• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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67 - Friends and Family

That evening, Silver visited Derpy as promised. Her dreams were as pleasant as the pegasus herself, and Silver departed from them with a smile. She looked around the dreamworld, considering her next course of action. She focused on Night Watch and the escalator under herself carried her to a particular floor, where a gloomy emo shop awaited. The dreamscape was in fine form that evening, and Silver smirked at it as she trotted up and entered the shop, and Night's dreams.

Night sat alone in a dimly lit room. She was writing something, quill held in a wing in a trick Silver had not even come close to mastering. Silver approached cautiously, keeping herself shrouded as she peeked over a shoulder. The words were nonsense, as they tend to be in dreams, but she could feel the meaning in them.

Day 24,

I am still alone. I am told that Silver is well. I am told Fast Change still has feelings. Twilight is oblivious, as per normal. Did I do something to push them all away?

Silver frowned at the words and felt guilt rise. Had she been neglecting Night? She wrapped her hooves around Night from behind, becoming a part of things. Night jumped in her grasp in surprise, but then smiled. "You came..."

"Of course I did." Silver softly nipped at one of Night's tufted ears. "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long."

Night sighed softly. "You can't help it, you're a princess now."

With a little dream shuffle, Silver was suddenly belly-to-belly with Night, laying atop her. "That is hardly an excuse. I don't even have a kingdom of my own yet... Please, come for me when I'm being stupid." She leaned in and rubbed noses with Night gently. "You are my--"

Night put a hoof to Silver's lips. "Don't say that. I want to be something other than a rock for you. Rocks get forgotten... You can always trust a rock to be where you left it."

Silver sat up on Night. "What do you want to be? You're a smart and wonderful pony, you can be whatever you want."

Night pouted a little. "Can I be a magic pony, and tease you with new spells and ideas?"

Silver tilted her head at that. "You're delightful as you are..."

"Delightful..." Night glanced away. "But not interesting. I can see, Silver. I know you. You love me, but I'm not interesting. I'm boring. I'm--"

Silver silenced her with a kiss, snuggling down into her in gentle presses. "You're wonderful." Silver lowered a hoof to rub over Night's swelling belly. "You're also my wife, and the bearer of my foal. How are you feeling?"

Night smiled gently, relaxing under the soft rubs. "Zecora is doing her job well. I'm fine, swelling up by the day."

Silver frowned a little. "That's part of this."

Night nodded. "Well... yes. I'm being slowed down. I'm fat and slow and boring."

Silver nuzzled against Night's cheek, frowning with thought. "Well I can't, and wouldn't, make you an alicorn. I don't think you'd trade wings for a horn?"

Night wriggled her nose. "No. My wings are a part of me."

Silver leaned over Night, nuzzling at one of the fuzzy wings. "An adorably cute part of you." She sat up again, considering. "Maybe it's time we re-explored the magic of lunar pegasi?"

Night tilted her head up at Silver. "What magic?"

Silver flashed her fangs and pointed at them with a hoof. "These, to start."

Night snorted at Silver. "I don't have the emotion fangs."

Silver suddenly bit into Night's neck, making her go rigid, then relaxing. Being a dream, Silver tried to take advantage of it, gently exploring through their connection to find where her own teeth bonded that Night's did not. In her mind she could see Night's body like a circuit board and she looked over it. The connection was there, but it was so thin. Silver gently changed the angle of her bite, speaking despite the full mouth easily. "This may sting or tingle, I'm not sure."

Silver unleashed a strong surge through her teeth, unleashing upon the thin line and feeding it. Night went tense underneath her, but stayed still. Suddenly, Night vanished, and Silver was thrown out into the dream mall. A light headache informed her that she hadn't landed quite right, but worry made such concerns minor at best. She quickly roused herself to waking. She rolled over in bed and found Night looking back at her. "Are you alright?"

Night nodded slowly. "I think so? I just... woke up. Did you do whatever you planned to do?" She reached with her wings and snatched her glasses, putting them on her face. "I don't feel any different."

Silver tilted her head. "Only one way to know. Go on..."

Night slowly rolled over on top of Silver and nuzzled into her neck gently. "Are you sure?"

Silver nodded quickly. "There are few ponies in this world I trust more than you, Night. Go ahead."

Night exposed her fangs. Silver could feel those sharp tips poking her a few times with uncertainty, but she kept still and tried to be patient. There! She flinched at the sudden piercing. "Alright... now... concentrate on an emotion, and let the magic inside of you loose. Like when you're flying really fast."

The emotion started to come through, a shy nervousness that Silver had felt many times before. "Something stronger... happier? It's working Night. It's really working."

The news of victory turned the emotion towards more excited spectrums, then deepened into something else. Night rubbed against Silver with an increasingly obvious want. They spent several hours reminding one another of their love.

The next morning, the breakfast table was quite crowded. Besides Silver, Fast, Night, and Twilight, there was also Rough and Trixie. Not quite crowded enough, the rest of the Mane Six were gathered about the table. Twilight spoke first. "I'm glad everypony could make it. I just wanted to get a few things clear, now that we're back." She extended a wing towards Silver. "I was not 'corrupted' by Silver. She is a fine mare and a good friend, and should be treated as such. I..." She swallowed heavily. "I plan to marry into her herd. Consider this a formal announcement of our engagement."

Fast quickly began clopping his hooves as supportive voices rouse around the table. Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash and waggled her brows suggestively. Rainbow rolled her eyes with a disgusted snort and bits exchanged hooves. Rarity smiled brightly. "Oh my, this is simply amazing, darling." Her eyes turned to Fast Change. "That makes you the stallion of a royal herd. How exciting! With not one, but two princesses! I dare say you've just made all the stallions across Equestria jealous."

Fluttershy demurely looked up at Twilight. "How are you going to explain this to everypony else? They might... think Silver Star's forcing you?"

Twilight scowled at the suggestion. "Well, I have a plan for that." Her horn glowed and a large screen dropped from above, flowcharts and graphs already prepared. "I'll send a letter to Celestia immediately, requesting the right to host Silver's coronation. We'll make it a nice ceremony, and make it clear during it that Silver is a good princess, eager to serve her people. The culmination of that ceremony will be her asking for my hoof in marriage. I will accept, and nopony will question it."

Rarity wobbled a hoof. "I wouldn't say 'nopony' exactly, but it should help!" She clopped her hooves. "I simply must get to work making proper outfits. Leave this to me, Silver Stars."

Pinkie bobbed her head. "I get to plan the party, right?"

Twilight shook her head. "The reception, certainly, but the coronation itself has a very specific set of requirements, so leave that to me."

Trixie puffed out her chest and rose to her full height. "Trixie demands a part in this. Her foal will not be crowned without her involvement."

Twilight flashed a bright smile. "I thought you might say that." She pointed with a floating wand to a part of the flowchart. "You are, if willing, to be part of the entertainment and special effects for the coronation and reception. I'll expect you to really razzle-dazzle the ponies and get them worked up for Silver Stars."

"This Trixie can and will gladly do." Trixie looked quite pleased with her role.

Applejack raised a hoof. "Ah'll be offering up refreshments, right?"

Twilight nodded. "That would be lovely, thank you Applejack. I'll be sure to get you recompensated for the spent apples." Her eyes turned to Night and Fast. "As for you two, you're going to be on display as much as Silver and myself. You'll need to look your best and carry yourself with dignity. We have to sell this herd to the public, so we all have to be on our best behavior during the coronation."

Shining Armor was propped up against Cadance, sleeping quietly. The rest of the princesses looked like they wanted to join him in slumber, but the talks raged ever onwards. Cadance raised a hoof. "Why not, instead of mandating donations, opening it to willing ones. Create positiv--" She paused to yawn widely. "--Positive social pressure and incentives. Ask more from our ponies and demand less."

Luna gave a slow nod. "I could get behind that. The nobles of Canterlot are fiercely competitive. If they get it in their minds that it is prestigious to be the largest donor, we may amass much more, without demanding, in short order." She looked to Celestia. "Tia... You can rouse them, can you not? I have seen you play those rich fops before."

Tia nodded, which almost became a nodding off. She jerked awake with a snort. "Yes! Yes, I believe I can do that... Luna, you can help. A few select dreams in the right ears would help get the ball rolling much more quickly."

Cadance smiled with relief. "This will mean so much to my ponies." She looked to Celestia. "This is what we meant. We love you, Auntie. You've done very well by us, and all Equestria, but compromise, just a little." She paused to yawn widely. "And please let Silver Stars get some peace. Poor thing deserves a few more medals. Just... try accepting her. She's not so bad."

Celestia gave a little nod as the door opened and a royal guard rushed in, offering a paper to her. Celestia's eyes wandered over the paper and she sat up sharply. "I'll rip him to pieces!"

Shining Armor jerked awake at the noise and collapsed to the table with a thump. The rest of the princesses jerked in place. Luna tilted her head. "Has Sombra returned?"

Celestia took a slow breath and set the paper down. "I'm sorry... I'm more tired than I thought."

Cadance grabbed the paper and pulled it over with her magic to look at. "Twilight has requested Silver Stars get her coronation in Ponyville, and that she intends to publicly become engaged to her during it."

Luna tilted her head a little. "Tia... What part of that missive would make you cry out like that?"

Celestia shook her head slowly. "I am fatigued. If we are done here..."

Cadance set the note down. "I don't think we are. Are you unhappy with their union?"

Luna frowned at Celestia. "Tia... You insisted that was just a dream. You assured me it meant nothing." Celestia didn't reply, and Luna pressed. "Tia, sister. You can't be with her. It's not right. You two are not on the same level. It...would be just as poor as when I took Silver Stars."

Celestia clopped a hoof on the tabletop with tremendous force, shattering it into three uneven pieces. "It's not the same! I... She loves me. She adores me. I adore her. We would... treat each other well."

Cadance's eyes widened with shock. "Auntie! Twilight sees you as a mentor, practically a second mother. That would be very wrong. Nopony would accept it, even if she did. Please, don't taint years of wonderful relationship with this."

Celestia sagged in place. "I know... I know... I don't intend to chase her." She gestured at the paper, resting on the broken table. "The thought of that... Silver Stars... having her..."

Luna shook her head a little. "I was not aware your feelings ran this deep..." She tapped her chin and smiled. "Perhaps we could hatch two birds from one egg? Have you not noticed Silver Star gazing at you with fond eyes?"

Cadance snorted. "Their herd is quite large enough without cramming in the Princess of all Equestria into it."

Luna waved Cadance off. "Nothing so extreme... Just listen..."

Author's Note:

Luna, why do you end the chapters? Do you not like us hearing the good parts? I think she's still angry about the breakup.

Maybe typos are her way of getting back at me?

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