• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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25 - Request Denied

Silver smiled between her herd-mates, even if they were in audience with Princess Cadance. She felt no fear towards this particular royal, however. "Cadance, you've given us so much already that I feel guilty even asking, but you suggested we move back to Equestria. We were wondering if you still had a home in Canterlot we could use?" asked Silver, "My herd-mates and I would be very thankful and do as you ask."

Cadance gave a slight pout, "Would that you had asked two months ago. I had little use for such a large manor and I gave it away to a local there." She tapped her chin, "But I doubt Aunty would let you be homeless. If you return to her and ask nicely, she will undoubtedly arrange something. If not, let me know, and I will."

Fast shook her head a little, "You're right, she is best Princess."

Cadance gave a soft smile towards Fast, "And you are Fast Change? I am told you worked very hard to give succor to those who were... once... our enemy." She had a subtle twitch as she said it. "That was very noble of you. It seems Silver surrounds herself with wonderful ponies." She gestured over Night, Fast, and Silver, "Have you decided to form a new family?"

Silver was quick to nod, "I don't think we need anypony else besides us three."

Cadance nodded slowly before she pointed at Silver, "I was certain one would be enough, but you do seem all the happier. You compliment one another wonderfully. I hope nothing will ever stand in the way of your love." She spread her wings wide, "In the name of the Crystal Empire, I recognize you as one."

Night perked a tufted ear, "You didn't specify a herd, or stallion, or anything. Was that intentional?"

Cadance nodded, "I think such titles have only gotten in your way in the past. You three should stand equally, side-by-side, with only love between you, not more titles and formality."

Fast clopped her hooves together, "Best Princess. Thanks!" She then grabbed Night around the withers and pulled her into a fierce kiss.

Cadance watched Silver a moment, then gestured outwards, "There is nothing for you to wait for. You can leave whenever you feel ready, and no sooner. If you want to return, you'll all be welcome. Silver, there is some news I have for you, and I want you to accept it as an inevitable growth of your love, not a problem to be solved."

Silver perked an ear, looking confused, "What? Did something break?"

Cadance shook her head, "I think not." She pointed at Silver's belly, "But I see a new thread of love. Have you been thinking of a foal?"

Silver flushed a little, nodding and shuffling in place, "I have..."

Cadance smiled, a gentle expression free of judgment. "Your love has found something to bond with. You are a mother."

Silver felt tension grow quickly as theory become hard reality. She wobbled a little in place before she was tackled to the ground under the weight of both of her wives. Night looked Silver in the eyes, peering through her thick glasses. "You're not allowed to freak out," she said firmly. "We love you, and you'll be OK. We promise."

~They can't protect you,~ whispered a dark voice in Silver's head. ~Your own doom grows within you.~

Fast, seemingly unaware of any voices, kissed over Silver's cheek, "I'm so happy! Our family is going to get big fast! Don't worry, I'm not going to get all fat, so you can leave the chores to me, and I'll accept payment in kisses, hugs, and anything else that comes to my mind."

Silver nudged the two affectionate mares away, struggling to her hooves, "Cadance."

Cadance peered at Silver, "What is it? You look upset. Is it about your foal?"

Silver shook her head, "No, it's... a voice. A voice keeps whispering terrible things to me."

Cadance drew a breath in a ragged hiss, "Did you ever see... eyes?"

Silver nodded quickly, "Shadow eyes, like Sombra."

Cadance clopped a hoof on the ground, "You have to go."

Night shrank a little, "I thought you weren't forcing us."

Cadance shook her head quickly, "This is for your own good. The shadow forces of the north are reaching for you. They can't operate at a distance, but nothing will keep them away until the week is over, and I fear what damage may be inflicted while we wait. Please, go. I would never forgive myself if you were harmed in such a way under my watch."

Silver turned for the door, "I understand the difference. I don't hold this against you. Night, Fast, let's go."

They followed after Silver quickly. Fast leaned in a little, "I barely got here, but I'm going where you lead. Where to?"

Night adjusted her glasses nervously, "Well if I had to say, the train station. We have to leave the kingdom, and there's no other way out unless you want to hoof it."

Silver shook her head, "No, thanks. Pregnant..."

Fast rubbed alongside Silver's side, "Does that bother you?"

Silver shook her head, "I feel kind of giggly. The thought that some part of Twilight is... growing in me. I wish... a lot of unreasonable things."

Night huffed, "Which are? Stop teasing us and tell us. You obviously like Twilight... a lot. I'd say there's an eighty percent chance you'd faint on the spot if she asked to join the herd."

Fast flashed her flat teeth, "Should I ask her for you?! We're all equal so anypony can do the asking, right?"

Silver went red as she shook her head all the faster, "We shouldn't interfere with her life... she has important things to do."

Night nudged Silver in the lower barrel, over her belly, "She's interfered with your life in a big way. You should tell her, next time you see her. She deserves to know she will become a father, and to make a choice."

Fast agreed easily, "Yes. She may refuse you, but she should have the option one way or the other. If she says no, more of you for us, so it's a win-win either way." She waggled her brows, "Give me a night with her and I'll change her mind."

Night quickly bonked Fast on the shoulder, "She's royalty! Drop that thought back in the gutter where you found it."

Fast pouted a little, and they went quiet until they were safely on the train. With as little preparation as their arrival, they departed the Crystal Empire. Silver gazed out a window, watching the glow of the city withdraw. She felt tears sting at her eyes as she wondered if she would return here eventually, and see its kindly princess. "I hate goodbyes," she cursed to herself, trying to banish the tears with fetlock-rubbing.

Fast softly nuzzled Silver's shoulder, "She obviously likes you."

Night perked an ear, "Who?"

Fast rolled her eyes, "Cadance, duh. You don't need to be a princess of love to know that Cadance cares about Silver. Not in the hot kissy way, but like a foal she didn't have." Fast tapped at her chin, "I wonder how different things would have been if you had come here, to the Crystal Empire, first."

Silver sighed as she sank into her seat, "I wouldn't have met Rough Draft, Trixie... Lyra... either of you. I don't know what that world would be like, but I don't want to imagine one without you two. Even the harsh parts are worth remembering. Celine..." The tears grew more intense as old feelings mixed with new ones and Silver curled on herself. Her wives did not allow her to wallow alone, and she was surrounded by warm bodies as the train chugged forward.

It was quite some time later, and the train starting up again stirred Silver from her nap. She heard hooves clopping on the ground and peeked out to see Twilight and her friends just... walking along to their seats. Silver couldn't believe the luck of it, and trotted out towards them. "Twilight?"

Twilight froze, then spun around in place, "Silver?! What are you doing here?"

Applejack glanced at Silver, then Twilight, "You know her, Twi?"

Rarity gestured at the dangling heart crystal around Silver's neck, "They have a good sense of accessories. It goes well with her coloration."

Silver offered a shy smile, "I'm kind of fleeing the Crystal Empire."

Twilight tilted her head, "Fleeing? What could you have done that would make Cadance kick you out of there?"

Silver raised a hoof, "She sent me out, for my own safety. Long story, but I didn't do anything wrong." She flicked the crystal medal she still wore, "I helped them."

Rainbow's head burst through the line of mares, peering at Silver, "Hey, that's a fancy-looking medal! What'd you do to get it?"

Twilight approached with a slow nod, "That is a medal of valor, but I don't remember the specifics. Well.. it's nice to see you, Silver. We're just coming back from an exciting mystery. Some crazy mare was stealing cutie marks."

Silver tilted her head, "You can do that? That sounds awful, like Tirek."

Applejack nodded, "Yup, just like that, but they didn't keep the marks, they stored them away like a squirrel preparing fer winter."

Silver nudged Twilight, "So, did you learn it?"

Twilight blinked, "Learn what?"

Silver smiled, "The magic. I may be good at making new spells, but I've seen you copy things you've only seen once. Did you learn it?"

Twilight shuffled nervously, "I don't think that's a spell anypony should know."

Silver waved a hoof, "Magic, not a spell, or am I wrong?"

Twilight shook her head. "Magic," she agreed, "Not a formal spell."

Silver clopped her hooves, "Show me? It can be reversed afterwards, right?"

Twilight looked quite hesitant, but nodded, "If you really want to see..."

Rainbow cocked a brow, "No wonder she got that medal. She's nuts. I'm not ever giving up my cutie mark again."

Twilight's horn glowed softly, then brighter as the magic surrounded Silver. A terrible pulling sensation built in both of Silver's flanks as the letters that made up her cutie mark peeled away. Silver's colors drained and she felt a little tired as the two marks quickly became one, then hovered over Twilight's head. An equal sign appeared in the mark's place.

Silver looked back at the sign, blinking, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Applejack volunteered, "It means you're 'equalized' or somethin'. Your special talent's been sucked right out of you."

Silver frowned, then fetched her book of spells and a quill. She flipped through the book and stared with building frustration, "I can't see the patterns at all!"

Twilight nodded, "Applejack is right. Your special talent is gone while I have your cutie mark. Do you want it back?"

Silver tapped her chin. Human cleverness was not gone, even if magic pattern seeing seemed to have been tied to the mark, "What if you gave it to somepony else, and gave me theirs? Could you swap marks with it?"

Twilight blinked softly, "I... didn't think of that."

Rainbow quickly covered her mark with her tail, "Not it."

A timid voice squeaked, "I'll try it, if that's OK..."

Twilight turned to regard Fluttershy, "I'm surprised you'd be the one to brave it, but if you're sure?" Fluttershy nodded with a smile. With a quick zap, Twilight had Fluttershy's cutie mark over her head, orbiting with Silver's. With a look of heavy concentration, she forced Silver's mark over Fluttershy's flank and after some rubbing and coaxing, it became part of her, overriding the equal sign on both sides. Twilight repeated the trick quickly for Silver, giving her butterflies on her flank.

Silver floated his spellbook towards Fluttershy, "Have a read, see if it makes any sense." The mark on her rump felt... odd. It was almost like it was trying to wriggle away, but it was part of her.

Fluttershy looked equally uncomfortable, but accepted the book. Her eyes darted back and forth. "I don't know magic," she confessed, "But I... think I see the pattern Silver was talking about, maybe?"

Silver trotted to a window and threw it open. With the magical timing of Equestria, a bird landed on the sill almost immediately. "Hello bird," said Silver.

The bird chirped softly, but Silver felt certain the bird was returning the greeting. "It's working! I mean, Hi! I'm Silver. Are you hungry?" The bird chirped that it wouldn't mind some seeds. No actual words formed, just extremely clear impressions. Silver turned towards the others, "Do you have any seeds?"

Fluttershy approached quickly, producing a small bag of seeds that the bird eagerly gobbled up and gave a brief thanks for before flying away. Fluttershy looked sad, "I couldn't understand the tweets at all."

Silver blinked, "No one can understand tweets. Uh, OK, switch us back, Twi, please?"

Twilight quickly set free the cutie marks and let them fly back to their homes. "That's amazing, and good to know. Maybe some good can come of this magic after all, if we come across a proper situation."

Silver nodded, then hinted at a cabin nearby, "Twilight, could I talk to you, in private?"

Twilight went tense again, "Oh, uh... if you insist..." She started to shuffle towards the room, but Rainbow zipped in front of her.

"Nothing doing," said Rainbow. "That's the second time you made Twilight nervous. Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of us. We're her friends, and we won't let her be bossed around by some strange mare."

Silver glanced at Twilight, then Rainbow, back to Twilight, "If she's OK with it?"

Twilight gave a faint nod, "I suppose... But this is a secret! For real! Pinkie promise nopony here will ever speak a word of it."

The group went through the motions, ending with a poke in their eye. Silver nodded as she sat on her haunches, "I'll get to the heart of it. Twilight Sparkle, you are becoming a father."

Twilight collapsed to the floor bonelessly.

Author's Note:

You are the father... of typos! How could you!?

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