• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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11 - In the Name of Science

Silver was floated along as Twilight descended some steps, her wings fluttering lightly. She broke the silence, "I was very surprised when Luna gave leave to fully examine you. Celestia and Luna had been adamant about leaving you alone until now."

Silver felt less certain of his safety, but tried to have faith in his favorite librarian, "Hey, uh, I never got the chance to thank you much for the work you did for me in Manehattan."

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively, "No need to be sarcastic, I was in a rush."

Silver's ears fell, "I meant it. You took time out of your day to give it a shot, and everything worked out in the end."

Twilight paused in her advance, looking up at Silver, then continued forward, "They were right, you can compete with Fluttershy. I did very rough work that day and shouldn't be thanked for it." She pressed on a brick and the wall slid open where there was no door, permitting access to what appeared to be a dungeon, with more scientific equipment in it. She moved Silver onto an examination table and quickly had his hooves strapped in, "Comfy?"

Silver shook his head, "Would you be upset if I said not really?"

Twilight nudged the door shut then circled around Silver, "It's for your own safety. Now, let us review the given facts, and you can interrupt me if I'm wrong. You were born a human. You appreciated our culture through the limited view offered by your entertainment media. You are now a pony." She hiked a brow, "You are very sexually active."

Silver interrupted with a huff, "With only a select few. I'm not running around looking for mares."

Twilight waved a hoof lightly, "Most stallions settle for one mare, Mister Lining."

Silver flushed softly, "Silver Stars."

Twilight raised a brow, "Huh, I'll have to update my documents." And papers lifted from her saddlebag as she got right to work updating his name. "Now where were we. Ah, right, sexually active. You have a lopsided grasp of magic."

Silver tilted his head at her, "What do you mean?"

Twilight nodded her head, "How many spells have you created?"

Silver considered, "Entirely new, or new combinations?"

Twilight wobbled a hoof, "Good enough answer, now show me the magic alphabet."

Silver ran through the symbols, but was actually worse than his best, having long ago given up on the effort.

Twilight nodded, "I rest my case. Do you know how many spells I have created?"

Silver raised his brows, "A lot?"

Twilight thrust a hoof in the air, "One, and it was already mostly written for me."

Silver began to worry anew, "Are you, uh, I mean... I'm not trying to show off."

Twilight approached him from the side and lightly poked, "I'm not jealous. I'm curious! There's a lot about you I want to know about. So, are you a 'brony' as Jake self-identifies as?"

Silver nodded lightly, "The term fits well enough, as silly as it sounds when you're actually a pony."

Twilight nodded, making a scribble, "Who is best pony?"

Silver squinted. He decided Jake must have told her about that meme, and silently cursed his name. "You were always my favorite of the mane six."

Twilight flashed a smile, "You're just saying that!"

Silver shook his head, "I always identified with you, and your eager absorption of knowledge, and some of your, uh, social awkwardness."

Twilight snorted softly, "I do not have social awkwardness."

Silver didn't argue it, watching her silently from his prone position.

Twilight continued, "I would have thought you would have said Fluttershy. You have many traits in common with her. Acceptance of unacceptable behavior, extreme introversion, a massive desire to avoid conflict of any kind."

Silver grew warm and red as she spoke, wriggling, "Those are not traits I value, at least, not entirely. Your traits, for the most part, I do value."

Twilight tapped her chin softly a moment, "Fair enough." She spread her wings, "So you know how I got these?"

Silver nodded, "You finished the old spell from Star Swirl, undid the mixed-up cutie marks, and got destroyed. Celestia put you back together, with wings, and sent you back."

Twilight raised a brow, "That's a very condensed version, but essentially correct." She paced around Silver slowly, "If you knew all about me, and my friends, why didn't you approach us when you had the opportunity?"

Silver shrugged as best he could with his hooves still strapped down, "I was trying to respect you. You were living your own lives. Heck, you were in the middle of one of your adventures at the time and I didn't want to mess it up."

Twilight raised a brow, "Are we still living out the stories you saw?"

Silver shook his head, "Your defeat of Tirek was the last thing I knew for certain. I have no idea what's going to happen."

Twilight reared up, placing her forehooves on the edge of the table Silver was strapped to, "Fascinating! Now hold still a moment." She brought down what looked like a huge version of the colander with christmas lights she used on Pinkie Pie and lowered it to hover just above Silver's body.

She sat down and directed a beam of power at a curious-looking terminal nearby. The christmas lights began to flash and blink as Silver saw it emit Twilight's magic over him. He began to tingle and feel warm, but could do little about it. "So..." he began, "What are you looking for?"

Twilight gestured at the terminal, "I'm seeing how much human is left in you."

Silver raised a brow, "I can't imagine much, physically."

"Why theorize when we can just see?" countered Twilight with a patient smile. She walked over to the terminal, eyeing the squiggly lines and characters spilling out of it. "I must confess, I find it odd that you fit in as well as you do."

Silver snorted softly at that, "You must not be in touch with the going-ons. I've not had an easy time of it. Hay, just before you got here, I was mugged by four violent ponies... I... kinda killed one of them."

Twilight's wings ruffled lightly, but she didn't look too surprised, "Luna mentioned this. You are the gentlest murderer I've ever met."

Silver rolled his ears back, "How many have you met, and I'm not sure that's a compliment?"

Twilight flashed a smile, "It means I can do whatever I want with you, provided I don't maim or kill you."

Silver's blood ran cold and he gave a tug at the straps, "Please tell me you're just joking around?"

Twilight shook her head, "I checked with Celestia. Provided I cause no lasting physical damage, you're mine to examine and experiment with."

Silver wriggled more violently, "I don't get a trial or something?"

Twilight tilted her head, "I was told you confessed to Celestia already."

Silver sagged. He had. He told her everything, and didn't argue the deed. "I didn't mean to. I'm not a killer."

"But you killed," argued Twilight, "Ergo, you are a killer. A very nice killer, from what I've seen, but still a killer."

The terminal gave a soft beep and Twilight paused speaking to look over the long run of paper it had produced.

Silver conjured his hands but wasn't sure what to do with them. He could unbuckle himself, but Twilight would overpower him easily and throw him back on the table, likely with a magic inhibitor. He decided to try a different tact and sent the hands over to Twilight, gently petting her mane with one hand while scratching behind her ear with the other. "I always liked you, Twilight. I don't want you to think of me that way."

Twilight made a soft noise as she was pet, seeming to enjoy it at first before she snapped back to attention and approached Silver, "You shouldn't have killed then. However! What is harmony without forgiveness? After my experiments are complete, you will be released. You're not my subject forever." She flashed a smile, "I'm a little amazed. You still had magic and used it to pet me?" Her horn flashed and his magic became impeded, "You are a strange stallion."

Silver sagged as he realized his gambit had failed him. "Luna didn't warn me about the teeth. I had no idea I would hurt her like that."

Twilight raised a brow, "Good ponies do not grab other ponies on the throat with their teeth, especially not those teeth!" She pointed at the fangs that protruded from Silver's mouth. "But bad ponies don't broker peace for several hundred desperate changelings, or give up their wife to be their shepherd. Bad ponies don't care for the weak and infirmed. Good ponies don't throw fire around a school! Bad ponies don't..."

She grunted softly, "You are a confusing package. Speaking of!" She produced a flask and hovered it over to Silver's belly, "I'll need a sample to see if you still produce any human-compatible essence."

Silver blinked softly, looking down at the hovering vial, "What kind of sample?"

A soft pinch was felt in his arm as Twilight drew blood swiftly, "Well that's one down." A swab went for his mouth as he yelped and drew back quickly into a smaller vial, "Two down. Just need urine and semen and we're all done." She wobbled the vial that hovered over him. "It doesn't matter much which comes first."

Silver let out a slow sigh, "Considering I've been nothing but cooperative and have never used magic to escape a pony of authority, could you take off the magic blocker?"

Twilight raised a hoof, "Being pet is distracting."

Silver nodded slowly, "Alright, so I won't pet you. You just had to ask."

Twilight considered it a moment before she plucked the ring off of Silver, allowing his magic to flow freely again, "I'm trusting you to be a good pony."

Silver let out a soft sigh of relief, "It's like an instant head-cold when you wear one of those." Twilight was looking at him with a swishing tail and an eager look. She was adorable, but a little scary. "Uh... so... I can provide one of those samples, but I never mastered any trick that'd let me give you the other on command."

Twilight turned the vial and slipped it down over his sensitive bits, "Let's get the easy one then, shall we?"

It wasn't hard to give Twilight her precious bottle of piss, and she tucked it away before pulling out a fresh bottle, "One left to go!"

Silver shied back a little, though there was little room for him to wiggle on the table, "You're not one of my wives, Twilight." Not that he'd object to it on principle, but had a feeling it would be terribly unlikely for Twilight to just relocate to Canterlot. "You're cute, but staring at you isn't quite... enough."

Twilight's horn glowed ominously, "There are always alternative ways. Besides, you're single."

Author's Note:

Hello Twilight! Wait, what are you doing? Twilight! Stahp!

Just how deep and personal will this investigation go?

How badly will she punish him for his typos? Will he like it?

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