• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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45 - A Relaxing Day

Twilight sat at the dining table, finishing up breakfast when she noticed a presence at her side. She turned to find Night Watch beside her. "Hello, Twilight. We have a busy day ahead of us."

"We do?" asked Twilight with confusion. "My schedule was blank this morning. I was just going to see what I missed. I don't remember having a free day."

Night Watch smiled as she guided Twilight to her hooves. "Cadance has taken your royal duties, and your lovely friends are taking care of the rest. Today, you are ours."

Twilight followed Night Watch, though her baffled expression only worsened. "'Ours'? Who are you talking about? What are we doing?"

Night pushed open the door leading outside and gestured to the carriage waiting for them. Twilight hesitantly approached the coach before she was wrapped in silvery magic and pulled the rest of the way in. Soon she was seated between Silver and Fast. Night climbed up and settled in before barking at the driver, "We're ready!" The coach lurched into motion and rolled away from the castle.

Twilight blinked softly before it came to her. "I've been foalnapped."

Fast bobbled his head. "That you have. Now we're going to do awfully fun things with you until you give us what we demand."

Twilight perked an ear, "What do you... demand?"

Silver leaned over and kissed Twilight's cheek. "A chance."

Twilight warmed at the kiss, looking uncomfortable, and yet... "Fast, why are you a stallion? I told you, you don't have to be a stallion for my sake."

Fast rolled his eyes. "I'm doing it for me. Lucky for me, my wives happen to appreciate having a stallion around, which is good. The more I'm around them, the more stallion I feel."

Twilight flushed softly and shook her head. "This is all very improper."

Night adjusted her glasses. "I disagree. Twilight Sparkle, we are courting you. We desire you for our herd. As first wife, I extend invitation. Fast Change, do you agree with my selection?"

Fast Change bobbed his head. "Oh most certainly I do." He extended a hoof towards Twilight. "Will you allow us to court you, your majesty? You don't have to say yes or no to joining our herd until we've tried to woo you first."

Twilight bumped her hoof against Fast's. It wasn't quite the proper response... "Oh fine. I suppose there's no... harm in this." She looked towards Silver curiously. "That makes you secondary wife? I'm not that well-read on herd family units."

Silver shrugged softly. "We're equal to each other. For formality's sake, Night Watch is the most even-headed of us, and I would trust her selections. I have picked some amazingly poor partners before."

Night rolled her eyes, taking her turn. "Alright, enough of that. Twilight, for our first trip, we are going to a favored event of yours that you lost track of. The Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum is in Ponyville."

Twilight's hesitation evaporated with eager clopping of her hooves. "Is that now?! I completely forgot! Last year Discord ruined the whole thing and I didn't get to browse at all."

Silver perked an ear at Twilight. "Well you did get to browse a little, but not long."

Twilight shivered. "It's still a little creepy when you do that. Have you seen... private things?"

Silver shook her head quickly. "The show was made for, uh, foals, so nothing even remotely objectionable was on display, discounting some violence. Sorry... It was just a show at the time. I didn't realize you were a real, living... wonderful person."

Twilight smiled gently, and the carriage went quiet for a short time before they arrived at the open-air fair. Silver hopped out first and conjured a silver hand at the door, making it bright enough with power for Twilight to see it. She stepped onto it and was gently carried to the ground. Fast clambered down next and offered his own gallant assistance to Night. The carriage pulled away and rolled off.

Night nodded towards it. "It will be back in time to bring us to a lunch. Our schedule is quite full." She leaned towards Twilight. "Just the way you like it." She produced a slip of paper, held by a wing, and extended it towards Twilight.

Twilight took the paper in her magic, looking it over. "You prepared a checklist for me?" All three bobbed their heads with bright smiles. Twilight let out a little laugh. "You're serious about this... Thank you." She looked to the first item, reading out loud, "Read the checklist and thank Night Watch for writing it." She hiked a brow. "Thank you, Night Watch." She crossed off the item and trotted into the fair with a soft chuckle.

The visit went well, with Silver playing the part of the listener. Twilight eagerly gabbed about the importance and history of each artifact, with Silver following along after her. Much of it flew over Silver's head, only catching and storing tiny shreds of the overall mass, but being with an excited Twilight was a reward all in itself.

Silver asked a question as they walked from one exhibit to the next. "What made Star Swirl so special? Why couldn't some other pony do what he did?"

Twilight shrugged softly. "Nopony else had quite the same combination of magical talent, foresight, and bravery. He was a great pony because he did great things."

Silver tilted her head. "That reminds me. Twilight?"

Twilight turned to look at her. "Yes?"

"Can you copy my magic?"

Twilight blinked softly. "I... that's actually a really good question. Your magic is in your head, making it harder to see, let alone copy. Even if I could peek inside your head while you worked on a spell, that would be a gross violation of privacy."

Silver snorted softly. "You'd do it if you could, be honest."

Twilight colored slightly. "Maybe."

Silver leaned towards Twilight, about to go for a kiss when Fast nudged in between them. "Easy there, love birds. They're about to do a showing on the foalhood of Star Swirl." Fast led them both along towards the small amphitheater.

Silver perked an ear towards Twilight as she walked. "If you figure out a way, I would play the part of test subject again. I would trust you."

Twilight said nothing in reply. Soon they were watching the show. They were quiet for the duration, but Twilight began citing inaccuracies when it was over. "Star Swirl had a purple-blue set of pajamas, not the same blue as the robes he wore later."

Night shook her head. "I read that it was actually a burgundy shade."

They began arguing animatedly as Fast nudged Silver to the side softly and spoke to her. "What do you see in her? She's pretty enough... but she's so..."

Silver tilted her head. "I thought you liked Twilight?"

Fast poked Silver in the chest. "I love you. I love Night. I think Twilight's pretty and wouldn't mind being on top of her. There's a difference. Did you even listen to yourself? You were practically begging to be her test subject." Silver darkened, but Fast continued. "I just want to know what the appeal is? She doesn't seem to know you, and she's polite to you, but is she actually nice?"

Silver raised her hooves to cup Fast's cheeks. "I want to master a new spell. I want you to trust me, intimately, while I work it out, gently playing with your insides with the greatest of care, exposing your innermost soul to my curious gaze."

Fast began to heat up as Silver spoke, but she wasn't done. "I'm going to lay you out before me, and I will admire every piece of your amazing soul..."

Fast drew back sharply. "Damn that's... kinky, and hot." He looked back to Silver, licking over his lips. "Would you do that?"

Silver flashed a bright smile. "If I knew how, and you agreed? Yes? To render you entirely naked, in the truest sense, or to strip off all the walls I put up myself for you?" She leaned in closer to Fast. "That kind of trust... It's very romantic to me."

Fast leaned in and bit into Silver's shoulder. "You are one messed up little mare. Never change."

Twilight pointed off towards Ponyville. "The checklist says the next thing on the plan is a pleasant lunch." She paused, "I don't mean to be... is it safe?"

Night nodded softly. "We have taken every precaution. Nopony is going to bother us today." She began trotting, soon having the others following her. They found the carriage idling nearby and filled it, soon carried back into Ponyville proper. They were let out in front of Hay Burger.

Twilight rode Silver's magic to the ground, tilting her head at the choice of venue. "This is hardly a royal choice?"

Fast grinned. "This was Silver's choice. She said you'd like it more than fancy eats."

Twilight ruffled her wings lightly. "I... Yes, let's go on." And in they went. The interior was almost eerily empty, save the one pony working the kitchen, and another that approached their table quickly to take their orders without them needing to approach the counter. Once the orders were taken and she departed, Twilight looked to the others. "Did you arrange this?"

Night nodded as she played with her glasses. "This day is your day. Our day, rather. We've put everything in its proper place. There are--" Her words cut off with a bright flash coming from outside. Night glanced up to see a reporter be tackled to the ground by Applejack and dragged off, hogtied, behind some bushes. "There will be nothing in our way."

Twilight looked behind herself, but saw nothing out of place, then looked back at the others. "Huh... Alright. You're doing a very good job so far. I've had a lot of fun today."

Hay burgers and oat fries were soon coming and it became time to fill their faces with greasy deliciousness. Night spoke between nibbles. "You know, Twilight, if you do accept our offer, we will be very understanding."

Twilight perked an ear. "I don't follow."

Night wobbled a hoof. "Any mistake you've made, this herd's probably done. You could use some support, and so could we. We can lean on each other to be stronger than any individual." She pointed at Fast. "Obsession with her magic to the point of possible self-harm." She moved the hoof to point at herself, "Obsession with details." She then pointed to Silver. "Do I need to go into specifics?"

Silver flushed and sank. "Hey..."

Twilight giggled a little and reached out a wing, squeezing Silver, who found that a fair trade for the barb.

Night continued with a slow nod. "My point stands. We won't get in the way of your growth, but we will be there, as friends, as family, to support and encourage you. When things go wrong, you can come to us and tell us, knowing we will not judge, just help."

Twilight took a soft breath, then grabbed a napkin to clean her dirtied snout. "Fast change." Fast perked up. "Do you love me?"

Fast glanced around, suddenly in the spot light. "Uh... No?"

Twilight nodded slightly. "Thank you for being honest. You hurt me when you told me you didn't care about my feelings."

Fast thumped the table lightly with a hoof. "I didn't say I don't care! I just care about Silver's more. Silver saved me, from myself, from Tirek, from changelings! She's always been there... She always will be." Silver warmed at the words, saying nothing. Fast leaned towards Twilight. "I want to give you a chance to show me why I should love you half as much, and being a princess gets you no points."

Twilight tilted her head. "Huh? Do you dislike royalty?"

Fast shook his head. "I can take 'em or leave 'em. No points, not negative points. You want to be my pretty princess? Show you're worth the time."

Night held up a hoof at Fast. "Fast Change, you're being rude."

Twilight extended a wing to block the hoof. "No, she's right."

Fast puffed out his chest. "He."

Twilight nodded. "He. He's right. I'm... impressed you're willing to accept me into your herd if you're that unsure of me."

Fast pointed at Night, then Silver. "They say you're worth it. I trust them, completely. You're getting that chance. If you say yes, I will treat you like the princess you are, and you'll either prove you're worth that, or..."

Twilight frowned a bit and rolled her hooves as she looked at Fast. "You're not making this easier."

Fast shook his head and crossed his forelegs. "On the contrary. I want there to be no secrets in our herd. If one of us does something stupid, the rest should point it out. If I hurt one of my wives, I want to be told." He unfolded those legs and reached out for Twilight, brushing over her snout towards a cheek. "While you are my wife, I want what's best for you, and only truth will allow that."

Twilight colored at the intimacy and cleared her throat softly. "You do realize you've likely made papers across Equestria with this stunt? If you were trying to lay low, that's going to be basically impossible now."

Silver perked her ears quickly. "If you don't want to go along with it... You can tell us that. No pressure."

Night laughed at Silver. "No pressure she says." She leaned towards Twilight. "No pressure." She rolled her eyes before softly patting Twilight on the back above her wings. "We're still training her, but she's a nice mare once you get to know her."

Twilight quirked a smile. "You three remind me of my friends sometimes..." She pointed at Fast. "You're like Pinkie Pie and Applejack mashed together." She turned to Silver. "Fluttershy, and a little... of me, I suppose." She flushed before she shook it off, looking to Night.

Night tilted her head. "Well? Which am I?"

Twilight seemed to consider this a moment with a frown. "Unique? But if I had to... I'd say a dash of Applejack and myself with some exotic spices would suffice."

Night flashed her fanged teeth. "I can live with that."

Fast extended a hoof. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, do you accept our suiting?"

Twilight shrank back from the sudden move, pausing in place with thought. "Do you understand what you're trying so hard to be involved in? I'm going to be in the public light, always, which means you will be too. I will be called away on business for weeks, maybe longer, at a time. I will be a horrible wife, when you get down to it. Royalty doesn't get time to be good spouses."

Night gestured at Silver. "And yet..."

Silver shrank a bit as all eyes settled on her. "And yet... I still want it, stupid as it may be. When I let you climb on top of me, Twilight, you were my first as a mare." Twilight colored at the mention of the incident. "You were awkward, clumsy, and unpracticed, and I was still so happy. If I was to pick anyone to be mare to, it would be you, my obsessive little princess."

Fast snorted softly. "I call dibs on that womb next. I was here first."

Twilight glanced across to Fast, then looked back at Silver. "I admit I'm not sure how to take all that. It's very flattering to be thought of that way, but I'm a mare, Silver. I'm not sure I'll ever try that spell again. Would you still want me, as a mare?"

Silver leaned in, pressing nose-to-nose, though she had to lean up to do it. Twilight was larger than Night and Silver. "I love your mind just as much. If you... like us, I will be forever faithful."

Night gestured at Silver, looking to Fast. "There you go, you get her next. Now that this is all settled..."

Twilight let out a slow breath. "I think you're all mad... But if you want it that badly... Having somepony waiting for me at home, besides Spike, would be nice..." She paused. "That reminds me. You need to treat Spike nicely! He's not to be made into an outsider."

Silver tilted her head. "I wouldn't dream of it. Spike's a cool guy. Heck, wish Rarity would stop stringing him along."

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it and shook her head. "Your knowledge is as unsettling as ever."

Night tilted her head the other way. "It's a secret? I thought it was obvious."

Fast snickered softly as he reached to pet the manes of both his wives. "It was."

Twilight sighed and smiled. "I suppose it was. Cadance is going to go crazy when we get back home, you realize."

Silver smiled gently. "Cadance has never done something I regretted. I'll trust her to handle things properly."

Twilight took a slow breath, performing the calming gesture with a hoof. "I didn't get to say this before... but I'm very glad you all entered my life. I... never had somepony around to look at me this way, to say I'm pretty and mean it. I'm not sure I'm ready for parenthood, but I walked into that myself."

Silver perked up, looking excited. "Does that m--"

Twilight shook her head and held up a hoof. "Don't get the marriage plans ready. I just became a princess, and just got this castle. I want us to be engaged. I want to be with you, but, please, let's put off the next great change for a little while?"

Author's Note:

I idly tinkered on this all day, mourning the site being down. Booo!

It was worse than typos.

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