..." She shuffled in place a little, then approached Silver, kissing her cheek. "I love you." Silver warmed at the words. "But..." Silver tensed. "It's more of a familial love. I don't... get excited when I see you. Not like that."

Silver considered the words carefully. "You haven't given much chance for those thoughts to come out. We're both busy ponies." She leaned in and rubbed her nose over Twilight's cheek and neck, where she began nibbling gently. "You don't let yourself get excited for many ponies. Go on, do it. For tonight, let me be in charge."

Twilight's wings went stiff and wide as she nodded. Soon she was more than she, and Silver softly held her. True to her word, Silver carefully worked Twilight, teasing and plying her with physical delight. It was quite some time before they even made it to the bed, but by the time they had, Twilight was breathing heavily and was putty beneath Silver's hooves. Fast's advice was paying off, so far as Silver could see, and she eagerly brought Twilight higher and higher.

"Twilight. I'm going to mount you now."

Twilight breathed in deep gulps of air. She said nothing, just bobbing her head before letting it hang, lost in the teasing Silver had subjected her to. Silver climbed up on her and soon the two were one, and both learned a deeper appreciation for one another in their gender roles. Silver was relentless in her work, bringing Twilight to the mountain only to push her off the cliffside repeatedly. As they approached the fourth time, Twilight suddenly rolled over, pinning Silver to the bed and taking charge. Silver squealed and thrashed, but the noises were of delight, not panic.

As Twilight reached the top, instead of falling free, she took flight. Silver felt a burning harsh tingle explode through her and went limp as it become a new, alien pleasure building inside of her form. Twilight was making the oddest noise as she grinded against Silver. Between them, Silver's heart crystal throbbed with Twilight's color, seeming to harmonize with the powerful exchange between them.

Consciousness fled them both, and Twilight fell into Silver's loving embrace.

Twilight awoke first to find herself flopped to the side of Silver. She stretched out before noticing she still had something extra and willed it away. It was a new day. She nudged Silver gently. "Wake up. We have to get washed and get to work. There's plenty to do." She pulled off the sheets in her teeth, whipping them away to reveal a bloated Silver. She crashed to her haunches. "What?"

Silver awoke to feeling cold and reached out blindly for the blanket. When she failed to find it, she cracked her eyes open. "Oh, hello Twilight."

Twilight pointed at Silver. "Y-you're huge!"

Silver followed the hoof to her gravid belly and jumped to her hooves on the bed, a dangerous move when so large. She flopped right back over, almost slipping from the bed. "What happened?"

Twilight shook her head quickly. "I don't know. Are you OK?"

Silver closed her eyes and searched her body for problems. "I don't... feel wrong, just..." She put a hoof to her belly. "Big... Wait. You felt that, last night?"

Twilight turned red quickly. "I felt a lot of things."

Silver wobbled a hoof. "The last thing!"

Twilight defaulted to her comfort zone. "At optimal stimulation, I felt a rhythmic contraction resulting in a release of seminal fluids and a sharp release of magic."

Silver bobbed her head. "That last bit." She licked her lips then nodded once more. "I... have an idea. Sit with me." She rolled up to her haunches, and soon Twilight was seated beside her. Silver wrapped a wing around Twilight and held her close. She focused on Twilight's magic, then her own, trying to get a clear picture of the two, side-by-side, and within her. "This is your chance, come on. We want to see you."

"Who are you talking to?"

Silver softly nudged against Twilight. "Maybe nopony, shh." Silence came back to the room a moment before Silver could find that vague presence within her. She called to it, mentally making funny faces at it and smiling, trying to coax it as one might any child. Silver felt a powerful suction, not unlike when her cutie mark was removed. Twilight stiffened, feeling much the same thing. Magic poured from the two as Silver's rounded belly started to flatten back out. All the magic available swirled together in a bright burst of rainbow light, revealing a tiny foal with little exposed fangs. He had brown fur with lavender mane and tail. He squeaked softly and reached up at Twilight and Silver.

Silver trembled with emotion. "My foal..."

Twilight reached forward, picking up the little colt. "Our... colt? Isn't.. it too early? He looks fine."

Silver smiled broadly. "He's perfect. Hello there little guy." She leaned forward and nuzzled the foal, as bright colors filled her view. In a flash of rainbows the foal was gone. "Wha?"

Twilight tapped her chin softly. "I think it was too early... We should... maybe try that later?"

Silver shrank in place, simultaneously pleased and disappointed. "Yeah... But, it's proof! He really did make it." She squeezed Twilight tightly. "Our foal survived!"

Twilight wrapped her wings around Silver, letting out a slow sigh. "He did, and he was adorable. Now if we can get him for longer than a minute?"

Silver snorted. "That would be good. Is he back inside of me?"

Twilight tilted her head. "I assume so? I don't know how to check that."

Silver rose to her full height, looking confident. "He's fine. Let's get to business."

Twilight followed after Silver as they descended the stairs. "You seem... different. In a good way?"

Silver perked an ear back at Twilight. "I feel like I've gotten a ghost to go away, several. Our foal is safe, the Text isn't bothering me, but there's something we need to take care of."

"What's that?"

"Minso. She's out there, possibly in danger. She deserves to be rescued."

Twilight tilted her head. "That was the human you ran into, yes? You're not... attracted to her, are you?"

"No!" Silver stopped and turned to face Twilight. "She's a fine person and doesn't deserve to be abandoned. I... actually have an idea for her that wouldn't even put her next to either of us, but first we rescue, then we place her. I brought her here, it's my responsibility."

Twilight set a hoof on Silver's shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound accusing. Rescuing somepony is always a good cause. Any idea where she might be?"

Silver pointed at Twilight. "You do. You have the human detecting spell. We'll cast it together for maximum range and find her."

Twilight smiled brightly. "Excellent thinking. You go to the map room while I fetch the spell." She turned around and vanished upstairs, leaving Silver to trot to the ground floor and wander into the map room. Tumble was in there, looking at the map with undisguised curiosity.

He looked up when Silver came in and rushed for her. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"

Silver nodded softly. "Very well. What are you up to?"

He shrugged a little. "Nothing special. Fast Change isn't up yet."

"Going to practice?"

A quick nod was given. "Then I'm going with him out to the road. He said Night Watch'll be there too."

Silver sat lightly. "She should be. How's your business?"

He huffed softly. "The drivers are doing what they always do, but I don't have time to drive my own truck."

Silver leaned closer. "Does that upset you? I know it's your talent."

Tumble glanced around. "Being here is... It's worth it."

Silver nodded. "Then why don't you make the business more of a... what was it... franchise? Or get a manager. Let somepony else sweat over it, collect the profits for now."

Tumble nodded slowly. "Yeah... that might be a good idea. Thanks, and, uh, thanks, for all this. For giving me a real chance."

Silver leaned in and rubbed noses gently. "You gave yourself a chance. Don't let anyone else be the gatekeeper of your destiny."

Twilight returned with a scroll held in her magic. "Ready when you are. We'll have a big breakfast afterwards." She licked over her lips. "I'm sure we'll be famished."

Tumble perked his ears. "I'll cook something up." And off he went, hurrying towards the kitchen.

Twilight chuckled gently. "He's so eager to please you. It's kind of adorable." She unfurled the scroll and floated it in front of Silver where she could read it easily. "Let me know when you're ready."

Silver frowned at the horn symbols, playing them out over her own horn slowly. "Not too complex. The hard part will be doing it together. Team spells are always more tricky."

Twilight nodded. "We'll manage." She moved beside Silver and sat down. She leaned over and tapped their horns together. "I'm going to get us on the same frequency." She began to pulse magic through her horn, which shot right down into Silver in electric tingles. It started slow but increased in tempo until it hit a brisk pace fast enough to cast a spell through. "With me?"

Silver nodded faintly, not breaking the contact. "I have the beat. Let's try it." Their horns shone with the magic of the spell, forming the letters quickly and smoothly between them. Power was drawn greedily from the deep wells of the alicorns, and questing energy fired brilliantly across Equestria, feeling for humans. She could feel Jake, and some other male in Manehattan, and others lurking here and there, but felt no familiarity to them. The fact that she could feel Manehattan was amazing.

"Focus on the human you want to find." Twilight nudged against Silver gently.

Silver pulled the mental image of Minso into her mind and held it firmly. One of the presences became a little distinctive. It was deep in the forests west of Baltimare. "Got her!"

Twilight wrapped a wing around Silver. "Hold on!" With a bright flash of lavender magic, they were sped away. Hopefully Twilight's rash decision to teleport wouldn't put them in immediate peril.

Author's Note:

Things happen! Minso, we're coming for you!

I hope the typos didn't get her.

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