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Tom an Average Joe, saves a girl from an attempted rape. But he is fatalily injured and blacks out, only to wake up in a strange place in a body of a horse. A horse known to the locals as Nightmare moon.

Edited by Izanagi

Cover Art done by SwedishRoyalGuard http://www.deviantart.com/art/Nightmare-Moon-372321197

Chapters (12)

The ponies of Equestria know Harmony as not just an ideal, but as a force that actively shapes their existence. It guides them through their lives, brings them prosperity and ensures good will triumph over evil most of the time.

However, exposure to it can be unpredictable for those crossing over from other realms. Sufficiently long stays in Equestria can even lead to a change of form to one indigenous to the land.

And those unlucky enough to be slated to become a source of Harmony itself may find themselves unable to leave.

Translation: This fic contains the gradual transformation of a human (male) to a very young alicorn filly.

Set just before Season Five. Non-Earth human and an Equestria that's slightly different.

Cover Art by the talented Mix-up check out his work here: http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)

Stef thought he had it all, but after he woke up one day in the land of Equestria, that all changed.

Stranded in a forest with no friends and no hope in sight, he finds out quickly that he’ll need help if he ever dreams of getting home. Thankfully, the Princess’ top student is on the case! What will Twilight learn from her unlikely bond with this human? And could Stef learn that a life away from earth isn’t so bad after all?

Takes place parallel to the show, with some stories overlapping with its episodes.

Edited by: Luckyfanisaac

Up to the chapter In my room and from after Making Real Friends and onward are Proofread and re-written by Bookish Velvet

Cover-art by JennieOo https://www.deviantart.com/jennieoo Check her out if you're interested in having your own fan-art made, I can highly recommend her.

Chapters (68)

My name is Rachel. Or at least it was. A bad decision brought me to the brink of death. I was "rescued" from that fate by some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos." Or maybe he really was the devil, I don't know. He promised me a second chance but didn't tell me it would be in the body of a cutesy pony in a world which makes no sense. Worse, I think I've been set up, and something bigger is going on ...

(Rated teen for language and non-gory violence)

Cover art by the talented NoviceCreedArt on tumblr. Link to original work.

Chapters (58)

By some cosmic happenstance, a young woman is transported to Equestria, and finds herself in a precarious situation. She's taking it in stride so far. Maybe because finding herself in an alien world and in an alien body is not the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

Some wounds, especially those of the soul, can take a long time to mend. What healing arts can the ponies of Equestria offer a scarred young woman? What can she offer them in return?

Timeline-wise takes place starts off in the later parts of season 4 but before the season finale. It also mentions events from the EG-movies and the comics, but neither of which are required watching/reading in order to understand this story.

- Human-turned-into-pony-
- Who's kind of okay with being a pony-
- And becomes friends with the Mane 6.
- Being a pony is pretty awesome.
- Has both slice of life and adventure.
- Equestria Girls happened.
- Like the source material, it has adventures.
- And Celestia is not a jerk.

Cover art by the extraordinarily skilled viwsrasputr.
The piece in particular has been uploaded here: https://derpibooru.org/1478347
Really cool art by Cyanjames2819. Also found here.
Leave a comment if you so desire. Simple praise also appreciated.

Chapters (23)

Twilight gets killed protecting Princess Celestia and wakes up to the words Game Over floating in front of her.

Chapters (21)

A few days after the Nightmare Moon Incident, Spike awakens to find Twilight acting a little...odd. Or odder than usual anyway. All of a sudden she's being all motherly, sure of herself in ways she's never been before, and even more outgoing.

But…it’s kind of creepy how she just seems to know everypony’s name, or their habits, and even some stuff nopony else should know.

But she's still good old Twilight...right?

Featured 5/28/2014

Chapters (11)

Cozy Glow has a problem, it's her conscience it's been bugging her for a while and it's about time she got rid of it. With this last hurtle out of the way all she has to do is take over Equestria. yeah so what if she's split herself in two not her problem anymore, right? Well this new Cozy doesn't know why but now she's on her own in a world that hates and despises her.

Tirek and Chrysalis are waiting so there's no time to deal with her unwanted twin, time to have in her words "to much fun".

Meanwhile Twilight deals with her responsibilities of ruling Equestria and Starlight and Trixie set out on a world wide Magic tour. Unbeknownst to them a part of Cozy Glow remains free in a new body and has yet to sort out her lot in life.

Chapters (10)

New cover-art by Majestickfire9.

Oh My God, I LOVE IT!

My day was going great at first. Work was over for the week and I was leaving with a few mates to go hang in the city before heading home.

My plans kinda got detrailed though, when I melted into one of the walls and found myself in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters from MLP. On top of that, I've, for whatever reason, turned into an anthropomorphic filly Alicorn.

Just what the hell is going on and how can I go home as a half pony?

In Popular Stories 9-14/8/2015. :yay:

Chapters (7)

I wasn't the most consistent fan of My Little Pony, in all honesty. In fact that show wasn't the only thing on my list of interests. For a long while I had left those colorful ponies in the dust. I practically missed seasons 7-8 because I had gotten bored. However... it was the last season that drew me back in. I guess I now know a bit about the show, but not everything. I definitely knew of Cozy Glow however. She was hated by everyone. Well, except me. For some reason I liked her as the mischievous little filly she was. Her character interested me and I wanted to learn more. I wanted to see what kind of history she had. Why did she decide to turn evil? She was probably the only reason I went back to previous seasons.

You could guess how disappointed I was when the finale came up. Instead of helping her, they turned her to stone. Instead of trying to figure out the issue, they left her behind to be forgotten. Everyone cheered and laughed while Cozy, Chrysalis, and Tirek were turned into statues for the rest of eternity. I was displeased. Afterwards I drifted away and instead tried to focus on my work. I had to, after all. I was becoming an adult. I was growing up. Though the stress might pile up on me, I had to keep going. I had to get things done...

I could keep going... couldn't I?

It seems however that the universe had decided to drag me back into a world of rainbows and magic. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly woke up the next day inside a cage in the deepest, darkest chambers of Tartarus. Not only that but also as the small pink bundle of feathers that everyone loathed and despised. A billion questions rang through my head but the most prominent ones of all continuously pounded against my skull: What in the holy hell do I do from here?
And how do I stop what comes next?

The Tirek Who Tolerated Me by Kotatsu Neko
An Unexpected Aftermath by Autumn Breeze

[Note: This is half a self-insert and half not really. This character is different from me but does have a few traits from me as well. Like cursing, I curse a lot, but there are some traits here and there I don't really have.]

Chapters (9)