• Published 6th Jun 2012
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Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 39: Memories

Twilight had fallen asleep before Rainbow joined her, but she woke in the morning with a warm arm wrapped around her, the little spoon in a intimate embrace. She snuggled in closer, a lie-in was certainly in order. A morning spent in Rainbow's arms was not a morning wasted.

“Breakfast! Come and get it before Spike eats it all!” Night's shouting woke them both and Twilight could only smile.

“Come on Rainbow. He really will eat as much as he can get.” Twilight nudged her partner awake.

“He'll probably have to fight my Mom.” Rainbow grumbled, half rolling from to a stand. Twilight laughed and grabbed an arm as they left the room and headed for the kitchen. It was good to be staying with family with a second chance for the two families to get to know each other. Without the drama and emotional trauma of their Thanksgiving revelations.


After everyone had finished their breakfast and other morning necessities, they had parted ways for the day. Rainbow and her parents were going into the city to shop. As ever, the pilot had left her gift buying to the last minute and wanted to at least get a surprise for her girlfriend.

Now Twilight was sat reading in the lounge, borrowing a few books from her parents. As she read there was a knock at the door, “I'll go get it.” Twilight called through the house. It was hard to tell if anyone else would have heard it. With her father in his study, Spike gaming in the basement and her Mom on full cooking mode.

Getting to the door, she found Luna on the porch. Wearing her running gear, it explained why she was out in the winter weather but not her visit. “Hi Luna.” The scholar was still not so sure about familial titles for her “new” relatives.

“Hi Twilight, I knew you arrived yesterday, so I thought I would bring this over for you.” Luna pulled something from her pocket, just a little USB stick. “I think you might like to see what is on it.” she said, handing over a thumb-drive.

It was a simple thing, a little crescent moon sticker marking it as Luna's. “I was digitising, well, everything before I left. This is some old home videos I found. I thought you'd like to watch them.” She smiled softly, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, as there ever was when talking of her estrangement with her sister.

“Thank you.” Twilight took the drive and pocketed it. It was certain to have things on it that told her more about her father. More about the relationship between Dusk and Celestia. Something to show her the love that had resulted in her. Even if she didn't know her father she had an idea of what he had been from Shining's stories of his favourite uncle. The videos could only add to it.

“No problem Twilight.” Luna smiled and adjusted her sweater a moment. “You're welcome to visit whenever, okay?” She prepped to continue her run.

“I'll keep that in mind.” Twilight waved Luna off and went back into the house, the unassuming thumb-drive in her hand. Curiosity burned and with plenty of time to kill she decided to take a look at the files on the drive.

Shutting the door to her bedroom, Twilight fired up her laptop and plugged the stick in. Within moments the file explorer was open, over a dozen dated video files and a folder marked Photos. Eager to look, Twilight selected the first dated file.

A video loaded and played. The room shown had a TV set that certainly dated it, off-screen a voice spoke. “Hey, Lulu that's a cool camcorder.”

“It was her big birthday present.” A recognisable voice said, Celestia but so much younger sounding. The view swung around to sight two people on a couch. The man had a look about him that put Twilight in mind of Shining a little. Though his hair was a dusty maroon with a magenta streak running through it. Unconsciously she ran a hand down her own matching stripe. Sat across his lap was a much younger looking Celestia, if she was in her twenties even it would have to be very early into them.

The camera was turned again, a teenaged Luna came into focus, she had to be around fourteen, maybe a little older. “Those dorks are my sister and her boyfriend. If we watch too long they might do something disgustingly cute and romantic.”

“Now you've given me an idea!” Dusk called and Celestia giggled. “Oh my Smoochy Woochy Love-Dove...” In focus, Luna scowled and the video cut out.

Twilight smiled and looked for another file, the next date was Celestia's birthday. This time the video was of the family singing happy birthday. Dusk was carrying in a cake with candles into the room to a grinning Celestia. Luna and Celestia's parents, her grandparents, were there and that made Twilight well up a little. Though the young and oh-so-nerdy Twilight Velvet and Night Light balanced it with a smirk.

With the song over and Celestia's candles blown out, the video ended. “I don't know how many more of these I can take.” Twilight mumbled, with her new knowledge of her family history it was sad to see the people she'd never had a chance to meet.

Checking the video dates, Twilight chose one much later on, it was a few months before she was born and her heart ached to see some sign of her presence there. Growing up she'd not put too much thought into why there were no photos of her mother pregnant with her, there had been quite a few of Velvet carrying Shining. An intelligent child, she had asked but mentions of difficulty and a sadness on her mother's part had made her sensitive to asking.

The video loaded and it was clear that it was some other party. It was a large hall and most of the sound was drowned out by music. It had to be late in the night, the darkness outside and the dimmed light lent an atmosphere to the area. Couples were swaying to the song, some dancing while others simply moved together.

It looked like Luna (She had to be the one filming, if the first video was any clue) was searching for someone. It didn't take her long to find the target. Night and Velvet were sat on chairs at the edge of the room, a rather small Shining fast asleep across their laps. Velvet said something and pointed off-screen. Luna turned and Twilight felt her heart lurch.

Dusk was stood behind Celestia, holding her close with his arms around her, whispering into her ear as she looked upwards. They swayed with the music, Dusk's arms never leaving Celestia. What hit Twilight though, bringing tears to track down her cheeks, were his hands. They never once moved from Celestia's certainly pregnant stomach. Holding her close, caressing the round 'baby bump' as Celestia held her own hands over his. Her mother and father were so very much in love and so full of love for their child.

Pausing the video, the still image of her parents and her yet-to-be-born self filling the screen, Twilight took the laptop from her desk to her bed. She wanted to burn the image into her memory really, to hold that sight of so much love sacred forever.

It took took Twilight a while to ready herself for another video. There were few after the one that had so affected her. This sadly made sense, she had been very young when Dusk died and this drive had been curated to share him with her.

Steeling herself a little, Twilight loaded one dated after her birth. She was met with footage of a baby, tufty indigo hair hardly covering her scalp with a little ribboned headband that matched the dress she wore. It made Twilight smile with still watery eyes, it was her at only a few months old. Sat on a lap, her father it seemed, if the hands around her were any indication.

As she watched, a hand took her chubby little baby hand and waved to the camera. “Hello aunty Luna.” Dusk was putting on a very silly voice. “I like your camera.” Indeed, baby Twilight was focused on the camera. “But I do think you're getting video so you can show me when I am grown up and laugh that I am a little baby.” Dusk was making her gesture and wave, baby Twilight began to giggle and he stopped. The view zoomed out a little to encompass Dusk, his face a picture of besotted wonder as his daughter giggled.

Twilight had to stop the video. A detached grief for a relationship so cruelly lost was settling into her. Something she hadn't counted on. Tears tracked her cheeks again. She had a Dad, but Dusk could have been her dad and it was too saddening to handle.

There was a light tap on her door and Twilight managed to croak out a “Come in.” Twilight Velvet entered. A look of enquiry switching to concern when she saw Twilight crying.

“What's the matter Twily?” She sat on the bed and caught sight of the paused video, the image of her brother every bit a wonder-struck father. “Oh baby girl.” Understanding was so easy, she mourned her brother, had mourned him for years now. But she had always had something to grieve over, Twilight was just getting them now. She gathered Twilight into an embrace.

“I never met him really, I never knew him. And, and he never got to know me either and he loved me so much.” Twilight sobbed and buried her face in the soft sweater her mom wore.

“I know baby. I know.” She stroked indigo hair, running her fingers down the magenta streak that always reminded her of Dusk. “It isn't the same, but you are so loved. By two Mom's and a Dad that knew he had to fill in and do right for his friend. By all of us, all at once.” Twilight sobbed again. “Its okay Twily, it's okay.”


After a while Twilight had calmed down. Her Mom stayed with her and eventually they decided to look at the photos. Laughing and laughing at the photos of Dusk being silly, smiling over the candid shots of a very in love Celestia and Dusk, Twilight listened with mild embarrassment as her mom cooed over baby photos again.

By the time the Dash family returned, Twilight had settled. She had copied the files to her laptop, it would be nice to share with Rainbow and to have something of her father there to keep. She was feeling a little drained but more chipper now, dwelling on sadness would not be good for her health and it felt good to know more of Dusk.

That evening Rainbow was full of stories about their trip to the city and what her parents had thought of it, sharing virtually every moment of their day from the point she had left the house. Her enthusiasm and company were a balm for Twilight, and while she knew she would be sharing today's emotional findings, it was not going to upset her quite so much as before.

Though, she still had to visit Celestia. Something she wished to do sooner rather than later. A plan for tomorrow.


“You're sure you want to visit Celestia alone?” Rainbow checked for around the seventh time since Twilight had requested it. They were walking to the house, Twilight led the way along a route she knew very well. From years and years of following it almost daily, she mused. Celestia had always been a part of her life.

“Yes Rainbow. I think if we, you know, do the usual tea in her study like old times I'll feel comfortable.” Twilight reassured her girlfriend. “I think Luna should be around if you two want to stay near.”

“Yeah, we'll catch up and you can... Do the thing.” Rainbow still wasn't fully able to comprehend what Twilight was going through, she was doing her best to be a supportive constant for the scholar and was getting very good at the mindfullness exercises to calm her down. Everything else though? That was all on the indigo haired girl to deal with and lay straight.

This visit was going to be the most important step. So she was ready and supportive just as much as Twilight needed. The gates were in view now, the unobtrusive Secret Service agent well recognising the visitors, they entered and walked around the back. Luna met them on the back porch.

“Hello girls. Celestia is in her study.” The blue haired woman greeted them both with a hug. “I took in some tea just a few minutes ago, so it should be just about ready now.” She looked to Twilight.

“That sounds nice.” Twilight managed, her mind was already working a mile a minute about what she wanted to say and how she wished to say it.

“I think I'll hang out with you Luna, alright?” Rainbow gave Twilight one last squeeze and let her head towards the study.

Twilight left the pair talking, they had plenty in common so she knew they would probably find something a little more productive than fretting while she spoke with Cel- Her mother. The study door was slightly ajar, the sign that she was welcome to enter. Twilight thought back to the many times she had slipped in through the back door and walked into her second home, to sit and drink tea with Celestia, doing her homework with cheerful assistance and gentle guidance.

The scent of brewing tea gave the room its usual homely atmosphere and Celestia was sat in her comfy chair, seemingly watching the silent rise of steam. “Hi.” Twilight said, closing the door behind her.

“Hello Twilight.” Celestia sounded a calm like always, but there seemed to be a little melancholy in her voice. “How have you been?”

“I have been working on alright.” Twilight managed a small smile and took her preferred seat by the coffee table. “I think this chat might help me get there.”

“I hope so too.” Celestia said, looking to her daughter, “I would like to achieve 'alright' too.” She poured the tea then, two cups and prepared them exactly as they each liked it.

“Luna gave me some videos and photos.” Twilight offered. “It was nice to see you and him together.”

“That camcorder rarely left her side.” Celestia laughed softly. “She loved it, always filming something.” A sigh, “I am glad too, seeing as we had so few years with Mom and Dad after that. And Dusk...”

“I've got some idea of him now, more than I did before.” She left off the 'when he was just my uncle', it seemed crass that she had ever thought of him as such. “I think I've figured out where I got my dorkyness from.”

“Hmm, not only the streaks in your hair. An unfortunate inheritance.” Celestia murmured. “He'd be ever so proud of you, you know. If not a little overwhelmed by how clever you are.”

“Yeah. I wonder what he'd think of Rainbow. Probably something teasing about multicoloured hair.” Twilight giggled. That had been a question to her other mom, one Twilight Velvet had smirked and made obtuse references to a shared taste.

“More than likely!” Celestia laughed too, it was cleansing in a way. She gestured to a pile of books as she took a sip of tea. “I got out the old photo albums, just in case you were interested. I didn't know Luna had found videos.”

“I would love to see more photos.” Twilight was eager to see what photos Celestia had collected and how she organised them. “Should we move? So it is easier to look together.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Celestia moved to the couch opposite her chair and patted the seat beside her. Twilight took her teacup and sat, waiting for Celestia to select an album.

“Here. This is one of my more personal ones. Something to look through and remember.” Celestia offered one up, fanning a few pages to open it.

The photo album had plenty of prints. There were casual snapshots of four young people hanging around at parks, by the lake or around a car in a parking lot. If it weren't for their hair colours, Twilight wouldn't have identified them as her parents and, well, her parents who raised her. With Celestia or the annotations offering a little more background and context to the photos.

Gradually, as she turned pages, the photographs depicted more mature people, the people she recognised. There was a graduation shot or two. Then a candid Polaroid of Night down on one knee, proffering a ring to Twilight Velvet, the framing of leaves in the shot told a story. “That was my idea.” Celestia offered, noticing Twilight focusing on the photo. “We had a feeling that Night wanted to pop the question and we were right.”

“It is a wonderful thing to document.” Twilight replied, the joy on her mom's face was visible even on the old polaroid.

“They got us back too.” Celestia said, she thumbed past some of Twilight Velvet and Night Light's wedding shots, nothing Twilight hadn't seen, and halted on a page that held just one picture. “Night has had some very good cameras over the years. Not that I am complaining.”

Twilight studied the photograph. It was an excellent print, but her dad had always had a bit of a hobby in photography. Dusk was down on one knee, he was holding up a ring to a very surprised and happy Celestia.

A Celestia with company. There was a certain and definite curve to her abdomen, pulling her t-shirt tight. “I see I was there for it too.” Twilight said, pointing to the evidence.

“Like I said, we decided to welcome our child into the world at least as an engaged pair. It wasn't unacceptable at the time, but a ring really helped defend against disapproving looks and outright hostility. Not to mention a certain sense of security for a hormonal and emotional mother-to-be.” Celestia laughed a little half-heartedly. “I loved him so much.”

“I wish I could have known him.” Twilight knew it was stupid to say. Wishes were pretty but pointless. She thought back to the videos and photos that Luna had shared. The brief glimpse of a man she would never meet.

“Who knows how things would have gone, if all three of us had each other still.” Celestia felt tears gathering. “I have you, you have me. Now anyway.” Celestia sighed and blinked back tears. The past few weeks had been full of them. Twilight was at a loss as to what to say. Before things could become awkward though, the album slipped and catching it was a welcome distraction.

Pages rolled past and the book fell open to a point that was some years past the photo of a proposal.

The photograph that caught Twilight's eye was with a few others on the page, it was one when she was around five or six. There was a note beside it, “Two Stargazers.” in handwriting Twilight recognised as Luna's.

In the photo Celestia was casually dressed, clad in jeans and a sweatshirt, her running shoes scuffed in places and her hair loose around her shoulders. She was sat cross legged on some grass, leant back a little to look up at the sky. Twilight was sat in Celestia's lap, wrapped up in Shining's jersey from the looks of it. She was leaning against Celestia and looking to the sky, a little hand pointing at whatever was enrapturing her so. One of Celestia's arms was balancing them, stopping them from toppling over as they leant backwards to gaze at the sky. The other was wrapped around the little girl in her lap.

It was such a natural scene, such a happy scene. If someone had seen it without the context of the past, they would have simply seen a mother and daughter together, enjoying the night sky.

“We've had each other all this time.” Twilight said, barely a whisper. Finally she realised what she'd been missing since the confession at Thanksgiving. They were family, it was never about not trusting Twilight, it was all simply loving her so much. This new information only added an extra layer to that fact. Ever since childhood Twilight had loved, adored, Celestia. She loved her now, loved her so much. Celestia had always loved her, looked after her and taught her. “I love you. So, so much.” Twilight said and hugged Celestia, her mother, tightly.

“I love you too. You're my baby, I always love you.” Celestia wrapped Twilight into an embrace. She was so happy that now she could be Twilight's mother as much as Velvet had become. It was unconventional, it was tragic in its roots and soon they would all have to share with Luna's clever journalist friend. To keep things from being told falsely and prevent wrong stories being spread.

But for now, despite all the tears, they could both have each other.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go and this story can be marked complete. I got of focus y'know.
Maybe I'll go back to smaller TwiDash stories hm?

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