• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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18 - Invitation

The week passed peacefully. Silver and Night made it their business to rise with the coming sun and head out to aid in the reconstruction efforts. Night's keen observational and organization combined with Silver's magic made for good progress. It seemed that the Crystal Empire had only pegasi and unicorns in the form of the guards at the castle, and they were trained only for defense.

Having a flyer and a spellcrafter on the ground to help the ground-bound populace of the city paid quick dividends. They completed the expansion of the farming area and moved on to a mine.

"Do we have enough food?" asked Silver, "I thought Cadance said to handle that before we went on to other things. Why a mine?"

One of the crystal ponies pointed at the dark hole, "That is food. To be entirely healthy, we need a little gem dust sprinkled on other things." At Silver's expression, he laughed, "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt ponies any when it's ground up that fine. Besides, what do you think most of the buildings are made of?" He gestured back at the gleaming city. "Gems. At least this time we're doing it because we want to." He shuddered softly, then trotted back into the hole.

Night watched him go, then glanced back at Silver, "I suppose these ponies understand what it means to not have choices."

Silver huffed, "Compared to them, I've always had choices. I've got little right to compare. Let's go check it out and see where we can help."

The first thing Silver noticed was the lighting was dim. Sure, her slit eyes brought it up to an acceptable level, but she knew the crystal ponies had no such advantage. "Torches would be dangerous in a confined area... I think I read something that would be useful." She pulled out her book of spells and got to reading as Night scouted ahead.

Night came back at an idle walk, "They're just digging at the walls wherever they see something shiny. There's no order at all."

Silver raised a brow, "That's not good, but I know I can trust you to sort that out. You get them in line, and try to find me a crystal about this big." She held her hooves apart about the size of a baseball, "Round would be ideal."

Night trotted into the depths, and soon her loud barks were heard as she began loudly bossing the crystal ponies around. She wasn't mean-spirited about it, but she did take charge. Silver sat up, ready to cast when Night came back. Night pulled three gems from her saddlebag. Two were close to the ideal size, and one was the yellow hue Silver desired. She picked up the selected gem and began playing magic at it. With focus and magic, its internal matrix aligned to form a magic battery of sorts. "Time to do some magic electrician work!"

Night raised a brow, "Huh?"

Silver led the way out of the mine and looked around for a good spot. She tucked the yellow orb into a rocky nook, where it would be exposed to the sun. "This is the heart of the new light system. There aren't enough unicorns around to assume they'll juice it up. This one will refill itself through the day. I just need to start making the lights draw from it." She tilted her head at it, "One this big should support about a dozen lights. I'd make a bigger one, if I could... I'll have it dim out and turn off as the sun sets, since ponies should get some sleep anyway."

Night patted Silver with a wing lightly, "Your eyes sparkle when you start talking about this stuff. You're adorable." As Silver blushed, Night leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, "Don't go all introvert on me. You have lights to do."

Silver nodded quickly and headed back into the tunnels, "I'll want some more crystals, but tiny ones will do, say no bigger than this." She held up her hooves to ping-pong ball in size, "Round isn't needed, any color." Before Night could go searching, a passing crystal pony offered up some of her haul. Silver smiled, "Thanks!" She quickly snatched a silvery handful and got to work. As each crystal was bound to the solar crystal outside, it began to glow with its light, casting yellow-tinted illumination across the area.

Night picked up one of the crystals, "Looks like it's working. So they just have to put these around where they're working?"

Silver nodded, "And on the tunnel heading back to the surface. They can be moved around, so it should be good for a while. Since it uses the magic of the sun, they should keep on glowing unless they're damaged. They're still crystals, so tell them to not abuse them."

After the crystals were distributed, Silver trotted for the surface, Night just behind. Silver suddenly collided with something both hard and soft in places. She backed up a step and gracelessly landed on her belly. She looked up at the brown-orange pony she had crashed into. He had two-tone blue hair for mane and tail, and wore the gold armor of a guard. Silver's mind whirred a moment before she blinked, "Flash?"

Flash blinked his blue eyes, "Have we met before? Sorry for bumping into you, miss." He offered a hoof to her and Silver stood up with his help.

Silver squinted suddenly. She'd been helped up by Flash Sentry. By series logic, they had to fall in love? She snorted at the idea of it, though part of her agreed with the notion. He was a well-shaped pegasus, and he was polite, and he smelled kind-- Silver shook her head out. She was no one's waifu and she would not be stolen by Flash! She sagged a little, but would it be bad to be stolen in those orange legs?

Night slapped Silver lightly with a wing, "Equestria to Silver? You alright in there? Sorry for the trouble... Flash was it?"

"Flash Sentry," he agreed, "Nice to meet you both. I didn't expect to see lunar ponies outside Canterlot. I heard you were doing work around the mines and thought I'd come say hello and thank you."

Night flashed a fanged smile, "It's our pleasure. So what's guard work for Cadance like? She seems like a real sweetie."

Flash nodded, "She is. This has been my best post. She treats everyone like family. I don't know how she squeezes in all the time to talk to everypony, but she manages somehow."

Silver tilted her head, "How long have you been here?"

Flash rubbed behind his helmet with a hoof, "Well let's see. There's been one Hearth's Warming so far, so not quite two years yet. You two just arrived?"

Night nodded before adjusting her glasses, "Week and a half ago. We just finished in the mines."

Flash raised a brow, "Already?"

Silver smiled, "It wasn't that much. They needed to focus their efforts, and be able to see." She turned and pointed at the yellow crystal, "Don't let anypony mess with that. It powers the lights inside."

Flash nodded towards it, "I'll let the other guards know. Back to business for me, see you around the castle." They exchanged waves, and parted ways.

Night trotted alongside Silver as she spoke, "He was a fine slice of pony, wasn't he?"

Silver sagged, "Oh thank god I thought it was just me and a broken hormonal mind."

Night smirked, "Gotcha."

Silver went red and shrunk, "That was... really not nice Night, come on."

Night nudged Silver, "You were looking at him like you wanted to sail away in his eyes. He's not a bad looker, really, but you were lost to me. What am I going to do with you?" She nudged Silver again, "It's like you took Fast's place."

Silver blinked softly, flopping down on her haunches. "Huh... I never thought of it like that."

Night snorted softly, "Sometimes it takes an outside perspective." She leaned in close, "Do you think he's interested?"

Silver stiffened, "I didn't ask! Should I have? Night! Seriously... I don't want to be an awful herd, uh, sister."

Night raised a hoof, "And there is the problem. You're a mare, and you seem comfortable with that." She leaned in, "Before you freak out at that, I'm already OK with you as a mare, stallion, both, whatever. I like you for your crazy brain." She snorted and rolled her eyes, "So we're both mares. We get to shop around for a nice stallion."

Silver frowned, "What about Twilight? I might be... carrying her?"

Night shook her head, "Still a mare. Even if she decides to support you as best as she can, she is not going to stop being a mare. She's also a princess and won't publicly marry either of us." She flashed her teeth. "Good thing she can trust your devotion to her to keep quiet about where your foal came from..."

Silver sat with a stubborn blush. She wouldn't ever do something to purposefully harm Twilight, or at least she was pretty sure of this... "So... are you still first wife or not?"

Night tilted her head, "No stallion, no first wife, or second wife. We're just two girls in it to win it."

Silver frowned, "I don't like that. We're more than that."

Night shrugged gently, "Social constructs, what can you do with 'em? You can call me whatever makes you happy, so long as it's not bat pony."

Silver leaned in to nip at Night's neck gently, "What if I called you my darling little bat?"

Night wrapped her wings around Silver, "I would kill you and make passionate love to your still-cooling body."

Silver barked out a laugh, "Not the worst way to go. So... stallion market, that feels weird..." She glanced around, "What about the crystal ponies?"

Night shrugged, "Nice enough ponies, but what if that crystal runs to other places." She waggled her brows suggestively.

Silver swallowed loudly, "Alright, I can see why that might be an issue."

Night bumped against Silver, "I thought you would. Let's grab some lunch and see what else we can shove our snouts into."

As they turned to head to the castle, Silver felt song magic bubbling up within her. She let it take her and sang out one quick line about 'It will all work out', and then it passed over her. Silver glanced at Night, "Tell me you felt that."

Night blinked, "Felt what?"

Silver sighed and led the way to the dining hall, eager to replenish the energy spent in making the light system.

Cadance wasn't there, but a few other crystal ponies were, and they were eager to chat idly over lunch. Silver wasn't entirely sure, but she thought one of them, a stallion, was eyeing her. She pretended to not notice and focused on filling her belly.

Author's Note:

Let there be Light!

Let there be no typos!

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