• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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33 - A Striped Past

A soft knocking summoned Spike to the door. He pulled it open and peered at whomever was outside, "Uh, yeah?"

Two zebras stood before him, a male, and a female. The stallion bowed a head towards Spike, "Good tidings, small dragon. Is the Princess of this castle present?"

Silver, who had been perched nearby, perked an ear, "No offense, but I thought zebras rhymed."

The two looked at Silver, then brightened. The stallion spoke, "Ah! You may be whom we seek." They attempted to enter, only for spears to descend from other side in a cross from the guards standing outside the door. They frowned a little at the guards, but the expression was fleeting.

The mare looked to Silver, "Only our shamans speak in the rhyming tongue. It is a sign of deference to the spirits, who also have difficulty communicating clearly."

Silver nodded with a smile, "Makes sense to me. I see the jewelry is common though?"

The stallion glanced down at his neck rings, "All zebras of station wear such. Be cautious if you meet one without, for they are without means." The stallion tilted his head, "You are much more enchanting than the reports given."

Twilight arrived to save Silver from self-consciousness, smiling at the zebras, "Hello! How can I help you two today?"

The mare smiled at Twilight, "We hoped to speak with your guest." She pointed at Silver.

Twilight tilted her head, "Well, let me ask her." She moved to Silver, speaking softly, "The zebras have long been allies of Equestria, and they look nice. Do you want to talk to them?"

Silver couldn't help but notice an inappropriate giddiness at the simple pleasure of being asked something instead of it being foisted on her. "I'm not doing anything else, and they do look nice. Invite them in."

Soon Silver sat across from the zebra diplomats. Twilight sat to the side of all three, keeping a watchful eye.

The mare spoke first, "We hear you have a very specialized skill in spell-crafting. May we ask for a demonstration?"

Silver bobbed her head, "Sure. Did you bring some spells?"

The stallion raised a hoof, "And here is the challenge." He pulled a book out of a satchel and set it down. Once open, Silver peered at the odd writing.

"This isn't a spell. It looks more like a recipe?" noted Silver.

The mare nodded softly, "Exactly the case. We wish to see if you can blend two potions the same way you blend two spells. Are you educated in the way of our people?"

Though Silver had a good impression the mare knew she was not, she obligingly shook her head, "I'd be pleased to learn more."

The stallion spoke, "Like ponies, zebra have magic. Like unicorns, we have spells. We do not command the aether directly, instead we direct and channel it through potions and poultices. There are effects we can do that would require one of your 'Princesses' to achieve. It's slower, but when you work with nature, instead of against it, miracles are possible."

Twilight looked raptly interested, listening along with Silver.

Silver raised a hoof, "Do you have some kind of index of what does what? I don't know what any of these ingredients do, even in theory, so there's not a lot for me to start from."

The mare drew out a new book. Its front was decorated with a smiling herb and its title read, 'My First Potion, an Exhaustive Guide.' "Do you need time?" she asked, "We are in no hurry. If you can blend potions, it would be quite a sight, and well worth an extended stay."

The stallion nodded in agreement, "Please do not feel pressured. If you cannot, there is no shame, but if you can, the potential is incredible."

Twilight smiled at Silver encouragingly, "I haven't met a zebra I didn't like so far."

The mare perked an ear at Twilight, "How many have you met?"

As if summoned, the door knocked again, but then swung open. The guards apparently allowed Zecora past without challenge. She was burdened with bags of jars and plants. She saw the other zebras and her eyes went wide, "Oh this I did not predict, I fear our schedules do conflict. Greetings friends from far away, what brings you to Twilight's tower today?"

The couple both rose and offered a bow towards Zecora before the stallion spoke, "We were not aware Princess Twilight had dealings with a shaman. We would have sent word to you before arriving if we had known."

Zecora shook her head, "You have caused no harm, there is no reason for alarm. I have come to see this mare, for her foal she must prepare." Zecora approached Silver directly, guiding her to the ground and starting to inspect her without further waiting or prompting.

The mare zebra perked an ear, "I was not informed Silver Stars was with foal."

Twilight nodded her head, "It's true."

The mare and stallion glanced at each other, then back at Twilight as the mare spoke, "If you wish us to leave and return later, we can do that."

"No," objected Silver even as she was rolled over and Zecora inspected her undercarriage and other more sensitive portions, "I don't want to sit around idle. I'm not even showing yet."

The stallion smiled, "If you insist. We will leave these books with you, however. It will take you time to read them and try your best. If the shaman is feeling generous, perhaps she may help." They were led off by Twilight, being shown off to a guest room to stay in.

Once everyone was gone, Zecora asked, "Is that a beginner's book I see? To master brewing takes more than a day or three." Her hooves were skilled and gentle as she looked Silver over with touch and eyes and even hearing.

Silver relaxed under Zecora's care, feeling safe around the wise zebra. "It's nice to meet you, Zecora. Yes, they want me to try blending potions together like I do spells, and I said I would try my best."

Zecora nodded lightly, "You are healthy and entirely fit. Perfectly suited for foals, I admit. For one so young, your body prepared. Scarcely can I begin to compare." Her eyes turned to her pouches as she began swiftly preparing a few herbs, grinding them together and then offering the stone bowl to Silver, "Eat."

Silver sat up onto her haunches, then accepted the bowl in her magic. She slurped up the paste of plants, despite its bitter taste.

Zecora turned her gaze to the two books, "They are fools, and you will be hurt. Start with potions that you do not insert." She flipped the pages of the recipe book, "Here is one that looks safe, the worst that can happen is a chafe."

Silver smiled gently, "Will you show me a little? I used to cook, before I came to Equestria."

Zecora looked Silver over, "Your friend Jake spoke of you dearly, but I am afraid I did not understand clearly. Are you truly a human as he? How did ponies and humans share a family tree?"

Silver huffed softly, "I was human, then I wasn't. I was a stallion, then I wasn't." She smiled a little, "I am me, at least. I'm not trying to be vague, but the story gets longer every time someone asks."

Zecora nodded as she opened the introductory book and pointed at the fourth page, "Start here. Unlike unicorn magic, experimentation is encouraged of fledgling brewers, but try not to vary too far, and do not attempt potions you drink yet."

Silver blinked, "That didn't rhyme at all."

Zecora prodded Silver gently, "There is but one time a shaman can speak plainly, when she takes a student."

Silver went red as she grasped the honor being bestowed on her. She bobbed her head, "I will do exactly as you ask, thank you!" A thought came to her, "Potions are zebra magic, do I have the right... connections?"

Zecora smiled, "If you are truly committed, you will make such connections over time. The art of potion making is not specific to zebras, we just come to it naturally. The minotaurs are also very good at it. Pony folk, with their magic, find it too slow."

Silver and Zecora quickly assembled a brewing station to start with. A heavy pot over one of Twilight's Bunsen burners did the job. Zecora set aside some tools, namely a variety of stirrers and tongs, "These will be yours now. Never use the same things for brewing as cooking, unless you are far more experienced."

Silver nodded lightly as Zecora filled the pot with water. "We shall begin small..."

The hours went by as Zecora patiently showed Silver how to prepare herbs for the 'cauldron', how to spot ideally fresh and ready ingredients and such like that. Silver found much of it to not be that different from cooking in general, and was soon in the swing of it.

Night Watch happened by and approached curiously, "What are you doing?"

Zecora said nothing, so Silver spoke up, "I'm learning to brew potions, like zebras. Zecora was ever so kind enough to teach me."

Night raised a brow behind her thick glasses, "Wow, really? What'd you make so far?"

Silver leaned over the pot and sniffed at it, "Well, if this one works, it should make whatever you spill it on make a very silly sound when stepped on."

Night's expression flattened, "Really?"

Silver nodded with a silly grin, "Start small." She hefted up the pot with her magic and trotted outside with Zecora and Night following after her. She went for the main street of Ponyville and waited for the traffic to lighten a moment before she casually spilled the brew out and went dashing off to hide.

Night settled beside Silver, "This feels extremely foalish."

Silver just giggled, waiting and watching.

Night nudged against Silver, "I don't get it. Why would anypony want a potion like this? Why not start with something actually useful?"

Silver opened her mouth to talk, but stopped as she saw Mrs. Cake wandering over the patch. When her hoof came in contact with it, it let out a ripe noise of flatulence. Mrs. Cake went red and scurried off, but this carried her through the patch, pooting the entire way.

Silver struggled not to laugh and give it away, collapsing to the ground with silent laughter.

Zecora noted, "With your skill, it will not last long. Soon will end the ripe song."

Night shook her head, "I still don't see what this teaches."

Silver made a vague hoof gesture, "Zebra magic is different than unicorn magic. I have to practice to get the magic flowing properly."

A loud farting trumpet alerted them that another pony had fallen victim for the simple prank. Perhaps learning alchemy wouldn't be too monotonous.

Zecora rose and started back to the tower without word. Silver quickly dashed after her, and Night took up the rear. "So, why the sudden interest in alchemy?" asked Night curiously.

Silver explained as she walked, "Some zebras came and wanted to see if my talent could apply to potions, but I have to learn how potions work before I can do anything with the recipes, so here we are."

Night shook her head, "So why not read more and prank less?"

Silver snorted, "I learn by doing, not reading. I'll learn ten times faster by actually making potions than I will with my nose in a book trying to memorize it all."

Night accepted the logic, and Silver and Zecora were soon back to trying another potion.

Author's Note:

Zebras! Zebras everywhere! Maybe their camouflage will help us hide from the typos.

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