• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 11,995 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 24: Little Talks

“Can I grab a beer? ” Rainbow was sat once more in the study, beside Twilight who was engrossed in a book.

“Sure. They are in the fridge.” Twilight gave one last swipe to Rainbow’s hair and let her girlfriend go fetch a drink.


A small group progressed through the dusk-lit streets of Ponyville. It was early autumn and there was a slight chill in the air but it did not deter the three. “This is such a lovely peaceful place.” Firefly sighed, free-wheeling briefly as Dath strode besides her.

“Yes, we love Ponyville.” Lofty smiled and shifted the weight of Scootaloo to her other shoulder, the child briefly stirred but laid her head down again. Firefly grinned up at the redhead. She seemed to be a friend of her daughter despite the age difference but the pilot could see why Rainbow got on with Lofty. She was tall and built as if she would urge you that “We Can Do It” at any moment, from her bearing Lofty was similar to herself. Firefly smiled again.

“So, what’s the story with Scootaloo, if you don’t mind me asking?” With barely a gesture Firefly went from wheeling herself to Dath pushing.

“Oh, well... The poor thing was in a bad house and when Rainbow found out she got Twilight and then the Mayor and then even the Governor involved moving her out of there and we had her.” She ruffled the purple hair on her shoulder. “She’s settled in great.”

“I never knew Rainbow to be so involved with things.” Dath murmured. Firefly shot him a look but they were interrupted by their arrival at the guest house.

“Here we are folks.” Their host lead the way into the house. “You have the first floor room just down the hallway. We all sleep and live on the topmost floor.” Lofty explained, still holding Scootaloo, “If you need anything just ring the bell, you know, at a reasonable time.” She smiled once more. “Now I have to get sleepyhead to bed.” She left the husband and wife to settle in themselves.


The evening had slowly given way to night and Rainbow and Twilight had withdrawn to her bedroom. They were still fully clothed, lying on Twilight’s bed, Rainbow was looking at the ceiling, Twilight lay beside her. “I think they like me at least.” The scholar assured her girlfriend.

“I guess, but is it just because you are so darn likeable? They like you but not our relationship?” the pilot sighed gustily. “We’ll find out in the next few days.”

“It’s a shame really,” Twilight mused, “You really got on with your dad, Firefly was showing me the old photos.” She chuckled as Rainbow’s cheeks flushed red. “Nothing too bad, those ones are in storage.” She snuggled closer to her partner. “You two should make up.”

“I want to... I just... since I came out, it’s been awkward.” Rainbow dropped an arm around Twilight, letting her fingers trail lazily through the sheet of navy hair spread across the pillow. “First he thought I was just rebelling against him. Then I got so angry at him that I sort of did.” She growled.

“Love, we’ll sort you two out. Me and your mom.” she slid her own arm under Rainbow and placed her head on her shoulder. “We’ll fix it.”


Much later in the night, a certain green headed youth slipped from his room, he was hankering for snacks but if he was caught it would not go well. Strangely the light was on in his guardian’s room, her door ajar. Sneaking over he risked a peek inside. Two figures slept on the bed, cuddling against each other. A clever idea occurred and he carefully hurried to fetch his camera.

One cute snap later and he would certainly be getting some just rewards from Mom, Celestia, possibly Cadence and maybe even Firefly. Munching on a chocolate bar as he uploaded the photo and e-mailed it away he chuckled.


In a cosy guest house a couple began the process of going to bed. With her wheelchair close to the bed, Firefly pulled herself onto it, barely wincing at the effects of moving her injured leg. Dath emerged from the bathroom, his faded t-shirt matching the faded spectrum in his hair. “You should have asked me for help.” He rolled the chair back against a bedside table.

“I’m fine.” Firefly replied through gritted teeth, slowly edging her jeans down over the bandages on her knee. Making it past that obstacle she managed to use her good leg to pull them off fully, her own baggy t would serve fine as nightwear.

“You are making it difficult honey.” Dath sighed and sat beside her, gently shuffling her over. “I thought I lost you. You can at least let me dote on you now that you’re out of hospital.”

“I don’t need any doting.” She groused, arms folded as he placed the eiderdown over her.

“Indulge me.”

“If I indulge you, you have to make up with Rainbow. I saw how standoffish you pair were being.” The blue haired woman huffed.

“I want to.” He replied a little reluctantly. “It’s hard... I pushed her away. I misjudged my own daughter when I was scared she wasn’t my little girl anymore!” He thumped the bed and looked to his surprised wife.

“What’s brought this on?” she leaned in closer to Dath. “Not today surely?” He rubbed his face, a habit Firefly knew was a signpost of his low mood.

“You and she, it was as if there was barely a gap between visits... but it took you, nearly dying to get this visit!” He scrubbed at some gathering stubble. “I... My father, his father and his father... They were the ones to die first... In a war. I, I was the one who would leave you two. You would have each other, just like me and mom... but it was nearly you.”

“I think I understand.” She leaned onto his shoulder.

“It would have been us. Cold, angry us never talking until she would maybe come watch me get put in the ground next to you...” He coughed, another masking tactic.

“Well it wasn’t. I wondered why you were so eager to come and visit her after so long.” She smiled gently. “Now she’s got a life and livelihood to be proud of. She helps the community and has a lovely girl in her life.”

“That is going to take some getting used to still.” Dath chuckled ruefully. “Ouch!” His wife could still pack a punch.

“It’s been years Dath, you just didn’t like that it was Gilda at first.” Firefly grinned. “We’ll fix this. Tomorrow we go visit the airfield, you two can go bond over obscure mechanical things while I go drool over the aircraft.” She winked and kissed his cheek. “Now we sleep.”

“Yeah, fix it tomorrow.” He switched off the light as they sank under the covers, lying close together to sleep.

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