• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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Collab - Time to Go

Silver and Twilight chewed thoughtfully on their cold breakfast before Silver perked an ear at Twilight. "So, are we leaving today?"

Twilight gave a stiff nod. "I think we should… I don't have anything else to… do here? I mean, do you know what I mean?"

Silver nodded in return. "I do." She gestured at the writing on the walls. "Plan to write this down?"

Twilight gave a soft snort, smiling. "You want me to be able to make you receptive whenever? This is a spell that's just as well forgotten."

Silver flushed softly. "I suppose we should deal with the foal we half-have before considering the next."

Before Twilight could respond, a wave of translucent energy appeared in a corner of the room, expanding to wash over them. It felt like... nothing. The absence of something, rather. Where it originated, a yellow glow appeared and resolved into the form of a yellowish pegasus stallion with an upside down compass cutie mark, before the energy faded away. The pegasus bore a pair of metal bracers on his forelimbs, the left with blue gemstones in runic patterns, the right with brightly glowing yellow ones. The yellow one was smoking lightly, and as the pegasus opened his mouth to speak, he let out a pained “hot-ot-ot-ot-ot!”, flailing his limb for a moment before managing to release the clasp and drop the offending bracer to the ground, revealing singed fur.

Twilight hopped to her hooves in surprise as Silver tilted her head at the intruder. Though her wings spread in the surprise of the moment, Silver didn't seem as shocked to see him. "Is that you again? Why are you here?"

The pegasus went to open his mouth, but hesitated as a second wave of energy erupted through the room, depositing a young white male blank-flanked alicorn, by all appearances, bearing a similar pair of bracers, but not smoking. “One moment... umm... why isn’t yours overheating?”

The alicorn turned to the pegasus, “why, I simply learned from your mistakes, of course, father. Here, pass it over and I will fix it, as soon as introductions are accomplished,” he quickly grabbed the princesses’ hooves to kiss them lightly one after the other. “I am Prince Alexander Gabriella Stormbringer the First, it is such a pleasure to make your acquaintance!”

Twilight took a defensive position. "Prince?! What's going on here?" Her horn glowed as a sphere appeared around herself and Silver. "Nopony is supposed to be in here but us."

Silver rose up beside Twilight and leaned over. "I… think I know these two? I think? They look different, but the color's right? I'm not sure."

“Please, forgive the intrusion, Princess,” the pegasus began. “I know our sudden appearance is most unexpected. I had thought to offer my assistance, should it be required, though I am also... hesitantly glad for the opportunity to meet and speak to you as well.”

Twilight shook her head a little. "Are you from another country? Equestria has no princes, at least, not true princes. Especially not male alicorns! That's not even supposed to be possible." She clopped a hoof on the ground. "Is this a trick?"

“I am nothing if not an impossibility.~” the alicorn sang happily, the pegasus ignoring him.

“Forgive me, I still have not introduced myself to you at all, and not... entirely to Silver,” he bowed politely. “I am known by several names, South Wind... David Holden... and also the ‘Itinerant King’. I lead a group who has been... poorly served by Celestia’s justice, and those of other governments the world over. I am... considering allowing a more open relationship with Equestria’s leadership, coming out of the shadows as it were. Now that we have something of an opportunity to have a... controlled first impression.”

Silver shook her head. "You're the ones that visited the castle, right?" She nudged against Twilight. "They're shapeshifters I think, not a true alicorn."

Twilight relaxed at the news, her sense of reality no longer being challenged. "What did Celestia do wrong to you? She's been fine for both of us."

"Mostly." Twilight glanced at Silver, then rolled her eyes before looking back at their guests.

“I myself had the odd fortune to come into possession of a changeling shortly after arriving here, and have not so much personally been failed by her. Most of those I represent have been more a victim of distributed failures in the system than her personal failings, though... as sovereign that is her responsibility as well. I don’t pretend it is easy to keep local governance uncorrupt, but it is imperative. I believe you have had some run-ins with such problems as well... what was that place called? ‘Our Town’, or some such nonsense. But I am not here to charge the Princess with any crimes. To the contrary, we wish to have more open relations. We can offer... unconventional aid, while being able to deal more openly will make things less troublesome for ourselves. Worldwide, our numbers have reached the point that remaining entirely ‘invisible’ is becoming troublesome, especially if we want to acquire more... esoteric materials for our research.”

Meanwhile the ‘alicorn’ busied himself manipulating the discarded bracer with some form of magic that was invisible to even Silver. The pegasus's burnt fur, meanwhile, mended itself quietly as they talked.

Twilight cringed. "All the more reason for me to get home. They need me there. If you want to talk to Celestia, you should go to court, not… here? Why did you come here of all places? We're locked in."

Silver pointed at where the nigh-invisible door was. "It's true. We're not really going far for the moment. Celestia's usually willing to listen if you approach her, especially if she doesn't already have plans about whatever you're talking about." She tilted her head. "Has Text visited?"

“I promised Silver my protection, and that includes from Celestia if it comes to it. I understand if you don’t want to break out of prison, but I can also carry messages if you like. Do you have any idea how long you will be here? From the sentence, it sounded rather... open-ended. And no, the Text has not yet deigned to visit me again. I hope if nothing else that proves I haven’t failed his Challenge as of yet.”

Meanwhile, the alicorn studied the markings on the wall, looking quite excited about Twilight’s work.

Twilight glanced between Silver and the guests. "What's the Text have to do with this? I still haven't seen this Text of yours, and now even Celestia and Luna have." She gave a soft huff. "I'm feeling left out… Thank you for your offer, but I think we'll leave today. I've been here long enough. Do you need help finding the Day Court?"

“What my father is failing to mention,” said the ‘alicorn’ to Twilight, “is that he, like your Princess David Silver Lining Stars is what is known as a ‘child of Adam’. Or in other words a human. And/or former human. The line is a little grey. The Text brought him here several years ago, well before your Princess. Also... do you believe this spell would work on changelings? It seems like it could be quite fortuitous!”

Twilight blinked owlishly. "Silver Stars. She's Silver Stars, right?"

Silver nodded in agreement. "I don't think I could go back to being any of the others at this point. I don't know what I'd do with myself." She took a slow breath. "Not that I knew what to do with myself before, so I guess that wouldn't be new."

Twilight waved at the scrawls on the wall. "Why would a changeling need this?"

The alicorn seemed to ignore Silver’s comment. “Normally only queens are able to be receptive. My own conception was but a convenient matter of happenstance, in circumstances not reasonably repeatable. You have a brother, is it not great to have siblings? I assume, lacking the opportunity as of yet.”

Twilight gave a hesitant nod. "I love my brother very much… Well, I guess, if it will help them? We are talking about the good changelings, right? The ones living in the city?"

“Oh! I suppose we can share it with them as well, assuming it works!” the alicorn said.

“His mother is a changeling, if you hadn’t gathered that yet,” the pegasus offered. “Which reminds me... Silver, do you think you could arrange an introduction to Princess Cadance for me, after you have been out of here for a bit? I have particular interest in meeting and speaking to her.” He cringed a bit, unable to hide the body language of nervousness about the topic.

Silver nodded. "We're good friends, but… she's pretty nervous about changelings, even 'good' ones. Speaking of, if you're not with the city changelings, who are you with?"

“Wind Chaser, the one who was with me when last we met. She was of Chrysalis brood until shortly before Discord was first set free. She... came to me, with memories of a time undone by time travel, and swore her loyalty to me, breaking from her queen then. We were… in the city, investigating the influx of changelings when the whole incident with Cadance and your brother took place. It was... terrifying, if fortuitous.”

Twilight raised a hoof, speaking with a gentle authority like a parent would a child. "Time travel is extremely ill-advised and I must strongly recommend against it."

Silver snorted out an almost-giggle. "But do you have a hive then?"

“There is a reason I am called the ‘Itinerant King’. Well, starting with refusing to be declared a ‘Queen’, but beyond that. We generally keep on the move, and lately don’t keep together. My other subjects are not changelings... ponies, a few griffons, a couple minotaurs, some zebra... etc. All bonded by... the umm, the item the Text provided me with.”

Twilight tilted her head a little, the sphere around her and Silver fading away. "Well… OK. I can't claim I understand all that, but then, why this?" She gestured at the writing on the walls. "It makes sense for the city changelings, but there's only one of you, maybe two?"

“We were able to conceive our foal only by tapping into the wave of power your brother and Cadance used to dispel the changelings, and even that was... an act of desperation. If we could conceive on our own terms... Well... honestly one is kind of terrifying already.” To Silver he added, “he understands song magic. Do you have any idea how terrifying a Bard is in this world?!”

Silver perked her ears forward. "Holy shit, really?" Twilight struck Silver lightly for her curse and Silver shrunk away a little. "Sorry, but really? Can they resist it? I only met one other person that could, except actual humans. Full humans."

“Any member of my kingdom can resist song magic if we try, but Alex can actually wield it. How do you think he walks through town as a male alicorn and goes unnoticed? I think it has something to do with being a half-human, but I sincerely hope that kind of thing isn’t, you know... inevitable. I saw Jake and Rainbow Dash getting a little friendly... can you imagine a bard with her personality? The entire town would erupt into competitions constantly!”

Twilight snorted softly. "I doubt Rainbow will settle with Jake. He's a nice stallion, but she's way out of his league."

Silver waved a hoof. "I can resist it if I pour everything I have into it. I've only pulled it off once, because it was extremely important. Otherwise I just get carried along with it." She smiled. "At least I have a nice singing voice."

Twilight tilted her head. "Have you heard mine?"

Silver nodded quickly. "Angelic."

Twilight flushed a little. "You're fibbing for my sake again… I've never sung outside the pageant before…"

“Will you sing with me now?” the alicorn asked, before being silenced into sullenness by a sharp look.

“I see even the Princess of Magic is caught unawares?” the pegasus asked curiously. “The short of it is that ponies can be dragged into little musical numbers that pull them into the flow of whatever song occurs... generally, mostly, doing things they would have done anyways but... it just flows, unnaturally. It’s often helpful, allowing a dozen ponies to coordinate on a complex project without difficulty, for example, getting work done quite quickly. But normally nopony initiates it intentionally. I think it’s, maybe, related to your natural harmony with one another? I don’t know, just speculating. Even when Alex tries to explain it to me, I still can’t fully internalize it. At best I can deafen myself to it to avoid getting caught up with it, and slip by while the ponies are distracted.”

Silver tapped at her chin. "I should try starting it one day, but not right now." She rubbed behind her head nervously. "Well… did you need anything else?"

“No, not if you are okay staying here until they release you. I will find you again in a week... if you can arrange a meeting with Princess Cadance, I would appreciate it. As... nervous as it makes me. And Twilight, if we have your blessing to use it, we will test this spell of yours, and pass it on to the Canterlot hive if it proves safe and effective.”

Twilight looked a little nervous. "I'd rather Celestia have the final say on that before I unleash a fresh wave of hungry changelings on things. There's only so much 'food' for them and if things get out of balance, that would be a disaster, for them and the rest of us."

“Father, you should tell them your idea!” Alex chimed in excitedly.

The pegasus thought a moment. “Oh, right. I did have a suggestion for that,” to Silver he said, “before you left Earth... did you ever catch a show called ‘Mr. Belvedere’?”

Silver shook her head. "I'm aware of it, but couldn't say much about it. Why?"

“I am thinking that the changelings might do very well as domestic servants. Get volunteer households to accept a single changeling to work for them around the house. Cook, clean, that sort of thing. Everyone needs these tasks done, and households with foals where both parents work need help the most. The natural affections that come from someone serving you in such a direct way should be enough to fill some, if not all of their needs without anyone having to be subjected to feeding pods or anything more intimate. If the idea took off, it could help ponies throughout Equestria, while feeding the changelings safely and effortlessly. It’s... a lot less risky than my other idea, anyways.”

Silver seemed to consider it. "I could see that, to a point… Changeling feeding is safer when done in bouts. We haven't really studied what would happen, or if it would be safe, to feed a changeling constantly like that, even if 'low level' as it were. I'd be curious to find out, but all the ways of testing it would be pretty rough on the pony involved."

“I have... a lot of personal experience and data on changeling feeding... continuous low level is the most sustainable long term, but it doesn’t fit well with their normal lifestyle. Misdirection also lowers the level they can absorb: affection for the disguise, rather than the changeling underneath is less effective, especially if your affection is based on prior knowledge of the one they are imitating. So ideally, they should be working freely and openly in their own form... something that’s actually possible now with your open relations with them. It would also serve as an easy way to monitor how well they are being fed. If you can get ponies to consider a well fed servant a point of pride, it could help ensure both their safety and their... safeness. Nonetheless... if you do go this route, you should roll it out slowly. There’s a lot of unknowns, especially on the pony side.”

Twilight gave a slow nod. "I'll bring it up with the Princess, but for now, I think it's time to depart. Do you need a moment?"

The pegasus returned his bracer to his leg. “Alex, were there any problematic side effects with the ‘Gatecrashers’ on the departure side?”

“Only the expected temporary antimagic field. It should clear up in about a second after departure. You go first, just in case.” Alex replied.

With a nod, South Wind focused and the bracer glowed bright again, letting out a smaller ripple of translucent energy that only enveloped him, not the entire room. He turned to bright yellow light and vanished, leaving nothing in his wake.

Silver wrinkled her nose before raising a hoof in a wave. "Be safe?" He leaned in towards Twilight, whispering gently, "I have no idea where they go."

Alex observed the energy field before looking back to the Princesses. “Thank you. I am sorry to have heard about your loss at the trial. I was hoping to perhaps court your foal some day, when he or she is ready. Ah well, surely the stars will deign to provide another.~” And with that he activated his own bracer and vanished from the room as his father had.

Twilight raised a brow, then shook her head. "I'm not in any hurry to tell them about it." She clopped a hoof against the door lightly. "Hello? We're ready to go."

The door slid open almost instantly, revealing a stoic guard. "The Princess said to escort you to her immediately."

Author's Note:

A little collab with Istaran. You can blame them for any typos you find!

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