• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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8 - Around Town

Silver trotted through the city, with an equal-sized pony beside him. He glanced sideways at First, "You sure you don't want to go to school?"

First snorted, "Has it been that long since you were in one? I'm not in a hurry. What would pony school teach anyway, how to chew oats?"

Silver let out an exasperated sigh, "Well come on, we're teaching you something." He turned off the road into Meadow's gym. There were about six ponies already inside, making use of the facilities. His expression brightened when he saw Tumble was one of them trotting heavily on a treadmill.

Silver raised a hoof at him, "Hey Tumble! Good to see you up and about."

Tumble stumbled at his voice, turning his head about until he spotted Silver, "Hey! ... Did you get another one?" he asked, staring at First.

First tilted her head at him, "I'm his sister."

Silver hesitated with surprise, which was already too long. Tumble nodded, "Oh yeah, you two do look alike. What brings you this way?"

Silver shook himself out, "We're looking for Meadow, for a workout. I meant it though." He smiled, "You look better already, outside, with ponies."

Meadow seemed to appear out of nowhere, popping up beside First, "Who's this pretty filly?"

First tried to jump back, and ended up flopping over as Silver had done many times. Silver moved around her, "This is First Star. I was hoping you could train both of us."

First climbed back to her hooves, "Who are you?"

Meadow Leaper pointed at himself, "Me? Meadow Leaper! I run this place, and show ponies how to move their flanks. And you're my newest client." He circled around her, looking her over intently.

She blushed brightly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He pointed at her with a hoof, "You look like you have all the parts in the right place, we just have to show you how to use them. This way," He began to lead her away, leaving Silver and Tumble behind.

Silver hopped up onto the treadmill beside Tumble and soon had it rolling underneath him, keeping him at a steady trot. "Meadow made a nice place for himself, yeah?"

"Yeah," replied Tumble, seeming to face forward pointedly. "You were right, this place does help."

Silver nodded as he used a silvery hand to make his go a little faster, testing himself. "A little movement can help shake loose the cobwebs. So... how's work?"

Tumble frowned, "Not so good. Stupid changelings are chasing away business."

Silver winced, of course... "Well, you know how to drive now, right? Why not, say, delivery?"

"Delivery?" asked Tumble, peeking at Silver before looking straight forward again, "What do you mean?"

Silver shrugged, "Don't any big trucks go from city to city? How do they move big heavy things that a pegasus couldn't carry?"

Tumble frowned thoughtfully, "I don't... think so..." He glanced sideways at Silver again, "You did it again."

Silver blinked, looking at Tumble with less shyness, "Did what?"

Tumble snorted loudly, "Ideas! You keep coming up with ideas!"

Silver wasn't sure how to explain he was just saying what came obviously as a product of his civilization, so he shrugged, "Just comes to me. So... you going to be the first?"

Tumble raised a shaggy brow, "Do you think I could?"

Silver smiled, "Of course! And the changelings wouldn't be competition for that."

Tumble looked thoughtful as he ran along, and the two fell into a companionable silence. He broke it first with a musing, "Getting a big truck isn't free."

Silver almost asked if he could ask his family for help, but remembered how unlikely that was. "How much would it be?"

Tumble frowned, "I'll have to ask around... Wish I had the one you gave me before. That woulda been perfect."

Seeing Tumble's spirits sag, Silver spoke quickly, "I'll help! I mean, I'm not rich, but being a Night Guard isn't a volunteer position. I can help with a down payment?"

Meadow appeared suddenly, as is his habit, "Down payment on what?"

Silver stumbled, falling and being carried by the treadmill right to the ground in a pile. "Meadow! You... amazing stallion! How do you do that?"

Tumble answered Meadow, "We wanted to get a truck, to do deliveries between cities, for money, be the first, uh, inter-city, delivery company."

Meadow brightened, "They don't already do that? I'll help with that! I'll send some letters out to the pals from school. I bet they'll help too."

Silver recovered from his fall and stepped back onto the traitorous treadmill, resuming his pace, "See, you have friends, Tumble."

Tumble looked happy, a sort of uncertain happy. "I don't even know what to say... Thanks, both of you."

Meadow looked to Silver, "No problem, hey, First is doing some laps. How hard do you want me to be with her? She's just as bad as you were when you started, worse even. It's like she wasn't even born a pony or something."

Silver gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah... feels like that. Be firm, but don't break her. She's still a filly."

Meadow snorted, "She's the same size as you. She just has to find her cutie mark. Maybe she'll find it in the gym? That'd be pretty awesome! By the way, are you two really sibs? She doesn't talk like you at all, and she doesn't talk about you like a sister."

Silver tilted his head at Meadow. That stallion was more perceptive than he gave credit for. "She was adopted into my herd, you know, extended family?"

Meadow nodded once firmly, "That makes more sense. She's a little firecracker! Glad you didn't teach her magic yet. Uh oh, she's almost done, bye!" And he galloped off.

Silver stepped off his treadmill and shook out, "Tumble, when Meadow's done, can you ask him to walk First back up to the castle?"

"Sure thing," he said, still trundling along.

Silver slipped out of the gym and went for a walk. A treadmill was nice and all, but actual movement had that something... extra. His content walking was disturbed by a glint from directly beside him. He quickly leaped aside as an earth pony lunged out into the space he had been. He glanced around, realizing he had wandered into a side road between the main thoroughfares.

The earth pony was flanked by two unicorns. "We haven't forgotten you, 'Ambassador'," came a voice from above. Silver peeked up to see a pegasus hovering there with a malicious look. "You've made fools of better ponies one too many times."

The earth pony stallion charged at him and Silver quickly summoned his hands, burning with the extra power he'd learned to tap from Nightwing. He brought the hand in a crushing slap, knocking the pony aside and sending him into a rough tumble across the ground. Feeling giddy in his victory, however partial, Silver cried, "The night guard won't be beat up that easily."

One of the unicorns lowered her horn at him, playing magic across it. He grabbed for her horn, tugging her by it. The spell fizzled as she gave an almost-bleat, falling forward. Suddenly he was lifted, held in the second unicorn's magic. The pegasus flew up to him, flipping a ring out into her mouth, "Hold still."

Silver played the first spell that came to mind, and illuminated the area in fireworks. Thinking they were far more dangerous than they were in reality, the pegasus veered away from him. The first unicorn had regained her stance and scowled at Silver, sending a quick horn blast into his belly. He grunted and wriggled his hovering hooves in the air. That hurt more than he gave it credit for on the show.

The second unicorn suddenly released him, letting him topple from the air onto the ground in a heap. The earth pony, having recovered from his fall, was on Silver in a flash, driving his hooves into exposed ribs, "We own this city!" he shouted, "You stay out of our way!" The pony rose a hoof to strike again, but Silver played a defensive spell. His hoof struck the brightly-glowing silver sphere, and his sneers turned to screams as his foreleg exploded violently on contact. Silver could feel the power within him being drawn almost as abruptly away, fueling the destructive magic as it incapacitated his attacker.

Silver rolled up to his hooves, "You can surrender now. Celestia is well-known for her mercy." The pegasus pointed at him frantically and the two unicorns nodded. Their magic combined silently, reaching out and ripping his spell apart. The bubble popped and the pegasus dropped, slamming the ring onto his horn with a kiss.

His magic couldn't escape, his horn was useless.

He still had a weapon. He lunged forward, tackling the pegasus out of the air to the ground, then bit into her neck with a ferocity to do any vampire proud. She screamed a wail of utter torment. He could feel her heart thundering under him as he closed his jaws. Suddenly... it stopped. She went slack. Surely he hadn't choked her that quickly? He had no time to consider that as he wheeled around to face the two unicorns, fangs dripping with his recent score.

They took a slow step away from him, eyes wide and full of fear.

"Remove the ring," he ordered in a growl, tail lashing.

The first unicorn's horn glowed, and he could feel the congestion leave him. "Good," he said, "Shall we visit the princess?" They chose to flee instead, running off in two different directions. He decided to leave them be, instead inspecting the two he still had. It only took a moment to confirm the female was quite dead, though he still wasn't sure what killed her. The male was alive, but in shock.

He ran off to get help, holding the stallion up despite the strain of it. The nurses took him away quickly once they arrived at a clinic. "He is not to leave. He is a witness." They rushed to obey, and Silver had a moment to himself, breathing heavily. He had defended himself. He had killed. Still confused as to how exactly he had killed, he returned to the scene of the crime. The body still lay there, cooling and abandoned. He lifted it gently. Pegasi were much lighter than earth ponies.

Not knowing where else to go, he trotted towards the castle with his grizzly prize. The ponies afforded him a wide berth, not wanting to be anywhere near the dead pegasus. When he arrived at the steps, the guards didn't allow him past, "Put that down! What are you thinking?"

Silver glanced around, "I don't know what to do. She attacked me, I defended myself, and now she's dead."

The guards shared a look before one of them trotted to the side of the castle, leading Silver along. They placed the body in a small dark room, "I will summon the doctor. Stay here, you need his attention as much as she does."

Silver sank against a wall, letting all the tension leave him. There would be questions to answer, soon.

Author's Note:

Hello Tumble, we didn't forget about you! Oh, they didn't forget about Silver either.

Well I didn't forget about the typos! Break their kneecaps!

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