• Published 26th Mar 2015
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The Silver Stars - David Silver

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

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26 - We Can't Allow You to Do That, Dave

Rarity peered at Silver, then down at the collapsed Twilight, "I'm afraid you have us rather at a loss, darling. Did you mean Twilight is a mother?"

Applejack tipped her hat, "Don't see no reason you'd know if she became a mother, so how'd she go and be a father?"

Silver looked over the Mane Six, to find Rainbow rush against her, driving her back and flopping over backwards. Rainbow stepped over Silver's form, "How do we know you're telling the truth? Some strange-looking unicorn just shows up and scares Twilight? Sounds fishy to me."

Applejack shook her head, "Remember what Twilight said, sugarcube. She was experimenting on this mare and being right rude about it. Hay, she was a stallion if I recall right." She hiked a brow, "She turned you into a mare, then put a foal in ya?"

Fluttershy hid behind her mane, "Oh my... that sounds awful!"

Rarity covered her mouth with a hoof, "You must be terribly upset with Twilight."

Silver denied it, legs wriggling impotently as she was still pinned down by Rainbow Dash, "No! She asked beforehoof, and... I want to be a mother, now that I've thought it through, especially if it's Twilight's."

Applejack ambled over and nudged Rainbow free of Silver, offering a hoof up. "Tell me straight, sugarcube. Do ya like Twilight?"

Silver went upright, pulling at Applejack's strong hoof, "Yes."

Rarity fluttered her lashes, "Do you love her?"

Pinkie snorted, "Of course she does! Does this mean I get to plan a wedding party? Weddings are so much fun!"

Applejack cocked an eye at Silver, "Ah get th' feeling yer not here to propose."

Silver pointed back at the cabin she had emerged from, "I'm part of a herd. My wives are sleeping. I don't... think Twilight would want to join that. I wouldn't object, and neither of them would, but she's a princess, and we're very not, so, no, I didn't come to propose. I just thought, er... she should know, right?"

Twilight stirred, climbing back up to her hooves, "Yes... I am glad you told me." She flicked her ears back, "I didn't think there would be enough love to form a foal."

Silver blinked, "Come again?"

Twilight tilted her head at Silver, then smiled, "Ah! I forgot how uneducated you were about some things. Usually, it requires a certain level of love to form a foal in a mare. The... act..." She flushed deep red, drawing looks from her friends. "It's not strictly required, it just creates a moment of focus for the love. A couple could watch some fireworks or share an especially fond moment over dinner and it could be enough."

Rarity looked to Twilight, twirling a hoof, "Well, do you love her?"

Twilight flushed, "They're, uh, you're OK! I didn't love love! I thought it was safe!"

Pinkie nudged Silver in the side, "That just means she had enough love for both of you."

Silver took a slow step back, "I didn't mean to be a huge bother... I don't want to turn your life upside down."

Twilight seemed happy to be offered the out, "Well! It's really nice knowing you're doing OK!"

Rarity shook her head at Twilight sternly, almost glaring at her, "You will not run over this poor mare twice!"

Rainbow shrugged softly, "Yeah, it's kinda weird to do that to a mare, however you did that, and walk off."

Applejack nodded in agreement, "Ya gotta take responsibility, Twi."

Twilight shuffled in place, "I'm not marrying her! We're barely friends, even if she does know an uncanny amount of things about us."

Fluttershy offered a shy smile, "A little kindness would be good."

"And loyalty," spoke Rainbow Dash.

"And honesty, with her and yourself," joined Applejack.

Rarity ran a hoof through her mane, "Just show a little generosity."

Pinkie stuck out her tongue, "Why's everyone so serious? We should be celebrating! I'm gonna plan such a huge party when we get back home!" She looked to Silver, "Where were you going? You need to come with us! We can't throw a foal shower without the mother."

Twilight sunk in a defeated fashion, an exasperated sigh escaping from her, "Fine... Silver, where were you going?"

Silver was a soft red as the girls fought on her behalf. "Canterlot... I was going to beg Celestia for a house and protection. Cadance said my spell-crafting ability would draw the wrong kind of attention soon."

Twilight shook her head with a frown, though it quickly turned to a thoughtful expression, "I could offer you protection, in my tower, and you wouldn't mind if I studied your talent, would you?"

Silver gave a slow nod, "If it's not too much trouble, no... Ponyville Isn't a bad place."

Fast's voice joined in as she walked up from behind Silver, "What she means to say is 'Thank you for your generous offer, please lead the way.'"

Night walked up on the other side, and Silver relaxed in the presence of the two. Night nodded at Twilight, "Your majesty, a pleasure to see you again."

Twilight glanced around at her friends, who all seemed to be waiting on her, "Well... you could all share one of the guest rooms that I seem to have an abundance of."

Fast leveled a hoof at Twilight, "You're being nice, but not at all loving with the mare that is eagerly bearing your foal."

Twilight's ears fell back, "I... wasn't planning for this. I..." She froze up with uncertainty.

Rarity stepped in, "I'm afraid our poor little Twilight has never had the pleasure of a coltfriend, let alone considered raising foals of her own. The poor dear is still adjusting to the idea of it."

Twilight stepped forward suddenly, approaching Silver until they were nose-to-nose, "Do you love me?"

Silver flushed softly, "Apparently a lot, or we wouldn't have a foal on the way."

Twilight asked, "Why?"

"Why?" echoed Silver, "Why what?"

Twilight twirled a hoof, "Name four things you love about me."

Silver smiled nervously, "I like the way you seek out knowledge. I love your dorkiness. I love how your royalty hasn't completely run over the fact that you're still a mare, and can get scared... like right now. I love... you. You're adorkable and smart and I'd even say just plain pretty on top of all that."

Twilight took in a slow shuddering breath before she circled around Silver. Her wives parted to allow Twilight to come in close, "This is all very... new to me. I'll try to be a friend, a true friend. I can't promise anything more than that. Celestia would turn colors if I joined a herd, and you don't look like you'd want to leave your wives."

Silver flipped her ears back, "No! They complete me. I would be lost if they were gone."

Rarity fluttered her lashes, "How romantic..."

Rainbow huffed, "Sappy stuff. Anyway! Now that this is settled, let's sit down and wait to get to Ponyville."

Night gestured at herself, "Speaking as the last-acting first wife, I extend the invitation to you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. If you wish to join us, we will welcome you. You've left a permanent mark on our Silver Stars, and her love for you is plain as the sun in the sky."

Fast bobbed in agreement, "I wouldn't imagine trying to keep her away from you, if you wanted her there." She flashed her flat teeth, "But we come with the package."

Applejack barked out a laugh, "Well shoot, here ah thought herding was on its way out! Ya could be a regular stallion of yer own herd, Twi."

Twilight had no proper answer to offer, just a stiff nod at Fast and Night before wandering off, looking dazed.

Silver shrank a little, "You're being too pushy with her..."

Fast nudged against Silver, "She's the one that did it. You're doing no favors by pretending nothing's happening."

Night nipped at one of Silver's tufted ears. "And you're being very readable. You want her to look at you with some warmth, and she's hurting you with her confusion."

Applejack reached out a hoof to rest on Silver's shoulder, "Give her some time. She always comes around. Ahm just glad yer not striking me as somepony trying ta take advantage of her. We're mighty protective of our Twilight."

Rarity nodded quickly, "Of course, darling, just relax and give her some time. She needs a moment to think about it, and probably write about it."

Silver glanced at Fast and then Night, "So are you two OK with Ponyville?"

Both nodded together as Night spoke, "A bit small compared to what I'm used to, but I'm sure I can get a job helping with the town watch."

Fast flashed a smile, "And it has my lovely wives, so what more do I need, really?"

Silver suddenly had a realization, raising her head, "Oh... Jake still lives with Twilight, right?"

Rainbow nodded, "Heck yeah. Jake's awesome! You know him?"

Silver smiled, "I used to be human, like him. Is he getting into trouble?"

Rainbow made a dismissive wave, "Nothing he can't get himself out of. He's gotten into the swing of things really good. Good guy." Rainbow looked Silver over curiously, "You don't look human though."

Night nodded, "And yet, human she was, male."

Rarity wrinkled her nose, looking thoughtful, "Ungainly two-legged thing to all fours, and then a mother. My, darling, you've been through quite a change."

Silver flushed lightly, "I think... I want to be a male, a stallion, again, but... not yet. I won't be a terrible mother. I let Twilight put it in me, it's my responsibility."

Fast nudged against Silver lightly, "And I bet you'll be a fantastic mother, and you'll have help."

Fluttershy approached timidly, glancing around, "If you... need help, I know some herbs that can help."

Silver pointed at Night, "Let's not forget I'm not the only expecting mother in here."

Pinkie bounced in place, "Yes! Double foal shower!" She bounded away, talking excitedly about her party plans.

Applejack tapped her chin, "Ya should also check in wit' Zecora. That mare knows tricks with brews and potions that'll have yer head spinning."

Rarity peered at Night, "You're not...?"

Night shook her head, "Not Twilight's."

Rarity let out her breath with relief, "One is already quite enough, darling."

Silver perked her ears, "Say, where's Spike?"

Rainbow huffed out a half-laugh, "Hanging with Big Mac, talking about hoofball."

Silver blinked softly, "I didn't know that was a thing, or that Spike was interested in it."

Applejack nodded, "Right adorable, ah say. Good t'see Big Mac bonding and having a good time."

The conversation died down gently as they decided mutually to retire to the dining car and get a snack along the way. Ponyville would come soon enough.

Author's Note:

After avoiding Ponyville for several stories, Silver is now on the way there! Will it turn out well, or result in typos? It could be both!

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