• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 6,011 Views, 2,919 Comments

The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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76 - A Fast Pause

Tumble drove them both back to the castle, and Silver led him inside. Fast was there and raised a hoof, waving at them. He advanced and looked over Tumble. "So you're him?"

Tumble looked a little nervous. "Yes? I don't know which 'him' you mean?"

Fast leaned in. "The one that wants to get hot and sweaty with my Silver."

Tumble practically fell apart, sinking to the ground fearfully. Silver moved between them. "Fast, really. He isn't the teasing kind."

Fast stuck out his tongue. "Oh foo. I'm only joking, promise. Stand up."

Tumble peeked up before slowly rising. "Oh... uh... hi?"

Fast shoved a hoof forward. "My name's Fast Change, and I live up to my name. I hear you're interested in Silver."

Tumble met the hoof in a soft clop. "We've been friends a long time... Uh... I'm her guard now."

Fast brilliantly smiled. "Is that a fact?" He turned to Silver. "Getting your own guard together now? You'll need to toughen him up. It won't do to have guard ponies that fall apart under pressure."

Tumble took a more sure stance. "I wasn't afraid of you. I was afraid of making a bad impression. If you threatened Silver I'd do anything to stop you."

Fast perked an ear. "That a fact?" He suddenly thwapped Silver over the head with a hoof, making a soft clunk of a noise. Silver squawked in irritation and minor pain.

Tumble advanced with a growl. "You'd better not do that again."

"Or?" Fast bounced left and right, grinning. "Come on, show me what you'll do."

Tumble charged at Fast, having never learned many other fighting moves other than pounding or charging. Fast suddenly became a bear and grabbed Tumble, turning him upside down as he held him aloft. "Aw, you're adorable. But you need some practice." Tumble squirmed frantically as Fast started rubbing his belly, making him laugh and struggle all the harder. "At least you had the balls to try. We can work with that."

Silver gestured to the ground and Fast put him down. "Be nice."

Fast bobbed his head. "I am! I mean it. If you're up for it, Tumble, we'll practice together."

Tumble looked uncertain, but curious. "Seriously?"

Fast nodded. "For serious. If you're going to guard Silver, I want you ready to do just that. She's one of the most important mares in my life, so I'm totally serious about this, except when I'm not." Fast suddenly transitioned into a copy of Silver, leaning close to Tumble and invading his personal space without a delay. "I'm sure we could do other fun things."

Tumble went scarlet and scrambled away, only to bump into the real Silver. He squealed and went dashing off into the kitchen

Fast returned to his red unicorn self and smiled at Silver. "You picked an odd one for guard captain."

Silver huffed softly. "He'll shape up, just don't tease him so much. He's... He's been abused, by the ponies that should have loved him most." She clopped a hoof down. "Help him become all he can be."

Fast's grin only grew wider. "Oh, commanding me? I like it. You're really becoming a princess." He gave a quick salute. "I'll get him into shape, promise, but there's one little issue I want resolved first."

Silver tilted her head. "What's that?"

Fast reached out, putting a hoof under Silver's chin. "If you're not afraid of stallions anymore, there's no reason for me to hold back. I want you the way a stallion should have his mares, not just cuddling."

Silver went red. "Can... I have you as old Fast, with extras?"

Fast shook his head. "Nope. I want you just the way I am."

Silver leaned forward and sniffed at Fast gently. "Well... OK... You're still Fast."

Fast held up a hoof. "I don't want you envisioning my old self the whole time. You should enjoy a stallion for a stallion. You are a mare now, and the parts work. What are you afraid of?"

Silver rocked left and right as she saw Tumble shyly reenter the room. She sighed and sat on her haunches. "Nothing logical. You're right. I do have all the parts, and I love you, so there's no reason we shouldn't be together like that, whether you're a mare, stallion, bear, dragon, or whatever else you have up your metaphorical sleeves."

Fast smiled, then looked to Tumble. "Sorry for yanking your chain there. Meet me at sunrise just outside the castle and we'll get to training. I'll show you the strengths of the earth pony body." She clopped her hooves together. "Some of my best lovers were earth ponies."

Tumble shook his head. "Uh, really? Are... you a colt cuddler?" He sounded quite uncertain, looking between Fast and Silver. "I mean, you have Silver, right? She's a mare."

Fast snorted softly. "I've evolved beyond such labels. I can be a mare or stallion or both or neither on command. You tell me what I am."

Tumble suddenly smiled. "Interesting."

Fast laughed and threw a leg over Tumble's shoulder, hugging him. "Good answer! Be there and I'll teach you things. Welcome to the herd."

Tumble blinked in confusion. "I'm not part of the herd. I'm Princess Silver Star's guard."

Fast snorted. "Any royal guard captain has to be familiar with the royalty they're guarding. If Silver Stars doesn't consider you family, you're not the right pony for the job." He looked to Silver. "So, is he?"

Silver gave a soft smile. "Yes. I hope that the rest of the herd learns of his good nature in time."

Tumble stammered and backed away a little before bowing to Silver. "I'll do my best." And then he dashed off into the castle.

Fast watched him go before looking back at Silver. "He'll be fine. I'll keep him on the path towards it. Now, about us..." His horn glowed and he pulled Silver closer, rubbing muzzles with her. "My darling princess. It is long-past time we became... familiar."

Silver found her wings extending on their own along with the warmth in her cheeks. "I... lead the way, Fast." Fast turned and moved up the stairs and Silver trailed along behind. She allowed her eyes to look over him, easily spotting the part that had made her nervous before. She'd had plenty of experience with it from the other end. She knew what it was like... "Be gentle."

Fast was gentle, and tireless. By the time Fast was ready to break, Silver was left dizzy and overwhelmed, but in mostly good ways. She was on her back, and Fast was belly-to-belly with her, grinding gently but the urgency had left him. He seemed satisfied. "How was it?"

Silver answered with a hug, pulling Fast tight and close. "I feel... great."

Fast smirked a little. "The mares usually say something like that when I'm done with them. No more being scared?"

Silver shook her head. "Not if it's like that."

Fast shrugged. "Won't always be. Tumble'll need some... other... training. But I wager that has to come from you, not me."

Silver perked an ear. "Oh? You can be female whenever you want, why me?"

Fast barked out a laugh. "Because he loves you, silly mare. I haven't found a place in his heart yet. If you let him climb up on you, you're going to have to teach him what you want him to do. He looks eager enough to follow your every word." Fast leaned in, nuzzling a cheek. "Just like I am, except when you're being stupid. So... that reminds me..."


Fast rubbed softly over Silver's lower belly as he sat up on her legs. "I called dibs. You can't be that far from becoming receptive."

Silver flushed dark. "There are a few problems with that... Namely, I'm still... sorta... pregnant."

Fast poked the empty belly. "I still don't understand that. But go on."

Silver nodded. "Well, assuming I can get that child out, then I'll end up with two foals."

Fast shrugged softly. "Ponies have twins all the time, not much different. If you don't want another foal, that's fine. I'm not here to force you, Silver. I value your trust." He leaned in and nibbled at one of her tufted ears. "But if that's not the problem, I promise to help raise them, so let me make one. You know as well as I that Night will probably never consent to another foal after the first."

Silver nodded slowly. "Well, let's put this off for the moment. If I become receptive, then I'll make the decision. If I don't, there's no decision to be made. If I do decide to have a foal then, it will be you that does it." She sat up on the bed. "So... awkward as this is, how was I?"

Fast wobbled a hoof. "You could use some training of your own." Silver looked quickly dismayed. "Oh don't look like that. You were lovely on the inside, but there are things you can do on the outside to drive a stallion wild. If you're feeling braver now, I can show you some tricks." He slipped off of Silver and slid to the floor. "For now, shower time. Coming?"

Silver hopped down beside him. "That sounds lovely. Do you think Twilight and Night will get along with Tumble?"

Fast led the way to the actual bathing room. "Time will tell. I don't see him picking a fight with either, so it's just a matter of personalities. If he helps Twilight and Spike with the library, they'll warm up quickly enough. Night's a tougher nut to crack. You might want to suggest he volunteer to help with the road project. That'll put them close together, and get him plenty of exercise too."

Silver nodded quickly in agreement. "Great idea! I'll do that over dinner. That will leave me without a guard though?"

Fast shrugged softly. "You were guardless before today, what's the difference?" He stepped into the large shower and with a bit of magic had it flowing. "Come on in, the water's fine, and the company's better."

Fast stepped in and they worked to get clean, even if Fast's distractions set back the effort once or twice.

Author's Note:

Fast gets some attention he waited ever so patiently for, and the typos get all wet in a shower.

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