• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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82 - The Afterparty

When the reception wound down, Silver collected her herd and moved to withdraw to more private areas. She had done her best to smile through the day, but she was an introvert, and it was time to recharge. Twilight seemed to have little objection to the idea, and followed along with Night and Fast and Tumble. As they walked, Tumble moved up beside Fast and whispered something in an ear, gesturing away with his head.

Fast snickered softly. "Hey, guys. I'm going to do some 'private celebration' with Rough." He nudged Tumble. "And you need to learn to stop whispering. We're all family here." Tumble nodded with a flush, but didn't speak up. Soon they had trotted off together.

Night watched them go before looking to Twilight and Silver. "We really should consider that attack."

Silver brought a hoof to her head. "How did I forget that? Today's been a huge rush of things. Did they find anything?"

Twilight held up a hoof. "I don't really want to talk about that right now. Unless they found something we need to deal with right this instant? I'm going to our room and crashing."

Night nodded towards Twilight. "Crashing it is."

They found their room was already occupied by the solar half of the rulers of Equestria. Celestia smiled gently at them as they entered. "I hope I haven't come at a bad time."

Twilight sagged a little, and Silver spoke up, "Twilight's drained from a hectic day."

Celestia's horn lit and she gently picked up Twilight, bringing her over to the bed. "My darling little pony. You did a very brave thing today. I'm uncertain how well it will work, but I'm very proud of you." She tucked Twilight in carefully. "They will be rushing in a panic to be certain your 'circle' doesn't escape their control, but, for a little while, we have peace. Now, you must explain it to me. I agreed to join it out of faith for you, dear Twilight, but what is it I've joined?"

Twilight snuggled into the covers a moment with closed eyes, looking ready to forget the world before she reluctantly opened an eye and looked towards the rest of us. "We're married, in a sense. It's a separate bond than a herd or simple marriage, as it must be. We don't even live in the same place. But we are familiar with one another, with most of the legal rights and obligations that go with it."

Celestia spread her wings. "Then we are wives? I..." She trailed off uncertainly a moment, glancing to Silver and Night, then back to Twilight. "How far does this go?"

Silver trotted up to the bed and hopped onto it. "Princess Celestia, will you join us?"

Celestia smiled radiantly and nodded her head. "I would like that very much." She slid onto the bed carefully as Night approached on the opposite end. Soon all four were snuggled together. Twilight squeaked as Celestia allowed a hoof to wander. "Are you too tired to enjoy our first evening together?"

Twilight went scarlet and gave a stiff shake of her head. "N-No! Of course not. Please... continue."

Night chuckled softly as she embraced Silver and held her close. "She sounds like she's taking an exam."

Celestia perked an ear and drew Twilight closer. "You've already gotten an A, Twilight Sparkle. Be yourself. That's all I ask."

"Myself is terrified," said Twilight with dubious grammar. "But also excited... Do you really want to be together like this?"

Celestia answered with a soft press of lips together, kissing Twilight in a lingering exchange. "One thing." Celestia drew away from the kiss to speak. "We will be together as mares. I have little interest in your magically-fabricated parts at this time. Perhaps later... When I am certain all preparations are complete, we will see about making history."

Twilight's ears went up and alert. "Make history? What do y--" She was silenced with a new kiss, and they began to snuggle with a new energy. Twilight's embarrassment melted into building passion as Celestia showed her affection in the most direct way she knew.

Night softly nibbled along Silver's ear as she whispered into it. "That is more stimulating than I thought it'd be. Unlike Celestia, I do want your 'fabricated parts'. Up for it?"

Silver rolled over on top of Night, and the evening was spent with the entire herd expressing love or at least affection in their various ways. For the time being, the troubles of the day were distant and forgotten.

The next morning found them all curled in bed. Fast had snuck in sometime after they had fallen asleep. As Twilight and Silver slipped from bed, the others began to awaken as well. Celestia spread her wings wide as she stretched. "As lovely as that was, duty calls. Bound or not, I must return to Canterlot. Twilight, Silver, take care of each other." With a flash of golden light, she was gone.

Fast stuck out his tongue. "As if they'd do anything else. I'm starved, anypony else?"

Twilight raised a hoof. "I agree with that sentiment. While we take care of that, Night, catch us up."

They all moved as a herd towards the kitchen as Night began her explanation. "They determined the attacker was killed remotely. His mouth was full of some kind of poison. He either used it on himself as a suicide, or somepony set it up for him to remove a witness. Can't really say." She adjusted her glasses nervously. "At least I didn't kill him. I didn't train for years in take-downs to accidentally crush a pony's spine or something. Whoever arranged that attack didn't want to be tracked."

Silver snorted softly. "It wasn't much of an attack. I think they were sending a message more than actually trying to kill us."

Twilight nodded. "I find myself agreeing. That magic attack was fierce, but not that powerful. If somepony wanted to attack all the alicorns at once and have a chance of success, they'd surely send more than that. Nice reaction time, by the way. You really have that shield spell down pat."

Silver smiled at the compliment. "I've practiced it a lot. A good shield gives you a moment to think."

Twilight fired a sudden blast at Silver, only for it to be absorbed in an abrupt silver bubble. "Hmm, you weren't kidding. It's a shame we have to worry about that kind of thing at all."

Silver leaned over and nuzzled Twilight. "I would be helpless before your overwhelming magic."

Twilight burst into a nervous laughter. "Only you could make an admission of weakness sound like that."

Fast smiled brightly. "That sounded like someone still has a submissive streak."

Silver shrugged. "Maybe I do. There's a time and place. I'll gladly offer my belly to my herd. The rest of the world can suck it."

Night raised a wing. "My turn for breakfast."

"Too late." Spike poked his head out of the kitchen. "Me and Jake are already whipping up a special celebration breakfast for the coronation. Sit down and it'll be ready soon." He gave a thumbs up and vanished from sight.

Silver nodded towards the door. "That was rather nice of him. I really need to spend a moment with Spike. I've been ignoring him and he deserves better."

Twilight nodded, looking a little guilty. "That goes double for me."

Night tilted her head. "There's a comic convention coming to Manehattan soon. You could take him there?"

Twilight's expression brightened. "That's a perfect idea! He loves his comics so much." She clopped her hooves. "Want to come with?"

They nodded, though Fast shook his head. "Pass. I'll hold down the fort here. I was never that into that kind of thing."

Breakfast was plentiful and delicious. With full bellies, Night and Fast moved off for their duty at the road, with Rough Tumble following behind.

Twilight leaned forward towards Spike with a smile. "Spike. You've been a very good assistant lately."

Spike looked a little guarded, but nodded. "Number one assistant, happy to serve."

Twilight pointed to Manehatten. "How would my favorite assistant like to go to Manehattan Comicpalooza?"

Spike's expression turned to excited joy. "Boy would I?! I heard Jeju Romita was going to be there!"

Twilight smiled warmly. "Then we'll just have to go see him, because we're taking you."

Spike pumped a fist. "Yes!" He hopped to his feet. "I have to get ready!" He went dashing for the stairs.

Twilight reminded him in a shout as he went. "It's not today, Spike!" Spike's enthusiasm was not impeded, and he soon vanished into the depths of the castle.

Silver smiled at the dragon's happiness. "Looks like we found the right gift."

Twilight bobbed her head. "I don't see him quite that happy often. Say, this'll be your first time in Manehattan since we first met, isn't it?"

Silver nodded as she adopted a thoughtful expression, thinking back to her adventures in Manehattan. "Those were amazing times. Hectic, but amazing. I was at BipedCon."

Twilight snorted gently. "Of course you were. A perfect place for a human to go, really. Well this time, maybe less adventure, and we can just have a good time?"

Silver held up her hooves. "I'm not looking for adventure, but I feel I should point out it may come looking for us. We don't know who wanted to send that message, but I received it loudly enough." She reached up then and lightly tapped the silver crown on her head. "That reminds me, should I wear this everywhere?"

Twilight shrugged. "You don't see my crown on. Unless we're doing official business, it's not required."

Silver lifted her crown with magic and set it on the table in front of her. "Have you considered replacing the jewel in your tiara?"

Twilight considered a moment before shaking her head. "It doesn't feel right. That spot was for the Element, not some fake jewel."

Silver tilted her head. "Is this out of... respect? The Element won't mind, and you can always pop out whatever jewel you put in. It just looks empty."

Twilight frowned a little. "Maybe I am being silly about it. I'll consider. No promises. Now, about today."

"Yes, let us speak of today." Silver and Twilight jumped and spun to face Luna who wasn't there a moment before. "There is one member of the herd that has not expressed welcome."

Twilight perked an ear, but realization came to her swiftly enough. "Oh! Uh... I'm not going to stop you from spending time with Silver or Night if that's what you're here for, Luna."

Luna leaned forward at Twilight. "You will tolerate my presence?"

Twilight cringed. "I didn't mean it like that."

Silver moved up to Luna and Twilight, squirming her way between them. "One of our first romantic times together, we were gazing at your stars, Luna."

Luna colored faintly under her dark fur. "You jest!"

Twilight nodded quickly. "It's true. I've always had a telescope handy. Your nights are breathtaking and full of mystery."

Luna's cold expression warmed to a smile. "Those are kind words of my creation, but what of me?"

Twilight squirmed. "I'm not used to holding you in that light. I'm not... against it? But I'm not for it yet either? Can we let it develop over time?"

Luna gave a firm nod. "That is a very reasonable request. Time is something I have. Patience, on the other hoof..." She reached out and snagged Silver, pulling her closer. "I desire your company."

Silver squeaked, but it turned into a laugh. "That's not a romantic way of asking for it."

Luna tilted her head a little. "As the stars twinkle, so does my love burn for thee. Come, my wayward lover, we shall make those motes grow green with jealousy for the heat of our passion."

Silver went red quickly. "Oh..."

Twilight had a very similar reaction, then realization hit her. She vanished only to appear again in an instant, holding a book. "You wrote this!"

Luna looked to the book, penned by one 'Mistress de Lune'. "Ah, yes. That was quite some time ago."

Twilight's wings spread. "Some time ago doesn't begin to describe! This book's been in circulation since before your banishment. I didn't know you wrote romantic prose."

Luna reached a hoof and gently ran it through Twilight's mane. "Long have romantic fools gazed to my sky and sung their words of longing. That I was one myself should be of little surprise."

Author's Note:

Luna's a poet and Silver didn't know it.

Her lyrical songs will not keep the typos away, alas.

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