• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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7 - A New Pony

"Mistress Longfang Shadow the Third," declared Elizabeth proudly.

Night burst into a snicker, "There is no way you can take that for a name."

Elizabeth frowned, "It's my name! I can take what I want!"

Luna held up a hoof, "Let there be peace. A proper name has, traditionally, two parts. Why not share the last name of your adoptive father? Stars is a fine name."

Elizabeth was waving her head around, "How does this thing work?"

Silver gave a nervous smile, "That will take practice, but I'll help. After we get your name, and you can walk across the room without tripping."

Feeling rebellious, she began to walk. Four legs looks much simpler from the outside, and soon she was face first onto the wet spot on the carpet. "Yuck, what is this?"

Luna gave a soft sigh, "Just water, rise."

Elizabeth got up to her haunches, then pointed at Silver, "Fine, Night Stars, because I'm of the night!"

Night smiled a little, "That is a very appropriate choice. Now you are named and appear as our child."

Silver shook his head slowly, "You may live to regret this decision. You could have lived here in comfort with a nice pony couple."

Stars grinned, "What, are you two not a happy couple?"

Luna gestured to the east, "Methinks he refers to our trip. We travel to exotic lands soon, and there will be danger."

Stars only looked more delighted, "I get to go on a for-real adventure? Awesome! That's gonna be way more fun than school."

Silver approached her, doing a slow circle, "I don't want a girl getting hurt following me. That's..."

Stars frowned at him, "What, think a 'girl' can't keep up?"

Silver blinked, "What? No." He pointed at Night and Luna, "These two are the bosses of my life. Equestria is ruled by mares."

Stars wheeled on him, "Then I am your boss too, 'cause I am a mare."

Night rolled her eyes, "You're his daughter, he's still the boss, stallion or mare, at least of you. Also you're not a mare yet, you're a filly. No cutie mark, no profession."

Stars took her turn to circle around Silver, "I'm as big as he is!" This was true. They could be siblings more easily than father and daughter.

Luna pointed out, "He is almost triple your age."

Stars looked at Silver with new eyes, "What? You're an old man?"

"Thirty-five is not old!" objected Silver hotly, bristling. "Middle-aged at best."

Stars shook her head, "Ponies age weird..."

Night pointed at Silver, "I don't think he's physically thirty-five. How physically old is he?"

Luna seemed to consider this, "We admit to not selecting a specific age, only to make him young enough to be on the cusp of adulthood and ready to learn magic."

Silver's ears flipped back, "So we're basically the same age? Figures."

Stars rolled her eyes, "Fine then, 'dad'." She snorted at the title, "Or should that be bro?"

Night looked to Luna, "Does this work into your designs?"

Luna smiled, some plot brewing in her eyes, "In due time. For now, yes, Night Stars. I would prefer, in private, you to consider me as your mother. You may regard Night, in private, however you wish. He is too young to be your father. In public, listen to what he says. He has your best interest in mind."

Silver looked displeased at having his authority cut off so soon, but the expression soon faded, "Then you'll be taking over her instruction?"

Luna shook her head, "Perish the thought. You are a human as well. Your experience with how to learn to be a unicorn will be most helpful. I want you at her side at all times of the day."

Silver huffed softly, but nodded, "For now, I'm ready to retire."

Luna turned to depart herself, "Night court needs to begin. I will see you all later, my family." She trotted off with a pleased expression.

Night watched her go, then looked back to the other two. She leaned in towards Silver, "Sixty percent chance she's hoping you'll jump on this new mare."

Silver paled a little in his nose, "She's not an adult, even by Equestrian standards."

Stars had better hearing than expected, "I'm not big enough to give him a ride."

Silver went beet red and silent.

Night looked over Stars, "What he said is quite true. So long as you lack a cutie mark, there is little to immediately concern us."

Stars looked back at her blank, if dappled, flank, "So how do I get one of those again? Can Luna or Celestia give me one?"

Night shook her head, "It comes by learning what your natural talent is. You may get it while learning to be a unicorn."

Stars looked thoughtful, "I like drawing."

Silver huffed, "And yet you choose to become a fingerless pony?"

Stars lashed out a hoof, though her strike had little force behind it, "Shut up! I'll use magic! Show me how!"

Night rose and led the way, "Let's show you your room." They retreated through the halls, soon arriving at a small bedroom close to Luna's quarters. Stars immediately zipped over to the one bed present and claimed it by flopping onto it.

Night raised a brow at her, "We share that, just to warn."

Stars burrowed under the blanket, "Why is there only one?" came her muffled voice.

Silver put a fetlock over his eyes a moment, "Because we are mates, married. We do adult things."

Stars popped her head free and frowned, "You two have sex?"

Silver was stunned for a moment before realizing the internet ruined innocence quickly. "Uh, yes..."

Stars wrinkled her nose, "You're not doing that while I'm here. I'm not watching two horses go at it, yuck."

Night glanced between them, "She is very informed for a filly, though you should avoid using the term 'horse' as a comparison, unless describing raw strength or power. They are very large and powerful creatures, but slow of mind."

Silver offered, "Imagine being called a chimp or an ape back home?"

Stars gave a slow nod, "OK." Then she frowned, "Still calling dibs."

Night approached the bed and casually stepped up onto it, flopping down beside Stars, "It's large enough to share."

Silver moved to do the same thing, only for Stars to move with surprising rapidness, blocking his advances. "She can stay, we're both girls. Girls and boys shouldn't be sharing beds unless they're doing it."

Silver frowned, "This was my bed first. This isn't how you repay my kindness."

Stars stuck out her tongue, "You can have it tomorrow, we'll rotate."

Defeated, Silver sank just at the front of the bed. Fatigue demanded he sleep, so he did.

Stars perked an ear at Night, "Is he asleep?"

Night leaned forward a little, looking him over, "Seventy-five percent chance. Nothing will wake him unless it is very loud or shakes him."

Stars indicated towards him with her horn, "Is he really an adult?"

Night nodded, "Absolutely. Why?"

Stars flopped onto the soft bedding a moment, then looked to Night, "Do you two have any other kids?"

Night blinked, "We do not have any goats."

Stars frowned a little, "No, little ponies. Foals!"

Night patted her belly, "On the way, but not yet."

Stars blinked, "No. Way." She scooted closer and put an ear up to Night's belly quickly, but it was far too early to hear anything. "But I'm still first." She frowned, "Changed my mind. I'll be First Star."

Night raised a brow, "You can't keep changing your name."

First crossed her forelegs, "Last time, promise."

Night nodded and leaned over, biting First's ear softly in her fanged teeth, "Please don't torture Silver too much. He's a good pony, and just wants to be loved."

First looked confused, "Well, OK... I'll hug him when he wakes up if that's what he wants." She curled up in place beside Night, and was out almost instantly. It had been a long day.

Night settled, watching over her grown family curiously for a time. She joined First in slumber, though it was a light nap. She awoke a few minutes later and crept from the room, seeking out Luna.

Night Court was thankfully sparse in population that evening. Night Watch easily strolled up to Luna's side and seated herself, looking official. She whispered softly, "Are you certain this is a good idea?"

Luna glanced towards her with her eyes, but kept her head directed at the supplicants attending court. She responded silently with her mental voice, ~To what do you refer?~

~The filly. He is aware what you hope to do with her, but she is just that, a filly. That he knows her as a human 'child' won't make it easier.~ She adjusted her glasses nervously. ~Celestia may also object if she's fat with foal when it's time to return her.~

Luna huffed indignantly, ~All in due time. She is, as you said, a filly. They will bond as she learns to be more than that. I have learned my lesson. I will not push. I will trust them to either be drawn together, or not, by the time she has earned her cutie mark. Do you agree with my thinking?~

Night was comforted by the question, ~As long as we don't push them, and it is their decision, I agree. Did you talk to your sister about this? I mean, turning her into a pony in the first place.~

~Nay. We are as surprised as you to see Celestia do such a thing.~ Luna paused as she answered a question out loud concerning a night-time entertainment building, a 'nightclub', as Luna was learning. ~She was very critical of our changing Silver. My guess is that she hides behind the fact that she believes it temporary.~

Night gained the shadow of a smile before she could fight it away, ~And you swooped in and claimed her for the herd. You act quickly.~

Luna replied, ~It was a unique opportunity. Now we have two lunar unicorns of prime age, at least once she has earned her mark. I was sorely tempted to request a viewing of her soul, to learn where we should press to learn her talents, but that is another lesson hard-earned. We do not need another human's cluttered mind, even a young one.~

Night looked over the loose gathering of ponies as she thought, ~All lunar unicorns are humans, so far. That will be a curious heritage to look back on, years from now. Lunar pegasi were ponies, right?~

Luna nodded, looking attentive to the current discussion, ~They were. Dear friends, lost to the ages while I slumbered on the moon. It pleases me that their children live on, and are such fine ponies.~ Night could feel the affection radiating across the mental bridge, and was satisfied for the time.

~One thing,~ spoke Night Watch in their minds, ~she has taken the name First Star.~

~A fitting title for one who may yet be first of many more,~ agreed Luna, seeming pleased.

Author's Note:

Welcome First Star! There were a lot of quality names to pick from, even Elizabeth had a hard time sticking to just one.

All these changing names are confusing. Typos may result.

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