• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 6,011 Views, 2,919 Comments

The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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80 - To the Rescue

The world rapidly changed as they slipped through the here and there. Silver wobbled with nausea, struggling to get used to the sensation of such transportation. Twilight, on the other hoof, shrilly yelped and hopped back.

Silver focused on the object in front of her and cringed. Poor Minso had been victim of a cockatrice at a guess, seeing as she was a statue. "Crap! Uh... Well, we can undo this, right?"

Twilight looked around nervously. "It could still be around here. Wild cockatrices are no joke." Her horn glowed and she hefted up the statue of the human. "Let's get back."

Silver held up a hoof. "One moment. She brought a computer with her, and I don't see it in her hands."

Twilight looked around fearfully. "Make it fast."

Silver began to poke around the underbrush of the thick forest, looking around for the dropped laptop. She spied the black fabric of its case and rushed to it, putting a hoof on it just as a scaly bird's foot reached it. Silver locked up and looked away as quickly as she could, but she could feel an odd stiffness growing in her. "Twilight!"

Twilight put the statue between herself and the creature. "Close your eyes, Silver. That'll slow it down. Get back over here so we can get away..."

Silver snapped her eyes shut and grabbed for the case with her magic before scurrying back to Twilight, stumbling and falling in the darkness of her closed eyes. Twilight shrieked. "Silver! You're holding the cockatrice!"

With a powerful mental fling, she tossed the dangerous bird-reptile away. She dared open her eyes and grabbed the case this time, quickly rushing to Twilight's side. With a blinding flash of light, they were gone and away.

Silver crashed to the floor when she arrived at the castle, unable to hold herself up. Her lower legs had been turned to stone. She whimpered softly and tried to kick, but it was a largely futile effort. "Is this something Zecora can fix?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, but I have the recipe myself." She set the statue of Minso down beside Silver. "So you two hang out here while I go prepare it. Don't go anywhere."

Silver scowled at Twilight. "Not much choice on that one, sparklebutt."

Twilight rolled her eyes and trotted off, leaving the room to silence. Silver let her magic flow through her body and felt for where the flesh turned to stone. Curiously, she could feel her magic still sluggishly churning through the calcified flesh. The petrification hadn't removed her lower legs from her entirely. Did that mean? "Minso, if you can hear me, we're going to fix you. Sorry for all of this. Equestria will get better, I promise."

Twilight eventually returned with a small pot filled with a goopy green liquid. She dipped a brush into it and began painting Silver's legs. Once it dried and cracked, it fell away to reveal brown fur and living hooves. Silver struggled upright and smiled. "Worked great. Please do Minso. I think she can hear us in there, and being frozen like that has to be horrible."

Twilight made a face. "I've been there once. It's terrible." She turned to the Minso statue and began painting her patiently, getting every bit of stone covered in the green goop. "Hold on. This will get you all fixed in no time at all."

While she worked, Silver asked curiously. "Why did you teleport so suddenly? I thought we were just finding her at first."

Twilight tilted her head a little. "Well, I can only teleport to exact places, and we had her exact place. It's hard to memorize a new specific place, so I wanted to do it while it was in front of me, rather than having to find her again after we prepared." She ruffled her wings a little. "It worked out... mostly. You feel alright?"

Silver smiled gently. "A little stiff, but that's wearing off already. You did good, Twilight, thank you."

The goop settled, then began to crack and flake off. Minso gave a sharp gasp of new breath and her arms burst free of the green shell. "Thank god!" She brushed herself free of flakes as she looked around curiously. "Twilight Sparkle? Silver Stars?" They both nodded at her, smiling. "I didn't expect the first creature I saw in Equestria to be a cockatrice. Thank you for helping me." She reached out to give pettings, which Silver accepted and Twilight shied away from.

Twilight pointed at Minso. "So you helped Silver in the human world? Minso was it?"

Minso nodded. "The one and only in this world I imagine. A pleasure to meet you. So, you really are Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

Silver extended a wing towards Twilight. "Twilight works."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "Welcome to Equestria. So, Silver, you mentioned you had an idea for her?"

Silver paused a moment before clopping her hooves. "Yes! She's a secretary, and a fine one by her description. She has no ties to local politics. I bet Celestia or Luna would be ecstatic to have her."

Twilight shook her head. "Celestia has a secretary she trusts completely."

Silver raised a hoof. "Then Luna it is."

Minso frowned a little. "Do I get a say in this?"

Silver looked towards Minso and shrank a little. "Sorry. I'm getting ahead of myself. I don't want to push you anywhere you don't want to go."

Minso nodded softly. "I wanted to get away from a dead-end secretary job, not find a new one."

Silver gestured vaguely towards Canterlot. "Working for Luna would hardly be the same, would it? Anyway, just an idea. You do not have to follow any advice from me. I'm just glad you're not a statue."

A gasp came from the door. Tumble stood there, gaping at Minso a moment. Twilight gestured for Tumble to come closer. "She doesn't bite. Rough Tumble, meet Minso. Minso, Rough Tumble. Minso is a guest of mine until she decides where she wants to be. Rough Tumble is Silver Star's guard."

Minso nodded at Tumble. "A pleasure, though where were you when Silver Stars was lost on Earth?"

Tumble looked confused. "Uh..."

Silver waved a hoof dismissively. "He didn't know I went and he couldn't have followed. That was a personal journey. Well, you heard Twilight, you're a guest of the castle for now. Do you need any help?"

Minso looked thoughtful before she spied her laptop bag sitting on the map. She moved over to pluck it up. "Thanks for saving this. So, this is Ponyville, yes?"

Twilight nodded. "We're just outside of it. I'll arrange for a small house for you as soon as I can, but you'll need to earn your own bits."

Minso looked to Silver. "Not even Equestria."

Silver perked an ear. "Everyone has to earn a living, even in fantasy worlds. I've done quite a bit of work to get where I am. There's nothing wrong with a little work, but you'll be appreciated here, promise."

Tumble sat down close to Silver. "Fantasy world?"

Twilight answered, "In their world, ours is a made up world, a story." This didn't seem to really answer much for Tumble. "Why don't you take the day to familiarize yourself with things?" Twilight gestured outside. "Just explore, but stay inside Ponyville. I think you've had enough of forests for one day, right?"

"Right." Minso seemed to accept this plan, and moved to depart, soon off to explore Ponyville.

Twilight turned to Silver. "Well, there, your newest female is safe."

Silver bristled at the tone and wording. "She is not mine! I don't even know her, and I'm not interested in her. I tried to have her sent far away." Her ears fell a little. "Do you really trust me that little?"

Twilight let out a soft sigh. "I suppose I am being unfair. I hope she finds something she likes in Ponyville. My castle isn't supposed to be a hotel for lost humans." She reached out and gently poked Silver in the ribs. "Be they two or four-legged. I think two's my reasonable capacity. This reminds me, I really should get back to that..." she moved to wander off, a project clearly in her head.

Silver looked to Tumble when Twilight departed. "How are you feeling?"

Tumble flashed a smile. "No better or worse than this morning."

Silver tapped her chin. "It occurs to me that, despite everything, we never did..." she rolled a hoof. "That. You know... What you wanted to do the first time and I freaked out."

Tumble shuffled awkwardly. "Oh, oh yeah... I guess not."

Silver nodded slowly. "I'm sorry about that. I wasn't ready for it, and I handled it badly. I feel better about things now. Do you want to try again?"

Tumble went red and started to stammer unintelligibly at first before he shook his head. "No."

"No?" Silver tilted her head. "Really?"

Tumble slowly nodded. "No... I... I was wrong. I thought I was attracted to you, the inside you, and I am! But... not that way. You're not..." He shuffled a little more. "You're not... My type."

Silver was about to give him a speech rather similar to what she gave Twilight, but Tumble proceeded right along. "I'm just not that way. I need a stallion's company. I think I found it... Fast makes me feel... so good. Even when he's throwing me around in practice, my heart flutters with his every touch. He... It's so hard to explain. He's kind, and so warm, and... I think I love him. Do you hate me?"

Silver shook her head quickly. "No! Tumble, no... I don't hate you. I... That's great. If Fast wants you back, you should be happy."

Tumble shrank a little. "But I'm supposed to be your guard, not his."

Silver rolled her eyes. "You don't have to rut me to guard me. We're still friends, right?"

Tumble smiled quickly. "Always!"

"Then there is no problem there." Silver reached forward and gently poked Tumble in the chest. "You like stallions, and that's fine. I could, at best, be half a stallion."

Tumble looked confused a moment. "What?"

Silver decided to leave that box closed. "Nevermind. Tell Fast how you feel. He appreciates being up front about things. If he likes you, he'll tell you, and then, uh, I imagine you'll have a good time."

Tumble flushed darkly at the implications. "I'll, uh, do that. Thank you... for understanding. You are a pretty mare, but I'm just... not as open as you are." He sat back. "He makes me feel so good being a guy too. I... feel at home in my body around him."

Silver leaned forward. "You can tell me anything, Tumble. I can... see this is not easy for you to talk about. I'm not here to judge you. You're my friend, and you've more than earned the right to come out to me."

Tumble smiled at that. "Thank you. He makes me feel more like a stallion. Before... I tried to be a mare, to... I think... attract other stallions. He wants me to be me and I feel so alive around him." He pawed at the ground softly with his hooves. "He's the stallion of your herd, isn't he? Why are you letting me... think about courting him?"

Silver shrugged. "Actually less weird than you courting me. There are rituals for borrowing stallions, and you have my permission so long as he wants to be borrowed by you, which I imagine he won't mind at all. I don't think anypony in our herd will begrudge you, as long as you return him."

Fast's voice called out from in front of the castle, "Is Rough Tumble in there? Time for some practice!"

Tumble looked towards the front, then back at Silver. "Gotta go! Thanks again." And off he went, dashing out to Fast's rough but caring embrace.

Author's Note:

Minso is rescued, and Tumble comes out of the closet, take, uh, 10 or so.

Secretaries are natural predators of typos.

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