• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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57 - A Challenge of Minds

Luna and Silver stood in the hallway of doors. Luna pushed open a new one and bade Silver to enter. The inside was identical to Luna's chambers. Luna moved to her familiar cushions and settled on them. "Now we train. I must see that your mind is hardened against the horrors that lurk beneath the sunshine that Celestia believes bathes her kingdom."

Silver moved to sit in front of her. "How bad could it be? Even deranged ponies don't seem quite as twisted as I could imagine."

Luna frowned a little. "I confess there were memories of yours I dared not commit to mine own, but... Let us test. First, a simple distraction."

Silver suddenly found herself covered in crawling insects. She shuddered powerfully, rising to her hooves and scrambling away without thought before she could marshal her willpower. She crunched her teeth together, grinding up the bugs in her mouth before she flared brightly with heat, roasting the rest and freeing herself of the infestation.

Luna nodded lightly. "Very good. I have seen some fall to tears. But you have a weakness."

Silver was suddenly covered again, but this time, bees. They were all bees! She went rigid and still, heart pounding wildly as the brightly-colored bees danced over her stunned form. She drew the magic to send out heat and suddenly pain exploded across her body. They were stinging her! Silver made a pitiful noise that turned into a strangled cry of pain as several crawled into her nose and began to sting her there. This was a true nightmare. Silver collapsed to the ground, weeping silently and defeated entirely by the swarm. Suddenly, they were gone.

"Hmmph." Luna made a dismissive wave of a hoof. "I thought you were made of tougher stuff."

Silver rolled onto her belly, grunting. "I could show you things."

Luna tilted her head. "How delightful! You would challenge me, in my domain? Very well, do your worst."

Silver wove a quick scene, and Luna suddenly grunted, then rolled over. "A little pain? Is this... the best you can conjure?" The pain pushed more specifically downwards and she bared her teeth. "You turn my thoughts against me? I have seen a troubled birth before. This is not new."

A human stepped into the room, garbed in the sterile whites of a doctor. He brandished a scalpel and advanced on Luna. "This is the only way to save your child." His words carried the weight of truth that dream words can have, and Luna felt a new strange terror gripping at her as the strange doctor began to cut her open, not to hurt her, but in some barbaric ritual to extract the child from her swollen womb. She howled and kicked her legs, but the cutting would not stop, but the methodical slices would not stop. Despite the pain, Luna knew it was being done out of kindness, and that somehow made it worse.

Luna suddenly waved the doctor away like a cloud, forcing her way to her hooves with an angry glint. "Enough! Your world's medicines are barbaric and cruel. It is enough to cry out in thanks that I am barren to such things." Luna trailed off as she was suddenly in a ditch. Explosions rained down around her. She couldn't see them, but she could feel them, and hear the deadly rattle of guns that would cut her down without her ever seeing her killer. Beside her, other ponies quivered in terror as one in charge barked orders, commanding them all to go up top and charge the enemy line. The first pony didn't even finish clearing the top before he collapsed to the ground, shot through the barrel. His death meant nothing to the commanding officer, who pressed for them to make a united charge. "Is this some dream of yours?"

Silver whispered in Luna's ears, "I was not there personally."

Luna conjured a sphere of protection and made the charge, confident that her magic could pave the way to victory. The bullets rained down on her. The bubble shattered after the first. The second pierced a wing, then a leg. She collapsed into the mud as she was torn apart almost instantly.

Luna and Silver woke up in the hallway, with Silver nursing a new headache. Luna scowled. "You... You impossible creature! You ejected me from mine own dream." She rose to her hooves. Suddenly they were back in Luna's chambers. "Impertinent little princess!" She pulled Silver in close and snorted, breath gusting over Silver's nose. "Your horrors are new, I grant, but not worse."

Silver was suddenly standing before a deep hole. She looked inside and saw the peaceful but still forms of her herd-mates. Luna kicked dirt onto their bodies. "Death is forever. You'll never get them back. You'll be alone for all eternity."

Silver recoiled away from the hole. "That's not even remotely funny..."

Luna sat herself beside the hole. "No. No it is not. We are not here to have fun. If you find my challenges vexxing, give up, go home, and forget dreamwalking ever again."

Silver sank a little. "Luna... I don't want to fight you for this. I want to help you."

Luna marched up to Silver with a frown. "Your help has done little but drive daggers through my heart, reminding me I am still alive by the merit of feeling those pains."

Silver drew in a slow breath. "The truth this time. Why did you write me off so quickly when Celestia and Twilight had me trapped?"

Luna waved a hoof, and suddenly they were in Celestia's waiting room. She and Luna were seated at the table.

Celestia smiled. "I think I can fix that human."

Luna raised a brow. "Fix? I have already mended him. He is well and happy in my care."

Celestia made a dismissive wave. "You say that, but he's unbalanced. Just one little tip." She made a pushing motion. "And he'll topple over."

Luna frowned and tapped the top of the table. "He will not. He is loyal and wonderful."

Celestia shook her head. "Very well, a wager. If he remains as good as you say for one month's time, I will reward him with a gift of your choosing. On the other hoof, if he fails, I do it my way."

The memory suddenly paused as Luna looked up from the meeting directly at Silver. "You failed. Celestia demanded her price."

Silver thumped down onto her haunches. "I... She was just waiting for me to fuck it up. She was waiting to take it away. What about Twilight? She saw some imbalance? Was that a lie?"

Luna shook her head. "I could not say, but one does not normally check for that which Twilight checked for. Methinks my sister knew what your energies were, and told Twilight to look for what looked most incriminating to make her assist in the process. You were in no danger from the energy inside you."

Silver let out a little breath. "O... Ok... So Twilight's probably innocent in this." She thumped the floor once. "Why does Celestia hate me so much?"

Luna snorted softly and half-lidded her eyes at Silver. "On the contrary, she loves you quite dearly, especially now. You are so submissive, it excites her, I think. You are a fine weapon that is willing to work where you are pointed, but will not be a threat to her precious little ponies."

Silver shrank back a bit, then flopped to her belly. "I'm sorry I ran away."

Luna reached forward, brushing Silver's cheek with a hoof. "I yelled and fumed at sister for days when you fled. She cost me dearly. When Cadance sent word that I was not to come after you, it was like..." She leaned in and kissed Silver, lips to lips. They stopped speaking and shared their hurt passion a moment before Luna drew back. "Enough. What is done is done. You have your herd. The night is young yet, there is much to teach you."

They turned away from personal subjects and focused on dreamwalking. How to enter, how to leave, and how to 'land' without being harmed when the dream ended. "For now, you are to look and listen. Hurting a dreamer is easy. I made many terrible mistakes when I was young. You will not repeat them. Look, listen. If you think a pony needs help, find me and tell me. You will learn over time, but not by leaping into nightmares, hooves flailing."

Silver bobbed her head quickly. "Look, listen, report, cooperate."

Luna tilted her head. "I do not recall saying the last one."

"Old joke." Silver smiled. "So, royally speaking, what is our relation? Twilight is quite happily Celestia's protege and student, even as a princess."

Luna stood at full height. "As you are mine, at least in matters of dreamwalking. We are both guardians of the night, though you are yet in training for the task. Does this bother you? Did you hope to be a student of love or the sun, or perhaps even young Twilight Sparkle?"

Silver frowned a little. "Unfair question..." The thought of being Twilight's junior princess tickled Silver. It was an adorable idea that made her smile thinking about it. "Twilight would be an awful teacher, I think."

Luna wobbled a hoof. "She has had some success in education, do not discount her. Your talent remains your own, and it does not involve dreams, even if your tie to me has dragged you here. You are stubborn for insisting on helping me, but do not let it limit you. Your talent will not express itself here."

Silver ruffled her new wings. "Do you want help or not?"

Luna turned away. "Only if you are offering it for some reason other than a desire to 'make up' or some other compulsion. If you surrender your evenings to me, so be it, but your days are your own. Do not waste them."

Silver glanced around a moment. "Am I going to be rested after all this?"

Luna tilted her head. "You will be mildly fatigued, as if you had slept half as long, give or take, but we are at an end of today's lessons. Sleep."

Luna's word was quite a command. Silver felt herself hit the ground, and she was banished to her own dreams for the rest of the evening.

Author's Note:

We must go deeper! The typos are hiding further in the dream world.

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