• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 12,009 Views, 481 Comments

Ponyville Days - Cirrus Sky

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Chapter 14: Travel

The morning of travel arrived as planned on a Wednesday. Twilight rose with the dawn rays and began to work down her final checklist. A grumbling Rainbow and Spike joined her a little later for an early breakfast and admonitions to ensure they were fully packed. Twilight Sparkle going on a journey was a force to be reckoned with. Eventually it was time for Spike to be leaving and the three sat in the driveway with his bag, awaiting their relatives to take him on his way.

A people carrier trundled down the road, clearly the driver and passengers were on the lookout for someone. Spike jumped up and began waving excitedly, one of their cousins had let slip that their trip was stopping at a popular adventure park on the way, he was eager to be off. “Hi guys!” He called when the car pulled over.

“Spikey! Hey bro’.” Sol called over from his open window, this cousin was a little older than Spike but they had much in common.

“Hi Spike.” Argent smiled, she was the youngest of the current Sparkles and was doted on by all the family.

“Ah, Twilight and Spike, how are my wonderful nephew and niece?” Bright had wound his window down. Twilight walked over to receive her kiss on the cheek and Spike got a slightly manlier fist bump.

“We are both alright Uncle Bright.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks for taking Spike with you, I am afraid a certain cousin can’t keep his mouth shut, so he knows what today’s plan is...”

“No matter m’dear. Brave Sir Spike is now prepared to take on the challenge of the Land of Yore!” The enthusiastic response from all the children amused the adults.

“Yeah Twilight! It’ll be so cool!” Spike jumped up and gave her a quick hug before running to join his cousins in the car.

“Take care on the train dear.” Astrid, their aunt called from her seat, a facemask resolutely over her eyes and a travel pillow around her neck.

“Yes Aunt Astrid. I’ll see you at mom and dad’s place.” Twilight smiled, Rarity reminded her of her aunt in a lot of ways. “Spike, be good and have a fun time.” She waved them off with Rainbow who had woken from her doze at the sound of a revving vehicle. They watched the car off and when it left the street Twilight tugged her sleepwalking girlfriend into the house.


Later that morning the pair were at the station, an eager Pinkie Pie had come along to see them off. “So call everyday and get presents and have fun and when you come back we can have party and you can catch up on everything you missed while you were away because I am so going to bug Rarity about Cheerielee and tell Mac to hurry up and pop the question to ‘Shy and get Applejack to admit she wants a boyfriend and go for long walks in the park with Meadowsong and looooaaads of other stuff!” The energetic young woman bounced around and upon finishing flung her arms around her departing friends. “Most of all, have a great time!”

“Yeah, we’ll do that Pinkie Pie. Have a good few days yourself.” Twilight was out of breath just listening to her friend chatter, returned the hug and prepared to board the train.

“See you Pinks!” Rainbow said, drawing out of the hug to follow Twilight.

The party planner waved the couple off as the train pulled from Ponyville station.


The train rolled into Canter City station. The girls were going to do some shopping downtown before catching a tram to the nice suburban area that was home to the Sparkle family. Apparently Cadence was going to fetch them to the house. They disembarked and in fit of something Twilight grabbed Rainbow’s arm and placed it around her. “So, where would you like to go first?” She was eager to show her city to Rainbow, there hadn’t been a real chance the last visit and now it was just her and Rainbow. Time to show her the city that Twilight knew and loved, maybe there would be a few surprises for the colourful headed girl.

“Uh, can we go to the Stallion’s Stable? There is one downtown right?” Rainbow grinned, she had adopted the teams of her new home with enthusiasm, living the life of an air force brat had never allowed her to form roots or anything more than a passing attachment to teams. Having settled into Ponyville that all changed.

Twilight mock groaned and threw a hand to her brow. “Of course Rainbow Dash wants to go to the Baseball shop. I was foolish to think otherwise.” She took Rainbows hand as they left the station building and tugged her in a seemingly random direction. “Come on then, there’s one in the mall nearby.”

They walked through the city, something that Twilight did very often and a journey Rainbow had made many times herself. This time it was different however, just a subtle change but one that altered their bearing, mood and thoughts. It was a heady mixture of enjoyment, anticipation and the endless good feeling of “I’m with my special someone.” Both girls wouldn’t admit it but they were also nervous of their evening. Distracting themselves with storefronts was the order of the day.

“Here, in this door here.” Twilight pointed to a very art deco entranceway fancy text making the dull name seem more interesting. “City Mall. Let’s just say the planning committee wasn’t the brightest.” Twilight smirked. “The Stable is somewhere in here, Shiny always used to head straight to it when we went shopping.”

“Aww cute, I can imagine you went straight for the Discovery Store right? Then the nearest book store?” Rainbow teased, pleased at the reaction it seemed to draw from her partner. “All gangly awkward nerdage.”

“Quiet you. Or else we’ll take hours in the stores I like.” Twilight pointed a threatening finger in the direction of her girlfriend but they both dissolved into laughter.

“Come on Twi’, I’ll treat you to coffee after this.”

“Alright, so long as I can stop in at least one bookshop for every shopping precinct.” Rainbow pulled a face of mock horror for that threat and Twilight couldn’t help but give a little snort. That started Rainbow laughing which in turn made Twilight giggle. The happy couple carried on into the mall.

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