• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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58 - A Great and Powerful Entrance

Silver sat with the others around the dining room table, eating breakfast. Spike was present, gabbing about how he'd made a bunch of bits with a little betting with Big Mac. Silver's thoughts divided between wondering if gambling was just legal in Equestria, to how to approach Twilight about... things.

A noise jarred her from her thoughts as loud shouting came from the front of the castle. The voice sounded familiar and female, and Silver was soon out of her seat with several others, all trotting to see what the commotion was about.

"Trixie demands that Princess Sparkle be brought forward immediately!" Trixie faced off against two guards, with Rough Draft behind her. "Trixie's patience wears thin. She will not wait forever."

Twilight tilted her head. "I think this is more for you, Silver. I'll be in the library." She made herself scarce.

Silver looked to Night and Fast, who remained close by. With a nod, she advanced into sight of Trixie.

Trixie's next verbal attack cut short as Silver came into view. "What is this? You... It wasn't a cruel joke on the part of Twilight Sparkle?" She marched past the guards towards Silver and suddenly slammed her to the ground with a colorful spray of magic. Her attack got her tackled by the guards, pinned down quickly.

Silver quickly bounced back to her hooves and looked to Rough Draft, who was standing there awkwardly. "Hi Dad... what's going on?"

Rough Draft approached more cautiously. "We got your letter. Trixie was certain it was a joke of some kind, but... there you are." Rough waved at Silver. "You're... different."

Silver warmed in the cheeks, becoming self-conscious. "Is it a bad different or a good different?"

Rough Draft settled down on his haunches. "First thing's first. Trixie, love. Will you promise not to attack our daughter again?"

Trixie wriggled from under the guards. "Trixie promises nothing!"

Silver tilted her head at Trixie. "What's wrong? Why are you so mad?"

Trixie sagged, going limp under the guards. "While she is very proud to have raised a princess, Trixie finds it very unfair that she is never considered for the role. Trixie would make a great princess!"

Silver considered Trixie seated on a throne, wings unfurled and a dazzling crown on her head. "You would be the very model of royalty, mother."

"I know!" whined Trixie. With her fury seemingly departed, the guards let her up. Trixie approached Silver and circled around her. "Instead some hairless ape from another world is chosen before Trixie. It is unfair! Unjust! Un... something else."

Rough Draft raised a hoof. "Uncanny?"

"Yes, uncanny!" Trixie smiled. "You are kind to Trixie." Her eyes settled on Silver. "When you sent pictures of yourself as a mare, she was already surprised beyond reasoning, but then you sent that little scrap. It was barely one sentence! Trixie demands all the details, so tell them all to her, right now." She closed in on Silver and began poking at her, inspecting wings, barrel, even her tail and mane and horn all got a turn being looked over and felt with her hooves. "You are still small for an alicorn."

Night Watch softly coughed into a hoof. "Would you two like to come inside? We still have some breakfast to share?"

Rough Draft perked up at the offer. "I gladly accept. Night Watch, was it? I'm glad you've been watching over Silver Li... Stars." He advanced and gave Night Watch a warm hug of appreciation.

Fast Change tilted his head. "Where's my hug?"

Rough looked over Fast a moment with some confusion. "I... Who are you?"

Fast pouted. "I'm that stupid mare's stallion."

Rough went red all across his face. "Oh! Oh... Oh my... I feel terrible." He offered a hoof to Fast. Fast went for a hug instead, squeezing the solid earth pony affectionately.

Trixie looked past Silver to Night and Fast, then returned her gaze to Silver. "You really are a mare." She leaned in. "You picked a handsome stallion." Trixie flashed a bright smile. "Trixie will accept your offer of breakfast, and she will speak further inside."

They soon retired to the dining room, though Trixie was far more interested in inspecting Silver than she was in any food. "You look like one of those guards Luna has, but you are a princess. Do you serve Luna?"

Silver perked a tufted ear. "Actually, yes."

Night blinked. "You didn't mention that."

Silver shrunk a little. "I only found out last night... I can dreamwalk, like her. We ran into each other. She's showing me how to do it right."

Fast suddenly grinned. "I dare you to visit mine."

Silver looked towards Fast, then suddenly looked away. "I'm not sure I could handle that, Fast."

Fast huffed softly. "I'd be gentle... We're bonded. You should trust me."

Silver gave a slow nod. "You're right. I will remind you it's a dream so you can control it."

Night adjusted her glasses lightly. "I want to try this as well."

Trixie puffed out her chest. "See, already Trixie is improving things."

Silver leaned forward and kissed Trixie's cheek. "You always improve things, Mom. I'm glad to see you both! How has life been?"

Rough Draft came up behind Trixie and cradled her delicately as his hooves rubbed over her lower belly. "Trixie is a great and powerful mother-to-be."

Trixie shivered at the caress, nodding her head. "And Rough has been a doting and loving husband. We... are happy. It is a new feeling. Besides being outraged at your fortune, Trixie has felt... content. Domestic life has been good to her, and she still has time to study magic. Speaking of which, have you memorized the patterns yet?"

Silver sagged a little. "No... but I did defend the Crystal Empire from ravening shadow creatures?"

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Trixie will accept this for now." She spread out her forehooves silently. Silver accepted the cue and they hugged, with Rough hugging Silver around Trixie in a warm and snug embrace.

Rough spoke up first. "When is the ceremony? We want to be there for you."

Night pointed towards Canterlot. "Celestia hasn't yet announced a date. Do you need a place? I'm certain Twilight could arrange space."

Trixie looked ready to argue, but Rough gently slid a fetlock over her mouth as he kissed and nipped at one of her ears, calming her down. Rough looked to Night as he gently but expertly handled Trixie. "We'd be delighted."

Night rose to her hooves. "I'll find her." She trotted off in search.

Silver took a soft breath, spreading her wings. "As a princess, I welcome you both to Ponyville."

Trixie burst into giggles at the formal greeting. "You have to practice speaking with authority, but she is grateful anyway." She slipped away from Rough Draft and approached Fast Change, looking him over. "Are you treating Trixie's daughter well? She is not yet swollen with foal. How long have you two been together?"

Fast suddenly got nervous. "It's not for lack of desire on my part, I promise! She... uh..."

Rough Draft interceded. "Many perfectly healthy ponies are together for years before having any foals. Don't harass them about it." Rough looked to Silver. "Besides, uh, you're probably still a bit off balance with that, right? You were a stallion before?"

Silver considered taking the out Rough provided, but shook her head, both at Rough and herself. "I... had a foal, but lost it."

Trixie spun on Silver with wide eyes. "I..." She rushed up to Silver. "You poor thing! How? Why? Are you alright?"

Silver started to explain when Fast muffled her as well as Rough had gently muffled Trixie. "It was an accident, while camping."

Silver wriggled away from Fast. "No lies. It was an accident, but it wasn't while camping. Twiligh--"

Trixie stomped the ground, her magic flaring brightly. "Twilight Sparkle caused you to lose your foal? Where is she?! Trixie will destroy her!"

Silver held up her hooves quickly, leathery wings spreading wide. "No! No... She was trying to rescue me. I was foalnapped. Don't blame her for it."

"And I failed." Twilight descended the stairs with Night behind her. "Hello, Trixie, Rough Draft was it?"

Trixie skirted around Silver, stomping towards Twilight angrily. "What did you do, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight stopped at the bottom of the stairs and hung her head. "I destroyed Silver Stars, and she ascended, without her foal."

Trixie snorted powerfully through her nose, making it flare. "You are the cause of both travesties? You should be punished, severely!"

Twilight sank, flopping onto her belly. "I should be... I will be." With a flash of magic, a letter appeared before Trixie. "Here, you can attend my trial."

Fast stopped beside Twilight. "Trial? I was not informed of any trial. What are you hiding?"

With a pop, a new letter appeared for Fast to take in her wings and scan over. "Two days?! Twilight, why aren't you preparing a defense?"

"Because I am guilty." Twilight closed her eyes. "There is no defense. I did it. I wasn't mind-controlled, and the danger wasn't that great. I had no excuse."

Silver stomped a hoof beside Twilight's head, making her crack open an eye to look up. "I'm not accepting this, Twilight. I know you feel bad, but throwing yourself before the court like this will hurt more people."

Twilight sat up with a perplexed expression, but Trixie spoke first. "What do you mean? Twilight Sparkle deserves to be punished. How will this hurt anypony?"

Silver took a slow breath. "You're a princess, Twilight. Ponies look up to you, as an example. Pleading guilty to murder is hardly the picture you should show them. You messed up. I know that, you know that, but everyone involved that was hurt is right here. The only thing that will change is that you'll hurt everyone else's view of princesses."

Twilight shook her head violently. "I took your foal! I deserve to be punished, not just... forgiven idly. You'll never get that life back. How can I just forget it happened? Stop trying to absolve me!"

Silver advanced on Twilight. Her wings spread, and Twilight's did in turn. For a moment they were like two strutting peacocks vying for supremacy. Silver was quite intent on winning this one. "I won't allow it. If you want to be punished, fine, but there's no reason to drag your name through the mud for it, or to be made a public straw man to burn. You want to face justice, than accept the justice of the one you hurt, not your mentor. You know as well as I that she'll bend the rules to the breaking point to make your punishment gentle."

Twilight reared up, forehooves cycling in the air. "And you would be better?! You already said you forgive me. You're ready to pretend nothing happened. You still want to marry me, the killer of your foal! How can I trust your judgment? How can I look at myself in the mirror and see anything but a murderer that has escaped justice?"

Silver suddenly threw herself forward, barreling into Twilight and knocking her onto her back. With a clenching of her jaw, Silver sunk her teeth into the throat of Twilight. Fear, anger, and a lingering affection burned through the connection. Twilight's heart began to pound violently under Silver and Twilight's pupils drew tight as she began to be overwhelmed in it all.

Author's Note:

If Silver kills Twilight, is it even?

The typos assure me this is the case.

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