• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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22 - Strained Wings

Night Watch returned to the top of the castle to find it already pitched in heavy battle. A solar guard and a crystal guard were trying to peel one of the enforcers free of a crystal guard that was being torn into. The shaggy beast seemed to ignore the attacks against it, intent on tearing the guard beneath it apart as the poor guard screamed in agony. Night dive-bombed at the thing, driving her hoof into its snout and knocking away those razor teeth for a moment. It was opportunity enough to wrench the guard free, though the shadow beast was clearly ready to continue the fight.

Night looked around quickly, frowning. This battle was going poorly. An idea struck her, and she launched into the darkness, leaving her compatriots to hold the line for the moment. The sounds of the battle faded behind her as she soared as quickly as she could to the mines. She grabbed the sphere from its place in front of it and with strong flaps, was well on her way back to the tower. She would have to ask forgiveness later of Silver, if they survived to worry about it.

As she sailed over the fire line, she could see that most of the creatures had been stopped there, though a few had made it to the door, where they clawed and scratched frantically at the barricade. She wasn't sure how they got through, but there was little time to ponder that. She returned to the pitched melee on the roof and whipped her head, dashing the stone on the crystal of the castle. The rock cracked, and the magic inside escaped in a bright light. The golden rays of the captured sunlight spilled across the field, and the shadow creatures hissed as one as they shrank from it.

The guards gave a triumphant cry, pressing the advantage for all it was worth. Dizzy and apparently blinded, the shadow beasts were shoved right off the parapets to crash to the ground far below. The area was clear, for the moment. Downstairs, a loud splintering was heard. "They're breaking through the barricade!" shouted Night Watch, "All able-bodied melee soldiers, on me!" She moved for the stairs and glided down.

~There is no hope.~ whispered a voice in Night's head. ~Even now those you dared to harm are recovering.~

Night shook her head clear, frowning, "They have mind magic!" She quickly approached the front doors to find four shadow beasts fighting as many guards. The guards were losing quickly, but seemed encouraged at the presence of Night and reinforcements.

~Creature of the night, why do you betray the shadow?~ whispered in Night's ear. Night tried to ignore the words, tackling one of the beasts and wrapping her wings over its eyes to give the guard some welcome relief. A clawed hand grabbed her at the leg and yanked her free of the beast, slamming her into the ground. A fanged mouth hissed at her, only inches away. ~Sombra would welcome you to his court, creature of the night. Renounce the light. You have no place among them, these ponies of light and hope.~

Night brought up her legs together and lashed at the beast above her, but it barely seemed to notice the strike. Its teeth sank into one of her wings. ~Surrender, or we will break you. You can dig in the mines .~ As the words faded, the teeth clenched, the beast crushing the wing as she hissed. She twisted her body and got her head close enough to sink her teeth into the neck of the shadow creature, biting savagely. She worried her head back and forth, but so did the shadow creature, spreading agony through her abused wing.

Night saw a bit of movement before the beast atop her was knocked free. Flash Sentry came down heavily where it once was, "Get up. Retreat if you have to." With wings spread wide, Flash snarled at the still fighting-able beast. Night rolled up to her hooves and folded her good wing. Trying to move the other was pure agony, so she let it hang limply. She adjusted her glasses as the fight continued, then took a slow breath. Centered, she felt ready to rejoin, damaged wing or not.

"There's nowhere to run to," she said as she moved around to surround the beast with Flash, "We fight here, or we don't fight at all." Her thoughts wandered to the half-delirious Silver she left behind. If she couldn't keep them from roaming freely through the castle... She put aside the thought and jumped for the beast's back as it fought with Flash. She bit and she kicked at its back, barely seeming to slow it down, but it was all she could do.

"How many are outside?" shouted Flash as he ducked a swipe of razor sharp claws and spun around, bucking both hooves into its chin as it went for a bite, "We may have to abandon the fire circle."

"Looks clear!" shouted one of the guards just before she was tackled to the ground by one of the enforcers. Her screams joined the others as it began to tear into her in the most painful ways it could devise.

Not everyone had the bravery to fight this losing battle, and fled deeper into the castle. Soon there were only about six defenders, and the four intruders looked as healthy as ever. "They don't give up," said Flash between heavy pants, now decorated with bloody marks of the steady fighting. "They aren't... immortal, are they?"

The shadow beast in front of Flash surged forward, knocking aside an incoming hoof and sinking teeth into one of his forelegs, or so he tried. A sudden bright bubble appeared around Flash, protecting him. Standing at the end of the hallway was Cadance and Shining. Cadance took a ready stance and summoned her magic. The crystal heart flew rapidly to her side, pulling itself free of its cradle. "You have made the mistake of harming my people. Not a single more."

The beasts hissed loudly at Cadance before abandoning their fights entirely in favor of charging down the hallway towards Cadance, intent on the destruction of the wielder of the crystal heart. "As you wish it," she said, bringing up a hoof and slamming it down. The heart beside her flared to brilliant life and a beam of concentrated hope and love engulfed the attackers. Their charge petered into a pathetic stagger, then they collapsed to the ground, twitching helplessly.

Night was on one in an instant, pummeling its helpless form until it stopped moving.

Flash trotted up less frantically, kicking one along the way, "Why didn't we do that from the start?"

Cadance shook her head, "Against the original number? They timed their attack. The Crystal Fair is a month away and the heart was near its weakest point. I couldn't have repelled so many with it."

Shining nodded in agreement, "Guards, do a sweep of the city. If you find any other beasts, do not engage, report immediately. If you're too injured to move unimpeded, get looked at, and rest. You've earned it."

A weak cheer rose up from the defenders, most slumping against walls or anything else available.

Night made her way to Cadance, "I know your thing is love, but can you do anything?" She gestured at her busted wing with a hoof, "I can see in the dark and scouting is my specialty."

Cadance gave a soft nod, "Healing is not my strong suit, but I'll try. Focus on why you want to be able to fly, preferably somepony you want to love and protect." Night held the thought of Silver in her heart, and her desire to protect all the ponies of the kind kingdom that had taken her in. Cadance could see the lines swell and reached for them. With a gentle push, she let loose a stream of energy from the crystal heart to echo through the broken lunar pegasus. It wasn't healing magic specifically, but its potent dose of hope and love was a thing of miracles, and the pain began to fade away as things straightened enough for Night to fold the wing against herself.

Night flashed a bright smile, "Many thanks. I will look for more of those things." She spread her wings, wincing a little. The wing was still tender and would likely remain so for a while, but it was enough to get moving. She was soon out over the darkened city, looking for trouble.

~You have changed nothing,~ came a familiar voice.

"Buzz off," growled Night. "We already beat up most of you. Sombra's dead and not coming back."

~The shadow is beyond Sombra. Embrace the darkness of your own being,~ it whispered sweetly, ~We can offer you so much.~

Night kicked out a leg as she flew, "Stop bothering me!"

~Very well... But your wife has a darkened heart. We are sure she will listen to reason, even if you do not.~ Its tone was one of threat and finality.

Night winced, thinking back on Silver and wondering if she was OK. "I'll protect her. She's a creature of light, not dark."

~That is not what she said...~ whispered the voice. ~She will be our eager servant.~

Night couldn't take it. She abandoned scouting and flew straight back to the castle. She found Silver sleeping, face down in the food. Night cleaned Silver off, then took her away.

~You can't save her,~ taunted the voice, dripping with evil intent. ~I will have her.~

Night offered no response, climbing the stairs quietly. She set Silver down on their bed and watched her a moment before deciding to join her in the bed, curling protectively around her. It became quiet, and she could hear Silver's soft breathing. Night kissed her sleeping face, and she didn't react or stir at all. Night began to wonder what dreams were locked away in that alien mind. She didn't have Luna's dream visiting ability, so she could only guess, and hope they were pleasant.

The next morning, both awoke to a largely recovered city. They descended to find Cadance and Shining Armor presiding somberly over three caskets. Silver flicked her ears forward, then folded them back, "I thought they didn't go for kills right away?"

Shining Armor frowned, "They were tossed from the castle roof in the struggle. The ground... had no interest in their suffering. They will be remembered as heroes of the Empire."

Night nodded, "Is everything... clear?"

Cadance glanced towards the doors leading outside, "The city is safe. The Crystal Fair approaches, with it, renewed protection against the shadows." She approached Silver and smiled gently, "We have you to thank for your part." Rather than flowery words, she lowered her wings over Silver and held her there. Silver felt warm all over, and found it much more meaningful than any amount of words could have been.

"I'm glad I could help, and I wish I could have done more," said Silver. She scuffed the ground, "I'm only one unicorn."

Shining approached Night, "And you. You were instrumental to our victory as well. The men tell me you literally brought the sun to the roof to give them victory? I'm not sure how you did that, but we all owe you."

Night smiled nervously, "Ah, about that..." She looked towards Silver, "I broke your sun collector. It was for a good cause, but you'll have to make a new one."

Silver huffed, "Figures, go and break my things the moment I close my eyes." Her tone was light and absent of reproach. "Don't just thank us. Without the guards to fight too, neither of our efforts would have been enough on their own."

Night nodded quickly, "They were very brave, and I'm glad they were there."

Cadance gave a slow nod, "Everypony poured their hearts together to have enough hope against the darkness. Thank you all."

Author's Note:

So that's what happened. Here I thought they just called the whole thing off and went for ice cream while Silver took a nap.

Typos do not take naps, and they love the dark.

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