• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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117 - The Freaks Come Out

Returning home with a gift basket of treats to share with Twilight, Silver smiled over at Fast. "That worked out very well."

Fast rolled her eyes. "Of course it did. You don't enjoy being a darn prince way often enough."

Silver waved it off. "I'm not here to take advantage of ponies. That was fun, but I won't make a habit of it."

Fast moved in closer. "Guess that means you're the right pony for the crown. I'd be taking advantage of that every day."

Silver smooched her cheek. "And yet you're the one with a prince at your beck and call."

Fast laughed softly as she returned the kiss along with a few pecks of interest. "I'm not complaining. You keep wearing that crown, as long as I get to wear you."

A pony that got the innuendo suddenly scooted off to the side, finding something they really needed to do and avoiding eye contact.

Silver spotted Mayor Mare talking with what looked like an aide and veered off towards her, to Fast's confusion. "Mayor Mare?"

The mayor looked up at Silver. "Ah, Prince Silver Stars." She dipped her head. "A pleasure to see you. What brings you this way? Enjoying your time in Ponyville, I trust?"

"I am." Silver smiled gently. "I wanted to check, have there been talks of increased lunar population?"

The mayor's expression shifted slightly to surprise, but it faded. "Oh, of course you'd know about it. It's barely on the books yet, but yes. I do think your presence is drawing others to consider Ponyville. With Twilight's presence as well, we'll be a rapidly growing town in no time at all."

Silver nodded at her. "And a fine town it is." His tail flicked as he leaned in. "I look forward to seeing more young foals learning under Cheerilee. A remarkable teacher, wouldn't you say?"

His words seemed to catch her off guard again, but she nodded. "Oh, yes! A fine teacher indeed." She glanced off. "Wouldn't a more specialized teacher for a lunar pony's 'special' needs be more appropriate?"

Silver rolled a hoof. "Nothing they can't and won't learn from their parents. It's more important, and uplifting, to see all the foals of the town being raised together. We are all ponies, aren't we? We should learn how to be good Equestrians, together."

Her aide wrinkled her snout. "I don't want any foal of mine around bat ponies!"

Fast gasped and put a hoof over her mouth. For better or worse, Silver hadn't gained the innate slap that such a racial slur would be worth, but he knew it, intelligently, and frowned at the aide. "Then it's very good that there are no 'bat' ponies to be found in this town."

Mayor Mare thrust a hoof towards the town hall. "Would you kindly fetch me the ledgers for tomorrow's meeting?" She smiled sweetly and kept right on smiling until the aide was gone, then she crumpled before Silver. "Please forgive her! She's not very cosmopolitan. I'll talk with her. That sort of language is not considered acceptable."

Silver sighed out. "From one minority to another."


"Oh, nothing." Silver waved it away lightly. "Please, so long as the lunar ponies, of any tribe, are not prejudiced against. Foals deserve to be treated equally. They want acceptance and love, and will respond in kind." He put a hoof on his chest. "We're all ponies."

Mayor Mare drew herself upright and nodded quickly. "Oh, of course. You have my word!" She cleared her throat softly. "Now, is there anything else I can help you with, your majesty?"

Silver reached for her and she flinched until he gently pat her on the shoulder. "I know we look frightening. You don't have to pretend you aren't unsettled, but know that we are ponies, and we want to be that and more. Equestrians, Ponyville citizens, friends, lovers, allies, and all that comes with it." He smiled, exposing his sharp fangs to the faintly quivering mare. "If you need something, Mayor Mare, you need but ask. I may look it, but I am a pony, not a monster."

"He's good at the loving part." Fast waggled her brows at the mayor.

Miss Mare coughed softly. "Yes, well... yes..." She nodded at Silver. "Thank you for being earnest... I'm glad Ponyville has been good to you." She slipped to her hooves. "I should be going. A mayor's work is never done."

Silver let her go and turned back to Twilight's castle. As he went Fast bumped into his side. "What brought that on?"

He nipped gently at her closer ear. "Last time, I tried so hard to not change time, and it ran me right over in the end."

Fast raised a brow curiously. "I don't think our little herd was official yet. Fill me in?"

Silver huffed. "Remember when Celene left?"

Fast frowned sharply. "You knew that would happen? That's harsh! Wait, that's better than not knowing, right?"

Silver shook his head and paused a moment. "I knew some of the larger pieces, but not enough of what was beside me, and I didn't put it together until she was already gone. Even if I had known, I'm not sure if I could have done a damn thing about it. It's alright." He turned to Fast. "Celene is gone, but her love is held by Luna. The way her eyes shine when we see each other the first time of a day, or night... That mistake is over and done, but it wasn't for nothing."

Fast sat and pouted at Silver. "How do I get some of that?"

Silver tilted his head. "That's ultimately up to Luna, and asking her to give it would be... kinda creepy and wrong. Just be a friend, and available, and it may happen, or not." He leaned in and gently nibbled along Fast's neck towards her shoulder. "You have me, and Night, and Twilight."

Fast hugged Silver, pulling him closer. "Not that I mind that, but why do you get the extra princess?" She stuck out her tongue and separated. "Sorry, just feeling jealous. Hay, legally, you got three extra princesses, just two of them aren't rushing to ride the Silver Train anytime soon it seems."

Silver nuzzled under her chin quickly. "Their loss. You are my wife, and I never forget it, and I hope you don't either. Let's get home, alright?"

They went home without any extra stops, and were met by a smiling Night Watch. "Everything go alright?"

Silver nodded. "Celestia was quite chipper."

Night raised a brow. "So you..."

"Left quietly."

Night frowned at Silver. "Are you being overly forgiving again? And why did it take that long if that's all you did?"

Fast put a hoof on Night's chest. "I dragged Silver around town, sorry."

Night peered at Fast, then back at Silver. "You know I can see through that. If you don't want to tell me, fine, but I'm here if you need me, either of you." She turned away. "Just because I'm fat and slow doesn't mean I'm not ready."

Silver hurried up behind Night and embraced her, looking a bit tawdry to outsiders, but Night knew it for what it was and leaned back into Silver's affections. "Night, please, we'll share as soon as we can."

Night let out a little sigh. "I'll be waiting."

"Waiting magnificently." Silver kissed Night's cheek. "My lovely first wife, who shines all the harder for her current state."

The matter was allowed to drop gently, with kisses and nuzzles exchanged. Proper dinner was usurped by Silver's gift basket of fast food treats, which beckoned the heavy mares with an unusually powerful attraction. As Night and Twilight claimed dominion over the basket, Fast, Silver, Jake and Spike had a more standard meal.

Jake pointed at the mares with a fork between bites. "If Rarity ever says yes, don't be in a rush."

Spike had the decency to blush even as he dismissed the idea. "Nah, besides, I like gems, and she won't be rushing to eat those." He looked pensive a moment. "How does that work anywho?"

Fast burst into a fit of laughter, clopping the top of the table. "You are way too young to be worrying about that yet."

Even as Spike crossed his arms, Silver leaned in. "I'm sure Spike could handle it, but chooses not to, being an honorable and gentle dragon."

"Y-yeah!" Spike nodded quickly, sticking by Silver's words. "When she's ready, then we'll worry about it."

Dinner passed with idle conversation and on generally positive notes. Eventually, Silver settled down to rest after a moment gazing at the moon that held the promise of the princess he was going to visit.

In the dream world, he landed with a soft flutter in a flower. He felt no larger than a bee, and every dream was another open set of petals, waiting for him to inspect. "I haven't been to this version before."

Luna landed before him with a gentle smile. "It does not come often, but we find favor in it. I trust your journey home went well?"

You blame me.

Both turned their head to regard the floating text in the air.

It wasn't my fault, this time.

Silver sat slowly. "You haven't outright lied to me yet, so... tell me? What's going on."

Luna nodded firmly. "Yes, kindly inform us... Text was it?"

That is the name he chose for me.

The words slowly faded before new ones replaced them.

I can answer, but not tell.

Silver tilted his head at the words. "Alright." He glanced at Luna, then back at the Text. "First, thank you for coming to us. You didn't have to and I appreciate that."

You are welcome.

Luna gave a little smile. "First question then. You said you are not at fault, who is?"

I was asked to act, as were others.

Silver perked his ears. "Can you tell us who asked?"


Luna sighed softly. "Where is Celestia?"

She dreams without dreaming. She fell victim to her own machinations.

She is sorry.

Silver sat up tall. "Can you show us where?"


Luna grit her teeth a moment. "It is an imposter then... Sir Text, can you help us free my sister?"

No. I have given much.

Silver nodded. "You have." He reached out a hoof. "I hope this will not be the last conversation we have. I don't get to talk to you often without being the butt end of your own tricks. I wouldn't mind just talking."

Would you not? Your forgiveness passes beyond kindness into a mental condition. You should do something about it.

"A hug is a fine start."

There was a moment of silence, at least as silent as a being of words could be, then Silver felt an embrace around his entire form, squeezing gently.

Stupid pony. You are fortunate I have come to favor you in some small ways.

Luna gave a little smile. "We know how you feel. Thank you, Sir Text. May we meet again in such a non-confrontational way." She turned to Silver. "Come, we should see what our insect friends have found. I doubt it ends with my dear sister."

As one they held the vision of Stand In close, and a flower began to glow bright colors for them to fly towards.

Author's Note:

Oh hello Text.


Oh, I didn't expect you to come to the author's notes.

I can be where I please.

Well, that was an interesting chapter.

I enjoyed the part I was in. You should let me be in more parts.

We'll see what we can do. Can you do something about the typos?


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