• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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93 - To Destiny

The convention went by without any additional sudden attacks or bouts of drama. The final day was a pleasant experience of relaxation and socialization. Silver met new ponies as she wandered the convention, and most of them had nice things to say. When everything was wrapped up, everyone gathered their things, new and old, and headed for the station to get a ride home, but Twilight had other ideas. "Silver, will you lend me some of your magic?"

Silver perked her ears. "Of course, what do you have in mind?"

Twilight grinned. "I think I can manage a group transport with the two of us combined. Everyone gather around." Everyone? Silver found the word odd coming of Twilight's mouth, but recalled it wasn't her first time using it. Everyone gathered close to Twilight and Silver. With touching horns, Twilight tapped into Silver's pool of magic and added it to her own as she wove the powerful magic. They vanished in a bright flash of silvery pink light, and suddenly appeared in front of the castle, a little crispy around the edges but otherwise unharmed.

Spike shook the thaumic soot off of himself and checked his goodies. Once he was sure everything had made it fine, he dashed off with a giggle to stash his prizes away. Silver looked around just in time to be flattened under a very round Night Watch. "You're back."

Silver rolled over under Night and nuzzled her fullness. "Hello, mother of my foal, guardian of the nest, and holder of my heart."

Night went red and her wings fluttered. "Was she practicing her lines while she was away?"

Twilight snorted softly. "I think she just missed you. Which reminds me, news!" She waved and Night stepped off Silver to follow after Twilight a small distance away and they began to whisper to one another.

Night's eyes widened. "No!"

"Yes." Twilight nodded firmly. "If she decides to."

Night looked back at Silver, then Twilight. "What's she waiting for?"

Silver blinked. "You're in support, I gather?"

Night moved up to Silver and nudged her. "Fast made me appreciate the mare physique, but I'm still mostly a straight mare. I like stallions, and I liked you as one. You were my stallion. This is your foal, which you made, as a stallion."

Twilight thrust a hoof between them. "But! This is Silver's choice."

Night stopped, then nodded. "Yes, yes it is. I will love you either way. Make a decision you won't regret."

Silver took a soft breath. "Twilight."


Silver pointed at Twilight. "Are you willing to take the foal?"

Twilight blinked in befuddlement. "What?"

Silver spread her wings. "The foal, our foal. I'm not sure a stallion could support her, even as a... magical construct or whatever he is right now. You are female, fertile, and we are mates. Can I put a foal in you?"

Twilight snorted into a laughter. "That sounded so wrong... I... well... it is my foal too."


"He is my foal." Twilight nodded slowly. "I would be a real jerk to say no to my own foal, but how do you plan to get him to me?"

Silver tapped her chin softly. "The old fashioned way?"

Twilight flushed. "Silver, we're trying to move an existing foal, not make a new one."

"So?" Silver rose to her hooves. "Do your magic, make me a stallion. I'll focus the child where it counts, then we'll, you know, couple, and I'll fill you with the foal, and you can carry him to a much more natural term. No more immaterial foals."

Twilight poked her own belly. "I'll skip right to being..."

Night got a smug look. "Welcome to the club. I'll show you a few tricks."

"Will you do it?" Silver looked at Twilight intensely.

Twilight sagged a little. "If it means restoring you and our foal's safety, yes. You can put a foal in me, as you said."

Pinkie exploded out of a nearby bush. "Foal party!"

Night shook her head at Pinkie. "You already threw this one a party?"

"I did?"

Silver smiled gently. "We're moving a foal, not making a new one."

"Okie Dokie Lokie." Pinkie saluted and dived back into the bush, vanishing.

Twilight shook her head a little. "I wonder if I'm ever really alone with her as a friend."

Silver leaned in and kissed Twilight's cheek. "Enough about her. How do we do this?"

Twilight looked Silver over. "Are you certain? I'm pretty sure this is a one-way road. The energy required to go male to female on an alicorn would be more than all the alicorns currently in existence."

Silver considered a moment, rubbing over her belly. "I'll only regret not giving birth, but that was already taken away from me when I ascended and the child lost its body. Other than that, I'm ready to return to masculinity, I think. I don't begrudge my time as a mare. It was... I want to say educational but that's so dry. It touched me, changed me. I think I'm better for the experience."

Twilight waved inside. "Then let's get to work. I expect Cadance will arrive in a few hours."

Silver and Night followed Twilight. Fast was inside, chatting with Spike. He looked up towards the others when they arrived. "Hey! Looking good, Twilight, Silver. How was the trip?"

Silver gave a quick rundown of the event, excitement included. Fast bobbed his head. "You showed those jerks what's what. I'm very proud of you." Fast smooched Silver, pressing her to the ground and hugging her. Silver surrendered to the affection, enjoying the sincere adoration that Fast provided until he drew back.

Silver sat up, wings fluttering. "More big news. I'm ready to become a stallion again."

Fast tilted his head. "You can do that?" Fast suddenly became female. "Awesome!"

Silver blinked softly. "Was... everyone around me waiting patiently for this?"



"A little."

Spike waved a claw at the mess. "I don't get it. If you need me, I'll be in my room." And off he went with his bag of swag.

Silver looked around. "Well... since everyone's alright, there really isn't a reason to delay."

And a reason to delay appeared as Tumble wandered through the front door. "Anyone see... oh." He was looking at Fast. "I forgot you could do that."

Fast shook herself out. "I was originally a mare, actually, but I can do either, both, or neither. Does it bother you?"

Tumble squirmed a little. "A little?"

Fast snorted softly then pointed at Silver. "She's going back to a stallion, so I can be a mare again. I want to be plowed by that pony prod specifically."

Tumble went dark red, but looked at Silver as if trying to imagine her as a stallion instead of a fertile-looking mare. It wasn't easy for him. "But..."

Silver swallowed heavily, the last wall she had left in her sexual maze being threatened. She wanted to run away and hide, or to lash out and protect this last scrap from harm. As absurd as it might have been, she still felt laying with Tumble as a stallion was gay, and gay was bad. Ignore the fact that she'd been ridden as a mare, and rubbed mare parts together, or touched a stallion as a mare; those were as a mare. A mare can do those things. A stallion... Silver shrank back a little, visibly struggling with the notion. Fast bumped up against Silver's side, whispering in an ear. "None of us will think less of you. Do you love him?"

Did she love him? She looked at Tumble, who looked back at her with that confused expression. She... didn't... really love him. She thought he deserved to be loved. That was different. Could she love him? She frowned with thought and sagged to the ground with a flop. "I want Tumble as a friend, and as a guard. If we develop feelings, that will come later. I can't, and won't, promise love when I don't feel that right now."

Tumble gave a stiff little nod, then turned for the door. "I think I should get moving on."

Fast frowned. "What, like that?"

Tumble growled softly. "Yes, like that. It's... time I found my own stallion." He marched up to Fast and kissed either of her cheeks. "Thank you. You helped me a lot."

Fast smiled brightly. "You deserve it. You're adorable, nice, and not built bad either. Go get your stallion."

Tumble bobbed his head. "Exactly. I spent all this time waiting to be rescued... No more. I'm going to do it myself." He spun in place and marched out the door without looking back.

Silver wasn't sure how to feel. She rose up to her hooves and looked to the others. "Did I just fuck that up?"

Twilight frowned. "Language."

Fast shook her head. "He is growing, just like you. He'll find someone who has room for him and him alone, and he'll be happier for it. He needs a nice firm monogamous bond with another stud, not this mad house."

Night rolled her eyes. "Our mad house."

The guards out front shouted out. "Announcing the arrival of Princess Cadance, Celestia, and Luna."

Twilight blinked. "I only invited Cadance."

Invited or not, all three walked in with soft smiles. Cadance and Twilight met and did their little dance as Silver looked to the royal sisters. "Celestia, Luna, hello." Luna was beaming with obvious excitement. Celestia looked more reserved. Silver perked an ear at Celestia. "This is not an act of defiance, Celestia. I have learned a lot from my time as a mare."

Celestia leaned forward, ears alert. "Oh? So it was a good thing?"

Silver snorted. "The act was good, the means was not. You should have asked. I would have said yes. You look at me and see a horrible and potentially dangerous alien, but I look at you and see a mother that has lost her soft touch. I want to be a part of your kingdom, not harm it, or any single pony in it. I want to love you, and be loved."

Cadance turned towards them. "I do hope we are here to do some magic, not bicker."

Celestia nodded. "I will hold my peace, and lend my magic. You must understand, if the circle of princesses is akin to a herd, you are now volunteering to be its stallion. You will be quite prized, but also quite controlled and protected. You will be expected to give us foals as we demand it, as will be your duty."

Luna snorted softly. "I have seen his dreams. The idea of being requested to stand and deliver is no nightmare of his."

Silver glanced around and back at Celestia. "You... don't want Twilight now?"

Celestia colored softly. "I... we'll decide that when the time comes."

Cadance leaned in, whispering to Silver. "The prospect of a true alicorn stud is a dizzying one for her. Don't tease her about it." She coughed into a hoof. "Which reminds me. How dare you make this circle and not invite me!"

Twilight's expression fell. "I didn't... I thought... You're already married!"

Cadance pointed at Silver. "So is she. And?"

Celestia nodded at Cadance. "Will you join us, niece, as a unified front against all Equestria's enemies?"

Cadance brilliantly smiled. "It would be a pleasure. Now, how is this spell performed?"

Twilight got to work quickly, assembling the princesses in a circle with Silver in the middle. She gently nudged Fast and Night out of the circle, but they didn't go far.

Silver squirmed in a mixture of excitement and nervousness, trying to breathe calmly and let the magic happen. Twilight began playing magic and the others played with it, falling into sync together. She smiled. "Here we go. By my calculations, we should have more than enough magic. I planned on only two princesses."

With four present, the magic gathered swift and hot, becoming a boiling ball of plasma just over Silver's head that flashed with wild swirling colors of all the princesses. Dark blue, pink, gold and purple all gathered and fought as it grew larger and larger. "Silver, this is probably going to be very intense. Try to stay still. You should be perfectly safe."

Silver wondered at the word 'should' just a moment before the ball came down on her, and everything was lost. She felt like she was on fire at first, but the heat quickly absorbed into her body as raw power went to work inside of her. She lost something important within her, and sealed up, ceasing to be a her. The energy moved, descending as Silver transitioned past neuterdom to masculinity. With a deeper grunt, he bucked his hips in time for new parts to grow out, familiar parts. He expanded in size and power, almost as tall as Celestia, but not quite. He still had growing left to do. He felt... full, uncomfortably full, and a sensation he hadn't felt in some time. He wanted to do something with his parts. With a jump, he remembered what he had to do and suddenly moved for Twilight, who yelped and backed away from the large alicorn. "Twilight, you promised."

Twilight remembered as well, and flushed. "But..." Perhaps she didn't expect him to become as large as he had, but she had promised. That didn't mean... "Let's go upstairs." She fled up the stairs, with Silver following closely behind. She smelled... lovely, divine. He never wanted her more than that moment, and the time it took to get up the stairs were a sweet agony. The other princesses, along with Night and Fast, followed at a more sedate pace, and didn't try to gain entry when Twilight slammed the bedroom door shut.

Silver practically threw Twilight onto the bed, drawing a squeak from her. He wanted her, yesterday. He mounted her and held her tightly, and they rutted. It wasn't love making, not this time, but rather a deep animal rutting that persisted for quite some time. Not that he held back. They went from one crest to the next without pause, filling Twilight with the magic of the foal Silver wanted protected, and then so much more. Silver gave back all the magic he had in excess, the remnants of the massive spell, and Twilight became swollen with it. Unlike before, the swell was truly alive, housing the foal within her. It took the greater portion of an hour to fill Twilight, and they sagged to the sheets in exhausted euphoria.

As if they knew the deed was done, the door opened and many female faces peered in at the scene. Fast whistled sharply. "Damn girl. Did you leave any for us?"

Cadance snorted softly and turned for the exit. "I am no longer needed here." And she fled with a smile, apparently pleased with herself.

Silver extracted himself from Twilight and sat on the bed, facing the others. Their eyes were drawn to what he had pulled free of Twilight, not his face. He wasn't sure if he should be flattered, aroused, or annoyed.

Celestia broke the silence. "We will have to announce this, of course."

Luna nodded in agreement. "Of course. The kingdom will rejoice to know they have a prince, a true prince." She looked at Silver for the first time, in the eyes. "Are you pleased?"

Silver considered it. He felt... virile, and good. The thought that his foals were incubating in two of the mares in the room only made him more excited on some visceral level he was still struggling to understand. "I feel... excited."

"I can see that." Luna's eyes lowered a moment.

Night adjusted her glasses a moment, shuffling awkwardly. "Well... I suppose you have princesses to bed now."

Silver heard some bitterness in the tone and slipped from bed, approaching Night swiftly. She looked smaller, fragile... He reached for her and picked her up, biting at her neck with sharp fangs. "Dear first wife. I have not forgotten you. Bearer of my first foal, most cherished in all the land. The others will all glow green with envy knowing you are closest to my heart."

Night flushed and squirmed, pressing into the embrace. Silver could see that his words did make the others squirm, though he hoped there were no truly hard feelings there. He squeezed Night gently and ran his hooves slowly across her swollen belly, feeling light and giddy at the thought of his foal being within her. He suddenly jumped at a touch at his new organ. Fast had slipped in under him and was showing her strong approval. Silver wanted to object, but was carried away in waves of pleasure and soon sat back to let Fast work him over. Being the stallion of this large herd may yet have some advantages he had forgotten...

Author's Note:

All hail Prince Silver Stars!

Will being the literal stud of the kingdom be all it's advertised to be?

Was Silver cruel or kind in not feeling true love for Tumble and saying so?

Do typos prefer boy or girl protagonists?

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