• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,007 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 1: Dusty Roads

The roar of a motorcycle and a cloud of dust filled the early evening sky. Rainbow watched sadly at the retreating back of its rider, their bomber jacket emblazoned with a griffon whipped by the wind. Soon only a shimmer of dust in the air and the faint smell of fuel were all that remained of her first love.

The visit had been a disaster, sure Pinkie was affectionate and yeah, one New Year’s they’d fooled around a little at midnight, but it was only a kiss. Gilda had reacted to her badly, she knew the girl got possessive from when they’d been together at college but it hadn’t been that bad. Her earlier visits and heck, even when they shared a bed, she had never been so angry and reactive.

Rainbow rubbed the livid scratch on her arm and sighed, before she’d not been as close to other girls. Now Gilda was off and away forever. “I…hate being alone.” She whispered and scrubbed some tears from her eyes. She turned and walked back towards the last structure within Ponyville limits, it was time to return to her lonely apartment at the airfield.


Ponyville library was quiet, but then it always was. It was past closing time but the librarian and her assistant were still tidying up. “Hey Twilight, is Pinkie having that party to make up for the last party going bad?” Spike pushed the book cart along the aisle of the library.

“I’m not sure, it has been only two days. It’s sad that Gilda took it so badly this visit too.” Twilight carried on shelving books, there were just a few more to be put back and the two of them could go home for the night.

“Yeah, sure is sad, I mean poor Rainbow. She and Gilda were tight.” Spike handed up another pile of books. “Gilda just didn’t get on with you guys did she?”

Twilight paused then, “Rainbow...” she whispered. “Spike, have you seen Rainbow around since she left with Gilda?” It had been a tense moment, just like the last time, Gilda had got more and more angry. This time however Gilda had taken Rainbow for a long talk. Twilight had helped clean up the party and then gone to bed. Work and study had taken up her schedule.

“No Twilight, I haven’t seen her at all. In fact all the others asked me the same question.” He pulled a worried face. “You think she isn’t ok?”

Twilight ruffled her young assistants hair, “It’s tough when your friends fight or argue with each other. Tell you what, I’ll drop you at Fluttershy’s and go check on Rainbow after we finish up here.” She smiled at his cross expression.

“Alright, but do you have to mess my hair up?” Twilight chuckled and they carried on the last chores of their working day.


Twilight’s car rolled up at the gates to the airfield. She’d left Spike with his overnight bag at Fluttershy’s and had headed out. Her passenger seat loaded with Rainbow’s favourite Chinese food and a crate of beer. Gilda and Rainbow had been a little closer than Spike was aware, the aviator had confided as such in her friends. Whatever had happened the other night must have been bad. Putting up the headlights Twilight left her car and unlocked the gates, all the girls had key’s to each other’s places, she drove through and shut them again.

Without the floodlights on, Spectrum Airfield was very dark. It was a ten minute drive from town on a service road. The night sky was painted from horizon to horizon beckoning deeper into infinity without a single stain from cloud or electric light. Twilight loved to come out here and stargaze, just her and Rainbow with a thermos and a telescope. Now however was not the time for hobbies.

Her car came ever closer to the block at the edge of the airfield that served as Rainbow’s home. In the near perfect darkness there were signs of a television flicker in the window. ‘At least she’s home.’ Twilight thought, a weight from her shoulders. She parked up and politely knocked her friend’s front door. Arms loaded with food and beer she called out “Rainbow?” there was no answer. Sighing as the door key became ever difficult to find Twilight set the food down and unlocked the house. “Rainbow, I’m coming in.”

Her friend’s home was always a mess, Rainbow just wasn’t one for 100% perfection in her living space, the workshops were operating theatre clean but her house often looked the worse for wear. There were no outward signs of things being wrong. The sound of a television and its dull light came from the living room. Twilight entered and was shocked by what she found. “R-Rainbow?” Her varia-colour headed friend was lying on the sofa, eyes bloodshot and face tearstained.

“Gilda left me...” Was all the girl could choke out. Twilight dumped the goods on a table and rushed to Rainbow, gathering her into a warm embrace.

Rainbow twitched and winced a little causing Twilight to draw back. Closer to her friend she could see the fading purple of a black eye and a scratch down her arm, the nap of Twilight’s jumper must have caught the healing scrapes. “Did she do this to you?” It was a gentle question that hid undertones of deep concern and a hint of anger.

“My fault, wasn’t good enough.” Rainbow mumbled in reply.

“No. No, Rainbow, no one ever deserves this. Someone who loves you should never hit you.” Twilight pulled her close again. “We can report this if you want.”

“No! I, I don’t want to cause her trouble. ‘sides she’ll more than likely be out of state now.” More tears followed that statement.

“Rainbow Dash, you are more loyal than is good for you.” Twilight smoothed the multicoloured hair of her friend. “If you want to leave it, ok. But never, Never say that you deserve it. She never deserved you.” Rainbow buried her face in the soft knit of Twilight’s jumper, reaching her arms around to return the embrace. “Now, I brought some food and some beer. You want to share?” Twilight disentangled herself carefully. Rainbow gave a wet smile and nod. The librarian set about sharing out the food and sat down on the sofa besides Rainbow. “It’s going to be fine Rainbow. You’ll see.”

As the night passed them by, two friends shared food, drink and company.

It was late, a slight blush across both girls faces indicated that the empty crate had done its job. Twilight would be staying for a while it seemed. The last cans were drained with gusto and thumped to the table. “You know, you know- you know what?” Rainbow chuckled.

“Well, I know lots...” Twilight giggled a little and plunked an empty can with a fingernail. Rainbow gave a morose grin.

“Me an Gilda went waaaay back, y’know? Like kids back Twi’. I loved her, man I loved that girl. She got a mean streak though. Jealous too...” Rainbow trailed off and Twilight flung a companionable arm across her shoulders. “She was the only one, y’know. The only one who loved me. My parents were you know, they had to love me. Gilda was different, we like chose each other. She didn’t have to love me but she did...” Rainbow peered into a can in search of more beer. “I only had friends other than her after I moved here...”

“Well we all love you Rainbow.” Twilight smiled, placing a finger on Rainbow’s chin. Rainbow looked more morose.

“She di’n’t like that you girls’re my friends though? Y’all really pretty an’ she knew it. Like, like how Pinkie is all huggy and stuff, she didn’t like it at all.” Rainbow grabbed Twilight’s hand that dangled from her own shoulder. “She really didn’t like how I looked at you.” She chuckled at that and Twilight gave a cute laugh too, a little snort at the end. “She said ‘You like that one in all the purple! I can tell!’ so I was all ‘So what? She’s nicer than you Gilda!’ Then she like, hit me a bit and we tussled and she left.” Twilight brought her other arm over carefully and touched the bruising around Rainbow’s eye.

“That’s mean.” She said simply.

“Yeah, she left me. Phoned yesterday to say as-as-as mush.” She turned to face Twilight. Twilight turned to return the look.

“I’m here now Rainbow.” Was all she said. Their breath felt warm on each other’s faces, Twilight had an idea.

She kissed Rainbow.

Author's Note:

Notes 28/6/17
After a fair few years I am tidying this up. I came across some old notes for this story and I really do want to wrap it up for all those who enjoyed it.

Stay tuned. (Also, fingers crossed!)

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